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In 2020, the Global Commercial Printing Market had a value of $411.99 billion. By the end of 2026, it is estimated to value $472.35 billion, with a CAGR of approximately 2.24% in 2021-2026. Four years from now, the printing market is predicted to witness remarkable growth.

The latest analysis reports that the pandemic has profoundly disrupted many global industries, including the print industry of America.

The challenge of operating during the lockdown has affected the hierarchy of operations. While some of the restrictions may recede over time, others could have a long-lasting impact.

In America, 25,000 companies are specialists in commercial printing. It generates approximately $900 billion in revenue annually.

Hence, don’t believe that “printing is dead.” It is a hoax. Advanced print technology has a far-fetched future, embracing innovative media and communication waves that go beyond imagination.

So, where is the print industry heading? Let’s find out.

  • Web to Print Technology Trends 2022
  • What is The Future of Printing Technology?
  • What Technology Should I Learn in 2022?
  • Is Print Dead 2021?
  • What is The Future of Offset Printing?
  • How Technology is Changing The Printing Industry?
  • Is Print Media Still Alive?
  • What is New in Printing Industry?
  • Why Was Offset Printing an Important Development?
  • Where Offset Printing is Used?
  • How Digital Technology Has Speed up The Printing of Original Designs?
  • What is The Latest Technology in Printing?
  • What Technologies Are Used in Printing Technology?
  • Which Technologies Are Used in Modern Printing Process?
  • What is The Best Printing Technology?
  • How do You Print From a Website?
  • How do I Print a Web Page to PDF?
  • How do I Print Exactly What I See on my Screen?

Web to Print Technology Trends 2022

The consensus reveals that significant changes are ahead. Some of the leading printing companies are adapting to innovative ways and adopting digital printing technology for customization.

Here’s how the latest printing technology shall move things forward:

Low to High Growth: Graphics & Publications

Newspaper printing and magazines were the worst hit during the pandemic. The sales stopped because of widespread work-from-home, and readers switched to online channels. Even IKEA stopped publishing catalogs to control the budget – the most critical printing job worldwide.

Read Also: How can Your Customers Benefit from Web-to-Print Technology?

The graphics industry – PoS (point of sale) and wide-format display were affected by lockdowns as people stopped visiting shops, bars, restaurants, and hotels. Also, commercial printing like newsletters, manuals, and business forms suffered severely. This radical decline in demand saw several service providers shut down.

Post-pandemic, a new and open environment will create better opportunities for companies that managed to survive. Once this happens, there will be fewer instances of low-value printing operations happening. The print industry of America will focus on adding value as well as interest to their products.

Bad Phase to Continue for the Print Substrates

The downfall of graphic industries and the decline in publication jobs will reflect in the market aimed at print substrates. Newsprint, coated/uncoated mechanical and woodfree, have all witnessed falling volumes. Unfortunately, much of this will be permanent.

According to the Smithers report, the consumption of the print substrate was down by 10.4% in 2022 (229.6 million tonnes) compared to the pre-Covid-19 situation in 2019 (256.2 million tonnes).

Packaging film and board volumes will be more resilient, and they will be back to their positive growth by 2025 and after that.

Many pulp and paper companies shut down or even repurposed the existing machines. It is imperative to establish equilibrium in this volatile market. There will be short-term disruptions in the recovered pulp supply. Brand owners and environmental regulations will further disrupt the market over time, maybe over a decade.

But the Good News is that eCommerce is in Full-Swing

To salvage revenue during the pandemic and lockdown, retailers opted for innovative eCommerce and direct-to-consumer options to offer their services. Compared to the pre-pandemic time in 2019, the volume of eCommerce packaging has gone up by 40%. Each purchase requires additional packaging with delivery labels.

As a result, there is an immediate business requirement for eCommerce packages. With advanced print technology, companies can now provide value-added services with variable options for data collection. e-retailers can also add this feature after receiving orders electronically. eCommerce-driven packaging creates personal connections within the sales channels because the usual queues are no longer there.

Another lucrative option is to partner and install printing presses in the distribution center of large eCommerce centers with a valid agreement. However, small e-retailers can adopt an in-house production strategy and invest in a small-scale digital press.

The press manufactures will generate revenue either way and can also offer post-sales support. Thus, enabling users to maximize the benefits of these machines.

New Delivery Models: Virtual Sales & SaaS Connection

From the perspective of machine sales, druppa was a massive casualty. Several attempts were made to reschedule it for 2021. However, most of the major OEMs withdrew, and the organizers had to cancel the schedule. So, the event shall not take place before 2024.

As a result, most OEMs chose to host online events with virtual showcases. They want to publicize the latest products, aligned with the broader trend of providing better support services and moving beyond direct sales of mundane equipment to a concrete solution-based approach. It includes SaaS (Software as a Service) products to all Print Service Providers (PSP).

Fortunately, OEMs have reported positive experiences even though the environment is uncertain and there are budget constraints. Hopefully, these events will provide a better alternative to demonstrate products and a route for building integrated bonds with the machine operators.

Diversification is the Key

The remaining PSPs would also have to adapt to the changing strategies to compensate for the lost business during this pandemic. Some of the print suppliers, instead of manufacturing, are increasingly collaborating with several other rival companies. Others have widened their variety of products/services offerings and handle activities beyond various print companies’ realm.

