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Sadaqah means: diminishing or giving up a right willingly. Also, sadaqah is an act of worship done by giving away wealth from our lawful earning to the needy. Sadaqah can be given in many forms: food, money, clothes, medicine, and time for counsel, etc. Sadaqa Jariyah (lasting Sadaqah) was given to establish a good relationship with Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam.


1 . Sadaqa Malikiyyah consists of Sadaqah Jariyah. Which is the Sadaqah that we give sparingly, e.g. giving Sadaqah only to one person, not the entire family.

2 . SADAQA TAQWA : Sadaqat Taqwa consists of Sadaqa Jariyah, and it is given at least once a year. This sadaqat increases Iman (belief) in the heart, increases your sustenance, and other good deeds on behalf of you.

3 . SADAQA MUTAWAKALIYYAH : Sadaqa Mutawakkaliyyah consists of Sadaqa Jariyya but it can be given to the entire Sadaqah family. Also, SADAQA IS AN ACT OF ACTS: Sadaqa is an act of real love and worship. As one who performs Sadaqah earns a reward equal to a mujahid. 

Sadaqa will reduce your criminal sins. If a person donates an equal amount of wealth he had gained through crime such as theft or robbery. Then these criminal sins will be forgiven by Allah Ta’ala. (Tirmizi) If you do not have extra money to spend on Sadaqa, seek forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala in abundance.


You know, Sadaqa Rasooli is another form of Sadaqah which is given directly to Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam and should be done in his presence. Sadaqa Rasooli has more rewards than other Sadaqah combined. There are many Hadith about Sadaqa Rasooli, but the following two are enough for us:

Hadhrat Umar Radhiyallahu Ta’ala Anhu reports that Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said: ‘There are three persons whom Allah shall neither talk to nor look at them on the Day of Qiyamat, and He will not purify those who seek their intercession. Allah does not forgive those who seek their intercession. They are:

  1. A man who gives Sadaqa sitting, and when he has a Sadaqah of his own to give. Asks someone else (whether a Muslim or non-Muslim) for Sadaqa;
  2. A man who seeks Sadaqa after the Zuhr Salat (Noon Prayer) and during Sajdah;
  3. Anyone who tries to shame his brother for giving Sadaqa.’

Hadhrat Umar Radhiyallahu Ta’ala Anhu reports that Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said: ‘A person came to me wanting some money from me on account of Sadaqa. I had a Sadaqah in my hand. So I said to him: ‘Wait till zuhr time when you also be busy in Sadaqa”. When he saw that I was not inclined to give him Sadaqa, he went away. By Allah! If he would have begged me for something other than Sadaqa (something lawful). Then it would have been better for him that he had remained there until doomsday.”

Why Sadaqa is Most Superior?

Abu Huraira (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrated that Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “The most superior Sadaqa is Sadaqa Jariyah, and the least Sadaqa is Sadaqa Jariyah.” [Sahih Muslim] Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ishaaq Al-Bukhari reported that a person asked Rasoolullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam what will bring him near to Paradise. 

He Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam answered, stating: “To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know, and to greet those whom you do not know.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari] Sadaqah Malikiyyah Sadaqah Malikiyyah means Sadaqah which is given for the sake of Allah Ta’ala and it cannot be accepted by them. So Sadaqa Malikiyya can be done on behalf of parents, relatives, teachers, or any other Muslim Sadaqa Rasooliyyah Sadaqah Rasooliyyah means Sadaqahs. Which are given to poor people who don’t have enough strengths (e.g. weak due to illness).

Sadaqa Rasooliyyah should also be given so that nobody knows about your generosity, e.g. Sadaqa Rasooliyyah of Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam Sadaqah is not something. Which you only give a piece of bread to a poor person. Sadaqah must be given with love and care because it is also an act of worship.

Also, It can also be given to the Sadaqa family. Which means Sadaqah cannot only be given to a real poor person. Sadaqah for the family must consist of food, clothes, school fees, etc. Sadaqat is compulsory on Muslim children because they are the future generation who will keep Islam alive. 
Please visit SKT Welfare for more information about this donation.

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