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The retail industry in the UK and the world at large is changing at an unprecedented speed, and with it come big challenges and opportunities.

2019 had the slowest rate of spending growth since 2010, largely driven by Brexit uncertainty. The industry faced large-scale business restructuring: 85,000 jobs lost, a third of FTSE 350 CEOs changing, and 9,169 store closures.

Despite this, online sales continued to grow, reaching 21% of total sales. There was also a rise in activism, largely driven by millennials and Gen Z who are demanding their voices be heard.

These factors combined are going to have a huge impact on the UK’s economic growth, not just for the next year but for the decade ahead.

  • How does Retail Affect the Economy?
  • How much does Retail Contribute to the UK Economy?
  • Who is the UK’s Largest Retailer?
  • What is the Main Source of Income in UK?
  • How has the UK’s Economy Changed?
  • Causes of economic change in the UK
  • Why Retail Stores are Important?
  • What is the Most Popular Shop in the UK?

How does Retail Affect the Economy?

Retail sales are an important economic indicator because consumer spending drives much of our economy.

Think of all of the people and companies involved in producing, distributing, and selling the goods you use on a daily basis like food, clothes, fuel, and so on.

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When consumers open their pocket books, the economy tends to hum along. Retail shelves empty and orders are placed for replacement merchandise. Plants make more widgets and order raw material for even more.

However, if consumers feel uncertain about their financial future and decide to hold off buying new refrigerators or blue jeans, the economy slows down.

This is why politicians sometimes resort to tax rebates to give the economy a boost. By putting cash in consumers’ hands, they hope to spend their way out of a recession.

On the 12th of every month, the Census Bureau releases the Retail Sales Index, which is a measure of retail sales from the previous month as determined by a sampling of stores both large and small across the country.

Although subject to future revision, the market closely watches this number as an indicator of the nation’s economy.

The report actually lists two numbers. The first is Retail Sales and the second number is Retail Sales Ex-Auto or without automobile sales included.

The reason for the second index is that auto sales can skew the overall number because they are such big-ticket items and are also subject to seasonal fluctuations.

The number crunchers on Wall Street come to their own conclusions before the Census Bureau issues the report, and that number is usually close. However, if the “street consensus” and the actual report differ significantly, beware abrupt reactions from the market, as the one thing it does not like is a surprise.

How much does Retail Contribute to the UK Economy?

Here are our 10 key stats and facts about the UK retail sector.

1Total value of UK retail sales in 2019£394 Billion
2People employed in UK retail in 20192.9 million
3Proportion of consumer spending that goes through retail1/3
4Proportion of retail sales made online in 201919%
5Growth in UK retail sales in 20193.4%
6Total number of VAT-registered retailers in the UK in 2019208,760
7Total number of retail outlets in the UK in 2019306,655
8Amount retail generates of total GDP (GVA)5%
9Average annual growth of online retail sales in 201910%
10Online sales have risen three fold in the last 10 years324%
Source: ONS, Eurostat, Retail Economics

Who is the UK’s Largest Retailer?

The United Kingdom’s leading retailers were supermarket chains, with Tesco ranking at the very top based on its annual sales of approximately 39 billion British pounds for 2017/2018.

Together with Sainsbury’s, Asda, and Morrison, this quartet is often referred as “Big Four” in the UK grocery retail market. When combined, Big Four sales constitute more than 60 percent of the grocery market in the UK.

Department stores still relevant

Despite concerns around decreasing consumer interest, department stores such as John Lewis and Marks and Spencer continue to be the UK’s most successful retailers.

Both companies, which generated approximately 10 billion British pounds in the year 2017/2018 are hybrid businesses of grocery and clothing/general retail.

Similarly, both Marks and Spencer’s and John Lewis Partnership’s food segments currently deliver more revenue compared with the brand’s other retail operations.

Amazon in the UK retail scene

As displayed in the present statistic, in addition to UK’s homegrown retail companies, online players like Amazon are imprinting their influence on the landscape as well.

Amazon sales for the 2017/18 period placed the retailer in the top 10 ranking. Over the years, the global online retail monopoly’s UK sales rose exponentially, reaching about 14 billion U.S. dollars as of December 2018.

Leading 10 retailers based on sales in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018/19(in billion GBP)

Sales (excluding VAT) in billion GBP
John Lewis10.2
Marks and Spencer9.6

What is the Main Source of Income in UK?

