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The idea of making profit on your computer while you sleep will surely interest a lot of people. But many do not believe it’s actually possible. With proper research and the necessary information, you can actually make money while you sleep.

To help achieve this, there are different businesses and opportunities online that can earn you profit while you sleep. One of such is OTOY, and they do this by leasing your Idle computer. Who is OTOY, how does this work and how can you make profit while you sleep? Read on to get answers to these questions.

  • Who is OTOY
  • How to Make Money While You Sleep With OTOY
  • How to Make Money From Your Computer Power
  • Websites to Earn From
  • Is it OK to Leave your Computer on 24 7?
  • How Long can you Leave your PC Running?
  • How do you Make Money Idle?
  • How do Free Software Make Money?
  • How can I Make Legit Money for Free?
  • Can I Create my own Software?
  • Which App is Best for Online Earning?
  • Ougos Browser
  • Ougos Browser make money
  • What is Render Token?
  • Where Can I Buy RNDR?
  • RNDR Mining
  • RNDR CoinMarketCap
  • How to Earn With Ougos Browser
  • OTOY Blockchain
  • Loadteam
  • Where Can I Get Render Token Wallet?
  • How Can I Make Money by Leaving my Computer on?
  • What is The Best Way to Make Money While You Sleep?
  • How Can Kids Make Money on The Computer?
  • What to do With Idle Computer
  • Make Passive Income With Computer
  • Rent Computational Power
  • How to Get Your Computer Make Money For You
  • Sell Computing Power to Amazon

Who is OTOY

OTOY is a hybrid cloud solution that provides server rendering services for online gaming, interactive media and high-definition content by combining the hardware and software solution stack.

OTOY enables server-side rendering services by transferring resource-intensive processing tasks to a remote cloud server and delivering the rich media content to end users over the Internet. OTOY was designed to allow low-end computing devices to experience high-quality graphical, animated, audio and video content without any hardware upgrades.

Read Also: Using Computer Repair Services to Make Money

OTOY primarily delivers cloud streaming services of rich media content that typically requires powerful processing and graphical hardware to operate efficiently. OTOY uses its Open Streaming Initiative server platform, which executes on top of the AMD Fusion Render Cloud (FRC) server platform.

OTOY stores the required data on the hardware server platform and streams it in real-time to a multitude of end devices such as desktops, smart phones and tablets over the Internet. This data can be accessed over any compatible Web browser.

The privately owned Otoy was founded in 2008 by Urbach, Alissa Grainger (Co-Founder & President) and Malcolm Taylor (Co-Founder & CTO). Since then, Otoy has grown to over 60 employees across four offices with headquarters in Downtown Los Angeles, CA.

The company’s investors include Autodesk and Yuri Milner’s Digital Sky Technologies (DST), and it boasts about a board of powerful advisers from Eric Schmidt of Google, to superagent Ari Emanuel of WME-IMG. The company declined to talk about other investors or its finances.

How to Make Money While You Sleep With OTOY

Otoy announced sometime ago, the opening of RNDR, a crowdsourced cloud based on blockchain, to the public. RNDR will reduce the costs of producing games and movies while putting Ethereum-based cryptocurrency in the wallets of those who lend the network their idle computer.

RNDR’s peer to peer platform now enables the entertainment and games industry to drastically reduce the cost of creating those incredible, realistic scenes in shows like Westworld. An individual could theoretically make several hundred dollars a month.

You’ve probably never heard of Otoy because it works quietly in the background, helping to turn the work of artists, captured as code, into 60 frames per second of high-resolution 2D or 3D images through a process called “rendering”.

Otoy adds a proprietary “secret sauce” of AI and machine learning to make the process faster and cheaper while eliminating “noise” or mistakes that sometimes mar the output. “Between AI rendering and de-noising and an ability to move objects around dynamically, we’re approaching being able to have full passive movies built with game engines,” Otoy’s co-founder and CEO Jules Urbach told Venturebeat in an interview at the Games Developer Summit in April.

This growth in demand for rendering services poses a problem referred to as “the GPU Cloud Gap”. An increasingly large amount of market segments are competing for limited resources, and this drives the price up.

Centralized data centers that provide the necessary hardware (like Amazon Web Services) have been unable to expand fast enough to meet the demand and match competitive pricing.

The Otoy team has been thinking about ways to harness the countless millions of idle GPUs around the world to create a distributed, secure peer-to-peer network for years.

When the Ethereum blockchain came along with decentralized security and currency needed for anonymous buyers and sellers, they were finally able to take what producers are already doing and making it better, cheaper, faster while generating substantial recurring revenue.

Otoy maintains the underlying network, and RNDR users and content creators connect to each other within the system buying or selling computing power with Ethereum based “render tokens”.

Once a rendering job begins, a creator’s payment of RNDR tokens will be held in escrow until the job is completed. Throughout the rendering process, users can watch the status of a job and updates of the render, such as scene previews, or maximize the preview mode to see better details in the image.

As the job progresses, RNDR token usage increases, and once the job is complete, frames can be downloaded and the token transfer occurs. “Customers are getting back their work and not knowing if Amazon did it or the decentralized nodes did it,” Urbach said.

Don’t spend that Ethereum you’re going to mint by lending your PC to RNDR just yet. RNDR uses a node matching and prioritizing protocol that searches for available rendering power. Depending on the circumstance you may not qualify for a job.

The opening of RNDR to the public launched what the company called Phase II of its development. Kalin Stoyanchev, Head of Blockchain/Project Lead of RNDR said, “Currently less than 1% of the world’s GPU power is accessible to creators.

By harnessing the wasted, idle computing power of millions, with no expense in terms of hardware, we will have access to much more computing power, at a more affordable cost to creators, with the utmost security of their digital assets ownership.”

“RNDR’s next phase of development [Phase III] will be devoted to expanding its global partnerships and growing the platform to reach rendering-streaming through smart contracts and blockchain technology,” said Urbach.

“Otoy is seeding the network with the key relationships we have in the industry, principally the major studios that use our technology and to more than ten million developers that use Unity and Unreal Engine.”

Those interested in making money while they sleep can log on to RNDR at https://rendertoken.com

How to Make Money From Your Computer Power

That computer that lays there idle all day can earn you some extra cash. There are various ways you can get paid to leave your computer running.

You just need to leave your PC on, and you are good to go. With side hustle income, you need somewhere to track your income to ensure you can save or invest faster.

You can turn your computer into a money-making tool that can help you supplement your budget and pay some expenses.

Although these methods will not get you rich, they might help you a great deal with clearing off some bills.

With just a computer and an internet connection, you can always find something to do to make money online. But how exactly does this work?

What is Distributed Computing?

In some instances, individuals and companies require extra computing power to undertake their essential processes, such as scientific research or big data analysis.  These companies or people will reach out to other people looking to purchase or rent computer power, to enable them to operate.

This is what we call distributed computing where someone rents or buys your computer power for their operations.

Even some big companies like Amazon offer their servers, where other businesses and individuals who require additional space. Renting out your PC’s CPU to individuals in need is typically what distributed computing is all about.

Businesses that require space will benefit by having multiple CPU working collectively at one time, offering more space and power to perform their actions. For you, you get paid for letting them use your computer and doing nothing else.

Well, it may not be so much money for your personal computer, but the amount can always pay some bills.

Most businesses who seek these services pay an average of $0.10 to $0.40 per hour for using your PC. It is an ideal way of making money online without any input of your effort.

MQL 5: Distributed Cloud Network

One of the well know, and trusted networks that can get you paid for renting out your computer CPU is the MQL 5. This is one of the best networks around, and that will put some money into your pocket.

MQL5 Cloud Network works by giving trading robots access to a considerable processing power from thousands of PCs around the globe. This helps to optimize the operations of the trading robots. The additional computing power gives the MetaTrader 5’s multi-threaded strategy tester the ability to run numerous tests within some few hours.

Since they require a lot of computer power for their operations, they use crowdsourcing to get this computing power. This way, they rent the computing power from various individuals, as well as companies who offer such services.

They connect the hired computers to their MQL5 Cloud Network, and you get paid for the hours they use your PC.

If at all you think you can rent out some time on your computer, then this is an excellent option for you. Payment is made either via PayPal or WebMoney

Digital Coin Generation

Another unique way of earning online using your computer is through the Digital Coin Generation. With this network, you can make money online without investing anything. If you run the software on your computer, then you can earn from $1 daily and even more.

The way that this company works is by renting a small portion of your processor, which is usually less than 5%. You don’t require to invest any money with this company to start earning.

The registration is free, and you will get paid for the part of your processor they use.

How do I Earn?

Some people even thought that it was a pyramid scheme, but I can assure you that it is not. There is no minimum amount to start with, as the registration is entirely free. Although the first month is free, after your account is activated, you can after that earn up to $50.

