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If you have knowledge and experience in keeping computers up and running, you can start a computer repair business quickly and affordably. You can really make money from the business, and here is why.

Malware, viruses, the dreaded blue screen of death—these threats and more plague computer owners who know enough to use their devices, but not enough to be able to fix them when something goes wrong.

But growing your computer repair enterprise into full-time work still requires effort, and many beginners start out on a part-time basis. This article will provide you with all the information you need to start and make money from your computer repair business.

  • What is Computer Repair
  • What Are Basic Computer Repair Skills
  • Is Computer Repair Business Profitable?
  • How Can You Start a Computer Repair Business
  • How Much Money Can You Make Fixing Computers
  • Computer Repair Business Startup Checklist
  • Starting Computer Repair Business Mistakes
  • Computer Repair Business Plan
  • How Much Should a Computer Repair Cost
  • Do You Need a Business License to Work on Computers?
  • What Qualifications do You Need to Repair Customers
  • What is an IT Technician Salary
  • What Are The Highest Paying Computer Jobs
  • How Much do Computer Repair Techs Make?
  • Is Computer Repair a Good Career?
  • Is Computer Repair Service a Successful Business Model?
  • Computer Repair Side Hustle
  • How to Start a Computer Repair Business With no Money
  • Why Computer Shop is a Good Business
  • Computer Repair Business Startup Cost
  • Computer Repair Business Ideas
  • Computer Repair And Maintenance
  • How to Make Money as a Computer Repair on Your Own
  • How Much Does a Computer Technician Charge Per Hour?
  • Computer Repair Services List
  • Computer Repair Technician
  • How Much Does it Cost to Start a Computer Repair Business?
  • Is Laptop Repairing a Good Business?
  • How Much Money Can You Make as a Computer Repair?
  • How do I Start a Small Computer Repair Business?
  • What Tools Are Needed to Start a Computer Repair Business?
  • How do I Learn to Fix Computers?

What is Computer Repair

Computer repair is the process of identifying, troubleshooting and resolving problems and issues in a faulty computer. Computer repair is a broad field encompassing many tools, techniques and procedures used to repair computer hardware, software or network/Internet problems.

Computer repair is also known as PC repair.

Computer repair is handled by a specialized computer repair technician. Typically, a hardware fault requires the physical review of a computer and testing for abnormalities.

Suspected components, such as random access memory (RAM), hard disk, power supply or optical drive may be individually checked, troubleshooted or replaced if an error is detected. This usually requires special equipment and accessories to disassemble and reassemble the computer.

Read Also: Make Money As A Computer Technician

Software-based computer repair issues are generally related to operating system (OS) configuration or updates, installed applications, viruses and other software services. Similarly, computer repair for network/Internet issues allow a computer to completely utilize available and network services.

What Are Basic Computer Repair Skills

Know How To Google

Lets face it, its almost impossible for a technician to know how to fix everything they come across. There are all sorts of strange error messages that are fairly cryptic but lucky for us they often have an easy fix on Google since other people have already spent hours trying to figure out and succeeded.

Don’t be afraid to Google in front of your client either as its better to say “I don’t know, but I’ll find out” rather than continue along blindly costing your client more money. Using Google sounds simple enough but a technician should know to use Googles advanced operators effectively.

Remove Tough Viruses

You need to be able to remove tough viruses like Antivirus2009 (without formatting) and understand how to use tools like Combofix, SmitFraudFix, Hijack This!, Autoruns, Process Explorer, Malwarebytes, Superantispyware and UBCD4Win.

Know Whats In a Clean Windows System

You need to know what processes, files and services commonly appear in a clean Windows system as this greatly assists in the removal of viruses and other malware. For example, a 22kb file named exqzxcop.exe that was created two days ago, is currently running and is residing in the system32 directory probably shouldn’t be there. Basically, if you know what the good guys look like, it makes it easy to spot the bad guys.

General Hardware Understanding

This is a fairly large topic but the essentials to know is understand the power supply wattage’s and voltages.

  • Have an understanding of motherboard and CPU socket types.
  • Understand different RAM types and speeds.
  • Understand motherboard slot types (AGP, PCI, PCI-E etc..)
  • Understand hard drive types such as IDE and SATA and understand hard drive jumpers and their configurations.

With these skills, you need to be able to assemble a computer. I am not just talking about putting one together, but building a good one by knowing their part speeds, compatibility and possible bottlenecks.

Troubleshoot Hardware Problems

Computer parts go bad and it isn’t always obvious what the issue is. You need to understand things like BIOS beep codes and what it means if the computers fans spin up but there is no video.

Understand what it means when nothing powers up or the computer powers up for 2 seconds then shuts down.

You can learn this by experimenting with a worthless test PC that you don’t care about if it gets damaged (and it probably will). I personally learnt all this by finding a bunch of old computers in hard garbage that didn’t work and turning the 5 damaged ones into 2 good working ones. If I damaged some hardware, I just put the computer back out in the garbage.

Recover Data from a Non Booting Operating System

You need to be able to remove data from a non-booting operating system by either using a boot CD like UBCD4Win and an external hard drive; or by putting the bad drive into a good system of your own and recovering it that way.

How to Format a Computer and Understand Windows Licensing

Formatting a computer is a fairly common task for most computer technicians but its a little more than just sticking in the Windows CD during boot time and installing. You also need to know the differences between OEM, Retail, Branded, Home, Professional, Volume and Corporate Licenses.

Identify, Find and Install Appropriate Drivers for Hardware

You need to know how to install common peripherals like printers and scanners, how to identify hardware devices by either looking on the actual hardware for model numbers or using a tool like SIW or Everest and know how to spot driver problems in the Windows Device Manager.

Repair a Damaged Windows Install
  • You need to know how to get into safe mode.
  • Know how to do a repair install of Windows.
  • Know how to run the chkdsk command and registry restore in a boot CD like UBCD4Win.
Setup a Basic Wired/Wireless Network
  • Know to setup a network with a modem, router and a few client computers.
  • Understand how IP addresses work in a private network vs public Internet situation.
  • A general understanding of masking/subnetting.
  • Understand what your Gateway is.
  • Understand how DHCP works and also know how to setup a basic computer to computer network.
  • Understand how and when to use static IPs.
  • Know how to forward ports.
  • If wireless is involved, know how to apply encryption, understand signal strengths and how it can be improved.
Basic Network Troubleshooting
  • Know how to find the systems IP, release and renew it.
  • Use some DOS commands such as Tracert and Ping and understand the results.
  • Know how to login to the modem/router and troubleshoot it. Are the internet details correct? is the modem getting an IP from the ISP? etc..
Be Nice and Know How To Communicate To Your Clients

You can be the best technician in the world but if people dont like you personally, you wont get far. You need to learn how to speak to a layperson in a way they understand because “geek speak” often sounds condescending and will frustrate and annoy your clients.

Is Computer Repair Business Profitable?

Taking a computer repair shop out on the road is still a viable and profitable endeavor.

There are many reasons why there’s plenty of space for entrepreneurs like you to offer mobile computer repairs to individuals and other businesses. For a start, consumers seldom relish the thought of their PCs and laptops getting fixed by the big-name retail chains. And many small businesses don’t want to spend a fortune on maintenance contracts.

