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Create an online income source has been made easy with the help of the internet, and since 2021 is fast approaching, now is the time to get prepared to make money in the coming year.

Most people have to trade time for money. When you have to do something in order to receive income, you’re actively involved in how you make your money. That is why some person work hard to create passive income.

The different income sources for you to make money with in 2021 will be discussed in this article. Let’s get into it.

  • How can I Make Money in 2021?
  • What is the Best Source of Online Income?
  • How can I make Money Secretly?
  • How can I make Money While I Sleep?
  • How can I get rich Overnight?

How can I Make Money in 2021?

If you want to make money in 2021, we have a few great online income ideas for you. Below is a list of 10 ways to make money online, passively and easily. Despite the great variety, you probably already heard about some of them before. Go through them all and choose the methods that are best for you.

Read Also: What are some Realistic Ways to Get Money Online?

1. Start making YouTube videos

Making videos for YouTube is a fast-growing sport. Nowadays, you can film from anywhere with high-quality cameras even on your phone. And the videos you make can really be about anything. Think of makeup, sports, crypto, and someone’s daily life (vlogging or keeping an internet diary).

The possibilities are endless!

You will spend a lot of time making videos, especially when they are still subject to editing. When finished, however, they can create passive income online for a long time. You will earn with “Google Adsense” ads that are displayed on your videos.

You get paid every time someone looks at or clicks on this ad. The price per view is low, we are not talking about crazy money here, but if you have many views, it is becoming a bigger stream of income, especially when you create content daily.

Big Youtube stars, whose videos get hundreds of thousands of views every day, are making a full-time income just from Youtube.

2. Create a website for affiliate marketing

Another very interesting way, especially for people with an existing blog or website: is affiliate marketing. You can use this to place links on your blog that promote products. For example, you will receive a fixed amount or percentage of the sale for every order placed via your link. Do you have many visitors who are interested in certain products or services? Then you can certainly build a nice passive income with affiliate marketing!

There are numerous platforms where you can find companies that do affiliate marketing. They want to sell something, preferably through as many channels as possible. If your website has enough visitors, those companies are eager to do business with you. However, you can also start a very targeted micro niche website that will generate revenue with even smaller traffic.

The best way is to create a website or blog is to choose a topic you are passionate about, and promote products or services that are relevant to this niche. That increases your conversion rates!

3. Sell ​​your photos on the internet

Do you like photography? If so, you may be able to generate a nice source of passive income with your photos. You can post photos taken on so-called stock photo websites, such as Shutterstock or iStockphoto. This way, you will receive a fixed amount or percentage for every customer who buys your photos through that website.

If you make a nice portfolio, you can earn a great deal of money through it. Posting your photos is not difficult. The complete process is fully automatic. And the great thing is… every photo you take can be sold again and again and generate compound revenue. Ideal, right?

Keep in mind that your photos have to be really good and high quality. It is smart to look at what is already in high demand. So make them slightly with a commercial slant; this works best 9 times out of 10!

4. Write an e-book

Writing an e-book seems like a lot of work at first… and it is! But once completed, it can be a fruitful source of income. Your book can be sold via your own website, but also, e.g., via Amazon or ClickBank. This way, you reach a broad audience in one go, but make sure that your e-book is worth reading.

You can write about anything, but you must know a lot about the subject. Give the reader a lot of useful information, use the right words, make it exciting and easy to read. Have you ever run into a problem that no one is writing about yet? Then you might have a gold mine in your hands.

Even with 1 good book, you can earn a nice passive income for a long time… because the sales could be unlimited!

5. Sell your own products

Creating your own products can be considered a very broad topic, where you can sell just about anything. You can make your own products or have them produced cheaply in countries such as China.

You will have to build your own website for this, where customers can order the products. Another way is to place products on Amazon, which increases the chance of even more sales.

When you sell your own products, you have higher profit margins, more freedom, possibly more market dominance, and many sales opportunities. This way, you can quickly make more sales via large platforms (such as Amazon). They can even arrange the complete handling of your orders, leaving you more time for marketing and creativity.

Regardless of the time you put in, this is a great source of a passive income!