The company advises you to invest that $50 into a plan that will make up to $1,000.

When Can I Withdraw the Money?

For any money you earn, whether the $50 or any money you get when you invest with them, you can withdraw at any time. The company does not restrict the withdraw of your cash at any time.

Therefore, don’t waste that chance of making some additional cash, register, leave your computer on and earn.

Golem Network

Golem network is a devolved, P2P network that utilizes either Ethereum or smart contracts as their transaction system. The company strives to be the best platform through which scientists, animators, and developers get computational power to help them process their high power-demanding activities.

Whether you are an individual with a single computer or a large business with large servers, Golem Network is for everyone. You can share your computing power with Golem Network and start earning.

Joining the list of other prominent players in this industry, Golem Network is among the newest companies in distributed computing networks to enter the market.

Apart from being the latest arrival, the company also promises to be among the best in the market. Golem Network works on per-hour or per-node payment system, and you can provide your computer to be among the ones in the system

If you want to sell computer processing power, Golem Network is an excellent place to do just that.

How Do I Get Paid?

When it comes to payments, the company will pay in the form of cryptocurrency. If at all, you are not sure about it, the company eliminates this uncertainty by offering an escrow system.

The escrow system is an additional security feature that allows the requestor to pay you some deposit before they start using your computer.

Thorough the Golem Network Tokens (GNT), you can share your PC resources and earn good money without breaking a sweat. The best thing about Golem Network is that they don’t set fixed prices. The providers and requestors decide on the prices pay or need to be paid.

My Cashware

Similar to the earlier methods, My Cashware is another capable software that can enable you to make extra bucks by just leaving your PC on. If you have a computer that you don’t use much, My Cashware can help you earn with it.

By installing and allowing their software to run in your computer, they leverage your computer power and the complicated virtual currencies mining process to make you money.

Although you make money the same way you would by renting out your processor, their process is somehow different. My Cashware will make you money if you allow them to create a mining space from your idle computer power.

The term mining in this context means the creation of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.

All you need to do is allow their software to run in your computer’s background, and you are ready to earn. See, you make money by virtually doing nothing. How easy can that be?

One good thing with My Cashware is that it does not hinder you from using your computer at any time. You can continue using your PC while the software still runs in the background.

My Cashware app will earn an additional 20% bonus of what your friends make if you are the one who introduced them.

Also, you might become eligible for other rewards if the platform trades its virtual currency at high prices.

When Can I Withdraw the Money?

All you need is a minimum of $5, and you can withdraw your money using PayPal. My Cashware is one of the best ways you can get paid to leave your computer running.

My Cashware Features

Some great features of My Cashware platform include:

  • Ability to earn secure extra income
  • Unobtrusive & Safe
  • An option to earn if you refer friends
  • Low payout threshold of $5
  • Complete Transparency
  • Ability to use multiple devices to gain more

Another excellent way of making money online is through MINEPRIZE. This platform needs to use your idle CPU power and pay you for it. By letting your browser solve some complex tasks, you earn some money without you doing anything else.

With MINEPRIZE, the registration is entirely free, and all you need is your email address and password to sign up. After you sign up, you load a particular page and let your computer do the rest.

How Does MINEPRIZE Work?

MINEPRIZE runs complex math tasks, and by letting them use your idle computer power, your PC becomes part of their computing network.

They give you reward points for every job completed on your PC. Depending on your computer power, each task may take an average of just a few seconds to several minutes to complete.

All you require to start is a PC that has a browser, and you are ready to make some cash.

How Do I Get Paid?

With MINEPRIZE, there are numerous ways you can redeem your rewards. Firstly, you earn reward points by allowing them to use your CPU, and then you can redeem the points with what you want.

There are numerous things you can exchange your points with including cash, electronics, and many others.

For example, 10,000,000 points are worth $100 USD, 8,500,000 points are worth Kingston HyperX Savage 128GB and 310,000,000 points are worth a MacBook Pro13inch. You can redeem your points for any electronic as long as your points allow.

If you’ve been looking for a place to sell your computer processing power, MINEPRIZE is the place

Ougo Browser

Where can I sell computer processing power? If you want the answer to this question, Ougo Browser has it for you. By just leaving your computer running, you make some cash.

For example, if you download this browser, and let your computer run 24/7, you will make $10 per day.

In one month, that would amount to a maximum of $300. Isn’t that good money? If you are looking for an easy way to make money, then this is quite an easy one.

In addition to the daily $10, you can also earn 5% of your referrals’ earnings, ten levels deep. Therefore, you can make money online without putting any physical effort. Just leave your PC on, stay online and make money.


LoadTeam is an app that generates money for you by making use of your unused computer’s power. This Windows app is an excellent way through which people can sell computer processing power and earn without doing anything.

With LoadTeam, the app runs in your computer’s background with no disturbance, processing one job at a time. Your PC then sends the results of each completed task to LoadTeam, and you receive your payment for the job.

One exceptional feature of making money with LoadTeam is that you can withdraw your money through PayPal, as long as your balance is equal or above $1.00. 

Also, you can use the LoadTeam app on numerous computers as you wish.

By doing so, you increase your chances of earning more money with LoadTeam, which is a good side hustle.

LoadTeam will give you a bonus of $0.20 simply by signing up. 

Why LoadTeam?

  • The app offers a low minimum payout of $1.00

With as low as $1.00 in your account, you can make a withdrawal.

  • LoadTeam offers payments per job

You will get paid after every task is completed. What this means is that money will be deposited into your account after every job.

  • There are no transfer fees

This means that you can withdraw everything you have in your account. What you see in your account is exactly what you get.

  • The app is mobile-enabled

Through this feature, you can quickly check your account, statement, balance, as well as update your details such as the profile info. The feature also allows you to withdraw your money through your mobile phone.

  • PayPal payments

With PayPal instant payouts, you can access your money from more than 150 countries around the globe.

There are multiple ways you can get paid for using your computer and selling your computer’s processing power is one of those ways. Even without doing anything, you can get paid to leave your computer running.

Make Money With Computer By Renting Idle CPU Power

Generally a laptop doesn’t utilize all the CPU Processing time. In a layman language, we can say that we are operating on a single process but our computer has the capability to work 6-10 processes at a time. So instead of wasting that, the idle CPU Power or Processing time of a computer can be utilized and therefore can be leased.

So what you have to do? Just Turn on your laptop, do not let it sleep, connect to Internet, register for a company, install a software and your computer or laptop is ready to make money for you.

Websites to Earn From

Digital Generation

Digital Generation works using your computer. After registration you will have to download simple software. That software will use about 2% of your CPU to work like a serve host.  For each thread you will earn 1$ day just by leaving your computer working.

After joining you will receive 1 free thread that expires after one month. That thread will generate 1$*30 days= 30$And those 30$ are yours to withdraw. If you want, you can withdraw. The more threads you have the more you earn. The thread lifetime is 12 Months. Only the trial thread (first month) expires after one month.

Your earning depends on thread .See this picture

  • In first month you get the trial thread. With that trial thread you will make 30$ in one month.
  • With those 30$ free you can buy another thread. Buying thread costs 50$ each. So you use those 30$ to buy the new thread. 50$ – 30$(trial thread) = 20$ .
  • This 20$ thread have 12 Months lifetime. So with only one thread you will earn 90$ after 3 months, 160$ after 6 months and 365$ after 12 months.
  • The size of your payment will be directly proportional to the time that the application was running on your computer during the previous month. In this case the more Threads you take up, the higher your income.
  • Also refer your friends to use the service and earn 20% for first level referrals and 10% for second level referrals.

For withdraw your payments follow the necessary requirements:

  • Verify your phone
  • Fulfil your profile with all your details and at least one of the payment accounts created.
  • You can get your money any time you want. You have to fill out a fund withdrawal request on your account management page.
  •  After your request is reviewed, the entire requested amount will be transferred to the bank account you indicated when you first registered.
  • You can withdraw to Payza, Perfect Money, Bank Account and Paypal .

Slicify offers people to Buy and Sell Computing Power. You have to download their free windows software and rent out your pc when you are not using it.If someone wants to use your computer, he will book it through slicify and pay you, its rent cost.

Read Also: Earn Money Fast With Basic Computer Skills

Buyers can “book” your computer from a few cents to a dollar an hour. Users with outdated computers may not earn as much. Silicify uses a Linux Virtual Machine inside your PC.

When you run the Slicify software, it adds your PC to the Slicify pool, where buyers can view details (like what type of CPU and how much memory you have). If they want to hire it, they simply click and pay you per machine hour.

How you will get paid

  • You will get paid via PayPal for any period that someone rents out your machine.
  • You can start earning with their referral scheme. You’ll be paid half the commissions that slicify make, when you refer your friends.