Sometimes, people may need a computer repair carried out as a matter of urgency; something office-based providers are unlikely to offer

How Can You Start a Computer Repair Business

Build up your savings

Starting a business is exciting, but shouldn’t be rushed. It takes time, planning, hustle, and money to launch a successful computer repair business. Once you’ve decided you want to take the plunge, your first step should be to build up your savings.

It’s important to build up a financial cushion in case there is not enough billable work to cover your expenses and salary when you first start your business. Savings can keep your business afloat during those lean early months. Ideally, you should stockpile enough cash to pay your bills for at least six to nine months before quitting your day job.

Create a business plan

A solid business plan is the cornerstone of any successful company. It forces you to not only think about how you want to structure the business initially, but also how you envision it evolving over time. Some of the questions your computer repair business plan should answer include:

  • What services will you offer? (repairs, server maintenance, retail sales, etc.)
  • Who is your target customer? (individuals, businesses, or both)
  • What is the business structure? (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.)
  • Where will you perform the work? (retail location, coworking space, client sites, etc.)
  • How are you financing your business?
  • What does the competitive landscape look like?
  • What is your projected budget and income for the first five years?
  • What is your marketing strategy?
  • Do you plan on hiring employees? If so, when?

Once your business plan is finalized, you’ll be ready to approach lenders if you choose to look for business funding.

Financing your business

In addition to building up a nest egg, seeking out additional funds can help you get your business off the ground. One option to consider is a loan through the Small Business Administration.

The SBA partners with lenders, community development organizations, and micro-lending institutions to set guidelines and facilitate loans for small business owners. This reduces risk for lenders and makes it easier for small business to get approved – typically at lower rates than they might ordinarily qualify for through a traditional bank loan.

Other financing options to consider include finding investors, such as venture capitalists or angel investors; using credit cards; tapping into a 401(k); crowdfunding; and borrowing money from family and friends.

Try to run the business as lean as possible, at least in the beginning, to minimize the amount of money you’re borrowing. You want to focus the majority of your efforts on building your business, not repaying debt.

Choose a location

A computer repair business offers a certain degree of flexibility when it comes to structuring your work environment. For example, you could opt to work from home, work out of a retail storefront, or travel to client sites.

There are pros and cons to consider for each option before deciding which might be the best fit for your business.


Working from home reduces your overhead since you won’t need to pay for office space. Not only that, the commute is nonexistent, and you typically have more flexibility on what hours you work. The downsides include a lack of separation between your personal and professional life.

Also, if family members are home during your work hours, they may compete for your time and attention, making it difficult to focus. It’s also important to make sure your home business is protected by commercial property insurance. Homeowner’s insurance typically excludes coverage for business property.


A storefront provides brand visibility and can draw foot traffic into your business. The primary downside is the additional expense. Not only will you pay to rent or buy a space, but you may also need to pay for additional expenses, such as utilities.

If you rent your space, your landlord will likely require you to purchase general liability insurance. If you include a retail section to sell computer accessories, you will also need to consider the wholesale costs of the products you plan to sell and product liability insurance.

On-site support

Limiting your repairs to house calls at your clients’ homes or businesses eliminates the added expense of a storefront, and also creates a natural separation from your personal life at home. However, there are other factors to take into account.

You will be at the mercy of your clients’ schedules, and you also run the risk of jobs taking longer than anticipated, especially if clients ask you to complete extra work once you’re there. Since you’ll be driving to your clients, you should also consider purchasing commercial auto insurance, since most personal auto policies don’t cover business-related driving.

No matter which option you choose, there are potential risks your business will face. For example, customers could sue if they trip and are injured at your storefront, a fire could destroy your home – and all the computers you were working on, or you could get into an accident while driving to a client’s office, injuring a third party.

Small business insurance can protect your computer repair business against all these risks and more. We’ll discuss the specific policies you may wish to purchase in more detail in a later section.

Make sure the price is right

Initially, it can be tempting to offer below-market pricing as a way to entice new customers to give you a try. However, this strategy can backfire.

Not only will it be more difficult to eventually increase your rates, you could also be attracting the type of clients more interested in the cheapest rate than the quality of your service. Once your rates increase, they could disappear, forcing you to build a client base from scratch.

Research the going rates for other repair shops in your area and make sure your pricing is in line with what the competition is charging. Keep in mind that you need to charge enough to not only pay your salary, but expenses such as rent, taxes, professional fees, and more. Know your value, and price yourself accordingly.

Get certified

You don’t need a degree to open a computer repair business, but there are several certifications you may want to obtain to prove that you have the necessary expertise and potentially gain a competitive advantage. Some of the more common ones include:

  • CompTIA A+ Technician
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
  • ACMT (Apple)
  • BICSI Technician (BICISI)

Check to see which certifications are common among other repair shops in your area. You may also want to find an area of expertise that sets your business apart. For example, consider focusing only on repairs for Apple computers.  

How Much Money Can You Make Fixing Computers

An entry-level Computer Repair Technician with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $12.83 based on 47 salaries.

An early career Computer Repair Technician with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $13.94 based on 319 salaries. A mid-career Computer Repair Technician with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $15.28 based on 162 salaries.

An experienced Computer Repair Technician with 10-19 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $17.33 based on 118 salaries. In their late career (20 years and higher), employees earn an average total compensation of $23.

How Much Does Geek Squad Charge Per Hour

Geek Squad pricing ranges between $39.99 to $329.99 per individual service and $24.99 to $49.99 per user per month for a service plan. Each user can have multiple devices.

If your small business doesn’t have IT support on staff, you can use Geek Squad (a service run by Best Buy) for help with software installation, computer setup and repair, and other tech support issues.

Computer Repair Business Startup Checklist

A computer repair business should not be rushed or started on a whim. You ought to plan before taking the plunge. Planning helps in the prioritization of activities and sets out the course your business should take. While starting, have a checklist of the things you might need for your business. Make sure the checklist consists of the following:

1)    Services Offered

Before starting, you should be aware of the full range of services you plan to offer. You can work from home, in a store, or offer mobile or onsite support. For instance, computer repair in Sacramento is quite convenient because highly experienced tech people will come directly to your home or office. Moreover, they can handle practically any computer brand in the market.

When you choose to follow this path, it will help in determining your clientele and the assets to invest in. It also helps you determine the infrastructure you need to invest in to facilitate your service delivery.

2)    Location

Determine where to set up your business. This allows you to estimate the costs you are likely to incur on rent, renovations, or repairs. Also, the location should factor in your clientele location. The ideal location ought to be close enough for your clients to access without any problem.

3)    Tools of Work

After establishing the services that you plan to offer, get the right tools to facilitate this work. The tools should be both hardware and software. The tools help in diagnostics and repair. Using the correct tools reduces damages on computers. It also reduces the effort and time used to the repairs.

4)    Price Guide

Create a price guide to determine how much to charge the clients for services offered. The guide helps in limiting prices. As a new player in the industry, you might be tempted to charge low prices to attract more clients. It also helps your clients estimate the cost of services they are likely to pay once the problem on their device is detected and repaired.

5)    Licenses and Certification

You should get the right authorization to run your business. This makes your business legal in the eyes of the authorities. It would help if you also were certified. These certifications act as proof for your expertise. Licenses also offer credibility to clients.

6)    Insurance

Protect your business from eventualities that might occur and lead to losses. These may include theft, fire, malware damages, accidents, and natural calamities. Choose an insurance package that covers your current needs at affordable rates.