With a gross domestic product (GDP) of $2.83 trillion in 2019 and a population of more than 66 million, the United Kingdom has the sixth-largest economy after the U.S., China, Japan, Germany, and India.

The U.K. is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its quality of life is generally considered high, and the economy is quite diversified.

The sectors that contribute most to the U.K.’s GDP are services, manufacturing, construction, and tourism. It has unique laws like the free asset ratio.

Sectors That Contribute to the Economy

According to the U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS), the services sector is the largest sector in the U.K., accounting for more than three-quarters of the GDP.

The service industry in the U.K. comprises many industries, including finance and business services, consumer-focused industries, such as retail, food and beverage, and entertainment. Manufacturing and production contribute less than 21% of the GDP, and agriculture contributes about 0.60%.

After posting steady growth in 2017, the U.K. manufacturing sector only grew by 0.4%, and construction output fell by 0.4% in 2018, according to The Blue Book: 2019 from the U.K. ONS.

The food products division is the largest within the U.K. manufacturing sector, showing a decrease in sales of £0.9 billion in 2019 over 2018.

Growth in the services industry increased by 2.1% in 2018, a strengthening from the growth seen in the previous two years. 

An overall slowdown in real household consumption that started in 2017 continued in 2018, however. This reduction was blamed in part on the uncertainty over Brexit and a declining housing market.

Tourism is another big money-maker for the U.K. In 2019, visitors who are residents of other countries spent £28.4 billion, or $35.9 billion on travel and tourism in the U.K., according to the ONS. 

Visits in June 2019, peak season for tourism, grew by 9% on a yearly basis. Overseas visitors spent £2.34 billion, 13% more than the previous year, according to Visit Britain.

Effect of Brexit on the U.K. Economy

The U.K.’s June 2016 decision to leave the European Union (EU), otherwise known as “Brexit” (short for British exit), is having a negative impact on its economy. 

Research from the Centre for European Reform reveals that the vote to leave the EU cost the U.K.’s public finances £17 billion for the year as of September 2018, or £145 million a week.

“Britain’s decision to leave the EU damaged growth, largely thanks to higher inflation and lower business investment. The U.K. missed out on a broad-based upturn in growth among advanced economies in 2017 and early 2018.

And the economic cost of the decision so far is sizeable, if not disastrous,” said deputy director John Springford.

The U.K.’s Office for Budget Responsibility, an independent watchdog, suggests that this has to do with several areas that have been affected by the uncertainty related to the Brexit negotiations.

They include declines in business investments, as well as the prospect of less access to foreign markets. This has spurred declines in the exchange rate that are raising inflation and reducing consumer income, and as a result, consumer income and spending are contributing less to economic growth.

In September 2018, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected economic growth for the U.K. of about 1.50% for 2018 and 2019, which is lower than the growth of about 1.75% that occurred in 2016 and 2017. 

The IMF noted that the driving factor for the slowdown is Brexit-related effects, which, as the Office for Budget Responsibility similarly noted, have depressed investment, income growth, and consumption.

How has the UK’s Economy Changed?

The industrial structure (the type of work people do) of the UK is always changing. In 1841, at the hight of the industrial revolution, there was a substantial change in the UK’s industrial structure, including:

  • jobs in the primary sector (fishing, agriculture and mining) were declining due to the increase in the use of machinery
  • jobs in the manufacturing industry increased as factories were built and urbanisation occurred

During the twentieth century, another significant change in the UK’s employment structure happened, including:

  • a decrease in the number of people working in manufacturing as mechanization (introduction of robots etc.) replaced jobs along with increased competition from abroad
  • the service sector increased dramatically due to the introduction of public services, the growth of financial services and an increase in leisure time and disposable income
  • since the 1980s the research and development sector has become increasingly important

You should be aware that industrial structures vary around the country, with some places specialising in different industries.

What Impact does Globalisation have on the UK Economy?

The UK economy, like all the others around the world, have been affected by globalisation. Business, ideas and lifestyles now spread rapidly across the globe due to improvements in travel, the introduction of the internet and the development of trading blocs such as the EU.

This has led to more businesses in the UK owned by companies based in other countries. In the same way, UK companies now own more businesses in other countries. For the UK economy to be prosperous, we need to be part of the global economy.