The Rise of Online Print Orders and Platform Economy

The eCommerce, along with the rampant use of web-to-print solutions, is all set to reshape direct-to-consumer technology trend every ceos must know. Lesser intermediates would be required. By 2030, the world will depend on online specifications, and online ordering shall be the norm for both prints and printed packaging.

As a result, it motivates investment in web-to-print systems and online ordering. With this, print purchase moves towards a platform economy system, which is as segmented as ride-hailing apps. Buyers find it easier to make price and even service comparisons.

Customer loyalty also diminishes, thereby emphasizing services. eCommerce follows a complementary model – shorter orders with great expectation of faster turnaround – such as next-day delivery. It will push the broader adoption of smoother workflows plus efficient digital and automated printing, finishing, and distribution.

Moreover, this would also accelerate the continuing changeover from analog print to digital printing technology in various applications, particularly as the latest inkjet print quality improves.

Packaging is the New Star

Experts believe that Amazon is the driving force behind packaging innovation. Amazon has shown the world how well-designed, printed, and labeled packaging can make all the difference. Some experts say that customizable and high-end packaging with labels and printed tapes on boxes is specifically for the millennials.

Advanced print technology is also fast becoming customizable, just like Amazon, where one can make on-demand things more accessible for customers and never go elsewhere. Packaging innovation opens up a massive opportunity as sales climb continuously.

Inkjet Technology to the Rescue

Inkjet will propel the latest printing technology owing to its price and speed. Inkjet printers have proven to be faster compared to traditional printers. Moreover, these printers can be roll-fed or sheet-fed, which is revolutionary.

There are several noteworthy print innovations, but inkjet retains the most advanced print technology. This evolving digital printing technology can be combined with some of the best ink solutions as well. They are even creating conductive ink and use nano-particles. If this becomes a reality, it could become a game-changing innovation.

What is The Future of Printing Technology?

From 3D printing to sustainable printing , printing is shaping the world we see today.  As printing is constantly involving, what does it’s future look like?

Printing will become more environmentally friendly

We are now focused on the environmental issues that printing poses. As a response to this market regulations across the world are changing. Legislation’s will start to favor environmentally sustainable printing practices. For example new legislation will include recycling of cartridges and paper. Estimates show that if printer cartridges are re-manufactured then 400,000 tonnes of waste could be saved each year.

3D Printing will become more advanced and change lives

With 3D printing it is now possible to print three dimensional objects out of various materials including plastic resin. The implications of this are huge. 3D printing will eventually become

more advanced, affordable and more accessible. It has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry by allowing production to happen at the point of consumption. One day, we may see normal people able to manufacture their own goods in their own homes. This has the potential to shift economic models as the big manufacturers could lose their advantages.

Advanced Technologies

Printing technology is constantly evolving. Many technologies are already in development such as photonic printing and conductive inks. Photonics, which is the physical science of light is being used by innovators in order to develop invisible photonic printing techniques.

This may be used for anti-forgery or for watermarking documents. Conductive inks could change how print is used for communication. Currently using nanoparticles these inks are basically circuits that connect paper to the digital world. For example a poster could have touchscreen capabilities.

Printing is far from being a thing of the past, the future of printing looks bright and exciting. We are likely to see a future where the use of 3D printers is more widespread and advertising is printed using conductive ink. 3D Printing is already a growing and fast evolving side of the industry.

What Technology Should I Learn in 2022?

Predicting the future is hard and risky. Predicting the future in the computing industry is even harder and riskier due to dramatic changes in technology and limitless challenges to innovation. Only a small fraction of innovations truly disrupt the state of the art. Some are not practical or cost-effective, some are ahead of their time, and some simply do not have a market.

A team of technical leaders from the IEEE Computer Society joined forces to write a technical report, entitled IEEE CS 2022, surveying 23 technologies that could potentially change the landscape of computer science and industry by the year 2022.

In particular, this report focused on 3D printing, big data and analytics, the open intellectual property movement, massively online open courses, security cross-cutting issues, universal memory, 3D integrated circuits, photonics, cloud computing, computational biology and bioinformatics, device and nanotechnology, sustainability, high-performance computing, the Internet of Things, life sciences, machine learning and intelligent systems, natural user interfaces, networking and inter-connectivity, quantum computing, software-defined networks, multicore, and robotics for medical care.