Slicify is one of the most reliable services. Slicify security ensures that the guest cannot access your files or network, read or delete anything on your computers, or install a virus or malware. Amazon use Slicify to rent compute power.


Win Miner is the most commonly used site with the highest number of active registered user. It uses the data processing Capabilities of all the computers connected Worldwide via Internet to build a cloud Supercomputer.

  • You first have to register their and than download a software that will run on your laptop without interfering with you work.
  • Initially you are given a month time period and a single thread on which you can generate a minimum of 1$ per day and 30$ a month.
  • The longer you will be online, the greater you will be able to make money.
  • If you want to boost your income ,you can sign up for an Affiliate Program. 20% Commission is given for the first level referral and 10% is for the second level.
  • You must fulfil all the details most importantly the phone number and the payment method. With this you will be able to withdraw money and buy new threads.

Emwizard is one another legal sites that offer CPU Processing power Utilization. This is the simplest way you will ever found on the internet. Definitely the money is not big, but still can provide a great support to your part time income.

So don’t hesitate to start with it(as it is completely free). None of your computer data, files or hardware will be damaged if you are thinking about that. And if you have any other questions or you are unable to generate money from it, leave a comment below and we will reply back to you with the most suitable answer.

My Cash Ware

Another one is the list which you can use to make money with computer power is My Cash ware. Just like the above two, this works with the same computing technique and generates money for you. They leverage the computing power of your laptop/computer for mining virtual currencies like bitcoin. It is completely safe, transparent and can be used on multiple devices.

Gomez Peer

Gomez Peer(Ideal Processing Time Services) is yet another peer to peer offering website that offers the similar money making idea as done by Winminer. You have to register their, install the software run it and you are done.

It is available for both Windows and Android Platform and it’s Mac version will sooner be launched. Instant Payment and 24/7 support are the top most feature which this site provides. Affiliate Programs are also available

Most of the websites will prefer PayPal as their mode of payment transfer. So make sure you have a verified Paypal account in which you will get the earnings.

Is it OK to Leave your Computer on 24 7?

The logic is that the surge of power when turning the computer on would shorten its lifespan. While this is true, leaving your computer on 24/7 also adds wear and tear to your components and the wear caused in either case will never impact you unless your upgrade cycle is measured in decades.

If your only concern is to maximize the lifespan of your components, neither option put you ahead. So why should you leave it running? 

Leaving your computer on is convenient. Instead of waiting for it to boot you can hop right in and get to work or play. With SSDs, boot times are significantly reduced, but if you have lots of programs set to start with Windows, it can still take a minute or two to get started.

On the other hand, while the “sleep” function in Windows typically works as it should, sometimes your machine will flat out refuse to wake up and you will have to restart anyway. For some people, they have lots of productivity programs running all the time, so rebooting can be a hassle.

If you’ve made your computer accessible over the internet it will do you no good if it’s not running. Having the ability to remote into your machine from anywhere can be a lifesaver.

And, if you’re running something like Plex, you can access your media library from anywhere if you get out of the habit of always turning off your computer.

Turning your computer off when you’re not completing tasks also means that your computer can’t complete its own important tasks. Processes like virus scans and system updates will have to run when you’re trying to get things done.

These tasks can be resource heavy and inconvenient. If you leave your computer running you can schedule these to run overnight or anytime that’s convenient for you.

While there are lots of compelling reasons to keep your computer running, there are some scenarios where it’s definitely best to shut it down. Electricity can be expensive and sometimes every cent counts. If you are concerned about energy costs, leaving your computer on all the time will reflect on the utility bill.

How Long can you Leave your PC Running?

Providing that the cooling is adequate and you’re not over-stressing your Power Supply, a PC should be able to run 24 * 7 without damaging hardware.

However, depending on the OS you are running, periodic rebooting may be required. Linux declares proudly that the only reason to shutdown your machine is because you’re changing internal hardware.

Windows still hasn’t reached this level of smarts, and software installations alone can require that the machine be restarted. Win10 has proven the worst.

How do you Make Money Idle?

If you’re interested in making money but don’t want to take a second job, you should consider making passive income. It’s basically money you earn consistently without doing much or even anything at all.

Of course, you do have to put in a lot of work in the beginning, but once you set up the passive income revenue stream, you can just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor without lifting a finger. Here are some ideas:

  1. Write a book. Writing a book means you can earn money off of the sales once you’ve published it. You can always go the ebook option and self publish, or try to find a publishing house that will take you on.
  2. Create an app. Create a smartphone app and earn money every time someone downloads it. You never know what will go viral and how quickly you can make money if your app’s a hit. In fact, the silly iFart app even generated $30,000 in just one day.
  3. Start a static blog. Spend some time building a website in an area that interests you and other people. Focus on topics that won’t ever get dated (“how to” articles are pretty evergreen) that you know people will be searching for. Host ads on your site. Once you have some good content on your site, you can quit writing and make money off your old content.
  4. Write articles online. You can make money if you get approved to be a writer for Dotdash. You’ll get paid to write the articles in the first two years. After that, you’ll be paid according to pageviews. Once you’ve put in the initial effort to write the article, you can just make money off of the views in years to come.
  5. Create a YouTube video. Shoot a video for YouTube, and if your video becomes popular, you can run ads on it to make money. The amount you earn varies, but many people, such as Justin Bieber, have launched careers out of it, and popular YouTubers are making over six or seven figures.
  6. Take beautiful photos. If you’ve got an eye and passion for photography, sell your photos to sites like Shutterstock — a place where amateur photographers can sell their photos. You’ll earn a commission that ranges anywhere from 25 cents to $75 or more for every image downloaded. There are other similar sites like iStockphoto, so be sure to do your research and pick one that works best for you.
  7. Draw and design graphics. The photo websites also accept illustrations and graphics. You will still earn money for each download.
  8. Make a t-shirt. Design a t-shirt for Threadless, and if your design is popular among the site’s community, the company will use your designs for the next Threadless shirts. If your design is picked, you can end up making thousands of dollars in prize money and reprint sales. You can also design and sell t-shirts as well as other products on sites like Zazzle, Cafe Press, and Society6.
  9. Sell insurance. If you sell insurance, you will not only make money when you’ve closed a deal, but some companies will also give you an additional commission when your customer renews his insurance.
  10. Get stock dividends. One of the more common ways to earn passive income is investing in stocks that pay high dividends. Here’s a list of some dividend-paying stocks with high rates.

How do Free Software Make Money?

You’re a Free Software developer/contributor and you would like to earn some money from your work, below are some suggestions for you.

Solicit Donations

It’s really easy to setup a paypal “Donate” button on your website. But having the button is not enough, you have to advertise the fact that you’re seeking financial support. You must bring it regularly to the attention of your users without annoying them and without impeding the work that they are doing with your software.

Invite people to make a donation at the end of each announce for a new release of your software. Explain that more donations means more features in the next version (or any other benefit for the user that you can come up with).

Include a “Make a Donation” (or similar) menu entry somewhere in your application if applicable. It can just fire up the browser on your donation page.

Tell Your Users What They Can Do

All your users are not ready to make a donation, you should offer them alternative ways to support you. Flattr is an option for you, but you can have other sources of income (affiliation, sales of goodies, etc.) and you need to make sure that your users are aware of the possibilities.

The best way is to create a summary page listing all of them like the “Support my Work” page for your own blog. Make this page easy to find and link to it from the “Contribute” page as well, it is a way to contribute to the project!

Use Flattr

Flattr is social micropayment system that you can setup to let your users make micro-donations with a single click whenever they appreciate something you are doing. Just include Flattr buttons on your website, blog posts, etc.

To foster usage of Flattr with Free Software there is the Flattr Free and Open Source Software project. You can also benefit from it by registering yourself and/or your project, it’s really easy:

  • Submit your free software project website and your blogs to Flattr.com and tag them with the keywords foss, open-source, free software.
  • If you use Identi.ca, tag yourself with #flattrfoss and make sure to set your homepage to a website where you have integrated Flattr buttons.
  • If you use Delicious, bookmark your project website with a flattr-foss tag and/or bookmark your personal blog/website with a flattr-foss-people tag. Of course make sure to have Flattr buttons on the web pages tagged this way!
  • Suggest your project for the monthly Flattr recommendations newsletter. You can leave a comment (with a short description of your project, explaining how awesome it is!) on the latest blog post.
  • Spread the word about the Flattr FOSS project. Put links on your websites, blog about it, tweet about it, etc.

How can I Make Legit Money for Free?

1. Get Free Shares Of Stock From Webull

Webull is a registered broker-dealer and is thus regulated by FINRA (the Financial Insurance Regulatory Authority), so your investments are protected by SIPC insurance. The app has a solid rating from reviews in the App Store.

Get two free shares of stock (worth up to $1,650 in total value) when you sign up and make an initial deposit of at least $100. 