The main impacts of globalisation in the UK include:

  • Migration – Migrants fill jobs where there is a shortage of skilled workers in the UK, such as in healthcare and construction.
  • Less manufacturing – Fewer goods are manufactured in the UK because they can be imported more cheaply in countries such as China where wages are lower.
  • Inequality – The gap between the best-paid and lowest-paid jobs is increasing.
  • Outsourcing – jobs are outsourced to other countries where wages are lower, such as HSBC call centres to India.
  • Economic growth – in most cases, the UK economy increases by 1-2 percent each year. This is mainly down to trade with other countries, helping the country to become wealthier over time.
  • Foreign investment – foreign companies invest in the UK, bringing new ways of working and technology. This provides jobs and skills development to people living in the UK.
  • Cheaper goods and services – Wages and production have become more competitive, leading to lower-priced products and services.

The UK economy is undergoing many changes. As the UK approaches a post-industrial era, the country is looking to be economically and environmentally sustainable, with greater links to the wider world.

Causes of economic change in the UK

The UK is experiencing a period of economic change. This is happening as a result of several factors, including globalisation, government policies and deindustrialisation.


Globalisation describes the way in which the world has become more interconnected. Globalisation has led to an increase in world trade, foreign investment, communication between different countries and the sharing of ideas.

In the past, the UK economy was based on activities that took place within the country and within Commonwealth countries. The growth of globalisation has meant that the UK economy is now more dependent on other countries.

An example of this is the manufacturing industry. In the 1900s, 55% of the UK population worked in secondary jobs. The 2011 census showed that this figure had dropped to just 9%. Globalisation has allowed people to connect with other countries – it is possible to send orders abroad, locate factories abroad and get products shipped in to UK ports.

Government policies

The government manages the UK economy through the Treasury. Each year a budget is produced, which sets out things such as the minimum wage, spending on public services and levels of tax.

During the 1980s the UK was performing better than most other European countries. Several things helped this growth:

  • Many state-owned businesses in the UK were privatised, eg British Telecom and British Gas. They had been owned by the government, but they were sold to individuals or other companies. This made a lot of money for the government.
  • Markets were deregulated. This means that the government became less involved in running things and some companies had to find better ways to make a profit.
  • Lots of factories and coal pits were closed. The government said that they could no longer compete with foreign countries where wages are lower. This is when UK jobs first began to go overseas.
  • The service sector grew. Wages in the service sector are generally very good.

The UK economy continued to grow into the 1990s. The government had decided to keep taxes low so people had more money and could afford to buy more things.

In 2008, there was a global financial crisis and the UK entered a period of recession. Many of the UK’s banks, eg RBS and Lloyds Banking Group, were helped out using government money. This was very expensive for the country and the level of national debt grew.

Since 2010, a programme of austerity has been in place. The government has made spending cuts to save money and has carried out quantitative easing, which involves creating more money. There are attempts to improve productivity so that the UK can earn more money.

There are 24 Enterprise Zones across the UK, eg Birmingham and Manchester. These locations have incentives for businesses to locate themselves there, such as reduced taxes and relaxed planning rules.


The UK has experienced deindustrialisation. There has been a decrease in the amount of manufacturing taking place in the country and a growth in the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Traditional industries, such as ship building and textiles, have declined. This has happened for two main reasons:

  1. A global shift in manufacturing to new emerging economies (NEEs), where wages are lower, working hours are longer and trade unions are sometimes banned.
  2. An increase in the number of machines used to carry out work. This is called mechanisation.

Why Retail Stores are Important?

The retail industry has evolved over the past few decades and the customers have now become the prime focus. With the advent of omni-channel retailing, the entire ball-game for businesses has been about getting to the customer wherever they are and whenever they are available.

This has driven the necessity of creating and offering shopping experiences that can have a positive and long-lasting impact on the customers so that they do not move away from the brand.

The essential advantage of having a brick and mortar retail store is to introduce the products to customer in the context of an allowing them to experience the products and related services and then build on that experience and relationship in person so that it stays with them.

This will then foster loyalty and repeat business while also turning these loyal customers into brand ambassadors for the business.

Having a retail store is an opportunity for retailers to allow customers experience tangibility of the products and the services as well as leverage the human touch factor by having store associates to engage with the customers directly for assistance and promoting sales.

It is a matter of fact that people influence people and this is one major click that retailers can achieve to connect with their customers and build long-standing relationships.