6. Adopt a blog that already exists

Are you able to get an existing blog for a good price? Then you can also earn a very nice passive income with this blog. Blogs are being created all the time, but not all of these blogs are used to their full potential.

So make smart use of this idea.

You can do this with Google Adsense and affiliate marketing. Blogs with a lot of authority and monthly traffic are ideal for this. In financial terms, you should keep about 24 times the monthly income of the blog’s price. If the income is $300 per month (preferably consistent for several years), then you have a price of $7200. It is, of course, better if you can manage for less.

Pay attention to whether it is really a nice blog, or whether the owner wants to get rid of it for another reason. Savvy affiliate marketers make $10k from their websites, so there is definitely some room for making money!

7. Start an e-shop

Starting an e-shop is also a good idea, where your own products are not necessarily required. Starting an e-shop in a niche where your passion lies – makes it more fun and profitable. You can start small… and when everything goes well, expand your range with more related products.

You have to do a lot of work for it, but you will generate more and more passive income.

However, don’t want to be occupied with your eshop, all the time? Then you can automate a number of processes. For example, you can opt for dropshipping, where products go directly from the manufacturer or wholesaler to your customers. You can also place the storage of products at Amazon or ShareASale and have the complete fulfillment arranged by these parties. This saves you time, and you also get a lot of “exposure” for your products.

Plenty of features that may take some time in the beginning, will create passive income online later on autopilot!

8. Create an app

You can also start building an app. Yes, I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s not THAT hard. You have to ask yourself a number of questions.

  • What do you want your app to do?
  • How do you make the app attractive to users?
  • What problem do you solve with it?
  • How do users’ lives become simpler with your app?
  • And how are you going to market your app?

Of course, many developers want to release an app, so really stand out.

It starts with a good idea, but then you also have to spend time developing it. Your app can be complex, but also super simple. Think of some games that literally don’t make sense, but have a great playtime. With the addition of advertisements, you can earn a lot of passive income with apps.

You can buy under-developed apps for a very low price, which will add up with massive use. This way, you can earn money for years with 1 made app.

9. Develop an online course

Everyone is an expert at something, so why not create an online course for this? It can be a great source of a passive income!

You can approach this in different ways. For example, there are websites like Udemy.com, with millions of students looking for new online courses every day. You can also post your online course on many other websites, including Amazon, of course. There are plenty of sales channels where you can sell an online course, just use Google to find what suits best.

Now it is important to make an excellent online course. If you post your online course on international platforms, you will have to make it in English. The use of video lessons, checklists, small e-books for support, images, and, for example, an audio version to reinforce your content.

Also, make 3 different packages with corresponding price categories. This way, you reach every customer, so that you take full advantage of the customers’ volume and earn more.

10. Invest in real estate through crowdfunding

Investing in real estate is a very profitable way to create passive income on the internet. However, buying a house or apartment is not really cheap. You will therefore need to have equity capital or borrow it from the bank.

But there are also ways to do it differently. For example, you can invest in real estate through crowdfunding. You don’t have to put in a large amount right away, and you can start with a few hundred euros.

For example, if you look at the Fundrise.com website, you will see that around 8.7 to 12.4% interest can be earned with this. You do not have a guarantee for a fixed percentage, but you will earn extra money anyway.

What is the Best Source of Online Income?

More and more people are looking for ways to earn money online. Some are turning to side hustles to make a little extra money, while others are creating internet businesses that become their full-time job.

Let’s take a look at seven ways to make money online that can take up a little or a lot of your time. Think of these options as supplemental sources of income, most of which have the potential to be a whole lot more.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a low-cost and relatively easy way to make money online. You don’t need to have any of your own products or services to sell; affiliate marketing gives you a chance to earn commissions from large companies.

You promote the products or services of a company on your website/blog or social media account, providing links to the company’s offerings. These affiliate tracking links ensure you get the credit for having delivered a paying customer to the company’s website, and you get a percentage of the sale as your reward.

The main work involved in affiliate marketing is giving people a reason to visit your website/blog—or Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media account—and building up a large group of visitors and followers.

To do that, you should provide content that is likely to attract people who are interested in purchasing the thing you’re trying to get people to buy. For example, you might write and make videos about consumer electronics products—how to use them and/or which ones are the best—in a way that’s optimized for search engines.