What Is the Future of Tech: 23 Technologies by 2022

  1. Security Cross-Cutting Issues
    The growth of large data repositories and emergence of data analytics have combined with intrusions by bad actors, governments, and corporations to open a Pandora’s box of issues. How can we balance security and privacy in this environment?
  2. Open Intellectual Property Movement
    From open source software and standards to open-access publishing, the open IP movement is upon us. What are the implications?
  3. Sustainability
    Can electronic cars, LED lighting, new types of batteries and chips, and increasing use of renewables combat rising energy use and an explosion in the uptake of computing?
  4. Massively Online Open Courses
    MOOCs have the potential to transform the higher-education landscape, siphoning students from traditional universities and altering faculty and student roles. How significant will their impact be?
  5. Quantum Computing
    Constrained only by the laws of physics, quantum computing will potential extend Moore’s Law into the next decade. As commercial quantum computing comes within reach, new breakthroughs are occurring at an accelerating pace.
  6. Device and Nanotechnology
    It is clear that MEMS devices, nanoparticles, and their use in applications are here to stay. Nanotechnology has already been useful in manufacturing sunscreen, tires, and medical devices that can be swallowed.
  7. 3D Integrated Circuits
    The transition from printed circuit boards to 3D-ICs is already underway in the mobile arena, and will eventually spread across the entire spectrum of IT products.
  8. Universal Memory
    Universal memory replacements for DRAM will cause a tectonic shift in architectures and software.
  9. Multicore
    By 2022, multicore will be everywhere, from wearable systems and smartphones to cameras, games, automobiles, cloud servers, and exa-scale supercomputers.
  10. Photonics
    Silicon photonics will be a fundamental technology to address the bandwidth, latency, and energy challenges in the fabric of high-end systems.
  11. Networking and Interconnectivity
    Developments at all levels of the network stack will continue to drive research and the Internet economy.
  12. Software-Defined Networks
    OpenFlow and SDN will make networks more secure, transparent, flexible, and functional.
  13. High-Performance Computing
    While some governments are focused on reaching exascale, some researchers are intent on moving HPC to the cloud.
  14. Cloud Computing
    By 2022, cloud will be more entrenched and more computing workloads run on the cloud.
  15. The Internet of Things
    From clothes that monitor our movements to smart homes and cities, the Internet of Things knows no bounds, except for our concerns about ensuring privacy amid such convenience.

Is Print Dead 2021?

It’s 2021, and print is very much alive and presently facing a resurgence. It should be noted that general consumers favor it to a larger degree than the B2B marketing sector. According to a report by The Guardian, eBook sales fell by four percent in 2016 as the younger generations drove an appetite for print.

The future of print remains bright as long as there is a need to communicate and find novel ways of doing so. Whether it morphs into 3D, VR-related, or AR-related, print has an enduring power that will always give it a firm foothold in the global communications marketplace.

Printing is presently enjoying a resurgence as one way for individuals to disconnect from a noisy online world. It’s also a trusted and tangible medium that provides an emotional connection and longevity that you cannot replicate by screen.

In fact, it’s safe to say that print has the potential to disrupt other digital media channels. It can prove quite useful for B2B marketers. It’s unique enough to command the attention of your target audience and compel them to explore something they otherwise might not have.

What is The Future of Offset Printing?

Offset printing is the most widely used printing technique in the world. Due to the low price of the print and high quality of printed products it is used in the production of packaging, commercial printing, printing of labels and other printed products.

There is no secret that offset printing, as a whole, is a mature branch without market growth. We have all heard and read about how the number of printed offset pages is continually decreasing, causing a strong battle among producers of offset printing machines. But in spite of all, offset technology is still the dominant world printing technology that holds almost half of the world’s consumption of printed applications.

According to the analyses of Info Trend’s “2013-2018 Global Production Printing & Copy Marketing Forecast,” the overall digital printing will grow to 500 billion pages printed with digital technologies, but this volume represents a very small share of total printed material worldwide. Of course, digital printing is growing rapidly, but still it is small piece of pie compared to the huge slice covered by offset printing technology.

How Technology is Changing The Printing Industry?

One of the biggest factors driving technological change in the printing industry is digital print technology. While print used to be dominated by letterpress, digital has become the dominant printing process. Digital printing has a number of advantages of traditional ways of printing, including:

Cost: Digital printing has greatly brought down the cost of completing large print jobs. And even when a printing project is small, offset printing takes a long time to set up and costs more than a digital print. No matter how small or large a project is, it’s more cost-effective to utilize digital printing services.

Accuracy: When you have a digital image, no matter how many times you print it, technology can accurately produce the same high-quality image. One of the main disadvantages of traditional offset printing was the amount of waste that was created, which is a problem that’s eliminated with digital printing.

Quick Turnaround: When traditional offset printing was the dominant printing technology, it involved a lengthy preparation of the printing press. In comparison, digital printing is a quick printing method where files can be printed out immediately.

Medium of Printing: Thanks to the nature of digital printing, you can use it to print on a variety of different or unusual surfaces, including vinyl. No matter the size, finish, or surface of the paper, it can be printed digitally.

Is Print Media Still Alive?

Over the past couple of years, there has been many claims that print media is on its way out. Digital is the new best thing, and print media is dead. Well, we’re here to tell you that’s one big lie.

Digital media is definitely on the rise, that’s true; but print media is still very much alive and well. Despite the industry’s struggles over the past half a decade, print is still finding a way to stay strong.

Here are 5 facts that will make you want to start a print campaign right now.

1. 56 percent of consumers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy form of marketing. 

You obviously want consumers to trust your business. People don’t buy products from businesses they don’t trust. So why not use print media to show your customers how trustworthy your business really is?

2. New York Magazine experienced a 44 percent growth in single copy sales in 2019. 

An industry that is dead and gone doesn’t experience that kind of growth. While it’s true that some magazines and newspapers have struggled more than others, certain print outlets have actually grown over the past couple of years.

Along with New York Magazine, The Nation has also experienced significant growth in single copy sales (up 65 percent). You don’t need to be afraid of print media. Just take the time to do a little research before booking space in a particular publication.

