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Love animals? There are so many different businesses you can start that allow you to work around dogs, cats and various other pets.

You already know the basics — dog walking, training services, grooming, etc. But there are some more unusual pet business ideas out there as well. Below are unique pet-related businesses you could consider starting.

The array of product and service businesses for pet owners is only limited by your imagination. Many people treat their pets like their children and, following that logic, most products that people want for themselves, they’ll want for their pets. Just look at recent trends in the industry–organic foods, homeopathic products, luxury accessories–and you’ll easily find their mirror counterparts for human folk.

  • Can You Make Money in a Pet Business?
  • How to Start a Pet Business
  • 7 Tips For Pet Boarding Business Management
  • Top Pet Business Ideas
  • Legal Tips For Opening a Pet Store
  • What is The Most Profitable Pet Business?
  • What Pet Product Sells Best?
  • How Can I Make Money With my Pet?
  • How Can I Get Paid For Caring For Animals?
  • How Much is The Pet Industry?
  • How Much Can You Make Selling Dog Treats?
  • How Much Money Does a Pet Shop Owner Make?
  • Are Online Pet Stores Profitable?
  • Best Pet Stores Profitable
  • Pet Business Name Ideas
  • Make Money Selling Dog Clothes
  • Animal Business Ideas UK
  • Dog Grooming Business Ideas

Can You Make Money in a Pet Business?

According to the American Pet Products Association:

  • 67% of U.S. households own at least one pet.
  • Approximately 89.7 million dogs, 94.2 million cats, and 139.3 million freshwater fish were owned in the United States in 2017-2018 (the three largest categories of pets).
  • Americans spent $72.56 billion on their pets in 2018, up from $69.51 billion in 2017. This number has been rising steadily since 1994.
  • The pet services segment, including grooming, boarding, pet hotels, pet sitting, day care and other services, has been the fastest-growing category; Americans spent $6.11 billion on pet services in 2018 and this figure is expected to rise to over 6$.31 billion in 2019.

In Canada, households spent $8.85 billion on pets in 2018, according to Statistics Canada. Another study showed that around 41% of households have at least one dog, and 38% of households own at least one cat. Internationally, China is experiencing compound annual growth rates in pet ownership of more than 7%.

Read Also: Gardening Business Ideas That Can Make You Money

So how might you get into the pet business? This article presents 10 pet business ideas that might appeal to you.

The ideas below range from pet-based products to providing pet services that involve working with animals, but you won’t find any pet business ideas on the list that involve the retail breeding and selling of animals. Both the American and Canadian Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are opposed to this practice.

How to Start a Pet Business

Gain Experience

If you plan to open a boarding kennel, you should gain experience working for an established operation if possible. You should also have a good knowledge of animal behavior, animal health, and facility maintenance (or hire qualified individuals who have these skills). Prior study in an animal-related field or experience as a veterinary technician, pet sitter, dog walker, or animal shelter volunteer is desirable.

There are also membership groups for kennel owners (such as the International Boarding and Pet Services Association) that offer industry-specific training and education programs.

Business Considerations

Before opening your boarding facility, you must take into consideration business and legal matters. The first step is to speak with your attorney or accountant about the advantages and disadvantages of forming your business as a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), or other entity. You should also contact your local government to check on zoning regulations and inquire about any permits or licenses that could be necessary to operate the business legally.

Be sure to take out a liability insurance policy, draft official boarding contracts for clients to sign. And make sure to establish a protocol for emergency veterinary care if an animal suffers a medical emergency.

Find a Facility

It may be necessary to build a facility from scratch if an existing kennel (or similar business) is not available for purchase. Location can be a key factor, like proximity to an airport or densely populated area will bring a greater volume of business.

Kennel facilities generally include a mix of cages, runs, and large play areas where the dogs may interact and exercise. Splash pools and agility courses are becoming popular features. Kennel facilities are expected to be heated and air-conditioned to maintain a comfortable temperature, and enclosures must be continually cleaned. Some high-end boarding facilities offer small “suites” with human beds, televisions, and live streaming webcams so owners can check on their animals while traveling.

Hire Employees

Most boarding kennels have multiple employees. Larger operations may include a kennel manager, kennel attendants, a receptionist, and possibly additional service providers such as a groomer or a trainer. Smaller kennels may have just a few attendants. In any case, all employees should have experience working with animals, administering medication, and providing general care. Most kennels offer 24-hour supervision of the animals, so the facility must be adequately staffed to provide this continual coverage.