2. Start Your Own E-Commerce Website

A related way to make money online—but that perhaps requires a bit more work on your part—is with an e-commerce website. You would sell products from your website, either your own that you create or commercially available ones.

If you choose the latter route, the most common and hassle-free way to fulfill orders is via dropshipping. You get the customers and take their orders, but a third-party company warehouses and ships the products for you.

If you make your own products, you might want to start out selling them on both an established platform, like Etsy, and your own site. After you build up a base of customers, you could ultimately cut out that middleman.

You can further monetize your e-commerce website by hosting ads, such as with Google AdSense.

3. Online Publishing

Regardless of your current occupation, publishing nonfiction e-books is a good way to help establish yourself as authority in your field while making passive income. Once you’ve written and published the book, you don’t have to actively do anything to take in revenue from it.

Alternatively, if you’ve written a novel that needs to be read—especially in a popular genre like romance, science fiction, fantasy, or mystery—publishing it as an e-book has the potential to get thousands of eyes on it.

You can sell e-books on platforms like Amazon.com. If you are able to make a name for yourself as an author, you can begin selling e-books directly from your own website and increase your profits.

Consumers of self-published e-books expect a quality experience that’s on par with the offerings of a traditional publisher. If you don’t have all the skills to ensure a polished final product, you might consider hiring a copy editor to fine-tune your writing and a designer to create an enticing cover.

And if you’re having trouble transforming your ideas into paragraphs and chapters of prose, you could hire a developmental editor to help you with that beginning part of the process.

4. Take Online Surveys

Taking online surveys is an easy way to earn a little extra cash or prizes such as gift cards. Market research firms (MRFs) are behind many online survey sites, including American Consumer Opinion, which is owned by Decision Analyst. You can also sign up to take surveys using aggregators like IdeaShifters or Swagbucks, which partner with many different corporations and MRFs.

You shouldn’t expect to make more than a dollar or so per survey. And you will most likely have to provide a good deal of information about yourself before you can take the first one.

When looking for survey-taking opportunities, stick with companies that have a proven track record of paying for survey responses and that are not scams designed to get your personal info. You should also keep in mind that you may not be eligible to take certain surveys because you don’t match the demographics the company is looking for. You may be too old or too young, for example.

5. Online Freelancing

If you have a specific skill-based service you can carry out remotely, such as IT services, copyediting, or graphic design, you can offer it as an online freelancer. If you are able to find and accept enough gigs, you could become a full-time freelancer in your field. Or you could take on occasional assignments to supplement the income from your main job.

You can find gigs using freelance-specific websites such as Freelancer and Upwork, as well as big job sites like Indeed. You should also consider joining an organization specifically for freelancers in your area of specialty. Such groups often let you post online information about yourself and the specific skills you can provide, and they may send out email alerts or have a jobs board with contact information for those seeking freelance help.

A site like Meetup may be a good place to begin finding others who share your interests and skill sets.

6. Coach Online

Life coaching is another promising online career option, particularly if you have solid communication skills and a desire to help others succeed in their personal or professional life. Many people need a nudge to get them past a mental roadblock that’s standing in the way of personal happiness or career confidence. As an online coach, you can offer advice to help them change their mindset and improve their lives.

One of the hardest things about becoming a life coach is finding a client base. When you’re just starting out, you might try advertising online and offering to speak to community groups.

Having a professional certification can make you a more credible choice when someone is seeking a coach. And offering the testimonials of previous clients on your website also makes you a more attractive candidate.

7. Offer Online Courses

Like e-books, online courses generate passive income after you’ve created them and made them available online. If you have a knack for teaching and a set of skills you would like to share with others, consider creating online courses as a way of making additional money.

The primary website where you could post your courses—and get paid for them—is Udemy. But as with the other online businesses, if you are able to establish a reputation, you might have success in offering your courses through your own site.

In addition to knowledge in a particular subject area, you will need to have an engaging presence in your videos. If you can’t retain potential students’ attention, they won’t come back for more classes.

How can I make Money Secretly?

When you start out seeking to increase your wealth, you may find yourself hoping to find the secret to making money. After all, it can seem so difficult; if it were easy, wouldn’t everyone do it?