3. Readers retain more information when reading print. 

Our brains are built to understand holding and reading something physical better than something digital. We can see the text in its entirety when we hold it in our hands. We can look at the pictures, feel the pages, and comprehend more information. Flipping through a magazine and finding an ad that catches your eye is a much different experience than scrolling past a digital ad on a website.

4. Print is art. 

Print media can be truly beautiful. It can be artistic, creative and engaging. Digital advertising, on the other hand, is effective and has the ability to grab consumers’ attention, but when was the last time you marveled at a beautiful digital advertisement?

5. Print is eternal. 

When consumers save magazines, and page through them again and again, they’re seeing your advertisement repeatedly. This doesn’t happen with digital. Magazines and print media is forever.

Think about magazines that cover historic events, or feature a beloved celebrity. Readers will save those magazines, pass them around and share them with friends who will read (and see your advertisement) again and again.

What is New in Printing Industry?

In the past decade or so, the printing world has gone through a tremendous transformation. The process of printing has been completely revolutionized and eased the whole experience for the users. One of the major concerns of printer owners all over the world are the cost-effective printers, that are capable of generating high-quality prints.

We are going to have a look at few of the latest printing industry trends, that you should look forward to in the coming years.

1. 3D Printing Will Penetrate Into Different Sectors

One of the latest and emerging digital printing trends in the market that is running successfully. By making use of the additive manufacturing process or 3D printing, we can produce three-dimensional objects. The 3D printing technology has a pivotal role to play in various industries.

A lot of internal processes, which appeared quite intricate with 2D printing, are simplified with this new printing industry trend. However, be it the manufacturing or even medical, there are quite a few industries, where 3D printing can penetrate into.

2. Expertise In IT Will Be Key

Acquiring IT providers can be an effective means for manufacturers or large channel organizations, in gaining the support expertise and specialized sales required in the world of digital disruption. As per industry research, businesses will favor IT service providers over traditional print suppliers by 2025.

As such, the IT expertise of channel partners must be expanded, either by partnering with experienced IT service providers or organically. This would allow for access to a broader product portfolio like print security, as part of an overall managed security service offering.

3. Sheet Fed Digital Printing

 A relatively new concept in the printing industry and is quite a few new system that  have already hit the shelve. Some of the renowned vendors such as Konica, Screen, HP, Minolta, Fujifilm have already adopted this printing industry trend.

The commercial printing companies would be benefited by this sheet fed digital printing as they would have the ability to print close to B2 (707 X 500 MM)sheets. This would completely transform the way in which companies go about their printing business. However, the cost of digital printing is going down and the format sizes are expanding.

4. Print Security Spending Will Be Fuelled by IoT

IoT-type security vulnerabilities on printers could prove to be a danger, as cyber attacks exploiting IoT continue to become more common. When maintaining security, there are many challenges with mixed fleet of printers, both old and new. Although General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has driven print security improvements, some organizations however lack the knowledge of security risks posed by multi-function printers (MPS).

The confidential information stored on print devices can be accessed by attackers who can use them as network access points, much like other networked IoT devices. The MPS providers, as part of their service offerings, maintain and manage print devices through the cloud and put out patches to ensure security. Using patch management through the cloud, a vendor is expected to know about the vulnerability first, and fix it as soon as possible.

Print manufacturers need to expand their services to include security monitoring and assessment, particularly in threat intelligence, in the future. The year, 2019, will see competitors, a lot of print service providers being managed, treating print security with the same priority as the rest of IT infrastructure.

5. Cost Effective Printing Is Of Prime Demand

The aspect of cost-effectiveness is generally stressed upon more by an average printer user, when compared to the advanced features that the modern day printers include these days. The concept of printing is just not restricted to the workplaces, but it has become an integral part of our homes as well. Keeping in mind about the home-based users, most of the printer manufacturers are coming up with cost-effective printers.

6. Erasable Printing Technology

Japanese multinational Toshiba, demonstrated the first prototype of the erasable printing technology. All the contents that are showcased on a piece of paper are automatically erased with this technology.

This whole concept of erasable technology was taken from the technology that was proposed for pilot pens. A revolutionary technology, where users do not have to worry about the incorrect printing material. You just have to put it back into the printer and the content will be erased.

7. Security Printing

This is one of the common needs of every organization in the printing industry. Without having a stringent security system, no firm or organization can function. In this respect, a lot of stern and dramatic changes have been made.

It has become vital to implement some hard steps, in order to enhance the security, due to the increased number of threats. Advanced substrates, 2D bar coding, biometrics, unique links are some of the recent advances that are being made in security printing.

8. Cloud Printing

This printing industry trend is utilized by quite a few business organizations. However, it’s still not utilized completely. This new technology is going to be adopted by more and more people, as it gives them the ability to use their tablet computers and smart phones for going about the printing job.

The cloud printing services are being offered by most of the companies that will allow your printers to connect to the cloud servers. When compared with buying the expensive servers and resources, cloud-printing is a cost-effective alternative.

As per industry report titled, ” Printed electronics Market by Material , Technology, Device, Industry, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2023″, it states that, from a USD 6.8 billion in 2018, the printed electronics market is estimated to reach USD 13.6 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 14.92% during 2018-2023.