7)    Capital Source

The capital for the business determines the size and the activities to engage in. It also guides other items such as rent and other assets to invest in. You can list the amount of capital you currently have and list the amount you plan to raise later. Also, list the source of the capital options you might be eyeing on when looking to expand or to cater for emergencies.

8)    Support System

This consist of communication lines, ticketing, billing and sequence systems. These systems allow the smooth running of the business by recording the extra work other than repairs. These systems help in proper queuing and sequencing of activities. This helps in achieving timely delivery of services and proper communication.

Starting Computer Repair Business Mistakes

Starting A Business Because You Like Computers

You love fixing computers and think it would be great making it a full time job by starting your own business right? If you just want to work with computers then you would be better off working for someone else as a salaried technician.

When you become self employed the amount of computer repair work you do declines because you also have to be the business owner, manager, secretary, accountant, marketer and less of a technician.

Not Having Enough Start Up Funds

I believe that the bare minimum amount of money you should start a new business with is at least $1000 and that is not taking into account the amount of money you need to survive while you are starting up. You need to pay for official business registrations, accountants, tools, stock and advertising.

Charging Too Low

We cover this a lot here at Technibble and it’s one of the most common mistakes. There are many young computer technicians believe that they can beat their competition by having lower prices but don’t realize the costs of running a real computer repair business.

There are taxes, ongoing advertising costs, depreciation in your cars value, petrol, aging stock, business insurance and licenses for software. There is also another side effect of having very low prices and that is you attract cheap clients who want more for less and will eventually consume most of your time yet you will be making little money.

Also, once you raise your prices to something more sustainable these clients most likely wont have any loyalty towards you because they will always be looking for the cheapest price.

Pirated Software Or Inappropriate Licenses

It is extremely risky to use pirated software or inappropriate licenses on both your business computers, or your clients computers.

Not only is it unethical, but it is dangerous for your business because your competitors can take you out with one phone call to Microsoft, Adobe or any of the other big brands who go after pirates. Even if you don’t have any competitors in your area, all it takes is one angry client to “tell on you”.

Not Having Business Insurance

I find a lot of new businesses skip on having business insurance because of the costs involved. This can be a very dangerous move because you are more likely to make mistakes in your early years than you are in your later years.

There are many factors involved in calculating the cost of insurance such as your location and the sort of clients that you deal with, but you can get good insurance for somewhere between $200 – $500 USD per year. Shop around for a good price using both local insurance agencies and online brokers such as InsuranceForTechs.com and TechInsurance.com

Learning On Clients Computers

This mistake goes hand in hand with the above “getting in over your head”. If I brought my car into a mechanics garage and found out that their mechanic was learning while fixing my car, I would be really upset. If you don’t know what you are doing, hand it onto someone else.

Of course, you need to learn somehow and there are many ways to do it without learning on a clients computer. You could work under someone else for a while

Computer Repair Business Plan

Your business plan’s success will depend on the quality of your research. Whether you use a template or write a business plan from scratch, areas of focus should include:

Business structure

Your business plan should disclose the legal structure of your company: sole proprietorship, partnership (if you have two or more owners), limited liability company (LLC), or corporation (either S or C version). 

Sole proprietorships and partnerships are the easiest and cheapest business structures because they don’t involve setting up a legal entity. But they do expose you to more financial risks if you are sued.

LLCs provide an extra layer of protection at a relatively affordable cost, while S or C corporations are even more secure but come with more administrative complexities and higher expenses. You may want to seek legal and financial advice when choosing a business structure.

Market analysis

To succeed, your computer repair company must provide high-quality, reliable services that local customers need at competitive prices. Analyzing the local market will help you make these decisions with confidence.

Research other computer repair shops in your area – including both big-box electronics stores and smaller independent repair businesses – to find out what services they provide and how much they charge. Having comprehensive information will help you better identify market gaps and set your service offerings and prices.

Service offerings 

Based on your analysis of the local computer repair market, you will ideally identify customer needs and service gaps that your business can fill. A typical computer repair shop might offer services such as:

  • hardware or software error diagnostics
  • laptop or desktop tune-ups, including disk defragmentation, registry cleaning, and software removal
  • virus and malware removal 
  • computer wipes and operating system reinstallations
  • data recovery

As a computer repair company owner, you will be responsible for your customers’ expensive equipment and should purchase the appropriate insurance policies to protect your business from unexpected events.

Like most small IT businesses, computer shops typically carry general liability insurance, which covers client property damage and injuries to third parties. 

Errors and omissions insurance – also known as professional liability insurance – is also important, as it will help pay for lawsuit costs if a client sues you for unsatisfactory or incomplete work.

Identifying your ideal customer is an essential part of a business plan. Decide whether you want to offer services to consumers, small businesses, nonprofits, large corporations, or some combination of markets. 

Use your technical abilities and skills to help further define your target market. For example, if you have experience working on computers used for multimedia projects, you might market your repair services to photographers and videographers.

Funding sources

If you have sufficient savings, you may be able to bootstrap your computer repair company. But if you’re like many entrepreneurs, you’ll need to secure outside small business financing.

The SBA works with banks and business development groups to facilitate small business loans at affordable interest rates. You may also consider: 

  • venture capitalists and angel investors
  • credit cards
  • friend and family loans 
  • crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and GoFundMe
  • borrowing against 401(k) plans

No matter your computer repair shop’s funding sources, make sure to balance loans and anticipated cash flow so you don’t fall behind on payments. Never borrow a sum that you can’t comfortably repay.

Budget and financial statements

Even if you’re comfortable working with spreadsheets, you may lack the expertise to collect and format the financial data that lenders require. To that end, consider hiring a financial adviser or accountant to create the following documents:

  • Startup cost exhibit. This includes all the funds you’ll spend to get your business up and running.
  • Break-even analysis. This explains when your losses will end – and your profits will begin.
  • Income projection statement. This five-year forecast explains how much money your computer repair shop might initially lose before it starts to make a profit.
  • Detailed financial plan for the first year. This projects income and expenses for each month of your first year in business. Once you reach your second year in business, you can display financial data quarterly.

You might also include documents such as your personal tax returns, resumé, personal financial statement, reseller certificates, and other documents relevant to investors.

Business location

Starting a computer repair shop does not require a spacious office or extensive equipment. You can choose to work out of your home, open a retail store, rent space in an office building, or travel to customer offices. 

Your physical location will depend on the scale of your business, your target customers, your projected workload, and your financial resources. Most experts recommend starting small. You can always move to a bigger location if your business expands.

If you lease a commercial office or retail location, you’ll want to purchase commercial property insurance. This coverage protects your tools, computer diagnostic equipment, office furniture, and inventory against fire, theft, or other damage. You may be able to save money by bundling commercial property and general liability insurance as a business owner’s policy.

Marketing strategy 

Your computer repair business plan should include information on marketing assets and programs, including websites, social media profiles, email and direct mail marketing campaigns, print ads, and other promotional strategies. 

As a technology services provider, your digital marketing materials must be sophisticated and able to reach prospects on their preferred devices. Consider hiring a search engine optimization (SEO) consultant to help potential clients easily locate your website and social media accounts with Google. 

To further raise your business’s visibility, you might also employ a content marketing strategy, in which you share computer repair tips on your websites, social media accounts, and blog.