Define Your Services

Most boarding kennels focus primarily on dogs and cats (with the cats being kept in a separate room away from the noise of the dog area). Some kennels also reserve space for birds or small animals. The kennel may offer a variety of services such as bathing, grooming, and obedience training services. Some sell pet products and food in the front office. The kennel may also offer doggie daycare services, where owners may drop their dogs off in the morning and pick them up in the evening.

A kennel will normally open for drop off service at 7 a.m. and remain open until 7 p.m. for pickups on weekdays. Weekend hours tend to vary, and some kennels offer to pick up and drop off services by appointment or during limited hours. A few kennels even offer a shuttle that will pick up or drop off a pet for an additional fee.

Price Your Services

The most effective way to determine a pricing structure is to call your competition and see what rates they are currently charging for similar kennel services. The cost varies widely based on what part of the country a daycare is located in, the type of boarding enclosure requested, and the specific services offered as part of the package. Premium services (such as training and professional grooming) tend to be available at an additional cost when requested.

You may also consider offering multiple animal discounts, reduced rates for your “frequent flyers” who visit every month, and referral bonus programs (giving established customers a free day of boarding or other incentives when they refer a new client).


There are many advertising options for a boarding kennel, including web pages, social media accounts, phone book ads, newspaper or magazine ads, mass mailings, vehicle decals, local media coverage, and more. It is always smart to leave flyers and business cards at veterinary clinics, pet supply stores, dog parks, office complexes, supermarkets, and other areas where pet owners may congregate.

7 Tips For Pet Boarding Business Management

Pet boarding management
1. Treat Your Pet Business as a Business

Many budding pet boarding business owners begin their practices because they’re pet lovers.  They know how much keeping a beloved animal safe means to the proud pet owners, but don’t always see the business as a profit-making operation—which is a crucial mistake.  

The Paws Dog Day Care website shows that start-up costs for a pet boarding business can run anywhere from $24,000 to $81,000 depending on the size of the business, the geographical location, and local legislation/regulation.

The bottom line is, no matter how much you love animals and how much of a humanitarian you are, you have to be a little bit ruthless when it comes to running a business— or else you won’t be running it for very long.  That doesn’t mean you have to be a mercenary and charge outrageous rates, but it does mean you have to be smart about money, staffing, insurance, expenses, etc.—you have to manage your business like a business and not like a hobby.

2. Track Time and Focus on Income-Production

As a small business owner, time is money.  You hear that a lot but do you really understand the implications?  If you spend the majority of your time doing things that don’t actively contribute to your bottom line (how long does the employee schedule take you?) you may squeak by every year but you’ll never grow your business into true profitability.  Moneymaking activities include:

  • Marketing your business
  • Improving efficiency
  • Reinvesting in your facility
  • Mining existing clients for additional income (upselling grooming services or cross-selling complimentary products such as toys, treats, and other supplies).

Invest in time clock software. Keep track of everything you do and how long it takes you to do it.  That includes bookkeeping, meeting with clients, caring for the animals, dealing with staff issues, etc. Review your notes and see how much time you spend doing what.  There’s a very good chance that you’ll spot huge opportunities to improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

3. Know When (and What) to Delegate

You may start out as a one-man (or one-woman) show, but as your business grows you’ll need to become more comfortable with depending on others. Whether that means hiring staff members or relying on relatives, one thing is for certain: you must delegate wisely. Think of it as outsourcing within your own company!

One of the golden rules of outsourcing is to do what you do best and let somebody else do the rest.  To do that, you have to evaluate your own skills first.  For example, if you really know how to “close the deal” when talking to potential clients, you should be handling all the inquiries, not leaving it up to your receptionist.  On the other hand, if a staff member has the “Midas Touch” when it comes to grooming, let them get their hands dirty.

4. Grow Your Savings

Breaking even just isn’t good enough.  You need to accumulate savings (even as little as $20 per week) in order to run a sustainable business over time.  That savings will help cushion you in the event of a disaster (plumbing problems, leaking roof, etc.), and will give you the capital you need to expand in the future.

A solid business plan is a good place to start, but you should also set (and do your darndest to hit) monthly financial goals.  And those financial goals should grow over time.  Doing so will force you to get better at the business of your business.  You’ll find ways to be more efficient, be more effective, and build profit centers that you’d otherwise ignore.  Yes, it sounds like work, but if you want your boarding business to succeed, you have to do more than just play fetch with your tenants.

5. Get Insurance

Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer) recommends that any budding boarders invest in insurance.  The basic minimum should be $2,000 of coverage per animal under your care.  However, if you can afford it, buy a better plan.  The average cost of emergency pet surgery (the kind you’re most likely to run into) is $2,000.  If an animal suffers something more devastating such as a broken limb, your liability could shoot as high as $5,000.

