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According to the last published statistics, around 2.71 million people are legally divorced and not remarried in Canada. The divorce rate in Canada is significantly increasing every year. Here, the more shocking news is that almost half of the marriages end in divorce, and the marriages last for seven years in this country.

After knowing these reports, you will also agree that the divorce rate is notably high in Canada. Actually, people should be more careful and think twice before being married.

The most common reason that came out after the divorce research is lack of commitment and infidelity. Sometimes professions of the spouses have a big impact on divorces. Some professions have a higher divorce rate, and on the contrary, some of them have a lower.

In this article, we will find out what profession has the highest divorce rate in Canada. It will also let you know about all the professions which have the highest divorce rate.    

What Profession Has the Highest Divorce Rate in Canada?

Well, actually, there have so many professions in Canada having above 40% of divorce rate. Among those, gaming managers have the highest divorce in Canada, which is 52.9%. However, here are the top ten professions that have the highest divorce rate:

Gaming Managers

Gaming managers are at the highest risk of divorce now. The reason for this risk is, they are involved in conducting the financial transactions, gambling, drinking, etc., and supervising the gaming operations directly. On their position, it is straightforward to make more and more relations, and overall, their works promote infidelity, which is the main reason for divorce in Canada.


After gaming manager, bartenders are in the top position considering divorce rate according to the profession. 52.7% of bartenders’ marriage ends in divorce in Canada. It is obviously very shocking and threatening news for a country.

Here the most effective reason for the divorces is the working environment of bartenders. They get a lot of people to hook up with a heavy dose of alcohol easily. Basically, this is the reason the marriage of bartenders doesn’t last.

Gaming Service Worker

Gaming service workers are also at high risk of divorce in Canada. The divorce rate of the people of this profession is 50.3%. The main duty of the people of this profession is serving customers in gambling establishments like the casino.

For job purposes, gaming service workers have to deal with many people and make a good relation with them. Actually, this one is also a leading post in gaming establishments. So, having a good relation with many people allows making new personal relations here. That is why the divorce rate is such high in this profession.

Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

A rolling machine setter generally has to prepare different types of equipment designed to flatten plastic or steel. Their work environment is not so good, and they have to do repetitive work for a long time.

At the same time, the salary range is also lower, and comparatively, the people of this profession are less literate. That is the main reason for the higher divorce rate of this profession. In Canada, 50.1% of the marriage of rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders ends in divorce.

Factory Workers

Like rolling machine setters, factory workers’ work is also repetitive as well as low paying. Besides, no higher education is needed here to working. These types of people have much more tendencies of getting a divorce than the educated and high-class service holders. Actually, they don’t think twice before doing these types of things; even they can do this without any reason.

Gaming Cage Worker

Gaming cage workers are basically responsible for counting money in casinos and other gambling establishments. The people of this profession are also at a high risk of divorce for the same reason as a gaming service worker.

Actually, they can attract customers so easily, which allows them to make new relationships easily. That is how a significant number of gaming cage workers are making new relationships and getting a divorce. The divorce rate of this profession in Canada is 47.3%.

Massage Therapist

A massage therapist touches the soft-tissue muscles of the client’s body to reduce pain, stress and increase relaxation. They have to be very intimate with the client. So, it is not surprising that massage therapists break up and try new relationships very easily and frequently.

Switchboard Operators

Switchboard operators’ job is an old-fashion job where the main responsibility is to direct our phone calls. Surprisingly the divorce rate of these job holders is comparatively so high, which is 49.7%. The main reason that came out after some researches for the higher divorce rate of switchboard operators is stress.

Dancers and Choreographers

Dancers and choreographers are also at a higher risk of divorce rate in Canada. The reason for this risk is intimacy with the co-artists. Approximately 46.8% of dancers and choreographers are getting a divorce, according to the latest statistics.

Entertainers or Athletes

You may have expected that the entertainers or athletes are on the top of the list in the divorce rate of Canada. But actually, the thing is different. Comparatively, they have a lower risk of divorce in Canada. However, there have a huge number of entertainers or athletes are getting a divorce. Here, the main reason is, staying out of home for a long time and receiving admiration from the fans.

In a Nutshell

Overall, a huge number of people are getting a divorce in Canada. The divorce rate is comparatively so high in almost all the popular professions here. Among those, the gaming managers’ profession has the highest divorce rate in Canada nowadays, according to the latest statistics.

However, in this article, we have discussed what profession has the highest divorce rate in Canada in detail. We have given the top ten professions having higher divorce rates here. Surely, this article is enough to clear your confusion regarding this topic.

See more: Who Does Canada Have Extradition Treaties with?

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