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Foot massager – what to choose for a comfortable and effective massage

During the day, our body takes on a huge amount of loads of a different nature, and most of them fall on the lower limbs. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to actively play sports or walk throughout the day – even a sedentary lifestyle and an unchanged position for a long time can lead to problems. The result of stress can be soreness, convulsive contraction of muscle tissue, stagnation of blood and lymph, swelling. Even ordinary fatigue leads to uncomfortable sensations in the legs. Foot massagers can eliminate unpleasant manifestations and improve health. After all, our feet are the focus of biologically active points associated with many internal organs and systems, and their competent study is the right way to the health of the whole organism. It remains to determine which foot massager is better and what to focus on when choosing a model.

What to look for when choosing a massager

It is quite logical that the choice of massager should be based on the result that you want to get. So, when thinking about which body massager to buy , you should consider:

  1. Device type.
  2. The area that the instrument can process.
  3. Reproducible massage techniques.
  4. Value for money.

Before buying a massager, you should always consult with a manager who will help you choose the model that best suits your needs.

Types of foot massagers

Modern massagers that develop the leg area are for the most part compact devices, the transportation of which does not cause difficulties, and this allows them to be used regardless of the place. Home, office, cottage – the location does not really matter, which is an additional convenience.

There are several types of foot massagers:

  • vibration platforms;
  • roller platforms;
  • closed-type massagers with roller and compression effects, but without fixation of the ankle joint;
  • closed-type massagers with roller and compression effects, with fixation of the ankle joint;
  • massage boots for foot and leg massage;
  • massage boots – transformers that can massage one zone or several (only feet, feet and shins or feet-shins and hips).

Each of these devices has its advantages and certain disadvantages, but at the same time, submersible-type electric massagers are in the greatest demand – that is, those that have special niches for the legs. Such popularity is explained by the wide functionality, ease of use and control, the possibility of obtaining complete relaxation – no effort is needed to massage, there is no need to keep track of time thanks to the built-in timer, the choice of exposure is carried out by pressing just one button. Most often, rollers are the main element of influence in electric foot massagers, however, vibration motors or a compression system are often used as the main or additional auxiliary force.

What areas do foot massagers work on?

The main emphasis when using foot massagers falls on the foot – as mentioned above, it is on it that the zones are located, the study of which improves not only the condition of the limbs, but also the health of the body as a whole. With the additional use of air cushions, it is possible to influence the feet throughout the entire volume. The result of using massagers is:

  • Treatment of flat feet.
  • Elimination of puffiness and venous insufficiency.
  • Positive effect in case of hallux valgus.
  • Improvement of metabolic processes and neuro-stimulation.
  • Recovery of motor function.

Vibrating platforms also work out the area of ​​the foot, their effectiveness is achieved due to the relief protrusions on the surface. Such massagers are good for eliminating chronic leg fatigue.

Modern massagers, in addition to the arch of the foot and fingers, knead the heel area and especially the Achilles tendon, which allows you to increase muscle elasticity and makes walking easier, they are used in the presence of heel spurs, varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

Immersion-type massagers, along with massage boots, knead not only the foot, but also the ankles with shins, while the effect of the roller system is supplemented by vibration and compressed air pressure. The resulting effect is very diverse:

  • Improves lymph flow and blood circulation.
  • Leg fatigue and swelling, muscle spasms and soreness are eliminated.
  • Motor functions are restored.
  • Arthrosis, arthritis, anemia are treated.
  • Muscle tissues are toned.

Types of massage effects

Another aspect that needs to be considered in order to understand which foot massager to choose is the massage techniques reproduced by the device. And here, if you do not want to get by solely with the kneading effect, preference should be given to electric massagers, because thanks to modern technologies they are able to reproduce:

  • Shiatsu, Gouache and acupuncture techniques;
  • compression, roller and vibration effects;
  • innovative technologies such as the metatarsal effect and others.

Moreover, each type of massage can be played at different speeds and strengths. A good addition is IR heating, which enhances the effectiveness of the session.

So, we have considered the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a massager. Which of the devices is best for you depends on many factors, taking into account. Which you will become the owner of an effective massager that can maintain and improve the health of your feet.

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