What is the Most Popular Shop in the UK?

The Internet has forever changed the way we handle everyday activities – from ordering food and paying bills to banking and shopping. Gone are the days where you have to stand in endless lines to complete whatever menial transaction on  your To Do List for the day. Now, most of what needs doing can be accomplished with just a few clicks of a mouse.

That includes shopping for everything from clothing to groceries to furniture. Before online shopping, you were limited to the merchants in your neighborhood or your town. Now, you can shop stores from around the globe from the comfort of your living room!

The UK is home to many of the world’s top retail shops. If you’re shopping online, we can help you by accepting your purchases, consolidating them, and shipping them on to you. With so many stores to choose from, you will never run out of things to see, sample, and shop for. Of course, you aren’t limited to shopping online. You can use our BuyForMe service to shop in-store specials and offers.

Amazon UK

Amazon UK is, of course, one of the most popular online merchants in the UK. It is a global marketplace where you can purchase everything from high end electronics and designer clothes to hard to find and obscure items as well. Amazon UK often has free shipping deals and vouchers for various percentages off your purchase so be sure to look for those when you go.


Tesco is another household name that most UK’ers will recognize. They sell department store items, along with seasonal products, food, wine and groceries. They also have an “Offers” section and a “Clearance” section where you can find some of their better deals – so be sure to visit those two departments when you shop


Coming in third is another popular UK merchant that sells a wide variety of household and department store items. They offer free Click and Collect service at any of the many Argos locations around the UK, along with same day delivery service for only £3.95.

Marks and Spencer

M&S is a multi-national retailer of high end clothing and accessories, along with furniture, home décor and gourmet food items. They offer free delivery on orders over £50 as well as free Click and Collect service to any of their local stores.


Next is an in-house label of high end mens, womens and childrens clothing – along with housewares and accessories. While they have several stores all over the UK, Next is also an international merchant that is available to and ships to more than 70 countries globally. Be sure to check their “Clearance” section for great deals on discounted items.


Boots is a popular pharmacy chain with locations in the UK and Ireland. Boots pharmacies can be found in high street districts, airports and shopping centers across both countries. Along with prescription medicines, they do sell over the counter medicines, as well as perfumes, cosmetics and health and wellness items.


Homebase is a home improvement and garden center store that carries everything you need for those renovation or lawn projects. They offer a free Click and Collect service where you can pick up your in stock orders at any of the Homebase stores within one hour of purchase.


Matalan is an online retailer of fashion and accessories for men, women and children. They also stock a wide range of home décor items and furniture as well. Matalan provides free delivery on orders over £50 as well as next day delivery for just £4.95. Be sure to check their “Offers” section for the best deals on discounted items.


IWOOT is a cool little shop that specializes in geeky techy gifts and gadgets. You will find electronic items, apparel and toys. They usually have a 3 for £20 deal where you can land some pretty great bargains, along with sporadic free shipping offers as well.


Boohoo is an online retailer of trendy clothing for men, women and children. They also have a “Sale” section where you can find up to 75% off select items. Be sure to check out their delivery specials, with next day delivery starting at just £5.99 on some orders.


Wickes is another home improvement store where you can order products like flooring, paint, lumber, tools and appliances. Wickes also offers a free design service so you can consult with professionals before undertaking projects in the home. Be sure to sign up for the Wickes email list to have special offers and vouchers sent to your inbox as they become available.

JD Sports

JD Sports is the UK’s go-to merchant for trainers, athletic apparel and accessories. They carry popular fitness brands like Nike and Adidas and have a “Clearance” section where you can find some great deals on discounted products.

PC World

PC World is a retailer of computers, printers and other peripheral devices and accessories. They offer free next day delivery as well as free Click and Collect service at any of their 800 UK locations. Be sure to shop their Deal of The Day promo for instant savings on a different product each day.


Littlewoods is an online retailer of high end fashion designs for men and women, as well as fragrances, accessories, gifts, jewelry and more. They regularly have 40% or more off sales so be sure to look for those when you go. You can also find some great deals in the Littlewoods “Clearance” section as well.


Halfords is a UK retailer of cycling accessories, car parts, tools and related items. They offer free delivery on orders over £40 as well as free Click and Collect service to any of their retail locations. Be sure to sign up for their email list to have special offers and vouchers sent to your inbox as they become available.