A general rule of thumb when buying any type of insurance is to purchase just a little more than you think you need.  It’s better to be covered and never need the insurance than need it and not have it.

6. Ramp Up Your Marketing… Constantly!

If you’re serious about growing your business, you should constantly be ramping up your marketing efforts.  You may start out posting fliers on publically accessible bulletin boards, but you should move on to getting referrals from veterinarians, cultivating customer referrals, placing ads in local publications (not always newspapers), and getting your business online.

The key to effective marketing is thinking like your clients.  What TV programs do they watch?  What newspaper sections do they read?  Where do they congregate?  What pet-oriented activities do they engage in?  Are there local events (pet parades, dog park Olympics, talent shows) that they attend?  Find these outlets and use them to your advantage.

7. Hire the Best Staff Possible (and Keep Them)

Of course you should hire animal lovers.  But you should also screen applicants for prior experience, personality types, and how well they mesh with your existing team.  Unlike other more “structured” businesses, pet boarding facilities often operate like small families.

Once you have a solid staff, you should do everything you can to keep them.  This may include using technology to entice them (the next generation of workers wants their schedule on their phone), offering performance incentives (extra days off), working around their personal lives (following a schedule template they filled out), or just showing your appreciation (buying coffee for the clan or giving out an employee appreciation award).

Top Pet Business Ideas

Dog care
Pet Sitting

Lots of people have pets that can’t be boarded or left with friends and family when the need arises–pets with chronic health conditions or exotic pets that are difficult to take care of. Likewise, many people prefer to have their dogs, cats and other pets in the safety and familiar surroundings of home, rather than an unfamiliar boarding environment. When these pet owners want or need to be away from their home, there is only one solution available: hire a pet-sitting service to come to their homes and take care of their beloved pets while they’re away.

If you want to work on a small scale, you can be the pet sitter. But if your intention is to operate full time with an eye on growth, you’ll need to hire or contract additional pet sitters. Good candidates for the job include pet-loving retirees and students.

Market your pet-sitting services through pet-related businesses in your community such as veterinarians, pet supply retailers, dog trainers, dog walkers and pet-grooming services. Remember, many people also hire pet sitters for short periods of times–a weekend away, a night out, or time off for family events. Therefore, you’ll need to develop fee schedules for long- and short-term jobs.

Dog Day Care

Day-care facilities for dogs are becoming increasingly popular, especially as more and more caring dog owners are realizing the benefits of leaving their beloved dogs at day care with other dogs instead of at home alone while they are at work. Dogs, like people, are social creatures and need contact with people and other dogs to become well-behaved and confident.

However, a dog day care should not be confused with a kennel, which boards animals for short- and long-term time spans. A doggie day care is strictly a drop off in the morning and pick up in the evening or anytime during the day type of operation. If space allows and your neighbors don’t mind the barking, you can open at home.

A better alternative is to rent commercial warehouse space and covert it into a dog day care spa, complete with water features, fenced outdoor space, and indoor couches to ensure your clients have all the creature comforts they’re used to at home.

One innovative day care center in my community recently installed webcams throughout their facility so people at work could log onto their website and see live footage of their dogs playing with other dogs. Current rates are in the range of $15 to $25 per day, with discounts for weekly service.

Pet Photography

As an animal lover, I can’t imagine a business that would be more fun and rewarding than operating a pet photography service. Unfortunately, I’m not a very good photographer, but if you are and you love pets, then what are you waiting for? Start a pet photography service! Owners of dogs, cats, reptiles, horses, champion livestock, birds, and even fish can all be potential customers.

Full time or part time, operate the service on a mobile basis, from a homebased studio, or from pet shops, or combine all to cover all the bases. Making the experience fun for pets and their owners will go a long way toward securing repeat business and a ton of referrals, so liven things up with pet costumes, themed backdrops, and by offering pet videotaping services, complete with music, titles and special effects.

Likewise, to boost profit potential also offer a wide assortment of products that customers can have their pets’ photographic images transferred onto–key tags, greeting cards, calendars, mugs, hats, T-shirts, sports bags and bumper stickers.

Dog Clothing and Accessories

Americans spend more than $30 billion annually on their pets, and big bucks can be earned by designing, making and selling designer duds for dogs. Sweaters and rain jackets are sure bets to become top sellers, but dog lovers around the globe are also buying designer doggie hats, goggles, shirts, booties, scarves and even Halloween costumes for their beloved furry friends.