These secrets are simple, but the principles behind them will serve to guide your decision-making on your path to financial freedom. Learn how to make money and the mindset necessary for your success.

Know This Formula

When it comes down to it, the money you make can be expressed in a simple formula: Revenue minus expenses equals profit. To make more money, you must either increase your revenue, decrease your expenses, or both. It really is that simple.

To increase your pay, you could go to law school or medical school to get a higher-paying job. Your future career will help you earn more money. But the tradeoff is the many years of schooling you’ll need to complete, plus the student loan debt required to pay for it. Such careers can require long hours in the office, too. But if you’re after a higher income, you may find it worth it.

You can also increase your revenue by investing in a business, whether it’s your own or someone else’s. Investing in your own business may require an outlay of capital at the beginning, which can make it feel like you’re going backwards—paying out money instead of raking it in.

Investing in another business through buying stock leaves you vulnerable to the management of that company and the value of the stock, two tradeoffs over which you have little to no control.

However, the investment could pay off handsomely in the end.

Control Your Risk

A part of making money is ensuring you lose as little as possible.

You should never be willing to take on wipe-out risk just for the chance of making money. For example, don’t start speculating with options in the hopes of striking it rich, because the risk is too great that you could lose everything.

Instead, try the Berkshire Hathaway model of generating wealth, where you invest in yourself, and then use the proceeds from that investment to buy other securities, which (ideally) then appreciate in value. The famed investor Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, used this method when he invested in his own operating businesses, then used the cash generated from those efforts to invest in marketable securities such as stocks and bonds.

Create Passive Income

Think of each dollar as a potential employee that could earn more dollars for you if you protected them and put them to work. At some point, your workers—that is, your dollars—would be earning enough for you to live off the passive income generated.

Investing is one such method of passive income: you put a few dollars to work by purchasing securities, then let the value of those investments grow over time. Stocks that pay dividends will reward you even as you sleep.

When investing, let compounding do all of the heavy lifting. With compound interest, the interest you earn is added to your principal and reinvested, growing your money much faster. As an illustration, consider an 18-year-old saving $500 per month throughout their career.

They could retire at 65 with about $2 million in wealth if invested at a 7% rate of return. Add another decade of saving, and the fortune grows to about $4 million—all thanks to compound interest.

Be Honest With Yourself

In a 1982 speech to the British Parliament during an international visit, then-President Ronald Reagan said, “If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly.” Although Reagan was discussing political science at the time, the same is true in finance. The first step to making progress is to confront reality, face it boldly, and recognize the situation in which you find yourself. Only then can you develop a plan to improve your life.

Sometimes, investors delude themselves into thinking that their financial situation isn’t as bad as it really is. Other times, they delude themselves into thinking they can ignore their retirement and spend today’s cash, then make up for it later—but they rarely do. Better to face reality as it is, and not as you wish it were.

In short, making money and building wealth is easy if you stay the course, keep costs low, and put your cash to work in good investments for long periods of time.

How can I make Money While I Sleep?

Now more than ever, people are looking for new ways to make money 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without the need to remain stationed at a desk. But, these new passive ways of earning money do require you to invest a small amount of time automating your work processes. Let me take you through the process.

There are thousands of ways you can make money on the side nowadays. As long as you have an internet connection and a computer or mobile device, your opportunities are endless. Examples of new jobs you could consider for your side hustle include:

  • Blogging
  • Teaching online
  • Creating ebooks
  • Building and flipping websites

While the opportunities for online work are endless, automating them can be more challenging. Although working online will allow you to work from anywhere, it would also be nice to have so spare time on your hands, am I right? If you have found work you enjoy but want to take it a step further by generating income while you sleep, check out my top 10 secrets.

1. Automate marketing, sales and customer care chatbots.

While you may have already delegated some of your marketing, sales and customer care duties to team members, or even automated them with tools such as Hootsuite, there is an easier way to take the time and monetary load off your shoulders.

Chatbots have become extremely popular recently because the technology powering them has evolved dramatically. Today, creating an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot is a piece of cake, and thanks to chatbot-building platforms, you don’t even need any coding knowledge.