Webull is more than just a way to get a little bit of free money: it’s a powerful investment platform that offers zero-commission trading alongside great research and analytical tools. 

2. Get A Credit Card Sign-Up Bonus + Maximize Cash-Back

Credit cards are my personal favorite when it comes to free money. In fact, I’ve used credit card rewards to save thousands of dollars on travel over the years. 

You can earn anywhere from 1% to 5% back on your purchases. Then, there are sign-up bonuses, which can get upwards of $500 or more. But keep this one important rule in mind: this is only a moneymaker if you pay off your credit card debt in full each month!

As a general rule, the better your credit score, the more you can earn via a sign-up bonus.

3. Get $10 By Signing Up For Swagbucks

Swagbucks is one of the most popular rewards sites and cash back apps, having now paid out almost $400 million to its users. 

It only takes a minute to sign up for this site, and you’ll earn an instant $10. You can shop, surf the web, fill out surveys, or even watch videos to earn additional money.

An easy way to earn is via online shopping, as it takes just a few extra seconds to earn up to 20% cash back at online stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more. 

4. Take Surveys On Your Phone Or Desktop And Get Paid With Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is one of the most popular market research sites, with over 10 million members worldwide. 

As for free money, Survey Junkie makes the list as it’s easy for new users to rack up points with simple tasks like confirming your email address, watching a “how it works” video, and filling out a short profile survey. Plus, the site has a minimum payout of just $5, which you can redeem for PayPal cash (other survey sites have minimums as high as $50). 

5. Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel

With the Nielsen Computer and Mobile Panel, you can earn up to $50 per year in rewards. And you’ll get that money just for downloading the app and then using your phone or computer as usual.

It will take only a few minutes to set things up (you’ll have to provide some basic information, choose a username and password, and install the app).

Can I Create my own Software?

Anyone interested in developing software, such as a program, game, or online service, must start by learning a programming language. There are many programming languages and creating a new software program requires more training and more time than one page can provide.

Therefore, this page is meant as a general overview to help point you in the direction to get started. An important beginning step is to have a plan for what program you want to develop.

For instance, a plan would include the purpose of the program, game, or service, and the features you want to include. Be thinking of what your plan is as you continue reading.

Picking the Language

As we noted above, there are many different programming languages. Deciding which language to learn can be a challenge by itself. Creating a program with many features and functions often requires you to be fairly proficient in one or more programming languages.

That being said, a basic understanding of the concepts of pretty much any programming language can help to get you started. Here are a few of our recommendations.


Deciding on your programming language depends on what type of program or script you would like to create. For example, Java and Visual Basic are both popular because of their relative ease and because both are a good way to learn programming fundamentals.

Other popular languages include C, C++, and C#, which are used to create games, applications, drivers, and operating systems, as well as many of the software programs that run on a computer.

If you are interested in developing scripts and programs, like online forums and services, Perl, PHP, and Python are all popular choices, in addition to HTML.

Deciding on an editor

An editor is any program that allows you to write computer code. They range from simple, like a basic text editor, to advanced software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Eclipse, JDeveloper, or Microsoft Visual Studio. Fortunately, any program can be written in a text editor, which means you can get started for free.

As you get more comfortable with a programming language, using a more advanced editor is recommended, as it can make coding and testing the code more efficient.


For Windows users, we suggest an editor such as Notepad ++ because it is free and supports syntax highlighting. If you’re on a Mac, you can use their free editor named TextEdit. Also, it is good to keep in mind that visual programming languages, like Visual Basic, include the editor and compiler in the same tool used to create programs.


Most computer programming languages are high-level programming languages, meaning they are easy for you to understand, but impossible for a computer to understand. For the computer to “read” your program, it must be compiled or have an interpreter. Your choice of programming language is the deciding factor on whether or not you’ll need a third-party program to compile or interpret it.

For example, Eclipse is an interpreter that takes a program written in Java and “translates” it into code that can be run on and understood by a computer. Other languages, like Perl, are interpreted, meaning they do not need to be compiled. These languages only require that they are installed on the computer or the server that is running the script.

Learning the language

After you have decided on a programming language, editor, and compiler, you are ready to program. For most users, the easiest way to start is with the famous “Hello World!” program. After you have been able to run your program that prints “Hello World!” to the screen, the next step is to learn the language’s syntax. To do so, you need to understand the following concepts:

  • Understand how to declare variables.
  • Create conditional statements (e.g., if, elsif, and else).
  • Perform loops (e.g., do, for, foreach, goto, and while).
  • Understand escape sequences.
  • How to make comments or temporarily disable parts of the code.
  • Understand regular expressions.

As you run into questions, an Internet search can answer most of them. Books written for your programming language or programming courses are great ways to develop your skills further.

Which App is Best for Online Earning?

The average person spends about 4 hours a day on their cell phones—and about 90% of that time is spent using apps. So why not turn your mindless scrolling into cold, hard cash?

We rounded up our favorite money-making apps, from apps that help you earn cash back on online purchases to those that pay you for your opinions, to those that will invest your spare change for you, even apps that will pay you to exercise.


Also a great browser extension for those on a desktop computer, Ebates has a solid money making app, as well. With this tool, you can use in-store coupons, scan items as you go to compare prices, and perhaps its most well-known feature – earn cash back on certain purchases from certain retailers.

Here’s how it works: Once you download and start using the app, you’ll earn a set percentage of cash back when you shop with Ebates’ list of 2,500-plus eligible retailers. While cash back is usually between 1 to 2%, we’ve earned as much as 10%.

You’ll also get access to in-store coupons and other perks. Ebates even compares coupons for you, so you can be sure you’re getting the very best deal.

Another plus of this app? Once you sign up and start using it, you’ll automatically get paid every three months, as long as you’ve earned at least $5.01. Ebates is an industry staple in the world of money-making apps. Founded in 1999, it’s doled out more than $1 billion in cashback to its customers.


If you love to shop, and frequently find yourself at your favorite retail destination browsing the aisles, then Shopkick is a great money-making tool. Though to be fair, Shopkick pays solely via gift cards, so keep that in mind.

Making money with Shopkick is easy. You download the app, then engage in one of eight activities: walk into the store, no purchase necessary (yes, it’s just that easy), scan barcodes of select products (again, you don’t have to buy anything), purchase items at an eligible store with your Shopkick-linked card, purchase items and submit your receipt, visit online stores or view online products (no purchase necessary), make an online purchase with a Shopkick partner, or watch in-app videos.

While you aren’t paid in actual cash with this app, you don’t always have to make a purchase to earn, which is a nice perk.


ibotta is another great cash-back app, and you have three options to make money using it: Upload your receipt to the app when you purchase eligible items; link a store loyalty card before you shop to get access to special offers; or make purchases at eligible stores via the ibotta app.

With ibotta, you’ll have to complete tasks within the app to get access to its money-saving tools, which can be a drawback, depending on how much free time you have. You’ll also have to manually upload receipts, and there are only about 300 eligible retailers.

However, you can get cash deposited directly into your ibotta account, which you can then withdraw. No waiting on checks via snail mail or trying to navigate cryptocurrency.


Great for aspiring photographers and videographers, Foap is a money making app that makes it simple to sell your photos and videos. Simply download the app, then upload your photos and videos to your online portfolio.

If your work is purchased by an agency, brand, or another user on Foap, then you’ll get paid, but you’ll share the profits with Foap 50/50. So, if Foap sells a photo for $10, you’ll make $5. But one photo can sell more than once, which is a nice plus. You can also submit photos to a specific project (Foap calls them Missions) for the chance to be paid hundreds for your photo.

Google Opinion Rewards

Opinionated readers, this one’s for you. Backed by the world’s most popular search engine, Google Opinion Rewards is a definite must-download for those looking to profit from their smartphone addiction—and get paid for being opinionated.

Here’s how it works: Download the surveys app and complete short surveys on everything from hotels to TV shows to merchants whenever you have a free moment. Think in line at the bank, waiting for the bus, even in the bathroom. You’ll be paid with Google Play credits or via Paypal for each survey you complete. Pay ranges from $0.10 to $1 per survey.

Ougos Browser

Ougos is a click exchange program designed to make websites or links more prominent. Add your website or link to their system and you will receive more visitors.

There are numerous ways to use Ougos effizent. We will show you a few options that occur relatively frequently in Ougos:

1. Some use Ougos as a better alternative to a traffic exchange program. Traffic exchange programs can only send traffic to your site. Ougos creates visitor clicks plus.
2. Ougos used for begging games or similar browser games.
3. It is possible the number of views on youtube, news releases, downloads, profiles and top lists increase. This will increase the awareness of your materials and your web site!
4. Furthermore Ougos will also earn money to use.

What makes Ougos unique:

Automatic clicks their traffic generates visitors to and automatic clicks on your website(s).