The criteria for getting started are minimal–design skills, sewing skills and equipment, patterns, and a bit of gumption to get out and pitch your fabulous designer fashions for mutts and pedigrees alike to pet shop retailers, especially if your ambitions are to establish wholesale accounts with chain and independent pet shop retailers. If not, there are still many ways to sell direct to dog owners.

These include exhibiting and selling at pet fairs, online sales via dog-related websites, mail order sales supported by newspaper, catalog, online and magazine advertising, and establishing a doggie clothing boutique at home or in a retail storefront location. As dog owners know, word travels fast amongst dog owners, and when a great product for a pet is found, he or she is quick to spread the word to other dog owners.

Pooper-Scooper Service

Believe it or not, you can make a very comfortable living by starting and operating a dog pooper-scooper service in your community. This is an easy business to start; it requires little investment, no special skills, and minimal equipment to operate.

Basically, if you can handle a shovel and plastic bags, and can put up with less than aromatic smells, you’re qualified to run a pooper-scooper service. If not, you can still cash in on this booming growth business by marketing and managing the service while hiring others to do the dirty work. Spread the word about your pooper-scooper service by advertising in local newspapers, pinning fliers to bulletin boards, and through dog-related businesses and clubs in the community.

Most services charge a flat monthly rate of between $30 and $60 to stop by customers’ homes or businesses weekly to clean up their yards, which takes no more than 10 minutes per visit. You’ll need reliable transportation, a cell phone, garbage buckets, plastic bags, shovels, gloves and a good pair of rubber boots.

Dog Obedience Training

Dog obedience training is a multimillion-dollar industry and continues to grow by double digits as more and more dog owners realize the benefits of professional obedience training. Training classes can be held at your home in a one-on-one or group format, or if your home isn’t suitable you can travel to your customers’ homes and train one-on-one.

Likewise, you can also strike deals with schools and community center to hold dog obedience classes on weekends and nights. Many trainers are currently not certified by a recognized association, although that trend is changing. If you’re serious about making dog obedience training your career, I strongly suggest you receive professional training to become an instructor and obtain the required certifications.

Not only can certification be used as a powerful marketing tool when persuading people that you’re the right trainer for their dog, but having the proper credentials will also mean that you can charge a premium for your services. Current rates for in-home training are in the range of $30 to $50 per hour and many trainers create dog-training packages for their customers, which include a set amount of training classes and course materials in print and video formats.

Dog Walking Service

A dog walking service is perfectly suited fro the person who has the time, patience and a love for dogs. Best of all, this business can be started for less than $100. There are various styles of multi-lead dog walking collars and leashes available that will allow three or more dogs to be walked at the same time without becoming tangled in the leash.

Acquiring this equipment will be important to your new business, as it will reduce frustration and enable you to walk multiple dogs at the same time, thus increasing revenues and profits. To secure clients for the service, simply design a promotional flier that explains your dog walking service and qualifications.

Distribute the fliers to businesses that are frequented by dog owners, such as groomers, kennels, pet stores, community animal shelters, and veterinarians. Once word is out about your dog walking service, it shouldn’t take long to establish a base of 20 or 30 regular clients.

Tropical Fish and Aquarium Rentals

Gigantic profits can be earned by starting a tropical fish and aquarium rental business, and best of all, this very unique enterprise can be set in motion for less than $5,000 and managed right from your home office. At this point, I’m sure you’re wondering exactly who would rent tropical fish and an aquarium? The list is very long, and if you think about waiting rooms, the list of potential clients can include doctors, lawyers, restaurants and business offices. Once a regular client base has been established for this business, the annual profits could well exceed $50,000 or more.

Pet Toys

Designing, manufacturing and wholesaling pet toys could put you on the path to financial freedom, and this opportunity can be started part time from home on a minimal initial investment. There are literally thousands of different pet toys on the market and this is definitely a situation where it’s not important that you build it first, only better.

The toys can be sold on a wholesale basis to pet retailers, or even directly to consumers via the internet and mail order. The key to success in this type of business is to have a high-quality toy and the ability to get the pet toy in front of as many potential customers as possible. Remember, pets are like children to most people and generally people will spare no expense when it comes to the happiness of their pets.

Gourmet Pet Treats

The fastest-growing segment of the pet foods industry is gourmet dog treats. There’s a lot of money to be made in this business because the profit margin is very high and people are willing to pay for the best dog treats money can buy. As people become more health conscious of their own diets, they begin to scrutinize their pet’s diets as well, and many are turning to naturally made food and biscuits for their dogs, even though all-natural handmade biscuits cost as much as ten times more than commercially produced biscuits.