You can create a chatbot that:

  • Can take orders and answer customer queries from Facebook Messenger, comments, and posts
  • Integrates with all the major payment platforms
  • Is available 24/7 to answer customers from across the world
  • Can push personalized promotions, offers, and deals, on-demand

2. Promote yourself as a brand

Whether you have already found success or are still on the path to finding it, you should look at ways in which you can promote yourself as a brand. Of course, your chatbot will help with minor marketing tasks, but you need to promote yourself in a way that makes others aware that you are a trustworthy, reputable, and a reliable authority figure in your industry.

To achieve this, create informational products, such as books, videos, and online magazines for your audience. Once you’ve put in hours creating these pieces, the next step is simply to market them and watch the money roll in.

3. Simplify your outputs

You can’t do everything, especially if you want to automate the operational aspects of your business. To get everything done to the best of your ability, you need to simplify your outputs. To do this, hone in on what you are offering.

Instead of offering a huge variety of products and services to your audience, focus on a maximum of five that you do perfectly and grow from there. Take Starbucks, for example. The brand offers coffee, sweets, and some fast food. The simplicity by which it operates is a key reason why it’s able to expand its offerings on a global scale.

4. Sell at a flat rate

Selling your products and services at various rates is complicated and not efficient. Aside from the fact that you probably have clients big and small, from across the world, it can make your invoicing system messy. Create a company that offers specific services at a flat rate and allow customers to buy these subscriptions and packages directly from your website. You’ll make more direct sales and your customers will automatically be more invested in you.

Create a company that offers specific services at a flat rate and allow customers to buy these subscriptions and packages directly from your website. You’ll make more direct sales and your customers will automatically be more invested in you.

5. Create a product or service that never goes out of fashion

You need to create a business that either offers a product or service that many people need now or better yet, one that won’t go out of fashion. When it comes to products, think of one that can be created cheaply and that requires refills to function.

With this, you’ll not only make huge amounts of money selling the original product, but you will receive a steady stream of revenue from the individual refills. Think about a printer, for example; you can now buy one at a very reasonable price, but to use it, you will always need ink. Printers are the product and ink cartridges are the refills.

6. Become an affiliate

There are a number of ways you can make money without really doing much. For example, you could become an Amazon affiliate. If Amazon makes a sale that comes from the link on your website, you make a profit. Simple. If you have the right following, you could find affiliate marketing extremely profitable.

7. Teach others

By teaching others, I don’t mean switching careers altogether to teach math in a primary school. I’m referring to taking an authoritative role in your field of work and teach entrepreneurs your methods. There are a number of ways you can teach others, some of which include:

  • Mentoring
  • Lecturing at a college or university
  • Writing a blog
  • Creating a book
  • Talking at events and conferences

8. Invest in other companies

An investment is, in simple terms, a way for your money to make more money. Although your lending needs to be calculated, you should invest some of your profits into other companies that fulfill other needs your customers may have. It’s a good way for you to make more money while establishing yourself as a figure that helps others and understands your audience’s desires.

9. Hire a team

As we mentioned before, you can’t do everything on your own. Simplifying your outputs is great, but you need to have the right team to back you up. You need a team that is reliable and diverse. Every area of your company needs to be covered by an expert in that field. You will need a marketing, sales, customer care, finance, and human resources guru, among others.

10. Optimize your efforts

Once every aspect of your company is up and running, you must evaluate, re-evaluate, and optimize them to ensure they are performing to the best of their ability. You wouldn’t write a blog post without proofreading and optimizing it; the same goes for the rest of your marketing, sales, finance, and other operations.

Automating your processes will help you organize yourself in a way that makes your operations efficient. By doing so, you will not only make money while you sleep, but you will also have more time to invest in other projects that can be automated in the same way, creating a money-making lifecycle that could eventually make you millions.

How can I get rich Overnight?

We know you have been looking for this. The absolute, tell-tale, secret way to get rich overnight that no one has ever told you before! This is the Holy Grail of success and financial security, and we know and have known the secret for years and just have been holding it back.

Here are the 6 things you need to get rich overnight in today’s economy.

1. Have A Vision And Set Goals

To be honest, there is no real thing as overnight riches.