Up to 75 seconds is the average duration of a visit to a website. Up to three clicks can be generated during the duration of an average visit using the OUGO browser.

Anonymous traffic unlike other visitor exchange programs, Ougos traffic is distinguished by its high level of anonymity. A third party would have to go through great difficulty to determine that the traffic is generated by Ougos.

Increase your Alexa ranking Your Alexa ranking is guaranteed to be increased by our traffic.

You decide how often a unique visitor is able to view your website per day. You also decide from which countries the traffic may originate.

More than 150 programs are compatible with OugosOur „programs“ page will tell you which programs could work with Ougos.

Ougos Browser make money

Step 1: First you need paypal account, Signup to a Paypal account

Step 2 . Open OUGO site and SIGNUP in the official site.

Step 3: Sign-in into OUGO site and you will get Referrer-Link, Set into OUGO Browser and Your public profile in the Dashboard. Just copy and paste in the Notepad on the desktop.

Step 4: In your Dashboard, You can find your OUGO browser download link. Just download the browser. The software is 1.67 MB in size. Download and install the OUGO browser (It’s a special browser and the heart of this program)

Step 5: Add your blogs (or ) Sites URLs in your account (Add unlimited websites: Whether your own website or a friend; every site you enter into Ougos, will be assumed *. You can use Ougos, to earn money with your website, to get more points by a browser game, or to increase the Alexa rank. Websites, who are in the Ougos system, get a better Google position if someone searches something.)Go to “My Links” page,  click on the “New site” or “Add site” option.

Step 6 .Run OUGO browsers by clicking the shortcut on your desktop.

Step 7 . Click on “Tools” go to “Developers”,”Analyst”, “Act” and then to “Setup” (or) Click on “Surf” and go to “Setup”

Step 8 . On the lower left side click APPEND. A popup window will open.

Step 9 . Type: Set1 as the name and click OK. Now the small window on the left should have Set1 in it.

Step 10 : Just Enter the link Set into OUGO Browser  link in the “Type URLs here, Remember, this list is limited by 40 lines” box. Paste the same link 6 times

Step 10. Paste your Portal URLs (from step 4) into the larger window on the right, one under the other, and click OK. Make sure that the cursor isn’t on the third line.

Step 11. Go to Tools, Developers, Analyst, Act and select Six (at the bottom). This will open up 6 separate search engine browsers, so instead of just getting paid for 1 at a time it pays you for 6 at a time! The OUGO program will start clicking on the search pages.

You can start rotation. Congratulations!

  • To earn credits and having no problems, please activate the following features:
  • Allow Pictures, Allow Sounds, Allow Animation, Allow Video, Allow Active X, Allow Cookies, Allow Scripting, Allow Files Downloading (optional), Enable Pop-up Killer
  • Go to “Navigation” and click on “Six”, the surfing will start
  • You’re done. The OUGO Browser should rotate on different sites and you earn credits from OUGOS.
  • In case you shut the program or boot your computer, open the OUGO browser, go to Tools, Developers, Analyst and click Six to start it all up again.

You get 0.25 Credits per visited site. If you have set the preference in OUGOBROWSER on “Six”, you see 6 sites within 75 seconds. At three minutes you would visit 12 sites and earn 3 Credits. If in the OUGO Browser should appear the announcement “NO URL AVAILABLE”, you get no Credits because no more member’s sites are in the system. Don’t worry, within less minutes this can change fast again!

What is Render Token?

Render Token functions as a network that connects users looking to render their work with idle GPU compute to speed up the rendering process and make it more efficient. It leverages a decentralized system to track and manage render jobs in a scalable way.

Users looking to utilize the compute of the Render Network must first submit a job requesting for access. The protocol then determines the amount of RNDR tokens required for the job and creates a smart contract with the relevant details. It is then sent across the network where members who own GPUs are rewarded for providing their compute power for the job.

Content creators, visual effect experts, 3D artists, and other GPU-heavy occupations are the primary user base set to benefit from the Render Token platform. The ultimate goal is to democratize GPU cloud rendering, while also allowing others to monetize their idle GPU rendering power.

Where Can I Buy RNDR?

To purchase Render Token (RNDR) on the majority of the cryptocurrency exchanges, you will already need to have Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) to trade with. The good news is that you can easily purchase either cryptocurrency at Coinbase using your Credit Card or even Bank Account.

Sell Render Token or Trade Render Token (RNDR) from fiat currencies like USD, CAD, INR, EUR, etc. or from cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT, XMR, LTC, NEO, etc.

You can select some of the above exchanges to buy Render Token (RNDR) with USD, INR, CAD, EUR, GBP, RUB, etc. Also, you can use the same exchanges to trade Render Token (RNDR) against cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC, XMR, USDT, BNB, etc.

RNDR Mining

The RNDR Network is currently adding more miners on a rolling basis.

To join RNDR as a Miner

Please complete the RNDR Interest Form and you will be added to the onboarding queue. When your node is ready to be added, The RNDR Team will follow up with more onboarding information.

Currently, the RNDR Network requires a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA® GPU and a minimum of CUDA® 10.1 drivers with support for compute capability 3.0 or higher (min. driver version is 419). Recommended minimums are: 8 GB VRAM+, 32 GB RAM+ and Strong Network Connectivity is essential.

The Job allocation system is based on OctaneBench capacity as well as a node’s VRAM and RAM. Thus, more powerful nodes will be allocated more complex jobs.

RNDR CoinMarketCap

The live Render Token price today is $1.45 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $9,793,182 USD. Render Token is down 1.07% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #270, with a live market cap of $224,390,891 USD. It has a circulating supply of 154,385,629 RNDR coins and a max. supply of 536,870,912 RNDR coins.

How to Earn With Ougos Browser

To earn faster you can open more than one Ougo browser at a time. To do this you need more than one user account on your computer. If you don’t have more user accounts on your computer already, first create 1 to 3 new user accounts that are protected with a password (important, otherwise it won’t work).

To do this go to Start, Control Panel, User Accounts, Create New User Account, etc., select Computer Administrator (not Limited) and create a password.

Then right-click on the Ougo browser icon on your desktop and click Copy to and then Desktop (create a new shortcut).

You now have two Ougo browser icons on your desktop. Rename the new one to Ougo – Different User
Now to keep them apart.

Right-click on the new shortcut and then click on Properties. Go to the Shortcut tab, click on the button Advanced. In the little window that was opened, check the option Run with different credentials. Click on OK and close.
When you double-click on the new Ougo browser icon, a new window will open asking for a Username and a Password. Select the user that you have created and type the password. Click on OK, a new Ougo browser will open.

With that shortcut, you can open as many Ougo browsers as you want. I suggest that you open no more than 4 or 5 at a time though.

OTOY Blockchain

RNDR is a blockchain network launched by OTOY, a centralized rendering service whose computing power has been used for productions like Star Wars, Avatar and Westworld. OTOY has also partnered with Facebook to provide post-processing tools for the Manifold camera, and with Unity to provide enhanced cinematic graphics to game developers. 

However, centralized cloud services are limited by the amount of hardware they own, and OTOY soon alighted on another step for expansion—peer-to-peer GPU networks. “Currently less than 1% of the world’s GPU power is accessible to creators,” RNDR’s Head of Blockchain, Kalin Stoyanchev, told Forbes back in May

By putting rendering jobs on a blockchain-based network of idle GPUs, the company says that it can produce high-quality visuals faster and more cheaply than traditional rendering farms.

The network, which launched in beta earlier this year, allows anyone to “rent” their idle processing power in exchange for Render tokens—creating an effective peer-to-peer graphics network without the overhead costs of centralized services.


LoadTeam is a site with which to make a portion of your hardware resources available and be paid. All you have to do is register, download a free app and leave it running on your computer.

Earnings depend a lot on your hardware and how much you let the pc work. You can determine how many resources to leave available. The site shows modern graphics and is very easy to navigate. The language for the moment is only English.

Once installed, the app will contact the server from time to time to check if there are jobs to be performed. If a job is found, the computer will work quietly at work and return the results to the LoadTeam server. Once the work is completed, your account is credited and the cycle begins again.

All this happens automatically, so you don’t have to do anything but check your balance and get money whenever you want. You need only one username and you can use this single username to access all the computers you use. Payments for completed jobs on one of your computers will go directly to your account.

Earnings are withdrawn using your Paypal account. The minimum payout is just $ 1 very easy to reach. Withdraw is very simple just go to your dashboard, click on “Withdraw money” enter the value you want to collect and request payment with the appropriate button. Usually you are paid within 2 working days.

Where Can I Get Render Token Wallet?

RNDR has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin from any large exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin.

Step 1: Register on Coinbase

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). We will use Coinbase here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits. Use the link below to register at Coinbase and you will receive a free amount of $10 worth of BTC after buying $100 worth of cryptos.