John Lewis

John Lewis offers a wide range of products for home, garden and life. John Lewis also has a wide range of toys and gift items as well. They offer a free Click and Collect service on orders over £30 and free home delivery on orders over £50.


DIY is another UK home improvement store where you can find power tools, building supplies and outdoor necessities all in one location. They offer a free Click and Collect service 7 days a week at any of their retail locations as well as free home delivery on purchases over £50.

SportsDirect UK

SportsDirect UK is a popular retailer of sporting apparel and accessories. They have clothing and shoes for men, women and children – along with a wide range of products for nearly every sport and outdoor activity imaginable. Be sure to shop their “Deals” section to find the best prices on featured products.


Debenhams is well known for its collection of designer clothing and accessories for men, women and children. Debenhams also carries perfumes and cosmetics from many high end manufacturers as well as furniture, gifts and items for the home. Be sure to sign up for their email list to have special deals sent to your inbox as they become available.


H&M specializes in expensive-looking clothing at discounted prices. You will find the latest trends in everything from evening wear to street wear at H&M, along with some adorable fashions for kids. H&M offers free shipping on orders over £50 and they have a pretty great “Sale” section as well.


HMV is a cool shop for movies and movie memorabilia. They have a 3 for £20 deal all the time, plus some sporadic special offers as well. HMV also stocks movie-related apparel and gifts for nearly any genre of film you can think of.


AE is a popular clothing brand for teens and young adults. They offer free shipping on many items all the time, plus they have a Rewards Program where you can earn points toward vouchers on future purchases every time you shop. Be sure to sign up for their email list to have additional vouchers sent to your inbox as they become available.

River Island

River Island is another popular clothing shop with fashionable apparel for men, women and kids. They offer free express shipping on orders over £100 plus delivery on all additional orders for just £1. Sign up for their email list to have special offers sent to your inbox as they become available.

The Body Shop

The Body Shop is  the perfect place to find skincare products, cosmetics and perfume. They have products to keep you young, beautiful and glamorous – no matter the season. The Body Shop also offers free shipping on any order over £25.


Everyone is familiar with the luxury department store Harrods. The good news is – you can now shop all their fabulous designer products online. Harrods often has pop up coupon codes and offers that appear on the site, so be sure to look for those when you shop.


Jessops is a retailer of professional-grade photography equipment such as cameras, tripods, lenses and more. They also have used products for sale, which are just as great as new ones, but can cost a fraction of the retail price. Jessops offers free delivery on orders over £50 all the time.

House of Fraser

House of Fraser has a long history in the UK, dating back to 1849. They sell apparel and gifts, as well as shoes, luggage and household items. House of Fraser usually has a free shipping offer on purchases of a select amount so be sure to look for that when you go.


Screwfix is another UK home improvement store that stocks all the things you need for those home repair and renovation projects. They offer a free Click and Collect service within just minutes of placing your order, along with free home delivery on orders over £50.

New Look

New Look is a popular fashion retailer with apparel for men, women and children. They offer high end designs for all occasions and even have a plus size section as well. New Look offers 30% off your first order, if you sign up for their email list as well as 20% off for university students during weekly Uni Days sales.


Ace sells thousands of products at up to 70% off retail prices – and their inventory includes everything from clothing and gifts to electronics. Most of their products can be personalized, which is great for those looking for that one special gift. Ace also has a “Clearance” section where you can find deep discounts on discontinued items.

Any Toys

Any Toys is an online retailer of all things anime. They have toys, collectibles, books and more – all with a fun, colorful anime theme. Be sure to check out their “Under £10” section for rock bottom prices on select products.

Ebay UK

Most everyone has heard of or shopped at Ebay UK – the global online marketplace and auction house of millions of products. While big box merchants and popular brands sell their items on Ebay, private sellers do as well, which means you can find some great deals on whatever you are looking for. Ebay is also a super place to go for obscure items that may not be available on the regular market anymore.

The Garden

The Garden is an online pharmacy and perfumery where you can find a wide range of high end cosmetics, fragrances and health and wellness items. They also offer lots of gift suggestions as well, along with baby care items, mens products and an entire section of totally free gifts! The Garden also provides a free gift wrap service and free delivery on orders over £50.