Why Was Offset Printing an Important Development?

Through the history of offset printing, this method has been very popular. This was due to the fact that artwork could be reproduced with great results at a lower cost. Before lithography printing was developed artworks could only be copied by putting in a lot of time and effort, and the results were not an exact reproduction.

The popularity of the offset process grew quickly once the method was available from printers, and that continued through the 1800s and 1900s. It was finally possible to reproduce detailed images in a much shorter time, and without all of the effort required for an artist to start from scratch and draw every single line in the image.

The history of offset printing shows that the technique used has changed some over time. Today an offset press uses plates, and these plates transfer the desired image to a rubber blanket that has been draped over a cylinder. The blanket is then used to transfer the image to the paper that has been fed into the press.

Many professional printers offer this printing technique today, and it is one of the most commonly requested techniques when images are involved. Today the offset process is one of the printing methods that is still in high demand and it has gained a great deal of popularity. If your chosen printer cannot provide this technique, there are many others who can.

Before you choose a printer for this process, make sure that they have extensive knowledge and experience with the method. Ask to see samples of their offset orders so that you can determine whether the quality that you are looking for can be delivered by the printer, if not then you should go somewhere else instead.

Where Offset Printing is Used?

Offset printing is commonly used for commercial print such as newspapers, magazines, postcards, flyers, brochures and catalogs. This printing method is not only cost effective, but there are a variety of printing materials that can be used including  paper, card stock and vinyl. You can also make a custom ink with your choice colors.

This is a great method to think about when developing a marketing campaign and you need materials printed in your company colors. The best advantage you can get when using offset printing is the quality of print that you will receive. It gives you the best print for your buck!

One main distinction of offset printing is how the water and ink do not mix while in process. Many other techniques use lasers, mesh, or letterpress in their printing methods. In offset printing, images and texts are placed on plates where the water and ink are applied. The images on the plates are then rolled over by a rubber mat. Next, the rubber mat is placed on the paper stock and the image is ready to go.

There are four colors that most, if not all, companies will use when using an offset printer: cyan, magenta, yellow and black, also known as CMYK . These colors offer vibrant shades that bring the printed image to life.

How Digital Technology Has Speed up The Printing of Original Designs?

Digital printing is a method of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. It usually refers to professional printing where small-run jobs from desktop publishing and other digital sources are printed using large-format and/or high-volume laser or inkjet printers.

Digital printing has a higher cost per page than more traditional offset printing methods, but this price is usually offset by avoiding the cost of all the technical steps required to make printing plates. It also allows for on-demand printing, short turnaround time, and even a modification of the image (variable data) used for each impression.

The savings in labor and the ever-increasing capability of digital presses means that digital printing is reaching the point where it can match or supersede offset printing technology’s ability to produce larger print runs of several thousand sheets at a low price.

What is The Latest Technology in Printing?

Here is a look at printing technology trends that are making some impact at the moment.

1. 3D Printing.

The most popular form of printing technology which you will come across today is 3D printing. I’m sure that you have probably heard of this advancement in technology and how you can use it at home.

There are a lot of individuals who are curious about 3D printing and its impact in various industries, from the medical field, fashion, food industry and architecture. 3D printing has changed the way products are designed and the entire production process.

3D printing refers to producing three-dimensional solid objects and functional shapes from a single digital file.

3D printing was launched a couple of years ago, but it is estimated that by the year 2022 it will be generating a revenue of around $65 billion.

2. Voice Control Technology Impact in Print

Voice assistants have recently become very popular. We now have voice assistants such as Siri which can do practically anything. It is widespread today to come across smart printers which are controlled using voice technology. This has in turn helped to improve the efficiency and functionality of the printers.

3. Sustainable Packaging and Print Technology

There is a high demand for eco-friendly products. One of the methods many companies are using to protect the environment is sustainable packaging. Therefore the packaging industry has seen drastic advances in digital printing technology. 

Many companies are using better packaging such as corrugated boards, flexible plastics and folding boxes.   These packaging companies are using eco-friendly alternative ink when they are printing. The uses of friendly printing technology and techniques will help improve biodegradability, recycling and utilizing sustainable raw materials.

What Technologies Are Used in Printing Technology?

There are so many technological advances in the world of printing these days, from 3D printing, from new innovations in digital printing, from nanographic printing to the explosion of online printing companies like ColorCopiesUSA, the industry is as viable as ever.

Nowadays, the printing process has improved considerably due to technological advancement. Mass publications are made within a short time while still maintaining quality. Here are some of the common printing techniques used today.

Offset Lithography

It is one of the commonly used techniques in the printing industry. In this process, the content to be printed is contained on a printing plate. The plate has been designed to hold ink only on the part that contains the content. The inked part is transferred/offset to a rubber blanket and then on a printing surface.

Modern offset printing machine uses computer systems to enhance quality. It is used to print any flat surface such as papers, plastic, etc. The most significant benefit of this technique is that it is cost effective and produces high-quality content. However, omissions cannot be corrected once the plates are set.


Flexography is a commonly used printing technique used to customize content at rapid speeds. It is closely related to the traditional letterpress printing and is used in almost any type of surface. This technique utilizes flexible photopolymer printing plates that are attached on rotating cylinders.