Step 2: Buy coins with fiat money

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer. You will be charged higher fees when using cards but you will also make an instant purchase.

While a bank transfer will be cheaper but slower, depending on the country of your residence, some countries will offer instant cash deposit with low fees, such as iDeal in some European countries.

Now you are all set, click the ‘Trade’ button at the top left, choose the coin you want to buy and confirm your transaction…and congrats! You’ve just made your first crypto purchase.

Step 3: Transfer your cryptos to an Altcoin Exchange

But we are not done yet, since RNDR is an altcoin we need to transfer our coins to an exchange that RNDR can be traded, here we will use Gate.io as our exchange. Gate.io is a popular exchange to trade altcoins and it has a large number of tradable altcoins pairs. Use the link below to register your new account.

After going through a similar process as we’ve done before with Coinbase, you will be advised to set up 2FA authentication as well, finish it as it adds extra security to your account.

Step 4: Deposit BTC to exchange

Depends on the policies of the exchange you might be required to go through another KYC process, this should usually take you from 30 minutes to possibly a few days maximum. Though the process should be straight-forward and easy to follow. Once you’re done with it you should have full access to your exchange wallet.

If this is your first time making a crypto deposit, the screen here may look a bit scary. But don’t worry, it’s basically simpler than making a bank transfer. At the box on the right, you will see a string of random numbers saying ‘BTC address’, this is a unique public address of your Bitcoin wallet at Gate.io and you can receive Bitcoin by giving this address to the person to send you the funds.

Since we are now transferring our previously bought bitcoin on Coinbase to this wallet, click on ‘Copy Address’ or right-click on the full address and click copy to grab this address to your clipboard.

Now head back to Coinbase, go to Portfolio page and click on Bitcoin on your asset list, then click on ‘Send’ on the right.

Under the Recipient field, paste the wallet address in your clipboard, for security consideration you should always check if both address are matching. It is known that there are certain computer malware that would alter the content in your clipboard into another wallet address and you will be essentially sending funds to another person.

Click ‘Send’ to proceed, you should receive a confirmation email instantly, click on the confirmation link in the email and your coins are on the way to Gate.io!

Now go back to Gate.io and head to your exchange wallets, don’t worry if you haven’t seen your deposit here. It is probably still being verified in the blockchain network and it should take a few minutes for your coins to arrive. Depending on the network traffic condition of the Bitcoin network, during busy times it may take even longer.

You should receive a confirmation notification from Gate.io once your deposit has arrived. And you are now finally ready to purchase RNDR!

How Can I Make Money by Leaving my Computer on?

Lets now look at various places where you can get paid to leave your computer running:

1. Honeygain

It’s mainly an app that you can download on your Android or iOS smartphone or your computer. Once you’ve installed the app, it starts using your internet data. In turn, the network is used by Honeygain partner businesses for market research and data collection.

Remember, when we say data, we don’t mean that the app is spying on you. The app doesn’t track your browsing behavior or market research habits, like other passive income apps.

It uses your internet connection to help conduct relevant web searches for their clients and present them with the information they need.

2. MQL 5: Distributed Cloud Network

One of the well know, and trusted networks that can get you paid for renting out your computer CPU is the MQL 5. This is one of the best networks around, and that will put some money into your pocket.

MQL5 Cloud Network works by giving trading robots access to a considerable processing power from thousands of PCs around the globe. This helps to optimize the operations of the trading robots. The additional computing power gives the MetaTrader 5’s multi-threaded strategy tester the ability to run numerous tests within some few hours.

Since they require a lot of computer power for their operations, they use crowdsourcing to get this computing power. This way, they rent the computing power from various individuals, as well as companies who offer such services.

They connect the hired computers to their MQL5 Cloud Network, and you get paid for the hours they use your PC.

If at all you think you can rent out some time on your computer, then this is an excellent option for you. Payment is made either via PayPal or WebMoney

3. LoadTeam

LoadTeam is an app that generates money for you by making use of your unused computer’s power. This Windows app is an excellent way through which people can sell computer processing power and earn without doing anything.

With LoadTeam, the app runs in your computer’s background with no disturbance, processing one job at a time. Your PC then sends the results of each completed task to LoadTeam, and you receive your payment for the job.

One exceptional feature of making money with LoadTeam is that you can withdraw your money through PayPal, as long as your balance is equal or above $1.00.

Also, you can use the LoadTeam app on numerous computers as you wish. By doing so, you increase your chances of earning more money with LoadTeam, which is a good side hustle.

LoadTeam will give you a bonus of $0.20 simply by signing up.

Why LoadTeam?

  • The app offers a low minimum payout of $1.00

With as low as $1.00 in your account, you can make a withdrawal.

  • LoadTeam offers payments per job

You will get paid after every task is completed. What this means is that money will be deposited into your account after every job.

  • There are no transfer fees

This means that you can withdraw everything you have in your account. What you see in your account is exactly what you get.

  • The app is mobile-enabled

Through this feature, you can quickly check your account, statement, balance, as well as update your details such as the profile info. The feature also allows you to withdraw your money through your mobile phone.

  • PayPal payments

With PayPal instant payouts, you can access your money from more than 150 countries around the globe.

4. Digital Coin Generation

Another unique way of earning online using your computer is through the Digital Coin Generation. With this network, you can make money online without investing anything. If you run the software on your computer, then you can earn from $1 daily and even more.

The way that this company works is by renting a small portion of your processor, which is usually less than 5%. You don’t require to invest any money with this company to start earning. The registration is free, and you will get paid for the part of your processor they use.

How do I Earn?

Some people even thought that it was a pyramid scheme, but I can assure you that it is not. There is no minimum amount to start with, as the registration is entirely free. Although the first month is free, after your account is activated, you can after that earn up to $50.

The company advises you to invest that $50 into a plan that will make up to $1,000.

When Can I Withdraw the Money?

For any money you earn, whether the $50 or any money you get when you invest with them, you can withdraw at any time. The company does not restrict the withdraw of your cash at any time.

Therefore, don’t waste that chance of making some additional cash, register, leave your computer on and earn.

5. Golem Network

Golem network is a devolved, P2P network that utilizes either Ethereum or smart contracts as their transaction system. The company strives to be the best platform through which scientists, animators, and developers get computational power to help them process their high power-demanding activities.

Whether you are an individual with a single computer or a large business with large servers, Golem Network is for everyone. You can share your computing power with Golem Network and start earning.

Joining the list of other prominent players in this industry, Golem Network is among the newest companies in distributed computing networks to enter the market.

Apart from being the latest arrival, the company also promises to be among the best in the market. Golem Network works on per-hour or per-node payment system, and you can provide your computer to be among the ones in the system.

If you want to sell computer processing power, Golem Network is an excellent place to do just that.

How Do I Get Paid?

When it comes to payments, the company will pay in the form of cryptocurrency. If at all, you are not sure about it, the company eliminates this uncertainty by offering an escrow system.

The escrow system is an additional security feature that allows the requestor to pay you some deposit before they start using your computer.

Thorough the Golem Network Tokens (GNT), you can share your PC resources and earn good money without breaking a sweat.

The best thing about Golem Network is that they don’t set fixed prices. The providers and requestors decide on the prices pay or need to be paid.

6. My Cashware

Similar to the earlier methods, My Cashware is another capable software that can enable you to make extra bucks by just leaving your PC on. If you have a computer that you don’t use much, My Cashware can help you earn with it.

By installing and allowing their software to run in your computer, they leverage your computer power and the complicated virtual currencies mining process to make you money.

Although you make money the same way you would by renting out your processor, their process is somehow different. My Cashware will make you money if you allow them to create a mining space from your idle computer power.

The term mining in this context means the creation of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.

All you need to do is allow their software to run in your computer’s background, and you are ready to earn. See, you make money by virtually doing nothing. How easy can that be?

One good thing with My Cashware is that it does not hinder you from using your computer at any time. You can continue using your PC while the software still runs in the background.

My Cashware app will earn an additional 20% bonus of what your friends make if you are the one who introduced them.

Also, you might become eligible for other rewards if the platform trades its virtual currency at high prices.

When Can I Withdraw the Money?

All you need is a minimum of $5, and you can withdraw your money using PayPal. My Cashware is one of the best ways you can get paid to leave your computer running.

My Cashware Features

Some great features of My Cashware platform include:

  • Ability to earn secure extra income
  • Unobtrusive & Safe
  • An option to earn if you refer friends
  • Low payout threshold of $5
  • Complete Transparency
  • Ability to use multiple devices to gain more

Another excellent way of making money online is through MINEPRIZE. This platform needs to use your idle CPU power and pay you for it. By letting your browser solve some complex tasks, you earn some money without you doing anything else.

With MINEPRIZE, the registration is entirely free, and all you need is your email address and password to sign up. After you sign up, you load a particular page and let your computer do the rest.