Appliances Direct

Appliances Direct is an online retailer of home appliances. Refrigerators, stoves, wall ovens, microwaves – whichever appliance you’re looking for, you can find it at Appliances Direct. Be sure to check out their sale offers on the home page for the best deals on a variety of products.

Laptops Direct

Laptops Direct is a division of Appliances Direct. They have a large inventory of laptop computers, both new and used – along with accessories and peripherals to outfit them. Some of their refurbished products work just as well as the new ones, but are up to 60% cheaper than retail prices so be sure to check those out when you visit.

Furniture 123

Furniture 123 is an online retailer of home furnishings. They have furniture for every room in your home, along with garden and office furniture. Furniture 123 also offers free delivery on all UK mainland orders and £20 off an order of £100 using the voucher code on the website.

Electrical Discount UK

Electrical Discount UK is another online retailer of home appliances. They have great deals all the time on a wide range of products and they offer free delivery on all purchases. Be sure to check out their “Clearance” section for big discounts on discontinued items.

Gentlemen’s Tonic

Gentlemen’s Tonic is a division of Mayfair and is an online retailer of men’s skincare products. They have lotions, aftershave and cologne – along with gift sets of various products. Gentlemen’s Tonic offers free delivery on orders over £50.


Foyles is an online bookseller featuring titles for all genres. Foyles also sells gifts and themed memorabilia for lovers of certain and specific series. They also have signed copies of popular and obscure titles for book collectors as well. Some of their titles are discounted randomly so be sure to look for these discounts when you shop.

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is a retailer of handcrafted fine jewelry. They allow you to create and customize every piece, down to the setting, style and finish of your jewelry. Blue Nile offers a free consultant service to help you choose your options as well as free, secure delivery on every purchase.

Alex and Alexa

Alex and Alexa is an online retailer of designer children’s clothes. They also offer upscale shoes, toys and accessories for children of all ages as well. Alex and Alexa provides free delivery on orders over £50 and they also have a “Sale” section where you can find discounted pricing on some of your favorite kid designs.

I Just Love It

I Just Love It is an online retailer of personalized gifts for recipients of all ages – and that’s exactly what they will say when they receive them! You can choose from personalized books, engraved picture frames and more. Be sure to check their “Offers” section to save up to 66% off discounted items.


Prezzybox is another great place to shop for unique and hard to find gifts for any occasion. From electronics and apparel to kitchen gadgets and things for the home – Prezzybox has it. Be sure to sign up for the Prezzybox email list to have special offers sent to your inbox as they become available.


If you are looking to indulge yourself in couture fashions, Browns is the place to go. You will find upscale clothing and accessories from some of the world’s most famous designers – including Dolce & Gabana and Gucci. Browns sometimes has free shipping offers on purchases of select amounts so be sure to look for those when you shop.

Brown Bag

If you are a guy who likes brand name designer clothing, but may not have the budget to afford it, Brown Bag is the place to go. They offer apparel from world famous designers – including Armani, Burberry and Prada – at prices up to 45% off regular retail price. They also offer free next day delivery on orders over £100.

The Drink Shop

If you would rather buy your spirits online than go out to the store to make the purchase, The Drink Shop is the place to go. Along with your favorite spirits and wine, The Drink Shop also offers handy information via their blog about how to pair your favorite wine with foods and various drink recipes as well.

Mesh Computers

Mesh Computers is an online retailer of desktop, laptop and tablet computers. They have computer systems for all needs and budgets – from high end gaming computers to simple machines for online browsing. Mesh Computers also has a “Build Your Own” service that allows you to build your dream machine from scratch. They also offer free delivery on all desktop computers as well.

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Novatech is another online retailer of computers and peripherals that allows you to build your own machine. They also stock a wide range of pre-built machines for every budget. Novatech provides free delivery on orders over £50 as well as free lifetime support for every product they sell, which can really come in handy. Be sure to check out their “Deals” section for discounted pricing on featured products.


Figleaves is a popular retailer of lingerie and sleepwear for men and women. They also have a “Clearance” section where you can find great deals on discontinued products all the time. Be sure to sign up for the Figleaves email list to receive a voucher good for 10% off your first purchase.


This list would not be complete without mentioning a merchant where you can buy your groceries online and save yourself the hassle of fighting market crowds. Ocado offers a complete inventory of grocery, freezer and butcher items – along with other grocery store fare, including paper products, toiletries and baby care essentials.

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MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.