However, you can do behind-the-scenes work that leads to the outward appearance of getting rich overnight. One of the first steps to become rich overnight you need to do is have a vision and set goals.

 If your vision is to be independently wealthy within five years, you then have to take that and break it down into smaller time frames and goals, like a goal after one year, then after year two and so on. Then break that down even more by quarter or month, and have specific steps along the way.

For example, pay off your mortgage, pay off car debts, add no more debt, work extra hours, do a side job, etc. into your plan.

2. Don’t Quit And Be Focused

Work-life balance is often a common theme, but in reality, those who advocate it are not the types who go after getting rich. They just want to be comfortable.

If being “comfortable” is not enough for you, then you focus your energy and time on your goals and vision, and don’t allow yourself to get distracted by “balance.”

Developing good habits is essential if you want to get rich one day. Oh, and don’t believe those who say your goal is “impossible.” It’s only impossible because it’s not their goal. It’s yours. Own it.

3. Be An Entrepreneur

Find a way to monetize your best skill set and locate a market. You have higher potential to make money working for yourself than working for “The Man.”

If you have a salaried job, do your startup on the side until it makes a certain income that covers most of what you make in your regular job, and then quit the full-time job. During this time, plow all your earnings back into the business.

Don’t take a salary or use any of the income for living expenses. By reinvesting everything back into the business, you will grow faster and have a solid balance sheet.

This helps you to survive through lean years, which you will be certain to experience at some point. Finally, don’t go into an industry you know nothing about. If you have not been in the food-service business, don’t buy a Krispy Kreme franchise. Stick to what you know or a passion you have and turn that into money.

4. Reduce Your Lifestyle

It doesn’t need to be drastic, but take a look at areas in your budget where you could trim here and there.

The leaner your life can be, the more profit you can make in the end, or the longer your business can stay open if you lose money in the early months.

What are some simple ways to reduce your lifestyle?

  • Learn to meal plan to save time and money on groceries
  • Find ways to slash your cable bill
  • Use homemade cleaning products to clean your house

These are just a few ideas to get you started. There are many more simple things you can do to save money. For example, you can use Trim. This service will negotiate your bills on your behalf to save you money. And they are great at doing this.

Read Also: How to Make Money on the Side While Living in Japan

When it comes to cable, they reduce monthly bills 70% of the time and save users an average of $30 a month. If you stay lean when things get going, that will accelerate your progress to riches. Be lean in business too. Don’t buy new equipment until you have to and buy slightly used when possible. 

Don’t hire people until you are working far beyond 40 hours a week yourself. The longer you can do these things, the better off you will be.

5. Have An Online Presence

It’s one thing to sell yourself locally, but if you can sell your product or service potentially anywhere in the world, then why not get online? There are billions of people who surf the internet looking for a product, service, or advice.

Having a website and/or social media presence can expose you to potentially billions of customers instead of just a few thousand in your neighborhood.

And by using the power of search and social media, you can easily attract visitors to your site all day and all night long. The bottom line is in this digital age, a website is not an option, it is a requirement.

6. Hire Good People

When you get to a point where you just can’t do everything on your own and you need to hire help, customer service is highly important. Keep that in mind when you decide what kind of position to hire.

For example, are you kind of an introvert, not very good at sales? Then hire a salesperson while you do the accounting and much of the work. Are you great at what you do but don’t like the number-crunching and bookkeeping?

Hire an accountant or bookkeeper, so you can focus more on what you like to do. And go through a thorough vetting process. Whatever type of position you hire, you need to find a person who understands the customer and his or her needs or wants.

Meeting and exceeding the needs of customers and clients helps you get repeat business and referrals, and that will lead to success. But don’t overlook the fact that you have to interact with your new employee all the time too.

Workplace chemistry is important, but you don’t want someone who is not competent where you have to “clean up” after them when they don’t do their job. And sometimes it will take more than one interview to find the right candidate.

Be patient.

The time you spend on this is an investment, not an expense.


There are many ways to create online income in 2021.

Our advice is to focus on the serious ways with which you really build an online business. They do take you some time in the beginning. But you will earn (a lot of) money online quickly and for a longer period of time!

You will always have to do something for it, but when everything is running… you will be very happy with the results achieved.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.