Hiring employees

Depending on how quickly your business grows, you may eventually need to hire one or more computer repair technicians. Your business plan should include details about:

  • how you will advertise job openings
  • the interview process
  • computer repair tests you will give candidates
  • checking references
  • disciplinary and termination policies

Most states require businesses with employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance, which pays for medical bills or lost wages if an employee suffers a job-related injury. Workers’ comp policies also help cover court costs in the event of a lawsuit.

Your business might also consider cyber liability insurance, which protects you if a computer repair technician damages a customer’s property in a way that causes a data breach. Many errors and omissions policies offer limited protection against cyber incidents, so ask your agent if your business needs this additional coverage.

Fine-tune your business plan

After you’ve drafted your business plan, be sure to thoroughly check the document for any spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors before you share it with potential funders. If your budget allows, you might hire a content professional to review your business plan or ask colleagues to read it and offer suggestions.

Developing a rock-solid computer repair business plan takes plenty of research, thought, and time, but the effort greatly increases your odds of securing funding, launching a successful company, and enjoying future growth.

How Much Should a Computer Repair Cost

Price Ranges
Type of RepairPrice RangeType of RepairPrice Range
Software Repair$40-150Laptop Screen Replacement$125-225+
Hard Drive Replacement$100-$225Memory/RAM Upgrade$50-200
Liquid Damage Repair$99-250+Power Jack Repair$100-200
Motherboard Replacement$150-300+Keyboard Replacement$80-195
Fan Repair/Replacement$99-175Virus Removal$49-100
SSD Upgrade$150-400+Data Recovery$99-1000+

Software Repairs – $40-150. Sometimes a software bug can be fixed easily and quickly. I’m talking 5 minutes while you hang out in our lobby quickly. Other times we may need to back up your data and do a complete factory reinstall. Factory reinstalls are a great way to speed up your computer, they are just a bit more invasive and take more time to complete.

Hard Drive Replacements  $100-225. A lot of the time this depends on the hard drive you want/need. A 320gb refurbished hdd? That might be a $10 part with a $90 reinstall fee. Or maybe a 1tb Samsung EVO SSD? That could run you $400 for the part and another $199 in labor. However, almost all hard drive replacements we do are $150-225 which includes both parts and labor.

Also keep in mind, it doesn’t always depend on how much liquid went into the computer, it mostly depends on how much damage that liquid caused once it got inside. We can open your machine to evaluate the damage and quote you based on what we find.

Liquid Damage Repair – $99-250+. Liquid damage cleaning fees all depend on the extent of the damage. A laptop without much corrosion might be quoted $99, which a machine thoroughly corroded could be $250 or more.

Also keep in mind, it doesn’t always depend on how much liquid went into the computer, it mostly depends on how much damage that liquid caused once it got inside. We can open your machine to evaluate the damage and quote you based on what we find.

Motherboard Replacements – $150-300+. The motherboard tends to be the most expensive part of a computer. It can range from $25-200+ for a motherboard. Regular laptops and desktops tend to have $30-150 motherboards, whereas Macs and higher end machines may have $200-600 motherboards.

If you spent $1500-2000 on your computer, it probably has a nice motherboard. If you spent under $800 for your computer, the board is probably much more reasonably priced. Add on $100-200 labor (typically) for a motherboard replacement and there you go!

Fan Repairs/Replacements – $99-175. Computer fans often get clogged and need to be cleaned. Sometimes the fan is fine, and sometimes it needs to be replaced. Computer fans are typically relatively inexpensive ($5-35), and most of the time you’re paying for labor costs.

Machines usually need to be disassembled completely to correctly replace the fan, and it’s also best practice to remove the heatsink from the CPU and redo the thermal paste while you’re in there. Long story short, it’s often $99-150 in labor to perform a fan repair or replacement.

SSD Upgrade – $150-400. The cost of an SSD Upgrade depends entirely on the size of the SSD you need and whether you need your data saved. Costs are usually $100-200 labor plus the cost of the SSD.

Labor ranges based on whether or not you need your data saved, how difficult it is to open your computer to replace your HDD with an SSD, and the time involved in the entire process. SSD costs can be $50-400 depending on the type of SSD you’re looking for. More space = more money.

Virus Removal – $49-100. Virus removals are pretty straightforward and typically cost $99. However, we run a lot of half price virus removal deals, or offer virus removal at discounted rates with other repairs.

Also keep in mind, viruses can’t always be removed 100% of the time. A factory reinstall is the only way to completely guarantee a virus won’t come back. But if we perform a virus removal and you’re still having issues – we’ll be here to help under your repair warranty.

Data Recovery – $99-1000+. Data recovery can vary widely in price. A simple data transfer could cost $99 whereas a Tier 3 RAID recovery on a hard drive with damaged heads could cost $2000. Data recovery works on a tiered system with Tier 1 costing $50-150, Tier 2 costing $250-500, and Tier 3 costing $500-5000.

Tier 1 repairs are simple data transfers, data recovery from dead machines, etc. Tier 2 recoveries are software recoveries to fix corrupted partitions, deleted files, recovering bad sectors, etc. Tier 3 recoveries are hardware faults like clicking drives, dropped hard drives, unmountable drives, etc

Do You Need a Business License to Work on Computers?

Read your city codes and go talk to your local small business development office.

Generally in the US, you need a sales tax permit and you need to claim the income on your Schedule C if it is a sole proprietorship. Your city may have restrictions on the size or type of business you can operate from your residence.

On top of that, you can register an LLC with the Secretary of State to help protect your personal assets. You can also optionally register additional trade names with your county office. You should maintain a separate bank account for your business assets.

What Qualifications do You Need to Repair Customers

Computer repair technicians troubleshoot computer systems and install additional software. In addition to personal computers, technicians repair printers, disc drives, mainframes, servers and other types of peripheral equipment.

While a high school diploma and computer skills are sufficient to begin a career in this field, completion of some postsecondary coursework is typical. Students might consider pursuing a certificate or an associate’s degree program in computer technology or a related field. Professional certification for computer repair techs is available, though voluntary.

Required EducationHigh school diploma at minimum; some postsecondary education recommended
Job Growth (2018-2028)*-1.5% for all computer, ATM and office machine repairers
Median Salary (2018)*$38,480 all computer, ATM and office machine repairers

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

What is an IT Technician Salary

The average hourly pay for a Computer Technician in the United States is $17 an hour.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $29.57 and as low as $8.41, the majority of Computer Technician wages currently range between $13 (25th percentile) to $19 (75th percentile) across the United States. The average pay range for a Computer Technician varies little (about $6), which suggests that regardless of location, there are not many opportunities for increased pay or advancement, even with several years of experience.

Based on recent job postings on ZipRecruiter, the Computer Technician job market in both Lagos, NG and the surrounding area is very active. People working as a Computer Technician in your area are making on average $17 per hour or the same as the national average hourly salary of $17. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Computer Technician salaries.

To estimate the most accurate hourly salary range for Computer Technician jobs, ZipRecruiter continuously scans its database of millions of active jobs published locally throughout America.

Average Computer Technician Salary Across the U.S.