How Does MINEPRIZE Work?

MINEPRIZE runs complex math tasks, and by letting them use your idle computer power, your PC becomes part of their computing network.

They give you reward points for every job completed on your PC. Depending on your computer power, each task may take an average of just a few seconds to several minutes to complete.

All you require to start is a PC that has a browser, and you are ready to make some cash.

How Do I Get Paid?

With MINEPRIZE, there are numerous ways you can redeem your rewards. Firstly, you earn reward points by allowing them to use your CPU, and then you can redeem the points with what you want.

There are numerous things you can exchange your points with including cash, electronics, and many others.

For example, 10,000,000 points are worth $100 USD, 8,500,000 points are worth Kingston HyperX Savage 128GB and 310,000,000 points are worth a MacBook Pro13inch. You can redeem your points for any electronic as long as your points allow.

If you’ve been looking for a place to sell your computer processing power, MINEPRIZE is the place.

8. Ougo Browser

Where can I sell computer processing power? If you want the answer to this question, Ougo Browser has it for you. By just leaving your computer running, you make some cash.

For example, if you download this browser, and let your computer run 24/7, you will make $10 per day.

In one month, that would amount to a maximum of $300. Isn’t that good money? If you are looking for an easy way to make money, then this is quite an easy one.

In addition to the daily $10, you can also earn 5% of your referrals’ earnings, ten levels deep.

Therefore, you can make money online without putting any physical effort. Just leave your PC on, stay online and make money.

What is The Best Way to Make Money While You Sleep?

While there are likely hundreds of ways you can make money while you sleep, there are eight core strategies that will get you where you want to be.

1. Webinars

Webinars are a great way to make money while you sleep. Not live ones of course. But, automated webinars. Automated webinars run day and night. To create one, you need something to offer. Webinars are great for high-ticket digital product sales. They also work well for selling things like coaching and consulting services. But, to fully automate your income, it’s best to sell a digital product.

How much can you sell items for on a webinar? Benny tells me that the sweet spot is the $997 price point, but that $1997 works as well. Jason Fladlien says that this depends on how “warmed up” the audience is. If they know you already and they’ve been warmed up to you or your offer, then you’ll have an easier time selling at $1997 and even higher, all the way up to $10,000 and beyond.

2. Ebooks

Find a niche market and write a great ebook. The sweetspot here is 60 to 80 pages long of gold-nugget-filled content. While you could easily sell this on a platform like Amazon’s Kindle, you’ll fare better by selling it through your own channels like on a blog or as an offer after a lead magnet. Ultimately, you’ll make more money that way.

However, if you’re not a seasoned online marketer, going the Kindle route is a far simpler approach to selling your ebook. The threshold is low and you won’t have to do all the marketing of the book on your own. Amazon will simply pay you out monthly for the sales.

3. Drop-shipping

Ecommerce is exploding. It’s not just Amazon that’s taking the entire pie here. People are snatching up product offers all over the place. The best part? Most of this is being done as a drop-shipping arrangement.

That means that as the store owner you never actually have to touch the products. It’s warehoused, labeled and shipped in your name. You incur none of the overhead. You simply push the order through when it arrives, pay the fee and it’s shipped.

Drop-shipping, when automated the right way, gives you the freedoms that you wouldn’t normally experience while running a physical product store or having a brick-and-mortar location. You can build your own ecommerce store with Shopify or you can buy products from AliExpress and sell them as an Amazon FBA store. Or, find another drop-shipping company willing to handle the work.

4. Online courses

Online courses are a great way to earn income, day or night, and require little to no maintenance once they’re launched aside from updating content that might get stale or become no longer relevant. There are tons of places you can build online courses such as Kajabi, Udemy or Teachable. You could also build your own membership based courses on sites like ClickFunnels.

What type of course can you launch? You can teach just about anything. But, you should stick to what you know. If you know photography, teach it. Coding? Teach it. SEO? Teach it. Social media marketing, like Benny? Then dive right in. If you absolutely don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s going to come across and your sales will suffer because of it.

5. Blogging

Why not start a blog? It’s probably one of the most reliable sources for making money on autopilot. While creating a popular blog is arduous work, the benefits are long-lasting, along with the potential for passive income. When you run a popular blog, you can make money in a variety of ways, most of which are passive. You could sell virtually anything in your niche on autopilot.

Find something that fits your blog’s audience and sell it. Or, if you’re really looking to reap the benefits, build content or digital products that fits the same audience and sell it directly through your own systems or sales funnels. Grow the blog over time by consistently creating valuable content that really helps your audience with a problem or fills a need.

6. Traditional real estate rentals

While traditional real estate is more cost prohibitive to enter into than digital products, real estate rentals are always going to be a great producer of passive income. People will always need a place to live and to work. With long-term rentals, you can secure the tenant, then sit back and collect the cash every single month.

While there might be a small amount of maintenance due to repairs, the income will largely be passive. You can make it fully passive by hiring a property manager as long as there’s enough positive cash flow. You could also opt for purchasing a duplex and renting out the second unit of your home if money is tight.

7. Peer-to-peer lending

There are loads of peer-to-peer lending networks that will help you achieve your dreams of automating some of your income. Depending on the amount you have to invest, you could reap a sizable return. Websites like Prosper, Zopa and Lending Club will help you invest your money while minimizing your risk with baked-in algorithms that help you identify the best investments.

Clearly, the more risk, the more potential for reward. These lending platforms offer a great way to put either a little bit of money, or a lot of it, at play and earn while you sleep.

8. Affiliate marketing

In the world of online marketing, affiliate marketing offers one of the fastest and most profitable forms of income with very little investment of time. Of course, you can’t really become an affiliate marketer without reach or an audience to promote to.

If you already have an email list, then this works great. If you don’t, you could opt to do Facebook Live trainings or use YouTube as a platform to reach people.

Affiliate marketing is about delivering value. You have to find a way you can educate and inform while helping those out there with their goals or to solve a problem. If you can do that effectively, you can build multiple passive income streams as an affiliate marketer. Check out platforms like ClickBank and CJ.com to find affiliate offers you can promote.

How Can Kids Make Money on The Computer?

Looking for ideas to pitch to your kid’s small-time gig? Here are five ways kids earn money online:

1. Sell Stuff Online

They’ve outgrown the toys and the clothes they hounded you for. Now, all this stuff is piled up on the darkest shelf of their closet, or the saddest corner in the attic. Help your kids sort through all the stuff they no longer use, and put them for sell online. You can help take photos for posting on either online auction sites or social media.

2. Play Games

Before you grab the game controllers out of your child’s hands, why not suggest that they put their gaming skills to good use by earning their own money? A lot of programmers are looking for people to test the games, and will pay for it.

Aside from the professionals, kids are often the best reviewers of games since they make up a huge chunk of the creators’ target market. Over time, when your kid becomes adept at playing, they can even join competitions where they can win cash prizes and earn bragging rights.

3. Do Online Research

We are not suggesting that you let your kids offer their research skills to their classmates in exchange for money. A better idea, for instance, is to offer research assistance to college students or academic professionals. The tasks may be as simple as looking up pertinent information or verifying data online, but can be more complicated depending on the skills of the child.

4. Write and Blog

If your kid can seriously write stuff that is fun to read and engaging, encourage them to start a blog and make money from it. Some of the things they can write about are reviews of restaurants, video games, movies, and books.

They can also create videos of themselves holding tutorials on fun ideas, such as how to pronounce Versailles properly, or what kind of makeup is appropriate for certain events. Remind your blogger kids that they can have ads put up on their sites or invite certain brands, especially the startup ones, to send goods their way in exchange for a review.

5. Design and Take Photos

Writing and researching aren’t the only disciplines that thrive in the Internet money-making scene; there’s also art and design. There are many artists who create illustrations or take photos and sell them online. If your kid is adroit at these fields, urge them to start an art blog and sell their artwork. They can also sell their work to different organizations that use photographs for advertising purposes.

As a parent, you need to remember that the presence of opportunities like these doesn’t mean you should strong-arm your kids into working. It’s important that they are willing to at least give it a shot and that they are aware that you support them.

If it pushes through, guide them to the nitty-gritty of business, such as making deals, securing payment, and even delivery. Lastly, make sure that their little enterprise doesn’t get in the way of being kids. Let them have fun while earning money.

What to do With Idle Computer

1. BOINC distributed computing. Many projects from the stupid and frivolous (I put SETI in this category) to the totally Mother Teresa.

2. Torrent something legal and useful, like Linux distros. Go to Distrowatch and see which ones just came out, because those are heavy users.

3. Shut it off when you’re not at home. You are burning coal and producing CO2 for no purpose. It will boot up in a minute and shut down in seconds.