The plates are slightly raised and rotate at high speed to transfer the content on the printing surface. Flexography was extensively used in the 20th century in food packaging.

Digital Printing

Recently, digital printing has become popular due to the advancement of technology. The technique involves transferring content from a digital device to a printing surface. Unlike other traditional methods such as lithography, printing plates in digital printing are not regularly replaced. This significantly reduces the printing turnaround time and cost.

Digital printing allows for an amazing amount of variation and originality.  For instance, wide format printers of up to 98″ width allow small businesses to print their output to heretofore unimagined sizes.

Vinyl banner printing allows for production of vinyl banners up to 8 feet wide and up to 30 feet long. UV curable flatbed machines allow for printing directly on many surfaces from styrene to foamcore.

Inkjet and xerography are the most popular digital printing methods.

  • Inkjet –  It is a printing process that involves recreation of digital content by propelling small droplets of ink on a surface. Inkjet printers come in small, inexpensive devices and professional machines used on a range of surfaces such as papers, plastic, canvas, etc. The idea of inkjet printing was conceptualized in the 20th century but advanced extensively due to the development of computer technology.
  • Xerography –  Also referred to as electrostatic imaging, it is a printing technique based on electrostatic charges. The concept was invented and patented in the mid 20th century by Chester Carlson. An electrical charge is evenly distributed on a metal cylinder known as the drum to attract toner particles that are then transferred to the printing surface. Depending on the printing surface used, Xerography provides archival durability.


Also known as rotogravure, it is a rotary printing technique where the content to be printed is engraved on a cylinder. Through high speed, the cylinder transfers the content on the printing surface. The method is mainly used in large volume works such as newspapers.

Which Technologies Are Used in Modern Printing Process?

Here are seven of the most well-known and commonly used types:

Offset Lithography

Often used for:

  • Rough-surfaced media e.g. wood, canvas and cloth
  • Versatile method so can also be used for books, paper, stationery and more

Also known as offset printing or litho, offset lithography is a very popular method of mass-production printing. It involves printing plates, usually made from aluminium, which each hold an image of the content that needs to be printed.

These plates are then transferred (offset) onto rollers or rubber blankets before going onto the print media, which can be any type of paper you want. The print media doesn’t come into contact with the metal plates, which extends the life of the plates. As well as this, the flexible material of the rollers or rubber blankets means offset lithography can be used on any media with rough surfaces. 

Offset lithography is great at producing consistently high quality images and can be used for small or high volume print jobs. It’s also a versatile choice as it can print on any flat surface, regardless of whether it’s smooth like paper or rough like canvas. 


Often used for:

  • Packaging and labels
  • Anything with continuous patterns e.g. wallpaper and gift wrap 

Flexographic printing is the modern version of letterpress printing and is commonly used for printing on uneven surfaces. This style of printing uses quick-drying, semi-liquid inks and can be used for high volume jobs.

Flexible photopolymer printing plates wrapped around rotating cylinders on a web press are used. These inked plates have a slightly raised image of the content on them and are rotated at high speeds to transfer the image onto the print media.

Flexography is a popular choice for its high press speeds, suitability for long runs and ability to print on a huge range of media including plastic, cellophane and metallic film. 

Digital Printing

Ricoh digital printer in print studio

Often used for:

  • Posters and signage
  • Labels, newsletters, menus and letters

Digital printing is a modern method that covers a variety of different techniques including inkjet printing and laser. In digital printing, images are sent directly to the printer using digital files such as PDFs. This eliminates the need for a printing plate, which is used in other types of printing such as lithography, and can save time and money (unless you’re printing in larger numbers).

Digital printing allows for quick turnaround and allows businesses to print on demand. It’s also great for small run jobs – requests can be made for as little as one print. If you choose digital printing for the right job, it can make for a cost-effective method that still produces high quality prints similar to that of the other, bigger-scale options. 

Large Format

Often used for:

  • Large signage e.g. billboards, posters, vinyl banners
  • Wallpaper and murals
  • Floor graphics
  • Laminating

As the name might suggest, large format printing exists to produce maximum print roll width. Perfect for traditional advertising mediums and businesses who are looking to make a huge impact on their customers, this printing method gifts you with a much bigger area to work on, as opposed to the other methods such as digital printing.

Rather than printing onto individual sheets, large format printing uses rolls of prints that are fed incrementally to produce one large sheet. 

For large print media such as building wraps, billboards, banners and murals, large format printing is the best option. The other printing methods will not be able to produce as large a material. Most businesses choose large format media to produce flat items which can be hung on a wall, but they can also be folded or made to stand freely. 

Screen Printing

Often used for:

  • Printing logos and graphics onto clothes
  • Fabric banners
  • Posters

Screen printing is a printing technique where fine material or mesh is used to transfer an image onto another material. The mesh is stretched out so it creates a screen and ink is pressed against it in order to successfully print the image. Popularly used to print graphics onto clothes and other pieces of fabric, screen printing can also be used for paper and metal. 

There’s a lot of setting up required with screen printing, so it’s best used for printing repeat items in bulk. It’s not very cost-effective for small number orders. But if you need a lot of the same image, it’s a highly cost-effective method of printing. 