Salary Range (Percentile)
Annual Salary$27,500$35,892$40,000
Monthly Salary$2,292$2,991$3,333
Weekly Salary$529$690$769
Hourly Salary$13$17$19

What Are The Highest Paying Computer Jobs

1. Big data engineer 

Businesses need individuals who can transform large amounts of raw data into actionable information for strategy-setting, decision-making and innovation — and pay well for people with these skills. The salary midpoint (or median national salary) for big data engineers is $163,250.

These professionals typically create a company’s software and hardware architecture, along with the systems people need to work with the data. Big data engineers usually have a degree in computer science and expertise in mathematics and databases. 

2. Mobile applications developer 

Just look at your phone or tablet applications and it’s pretty easy to figure out why mobile applications developers are in demand. These IT pros need expertise in developing applications for popular platforms, such as iOS and Android.

They also must have experience coding with mobile frameworks and mobile development languages, as well as a knowledge of web development languages. The salary midpoint for mobile applications developers is $146,500.

3. Information systems security manager 

Successful candidates for this hot job possess a technical background in systems and network security, but also have great interpersonal and leadership abilities. Analytical and problem-solving skills are key, as are excellent communication abilities.

Information systems security managers also need to keep up with security trends and government regulations. Certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or CompTIA Security+ are often requested by employers. These IT pros earn a midpoint salary of $143,250.

4. Applications architect 

These tech pros, who have a mean salary of $141,750, design the main parts of applications, including the user interface, middleware and infrastructure. In addition to strong technical abilities, they need to be able to work well on teams and sometimes manage them.

Excellent communication and planning skills are required for this job. It’s one of the highest-paying IT jobs because just about every company wants to improve existing applications or create new ones.

5. Data architect 

These tech professionals are responsible for the complicated processes essential to making strategic business decisions. They translate business requirements into database solutions and oversee data storage (data centers) and how the data is organized. Ensuring the security of those databases is part of the job as well. The salary midpoint for data architects is $141,250.

6. Database manager 

Just about every business has some sort of database, and these tech pros maintain and support a firm’s database environment, helping companies use data more strategically to meet their goals. And they get a midpoint salary of $133,500 to do it. Database managers are especially needed in large organizations with voluminous amounts of data to manage and must possess strong leadership and strategic planning skills.

7. Data security analyst 

Data security analysts must thoroughly understand computer and network security, including firewall administration, encryption technologies and network protocols. The job also requires excellent communication and problem-solving skills and a knowledge of trends in security and government regulations.

A professional certification, such as a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) designation, is beneficial. The salary midpoint for data security analysts is $129,000.

8. Software engineer 

The mean national salary for software engineers is $125,750. They design and create engineering specs for both applications and software, which means they’re almost always in demand.

Software engineers must have information systems knowledge and typically a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related area. Specific programming language knowledge is required, as well as strong communication skills.

9. Wireless network/cloud engineer 

Wireless offices and mobile app development are just a few of the reasons these pros are in demand. Wireless network/cloud engineers need to be experts in every aspect of network technology and have a background in wireless equipment and standards, as well as WLAC design. Analytical and problem-solving skills are necessary for the job, and a certification like the Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) also is valuable. The salary midpoint for wireless network engineers is $123,750.

10. Data scientist 

These IT professionals use their knowledge of statistics and modeling to make sense of complicated data from a variety of sources. To earn a midpoint salary of $125,250, data scientists need business savvy and communication skills in addition to statistics, mathematics and computer science expertise. Knowledge of programming languages such as Python or Java is often necessary for the job as well.

11. Senior web developer 

They gather business requirements and develop specifications for web-based applications, making web properties look consistent and attractive. They also provide technical assistance to web admins and integrate front- and back-end systems.

Senior web developers typically require experience developing on PHP and Ruby on Rails sites and working with a variety of content management systems, as well as front-end development experience. Senior web developers also need several years of experience managing web properties. The salary midpoint for senior web developers is $123,000.

12. Site reliability engineer 

Site reliability engineers monitor application performance and must possess a thorough understanding of the application and code. They also can write code like any software developer, essentially bridging the gap between development and operations in applications production, which is why this role is one of the highest-paying IT jobs — with a mean national salary of $122,000. They often work within technical support teams and help with support tickets or defects, as well as emergency support.

13. Systems engineer 

Systems engineers maintain and support the technical infrastructure at a company, including system hardware and software. When a system fails, they’ll debug and reconfigure that system, if necessary, making knowledge of the development process important to the job as well.

Systems engineers must possess strong communication skills to translate technical information to nontechnical users. The salary midpoint for systems engineers is $106,000.

How Much do Computer Repair Techs Make?

The average hourly wage for a Computer Repair Technician in the United States is $29 as of April 27, 2021, but the range typically falls between $25 and $35. The hourly rate can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

Is Computer Repair a Good Career?

CareerExplorer rates computer repair technicians with a B+ employability rating, meaning this career should provide good employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 77,200 computer repair technicians. That number is based on 72,100 additional computer repair technicians, and the retirement of 5,100 existing computer repair technicians.

Computers are everywhere, therefore, there is an ever-increasing need for skilled computer repair technicians to help customers install hardware and software; diagnose problems; repair corrupted computers; and source data. Modern and sophisticated computers are more stable and tend to break down less frequently.

As computer costs decline, users may be enticed to replace their faulty computers rather than repair them. It may be less costly to upgrade to a new system rather than invest in software updates and face the possibility of future repair bills.

Still, because of how critical computers are to business and consumers, because of the vast number of computers in use, and because many users lack the technical knowledge required to diagnose and repair computer problems on their own, demand for computer repair technicians is expected to remain healthy.

Is Computer Repair Service a Successful Business Model?

It depends on where you are, how much you are going to charge, and what you offer other than computer repair. It *can* be a good business model… not to make a million bucks, but to be able to pay yourself and a few employees a salary, but you’d better be prepared to sell recycled computers, as well as sell parts from recycled computers.

Things like free or cheap diagnostics would help get people in the door. Cleaning infected machines is easy, and you can stack up a pile of them for one person to work on… making the money in volume, as opposed to charging an arm and a leg for a cleaning.

If you have a lot of competition in the same area, then you would definitely be struggling to find your niche or gimmick to get people in.

Even though the manufacturers are hoping people will purchase a new computer in 3 years, a majority of people would like to get as much time out of their equipment as possible.

Computer Repair Side Hustle

If you have knowledge and experience in keeping computers up and running, you can start a computer repair business quickly and affordably. But growing your computer repair enterprise into full-time work still requires effort, and many beginners start out on a part-time basis.

Repair service companies often require that their techs have college degrees in computer science, but someone who wants to fix computers from home can launch a business with knowledge and experience in cleaning, repairing, or replacing hardware and software. Here are the steps to getting started.

  • Decide what and how you’ll offer your computer repair service. Will you include computer setup along with repair services? Will you go to clients’ homes? 
  • Set up a workspace that has the tools and equipment you need to work efficiently. 
  • Write a business plan and marketing plan, outlining all the details of your business and how you’ll attract customers. 
  • Decide on your business structure and a business name. Once you have those, you can obtain your business license, if required in your area. You’ll also want to open a business bank account.
  • Obtain business insurance.
  • Buy or create marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, and brochures.
  • Research and build solid relationships with software and hardware vendors for affordable resources needed in providing your service.
  • Keep up-to-date on trends in hardware, software, new threats, and other issues related to computer maintenance.