Make Passive Income With Computer

If you have a computer, it can generate passive income by running computations for other people. All you have to do is leave your computer on and you will make money.


Kryptex is the best overall program for earning passive income with your computing power. It’s great for beginners and casual users who just want to install a program and then sit back, relax and watch the money roll in.

The Kryptex application can run on any desktop or laptop that runs Windows. A modern PC with a powerful gaming grade graphics card can generate $30-70/month. Install Kryptex software, and it will calculate the exact profitability for your PC.

Note: Your estimated earnings will increase as you earn more cryptocredits by leaving your computer on and running Kryptex.

Minimum Payout: $1 USD or 0.0002 BTC

Payment Methods:

  • BTC
  • USD
  • Amazon
  • Steam
  • Rubles
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia
  • Kazakhstani Tenge

How to Maximize Earnings:

  1. Keep Kryptex running when you don’t use the PC.
  2. Pause Kryptex instead of turning if off completely.
  3. Keep Kryptex running at night.

LoadTeam is the best program for weaker PCs that don’t have a GPU. It only uses your CPU power so it will run on any laptop or desktop no matter how weak it might be. If you can’t get Kryptex to run on your machine then I recommend looking into LoadTeam as an alternative.

Minimum Payout: $1 USD

Payout Method: PayPal Only

Rent Computational Power

There are many distributed computing projects to which you can donate CPU time, like Prime95, SETI@home, Einstein@Home and others at Wikipedia’s list of distributed computing projects.

Conceivably, these platforms could allow you to sell CPU time. However, thanks to the enormous economies of scale enjoyed by giant, optimized datacenters like the ones run by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

The current value market of a CPU cycle will be less than most residential electricity costs for the same amount of time. Add the overhead for billing and settlement, and you have a losing business proposition.

So you can donate your compute time, but the low market value of CPU time makes even the most powerful home computer’s spare cycles uneconomical to sell.

How to Get Your Computer Make Money For You

Here are 10 of the best ways you can start earning money from your computer today.

1. Sell Items Online

What better way to make money than by selling items cluttering up your home? You can sell old furniture, clothing, kitchen appliances, or tools all online.

It only takes a few minutes to post an item for sale online. All you have to do is take a few pictures of the items you are selling, post them to sites like Craigslist, eBay, or OfferUp, and write an honest description describing the condition of the item for sale. And if you are selling clothing, Poshmark is an incredibly useful app.

2. Take Surveys

While taking surveys probably won’t make you rich, they do provide a way to quickly make money while sitting on your computer. Many sites are looking to gather data from individuals from across the world in efforts to help with their product and marketing.

Survey sites typically pay a few dollars per survey. The longer the survey, or the more qualifications you meet, the more you will be paid. Some of the sites pay in cash, while others reward individuals with gift cards or reward points. We recommend the following survey sites:

  • PineCone Research – PineCone Research is one of the leading consumer research companies. You can get paid to take surveys and occasionally test products as well.
  • Survey Junkie – Survey Junkie is a popular consumer research company. Once you complete your profile they will match you up with relevant surveys. Complete surveys for rewards that can be redeemed for cash or gift cards.
  • Vindale Research – If you don’t like the sites that pay out in points that can be redeemed for rewards like gift cards, you’ll like Vindale Research. Instead of paying out in points, they pay out cash for each completed survey, which can then be withdrawn via PayPal.
  • One Opinion – Similar to other survey websites, One Opinion offers opportunities to redeem rewards for cash or gift cards.
  • Swagbucks – Swagbucks has been around for years and is more than a survey website. You can also watch videos and use their portal to earn cash back. You can even use their search engine to gain rewards.
  • Nielsen – When you think of Nielsen you probably think of TV viewership ratings. With more time spent on our phone, laptop, and other devices, Nielsen is trying to measure provide meaningful research beyond just the television.
3. Start a Blog

Blogging is increasing in popularity, and there is great potential to make money if you start a blog. It should be noted that it takes time and hard work to make money through blogging, but if you truly enjoy what you are blogging about, it will be a fun (or at least tolerable!) process for you. Many people started their blog as a hobby, only to find themselves making money from it.

There are many ways to make money through a blog, including advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate networks. There are also many bloggers who leverage their blog to get freelance writing jobs, paid speaking gigs, and book deals.

4. Freelance Write

If you have strong communication and writing skills, freelance writing is the perfect way to earn money from home.

With freelance writing, businesses or websites hire you as an independent contractor to create content for their websites, newsletters, or even promotional items. You can set your own rates for each project.

If you are interested in freelance writing, we highly recommend starting a blog in the niche where you would like to start writing.

5. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assisting is not only a great way to earn money from your computer, but it has the opportunity to become a full-time job.

A virtual assistant, or VA, is a person who helps an individual or business all online. It is similar to an executive assistant, but all online. Job vary, but common tasks include scheduling meetings, proofing content, sharing content on social media, and other administrative tasks.

6. Write and Sell eBooks

For anyone who enjoys writing, you can write your own eBook and sell it for profit.

eBooks are a great way to make money because they do not require much overhead. In fact, writing and selling your own eBook can be as simple as writing the material, saving it as a PDF, and upload it to a site to start selling.

You can publish your eBook through Smashwords, Booktango, and Amazon Kindle, or you can create your own blog and sell your eBook straight from there.

7. Create a Course

Would you consider yourself to be very knowledgeable about a specific topic? You can earn money by sharing your knowledge with others via an online course.

With whatever topic you choose, you can create an online course by planning out what content you will cover, creating worksheets, and offering valuable resources for students. You can charge a set class fee for anyone who signs up for your course, or you can teach on websites such as Coursera or Udemy.

8. Sell Stock Photos

If you are skilled in photography, you can sell quality photos online to be used as stock photos. Stock photos are photos that others pay to download and use for their own marketing and websites.

You can sell stock photos on large websites like iStockPhotos. The best part about selling stock photos is that once you take the photo and upload it, the rest is passive income. You are paid every time someone downloads the photo.

9. Design Logos

Have a knack for graphic design? From companies to individuals to websites, the demand for logo work is high. If you have a creative eye, this could be a fun and profitable way to make money online.

Logo work can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. I personally know individuals who spend a lot of money on the latest editing software, but I also know people who utilize free software, such as Canva to create logos.

10. Write and Edit Resumes

The ability to write a resume well is rare, and strong resume-writing skills are in demand. Best of all, there are a myriad of ways to work from home while correcting resumes. You can work for a resume writing company or start your own business.

If you are looking to start your own resume-writing business, it’s best to start building your portfolio. You can easily build a portfolio by asking friends and family to let you review and edit their resume. From there, you have built a portfolio that you can send to potential clients.

And if you would prefer to join a professional resume-writing company, Talent Inc., and Risesmart are a couple companies that hire resume-writers.

Sell Computing Power to Amazon

Selling spare computing power is exactly what Amazon and Google did: they had their own distributed clusters for their own needs (selling books and online search, respectively), and then built out the platforms to sell excess capacity.

Microsoft was already moving to subscription software models and had acquired services with existing infrastructure (Hotmail, etc), so it wasn’t too much to retool their data centers for on-demand cloud computing (Azure).

You could consider something like bitcoin mining, but that opportunity is largely gone, at least at the “spare computing power” level. When we last looked into using my spare server capacity for this some years ago, the bitcoin mining industry had already moved past GPUs and FPGAs and well into purpose-built ASICs.

However, you could join a mining group and share in the profits. Keep your expectations in check, though. You’re not gonna get rich off this, not at this time.

ISPs make it pretty difficult to run business services with home Internet connections, but you could try to install server software on your desktop and virtualize it, and then sell virtual machines or other computing resources on-demand to friends (gaming servers come to mind). This isn’t likely to be very stable, as ISPs don’t like this unless you’re paying for business-class service.

If your IP address changes, your computer reboots to install updates, or other resources start to lag because you’re playing Fallout, people won’t trust your service and it may be difficult to convince people to pay for anything.

If you start solving for that problem (buying a purpose-built server, installing it at a colo facility, etc), you’re moving out of the “sell spare computing power” and into the “starting a real business” realm. I’m guessing this isn’t what the question is asking for, but it’s an option.

Finally, the trend in personal computing (desktops and especially laptops) is to lower energy usage by engaging sleep/suspend modes rather than keep them online at full power. “Always-on” has a cost in terms of one’s electric bill, so manufactures and OS vendors (Microsoft, Apple, etc) have been working to reduce that cost considerably. That runs counter to distributed software on personal computing devices.

On the other hand, maybe the opportunity here is a marketplace for spare computing power for projects where the primary requirement is low cost, and no specific timeline or guarantee of resources is required.

A cross between AirBNB and the AWS Reserved Instances Marketplace comes to mind, using software concepts pioneered by Distributed.net/Seti @home and modern computing virtualization/containers.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.