3D Printing

Often used for:

  • Promotion and marketing freebies
  • Novelty items
  • Display items
  • Toy figurines

Since the 1980s, 3D printing has allowed us to print three-dimensional objects, which can be a great way to make an impact on your audience. The desired objects of various shapes and sizes are created using digital model data from 3D models or electronic sources such as an Additive Manufacturing file (AMF). Additive compound mixtures are then fused together to produce this 3D object.  

3D printers have continued to get more and more sophisticated. Today, even items with interior moving parts can be printed. After the details have been worked out on a computer programme such as CAD, miniscule layers are printed on top of each other using a special plastic substance. 


LED UV printer

Often used for:

  • Newsletters, posters and leaflets
  • Magazines, catalogues, brochures and prospectuses
  • Stationery

LED UV printing is a method that’s becoming increasingly popular among businesses due to its extremely high quality prints and quick turnaround times.

It’s a form of digital printing that uses UV (ultraviolet) lights to dry the ink as it’s being printed. The drying process, also known as UV curing, is unique and sets it apart from the other printing methods because it’s instantaneous and prevents the ink from sinking into the materials.

The results? You no longer have to wait for the ink to dry, which saves time and the colours come out looking much sharper and clearer. 

LED UV is eco-friendly as it uses less power than traditional print machines and unlike many of the other methods, it’s not limited to the type of stock (printing materials) or to certain print jobs.

Its versatility means it’s ideal for a wide range of projects including brochures, catalogues, prospectuses and posters. Because of its ability to instantly dry ink and produce bright, vivid colours, it can turn an ordinary product into a luxury, high quality product that is attention grabbing.

What is The Best Printing Technology?


By “Conventional”, we are talking about the huge, wide presses that require multiple tractor-trailers, a rigger and a lot of real estate to get them installed.   Technologies such as offset lithography that emerged in the 1870’s and flexography that developed in the early 1900’s are the two most common conventional printing methods.

Both of these use print plates with raised images to transfer ink to a substrate and they both come with in-line die-cutting and laminating features. Offset is a bit cheaper to run and is best known in the newspaper and stationery industries because it generates fine images well, while Flexographic (or Flexo) printing works best on label materials, including packaging films and even corrugated boxes.

To set up a print job, Conventional presses require a lot of time and material to obtain metal or rubber print plates and then mount and test the plates to assure print alignment and finally, to check the inks so they flow correctly. This is what adds up to “set-up costs” and they are not cheap – especially since you often have to run 100’s of feet of material to get everything synchronized.

The print quality will be dependent not only on the plate, the ink, and the label material, but most importantly on the expertise of the machine operator. With Conventional printing, you have to keep adjusting the ink consistency and keep the plates clean which can seem like a juggling act at times.


In contrast “Digital” presses can be more compact but they typically require post-press operations like die cutting and laminating Digital printing encompass ink, toner and heat fusion technologies as well as inkjet printing. A whole lot less mechanical labor is needed to convert a digital file into a printed label because it eliminates many steps like the ordering and setting up of plates.

Besides the ability to get photo-quality images, a big advantage to Digital printing is that you can get acceptable print quality almost immediately and it remains constant throughout a production run. There is very little make-ready to set up and process a Digital print file.

Because the setup cost is low and the print speeds may be slower, the cost per label doesn’t really doesn’t decrease with quantity, but it can be cheaper for very small print jobs.

The label materials qualified to use on Digital presses was initially limited and a drawback, but varnishes (aka topcoats) can now be added to make them more print-receptive. Most Digital equipment uses 4-color process inks (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) to create specific colors and there are a few that can add white and clear coating.

Unfortunately, exact color matches may not always be possible with Digital printing since the CMYK colors can only replicate about 40% of the PMS color formulas used in conventional printing. It’s also important to understand that what makes color matching even more complicated is that computer screens are based on RGB colors that can’t be replicated with inks.

Digital printing is the best way to handle small order quantities and rush orders, as well as to help end-users keep their inventory levels lower. It also is the only way to include variable printing such as barcodes, database information or small batches with many layout change-overs.

It is perfect for personalization and for proofing. While large run jobs will continue to dominate the food and beverage industries, there are many other applications for Digital printing including first run samples and new-to-market product releases.

How do You Print From a Website?

So you’re browsing the Web and come across a page that grabs your attention. Maybe it’s a recipe or a picture that caught your attention; or, perhaps you simply want to print out directions from Google Maps on how to get to a destination.

1. Open Your Web Page

Have the web page you wish to print open in your browser.

2. Click Menu

In google chrome this will be represented by three small vertical lines in the top right hand corner of your browser. In Internet Explorer it will appear as a small gear, also located in the top right.

3. Click Print

Once the menu drops down, select “Print”.

Helpful Tips

1. Page Setup

Use “Page Setup” in Internet Explorer if you wish to make any changes to the way your page looks after it prints. If you’re using Google Chrome, the option to make adjustments to the page will automatically appear after you hit “Print.”

2. Print Preview

In Internet Explorer, the “Print Preview” option will allow you to see what your page will look like before your print it out. Google Chrome will automatically show you a preview of the page to be printed after you select “Print.”

3. Printwhatyoulike.com

Go to printwhatyoulike.com to omit ads and photos that may appear on the page you wish to print. Simply visit the site and enter the URL address of the page you’d like to print. This will preserve your ink or toner supply by not printing unnecessary and ink-guzzling extras.