How to Start a Computer Repair Business With no Money

Almost all small businesses and home offices use computers and depend on them to be working properly. They don’t have the skills, the time or the desire to do their own computer service, repair and upgrades, and that puts a computer physician right in the middle of one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

Companies in computer repair industry are involved in repairing and maintaining one or more of the following: consumer electronic equipment, computers, office machines, communication equipment and other electronic and precision equipment; items that are not sold new.

Establishments in this industry repair items including microscopes, radar and sonar equipment, televisions, stereos, video recorders, computers, photocopying machines, communications equipment, scientific instruments, and medical equipment.

  1. Understand the Industry
  2. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Studies
  3. Decide Which Niche to Concentrate On
  4. Know Your Major Competitors in the Industry
  5. Decide Whether to Buy a Franchise or Start from Scratch
  6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will Face
  7. Choose the Most Suitable Legal Entity (LLC, C Corp, S Corp)
  8. Choose a Catchy Business Name
  9. Discuss with an Agent to Know the Best Insurance Policies for You
  10. Protect your Intellectual Property With Trademark, Copyrights, Patents
  11. Get the Necessary Professional Certification
  12. Get the Necessary Legal Documents You Need to Operate
  13. Write a Business Plan
  14. Prepare a Detailed Cost Analysis
  15. Raise the Needed Startup Capital
  16. Choose a Suitable Location for your Business
  17. Hire Employees for your Technical and Manpower Needs
  18. Write a Marketing Plan Packed with ideas & Strategies
  19. Work Out a Reasonable Pricing for your Services & Products
  20. Develop Iron-clad Competitive Strategies to Help You Win
  21. Brainstorm Possible Ways to Retain Clients & Customers
  22. Develop Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness and Create a Corporate Identity
  23. Create a Suppliers/Distribution Network

Computers are one of the most basic needs in today’s world. A venture dealing in computer repairs will often succeed if you plan it properly. Running your computer repair business successfully involves you tackling each problem as if it’s your last. The more you satisfy your costumers, the more they will keep coming and in the business world, one satisfied costumer would sure come with two friends the next time.

Also, learn to repair computers in front of your clients, most people are not comfortable leaving their computer at a repair shop and you’ll gain customer satisfaction immediately if repairs can be performed on-site.

You will also be able to talk to the customer – thereby building goodwill, which is the most important component of any business. The customer will not only call you in the future but will also refer you to others. Always remember that one customer is worth ten in the streets

Why Computer Shop is a Good Business

If you love computers, opening a computer shop may sound like a fun gig. What could be better than spending your workday handling computers, talking about them to customers, and maybe repairing them?

Even so, a computer business is still a business; if you want to keep your computer shop open, you need to think your dream through before you bring it to reality.

If you are considering starting a computer repair and maintenance business, make sure you remember these advantages:

  • Basic start-up costs should be minimal. If you already are an IT professional or otherwise, and are experienced with computer repairs and maintenance. You likely already have much of what you’ll need.
  • You have a large target market beyond only individual computer owners.Many small businesses or home businesses do not have dedicated IT departments and rely on contracts with outside vendors.
  • Contracting with small businesses, if you are able to do so, can provide a solid foundation of regular work for your business.If you do good work for them, they will be apt to keep using you and refer you to others.
  • You can choose how much or little you want to work.Your business can be a side job to earn extra cash, or it can be a full-time career once you’ve built up a large enough client base.

Before opening a computer shop, define precisely what services you’ll offer and what that requires. If you want to provide computer repair services, you need repair experience; becoming a Surface reseller for Microsoft requires completing its reseller training course.

Decades ago, the computer business revolved around those old, massive IBM mainframes. Since the birth of the personal computer, the IT world has exploded. Before opening a computer store, decide what services or goods you’re going to offer: computer repairs? Computer classes for newbies? Reselling computers from Microsoft or Apple?

If you love working on computers, repair services might be a good choice for your computer business. Fix Solutions recommends you assess your expertise and then seek more training if you don’t have enough experience.

You can work on friends’ and family members’ computers or sign on as a tech with an existing repair service. The more skill you gain, the better. Even with experience, you may want to specialize in an area – network connectivity issues or hardware, for example.

Becoming a reseller requires working with a company such as Microsoft and meeting its reseller requirements. Microsoft says that if you want to be a Surface reseller, for example, you have to attend the Surface Academy. The initial round of training includes courses on the use of Surface in business, the Surface family and customer service. You need 80 percent on the seller assessment test at the end of the training to pass.

Know Your Market

To keep your computer shop open, you need to think about what potential customers want from you and whether you can provide it. Fix Solutions advises that if you work with business customers, you need to be available during regular business hours. Residential customers might prefer you to be available nights and weekends when they’re off from work.

You also have to decide whether you want to work out of your home or open a storefront. Your computer business needs space to store parts and tools and to keep computers while you’re working on them. Having a brick-and-mortar store, even a small one, can make you look more professional and trustworthy. While you should have a website, computer repair can’t be done as a purely online business.

It’s also smart to look around and size up the competition. See what services they offer, what computer equipment they resell, and what their hourly rates are for repairs. Figure out whether you can beat them on the basis of your superior skill or if you can afford to undercut their prices.

Buying Equipment

As a small startup, you have to cope with all the usual costs of opening a business, plus equipment. The Technibble website says if you want to offer repair services, you need to buy the tools to do the job, including a basic tool kit, thermal paste, and a cable tester. You might also want routers, mice, DVD burners and power supplies. You have to decide what your budget can cover and prioritize your purchases and the number of each item you have on hand.

Computer Repair Business Startup Cost

The cost of operating a computer repair business will vary depending on the business model. A home-based repair business can cost as little as $2,000 to $3,000 to start up. A repair business with a brick-and-mortar storefront will cost closer to $10,000, but startup costs are still quite manageable.

Common startup costs include:

  • Tools and workspace
  • Laptop, monitor, USB drive
  • Inventory of repair parts like hard drives, ram, power supplies, etc.
  • Furniture (for brick-and-mortar businesses)
  • Signage (for brick-and-mortar businesses)
  • Working capital to provide a three to six month financial cushion for costs like salary, rent, utilities, internet, phone, etc.

Computer Repair Business Ideas

Here are five ideas you can start looking into now.

1. Computer Tutor or Trainer

Just because we live in a digital age doesn’t mean everyone is computer-savvy. That’s where the computer tutor or trainer comes in. A home-based computer tutor teaches individuals and/or businesses how to best use their computer programs and the internet.

Classes can be done virtually via videoconference. In some cases, you’ll visit clients in person at their home, office, or another meeting location. 

Your clients can be diverse, from children to seniors, and everyone in between. You might be hired by businesses that need help learning specific programs or computer-related tasks, such as setting up a database or creating spreadsheets.

You can even work with groups, training an entire office. Or, you can run classes either through your home (if allowed by zoning) or through a local adult education resource such as the senior center.

Tutoring does require patience, especially since technology has its own set of terms that many don’t know or understand. ​​

2. Computer Repair

Computer repair specialists need to have a deep understanding of the mechanics and programming systems of computers in order to identify and fix problems. Individuals and small businesses that don’t have a tech team on staff hire computer repair technicians to fix, clean or replace their hardware and software on time, on a budget, with a smile.

If you’re running your business from home, you’ll likely go to the clients’ home or office to make repairs. You’ll need to have tools required to diagnose system issues as well as to open a computer to fix or replace a hard drive or other internal device. 

Along with repair, you can offer computer and network setup, including security setup to help keep clients’ computer virus and malware-free. 

3. Desktop Publishing

If your computer skills include creativity, as well as an understanding of page layout and graphics, desktop publishing is a viable home business idea to consider. While there are many DIY programs for desktop publishing, many businesses need customized creations. 

The many tasks desktop publishers perform include producing books, newsletters, magazines, brochures, internet content, and graphic design for logos and signage. Many online entrepreneurs need help in creating their products, such as planners, charts and more.

You might even work for private individuals creating personalized gifts (i.e. photo calendar), announcements or invitations, and other items.

4. Internet Marketing Services

If you’re a savvy internet user and understand marketing, especially internet marketing, then this type of business could be for you. Many organizations of all sizes, but especially small and single-owner businesses, need help with SEO, PPC, website promotion, and social networking.

An advantage to providing online marketing services over other ideas, such as tutoring, is that you can work with clients all over the world. You’re not restricted to servicing clients only in your local neighborhood. With that said, being able to meet clients at their business, can be helpful, especially when starting out.

You can offer a full-service Internet marketing business or you can specialize, such as social media management or email marketing.

5. Web Design and/or Programming

Similar to desktop publishing, many DIY tools are available to make building a website easier for the non-tech type. Nevertheless, there is still an opportunity for web designers and programmers, especially as the number of online businesses grows.

Many online entrepreneurs can set up a basic site but aren’t able to customize it to their needs. Others need bells and whistles, such as e-commerce or membership management, that can be done faster and with less potential for glitches by an experienced designer or programmer.​

You can specialize in a specific platform, such as WordPress, or a programming language. However, the more variety of skills you can offer, the more marketable you’ll be. 

An advantage of web design and programming is that you can work with clients locally or worldwide. Further, you can offer one-time services, such as website set up, or maintenance packages in which the client pays you monthly to monitor, update, and manage the website.

Computer Repair And Maintenance

It’s easy to forget, but it’s important to remember that electronics require ongoing maintenance. Without regular maintenance efforts your businesses’ computer equipment won’t last as long and will require replacement rather than repair. To ensure that your computers function properly and allow for optimal productivity, make sure to follow these computer maintenance and repair tips.

Properly Shut Down and Restart Your Computer

Always turn your machine on and off regularly, as suggested by the manufacturer. To avoid irreparable damage to your computer it’s important to shut down your machine in the safest manner possible by following proper protocols. This includes shutting down individual programs before powering down your computer which helps to ensure the entire system can shut down properly.

Install Computer Updates Regularly

A lot of computer system bugs can easily be fixed with the help of software updates. Such updates can also keep your machine from slowing down over time. With regular system updates you can prevent potential security threats and reduce the necessity of costly repairs down the road. Effective computer maintenance and repair requires you to check for the updates manually and follow automatic reminders from your operating system.

Run Anti-Virus Software

Anti-virus software is a must to safeguard your machine from all kinds of malware and viruses. Running a complete scan of your machine periodically, as well as when you download a program or file, is very important because it allows you to proactively protect your computer from a variety of online threats that would be otherwise costly to fix.

Delete Temporary Folders or Unused Programs

If unused programs and folders are taking up unnecessary space on your hard drive it is wise to remove them. Just as running multiple programs simultaneously will affect the speed and performance of your computer, unused folders and unnecessary programs can slow your computer speed as your machine begins to age. Offset this impact by keeping your computer files and programs at a minimum.

Backup Your Data Regularly

One of the basics of computer ownership and maintenance is to regularly backup all of the data. This way, in the event of a system failure, you can pick back up on in-progress documents. Although backing up your data won’t prevent your computer from suffering other issues, by backing up your data you can create a safety net in the event of a crash.

Clean the Exterior of Your Computer

Over time, dust and hair can get stuck in different parts of your machine. To prevent these particles from impacting the performance of your computer you must clean the exterior case. Doing this regularly will add years to the proper functioning of your machine and reduce future costs associated with computer repair and maintenance.

Computer repair and maintenance is an important activity for personal computers as well as individual computers within a larger organization. Keeping up with maintenance activities can help ensure the longevity of your equipment and ultimately reduce computer replacement costs down the road. A few extra minutes of care and attention can alleviate giant headaches and support the productivity of your workforce.

How to Make Money as a Computer Repair on Your Own

Find prospective customers and interview them. Find out if they have computer issues, how they deal with them now, what would be helpful to them, etc. Don’t tell them you are planning to start a computer repair business because you will create bias. Just ask them questions.

See if people would actually hire you to do their customer repairs at your home before spending a dime setting up anything. Customer discovery is where most businesses fail before they even get started. Sounds like a good idea, but see if there is enough demand or customers to move forward.

Start telling people (Family, Friends and Neighbors etc..) that your doing that, many people always have a computer problem that needs to be fixed by the tech guy, they just need to know that you’re that guy who can fix it.

How Much Does a Computer Technician Charge Per Hour?

As of May 10, 2021, the average hourly pay for a Computer Technician in the United States is $17.26 an hour.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $29.57 and as low as $8.41, the majority of Computer Technician wages currently range between $13.22 (25th percentile) to $19.23 (75th percentile) across the United States.

The average pay range for a Computer Technician varies greatly (by as much as $6.01), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Another factor to consider is the average salary for these top ten cities below varies very little at 10% between San Francisco, CA and Norwalk, CT, reinforcing the limited potential for much wage advancement. The possibility of a lower cost of living may be the best factor to use when considering location and salary for a Computer Technician role.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
San Francisco, CA$44,061$3,672$847$21.18
Fremont, CA$42,296$3,525$813$20.33
San Jose, CA$41,315$3,443$795$19.86
Oakland, CA$40,863$3,405$786$19.65
Tanaina, AK$40,749$3,396$784$19.59
Wasilla, AK$40,749$3,396$784$19.59
Sunnyvale, CA$40,243$3,354$774$19.35
Hayward, CA$40,007$3,334$769$19.23
Jackson, WY$39,793$3,316$765$19.13
Norwalk, CT$39,739$3,312$764$19.11

Computer Repair Services List

Businesses and home users depend on computers in increasing ways every day. Even a minor computer problem disrupts our life and hampers business activities. This is where we need to consult with a certified computer technician.

With the constant development of new technology, there also comes many technical problems like spyware attacks on computers, virus infections, network issues, and other software and hardware failures. To fix these issues you need a fast and efficient computer technician.

Here are the different types of computer repair services that are commonly offered:

Virus Removal:

In this service computer technicians ensure that the virus will be removed without risking the important data or information on your computer. You can also get virus removal services online, as well as complete services that include all the steps that are required to get your computer up and running problem-free.

Hardware Repairs:

This is for physical damages that are incurred by the computer or its accessories. This includes installing new hardware, repair or updating hardware, etc.

Accessories Repair:

There are many computer accessories like scanners and printers which might need repair due to damage. A professional computer technician that specializes in computer hardware will be able to fix such issues.

Data Recovery & Backup:

Sometimes, due to issues such as hardware crashes or a virus, your important data might get lost. It might not possible for you to recover the data, but professional computer technicians can recover the data by tracking information.

This is an extremely sensitive issue, therefore, you should choose a highly qualified company. If you hire a company just because they have a low rate, it might result in permanent loss of important data and also make it impossible for an experienced technician to recover data.