How do I Print a Web Page to PDF?

The process to save and share webpages is relatively straightforward in this day and age. You can bookmark them on your favorite web browser for ease of access or share the URL to view the web page.

However, there will be times where you will not have internet access. Furthermore, you might want to save the webpage in a format that allows you to annotate them with ease—in PDF format.

How To Save a Webpage as a PDF in Chrome

  1. Open the page you’d like to keep.
  2. On the top left-hand corner, click File > Print.
  3. Alternatively, press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P (Mac)
  4. Under the ‘Destination’ section, click Change… > Save as PDF
  5. Click the ‘Save’ button, pick the name and location for your PDF.

How To Save a Webpage as a PDF in Microsoft Edge

  1. Open the webpage to convert to PDF.
  2. Press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P (Mac).
  3. On the following dialog, under Printer, choose ‘Microsoft Print to PDF.’
  4. Click ‘Print’ and voila, you have saved your webpage to PDF.

How To Save a Webpage as PDF in Safari

  1. Open the webpage to save as PDF.
  2. Press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P (Mac).
  3. Click the drop-down arrow located on the bottom left.
  4. Choose ‘save as PDF’ and the location for the file.
  5. Hit’ Save,’ which should download your new PDF.

As you can see, whether you’re using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (or Edge), or Safari—creating a PDF from a webpage follows a similar process: print, save as PDF, download.

Don’t forget the customization options before saving your page. Depending on the browser, you can set a new page title, set margins, and color sizes for your PDF.

How To Save a Webpage as PDF in Firefox

Unfortunately (and weirdly enough)—Firefox does not have a built-in feature for users to save a webpage as a PDF freely.

However, there are add-ons that you can install directly from the Mozilla web store to do so. Worst-case scenario—you can install one of the browsers mentioned above for free to save the desired webpages.

How do I Print Exactly What I See on my Screen?

A print screen, also known as a screenshot, screengrab, or screen capture, is an image you take of your computer’s screen at that moment. It can serve a variety of uses, such as creating receipts, capturing information from your computer, and even allowing you to resize images.

Read Also: 8 Reasons Why T-shirt Printing is Trending in 2022

There are several ways you can capture your screen on Windows, so whichever way you choose to do it will depend on what you feel most comfortable with and what tools you want to use.

Windows 8 and 10

Before you can take a screenshot, you need to determine which version of Windows you have. New versions such as Windows 8 and 10 allow you to make a screenshot through keyboard shortcuts, while older versions require that you access a separate menu. You can also use third-party tools to get the exact shot that you want.If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, follow these steps:

  1. Pull up the screen – whether it’s a program, browser window, or something else entirely – that you want to take a picture of. Your computer won’t be able to process the image if you don’t have it already loaded.
  2. Locate the Print Screen key on your keyboard. It’s usually in the upper-right-hand corner, above the “SysReq” button and often abbreviated to “PrtSc.
  3. Press the main Win key and PrtSc at the same time. This will take a screenshot of the entire current screen. The screen may flash or dim to let you know the shot was successfully taken. Alternatively, you can press the Alt and PrtSc keys. This will copy the image to your clipboard.
  4. Find your screenshot in the accompanying folder by navigating from This PC, to Pictures, to Screenshots.

Your screen may not dim or flash if you have certain display settings in place. This typically happens if you upgraded your device from an earlier version of Windows to 8 or 10.

Older versions of Windows

Just like with newer versions of Windows, you will want to load the page that you want to take an image of before proceeding. From there, do the following:

  1. Press the PrtSc button, which is typically located in the upper-right-hand side of your keyboard by the “Function” keys. If your laptop has a “Fn” key, you may need to simultaneously press the “Fn” key and the “PrtSc” key.
  2. Open MS Paint from the Start menu. Do this by typing “paint” and navigating to the program in the search results.
  3. Paste the screenshot into MS Paint by pressing Ctrl+V at the same time.
  4. The image will appear in MS Paint, and you’ll need to save it to your computer’s hard drive.
  5. Save the image by pressing Ctrl+S, which will bring up a window where you can designate where to store it. You can also choose the screenshot’s file type, JPEG or PNG. For screenshots, PNG is the better option because it maintains the quality of the image in a smaller file size.

Using Windows 10’s snipping tool

If you use Windows 10 and want to make a screenshot, you should be familiar with the Snipping Tool. It can help you get the perfect image and allows you to crop your screenshots. To access it:

  • From the Start menu, choose All Programs
  • Choose Accessories, which is where the Snipping Tool is located

In Windows 10, you can also press the Start key on your keyboard and type “snipping tool” into the search bar. Your screenshot will automatically choose the “Rectangular Snip” as the default option, but you can choose from a number of different options to find the shape you want.

Final Words

Web to print and eCommerce has a certain natural synergy. In 2020, the significant highlight investment was the commitment of Amazon to purchase $400 million worth of inkjet equipment for their Merch line of business. Direct-to-consumer customized printing such as calendars, mugs, and photo products, will see PSP diversifying into many areas, including installation of direct-to-object systems.

The Covid-19 pandemic continue to impact on the printing sectors. It will be interesting to see how the global business landscape changes over another decade for the print industry.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.

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