Troubleshooting and Networking Support: 

These are the two most common types of computer repair services for businesses. These include network setup, training, network fixes, and related problems.

Maintenance Services:

Your home and business computers require constant updating and tune-ups. This regular maintenance will not only enhance the working speed of your computer, but it will also increase its lifetime. Maintenance service includes file cleanup, upgrading and installing new windows or programs and general inspections.


If you know what you need but can’t find it in stock computers, you can ask a computer technician to build a customized computer for you with specific features according to you or your company’s needs.


If you have installed software and your business team is new to it, you can hire a computer company to effectively train your staff. These teachers have in-depth knowledge of programs and will save time by passing over the learning curve.

With the day to day use of computers and the problems that may occur, many people would like to learn how to do basic computer servicing and repair so some technicians also offer tutoring services.

Now you know about the different types of computer repair services so you can easily choose what you require.

Computer Repair Technician

Computer repair technicians install, repair, and maintain various types of computer equipment. Technology is continually evolving, so technicians have to keep up to date in order to analyze and troubleshoot each specific job.

Computer repair technicians take malfunctioning computer hardware and software, and perform the necessary steps to diagnose and ensure the systems are returned to a usable state. Technicians also build and assemble personal computers and servers, and may set up local area networks of computers and other related devices.

Computer repair technicians mainly deal with the hardware components of a computer, but sometimes are called upon to install or replace drives, memory, and cards. A computer repair technician may be required to build a system from components and load the operating system software on to the hard disk. The technician will then locate and install the necessary programs, called drivers, that allow the operating system software to work with the hardware.

A computer repair technician will also work with the software of computers. This is usually the operating system software. Computers may get viruses or other malware infections, and the technician may be called upon to remove the offending programs.

If the operating system software doesn’t function and cannot be repaired, the technician will usually back up the user’s data if possible, and format the hard disk with a new copy of the operating system.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Computer Repair Business?

The cost of operating a computer repair business will vary depending on the business model. A home-based repair business can cost as little as $2,000 to $3,000 to start up. A repair business with a brick-and-mortar storefront will cost closer to $10,000, but startup costs are still quite manageable.

Common startup costs include:

  • Tools and workspace
  • Laptop, monitor, USB drive
  • Inventory of repair parts like hard drives, ram, power supplies, etc.
  • Furniture (for brick-and-mortar businesses)
  • Signage (for brick-and-mortar businesses)
  • Working capital to provide a three to six month financial cushion for costs like salary, rent, utilities, internet, phone, etc.

Is Laptop Repairing a Good Business?

All small businesses use PC’s and laptops and depend on them to work consistently, predictably and dependably. However, it is not cost effective for most small businesses to have their own in-house IT department. Still, they need someone like a computer repair business to help keep their IT assets up and running, so they can stay competitive in the marketplace.

No matter what your business experience or level of technological expertise, you can start your own computer repair business. Those that love computers, technology and working with people find that running their own business is incredibly fulfilling and can bring them substantial revenue. All it takes is following some logical, plotted steps and planning very carefully how to start a computer repair business.

How Much Money Can You Make as a Computer Repair?

Computer repair technicians can expect to make about $50 to $75 per hour if they are professionals. Too much more than this is above the industry standard.

If you are just starting out, you may be able to undercut larger companies by charging less… but you will need references to back up your work. You need your customers to feel secure in letting you work on their machine! If they don’t feel secure about you working on their equipment, you are going to have a difficult time making the sale!

When just starting out, you could easily charge $20-$30 an hour, or bid jobs by project to make your prices more appealing to potential customers. Then, as you get more references and attract more business, you can start to slowly raise your rates to get on-par with the industry standard pricing.

How do I Start a Small Computer Repair Business?

While businesses rely heavily on computers, it is not cost-effective for a small business to have a computer technician on the payroll, according to the computer experts at IT World. Determine the best way to start a computer repair business, and then take advantage of a growing part of the service industry.

1. Gain experience, and a professional reputation, by working a job as a repair tech for an existing computer repair company. Offer to repair friends and family members computers as well. Encourage the people you do work for to mention what you do to others.

Working for another company not only helps you gain important repair experience, it also helps you to understand how to run a computer repair business. When you feel you are ready to open your own business, you can strike out on your own.

2. Analyze the competition in the area to find out what they are charging per hour. Base your per hour cost on what the competition is doing. Do not set a starting hourly rate or a special low rate to try and get new business, according to IT World.

When you charge a low rate to undercut your competition, you will have to work significantly more hours just to break even and your clients will expect that low rate permanently. Start with a rate that is in the same area as your competition to look and be competitive.

3. Use your experience in repairing computers to determine what kind of customer you would like to target. If you feel more comfortable with residential clients, then develop your business to cater that audience by offering evening and weekend hours. Commercial clients will require regular business hours, and you will need to have experience repairing networks as well.

4. Find a location for your business. You will want some sort of easily accessible store front where people can drop off and pick up equipment, where you can sell equipment for additional income and where clients can come and discuss business with you. Your business will look more professional if you invest in renting a store front space.

5. Create a promotional flier and business cards designed to reach your target audience. Begin distributing your fliers by going door-to-door to homes or businesses, asking permission to hand them out at civic functions or mail them to homes. Before going door-to-door, check with the city or town hall to see if you will need a solicitor’s permit.

What Tools Are Needed to Start a Computer Repair Business?

1. Screwdrivers (Non-magnetic)

The premium-quality non-magnetic screwdriver of assorted sizes is an indispensable tool to open the hardware components of a PC.

2. ATX Power Supply Tester

For the purpose of power supply, the ATX power supply tester is needed. It is also required for functional terminals that allow testing voltage using a voltmeter.

3. Multi-tester

This tool helps in testing voltage resistance and continuity to measure the power functions of the motherboard of the PC.

4. Cable testers

It helps in substituting cables and repairs the plug point or wires connected to the different parts of a computer.

5. POST Card

When you plug a wire into an explosion slot, there may be a change of short circuit sometimes. In that case, the POST card helps to diagnose the problem and prevent frets & accidents caused by a short circuit.

6. Data-recovery software

Loss of data is a software-related problem. You can solve this issue by the tool kit of data recovery that is used by computer repair technicians.

7. USB network adapter

A computer repair technician uses a USB network adapter toolkit to ease network access on PC via USB ports and solve the poor network connection issues.

How do I Learn to Fix Computers?

To be a computer repair technician requires at least a high school diploma. However, more employers are now wanting to hire technicians that have a two-year Associate Degree in Computer Hardware Technology from an accredited college, or a diploma from a technical institute.

To work in many shops or organizations, a technician will also require an A+ certification. The A+ certification is an internationally accepted certificate awarded by the Computer Technology Industry Association or CompTIA.

Having an A+ certification shows that the computer repair technician has competency in troubleshooting, preventative maintenance, installation, networking, and security aspects of the computers they service.

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Considering the points above can significantly improve your chances of getting a computer repair business off the ground and on the road to being successful.

The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is the quality of service you provide. In this day and age, excellent customer service can be the difference between a business thriving and a business failing.

Make it a priority to take good care of your customers, providing the best service you possibly can. Become friends with your customers in the way you act and treat them. It can go a long way towards building your business and earning repeat and referral business.

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