Making dog biscuits at home is easy; all you need to get started are dog biscuit recipes, healthy ingredients, biscuit molds (those shaped like bones and cats are favorites), a catchy name, and packaging materials. Baking and selling specialty dog treats is a fantastic opportunity for pet-loving entrepreneurs who want to work from home and have lot of fun. Selling options are plentiful. Sell to independent and chain pet retailers on a wholesale basis or to consumers via online pet products marketplaces, at pet fairs, and from your home supported by word-of-mouth advertising. The advertising is very easy to get, providing dogs love your treats.

Legal Tips For Opening a Pet Store

Pet store

For animal lovers looking to open up a neighborhood pet store, what are some legal tips you should keep in mind? Unlike a typical retail store that sells clothes or toys, owning a pet store requires that you take care of live animals.

So here are five tips to keep in mind if you’re opening a pet store:

  1. Get the proper licenses. Before opening up shop, all business owners need to obtain a business license from their state and perhaps even their local jurisdiction. Some states also require pet stores to obtain a specific pet shop license. The license application may ask you to list the types of animals you’ll be selling and provide a detailed floor plan of the shop. Pet shop owners won’t be able to operate their business until they get at least a general business license from their state if a pet shop license isn’t required.
  2. Know the zoning regulations. Local zoning ordinances will tell you where you can open a pet store. While pet stores that carry small domestic pets like cats and fish will likely be allowed to open up in regular commercial zones, stores that sell larger animals (like those considered to be livestock) may not be allowed unless proper permits are acquired and there’s enough space for the animals to roam.
  3. Take care of the animals. Another legal tip for potential pet store owners is to abide by your state’s health and animal cruelty codes. While that may seem obvious, each state has specific rules for running a pet store. For example, in California, pet store operators (or at least one of her employees) must be present in the store at least once a day, even on days when the store is closed, to care for the animals.
  4. Make sure the animals are legal. When choosing which animals to sell at your pet store, be sure that it’s legal to have those animals either in the state or country. There are some animals that are illegal to keep as pets, like groundhogs. However, these restrictions vary by state. When it comes exotic animals, most jurisdictions require a permit to sell exotic pets and you may even need to get a license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture too, according to the American Bar Association.
  5. Purchase insurance. No matter how experienced you or your employees are with handling pets or how gentle a customer is being, there’s always a chance of injuries. So it’s a good idea to purchase commercial insurance or pet store business insurance in case someone gets bitten or injured.

What is The Most Profitable Pet Business?

As an entrepreneur, you may consider start your own business or invest in pet business opportunities if you are looking for turnkey operations, advertising program assistance and standardized financial and accounting systems. Here you can find a list of successful startup guides and pet franchises and business opportunities.

1. Pet Supplies Direct Sales

Direct sales is one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation. More people purchased products through this route than through television and shopping on-line combined. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) estimates that pet care spending in food, pet supplies and OTC medicines alone will reach $48.12 billion by 2020.

How can you start selling pet supplies? To take advantage of this opportunity, companies such as pawTree and PetAlive are proud to work exclusively through their distribution methods so you can build a successful and rewarding business.

2. Boarding Kennels

Dog and cat kennel boarding is one of the most profitable businesses because according to the 2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, it is the third basic annual pet owners’ expense after veterinary care and food.

The key elements of a pet boarding kennel business plan must include finding the right location to operate your business, obtaining extensive education in animal husbandry and purchasing equipment. Startup costs vary between $15,000 and $75,000.

3. Pet Grooming Business

Pet grooming is the fourth basic annual pet owners’ expense according to APPA. If you are considering opening this type of business, keep in mind that grooming a dog does involve more than just using a pair of clippers to clip the dog’s air. Grooming can be hard work and it requires not only a love of working with animals but also sufficient professional training.

Our step-by-step guide covers time-proven methods of starting, running and profiting from your own pet grooming business. This report explains detailed how to start – what you have to do, and what you should not do.

So you will save a lot of time and money. You will also learn how to increase your pet grooming business after your successful start – and so you will know how to run your grooming business successfully in the long term.

4. Dog Training

A dog training business can be fun as well as lucrative if you have a love of animals. Keep in mind, however, that loving animals is not enough in order to become a successful dog trainer.

5. Pet Care Service Franchises

As a franchise owner you will be able to obtain a license to operate a business based on the knowledge, marketing processes and intellectual property of a successful franchisor. In other words, you can open your own company by using the business model and trademark of an existing business. You will have access to their key resources to grow and operate your business.

6. Dog Walking

If you love animals a dog walking business is an opportunity that you could easily start out doing part-time and then expand into a full-time business if you would like. Many people simply do not have the time during the day to take their dogs for walks making this business opportunity quite lucrative.

You can either start your dog walking business from scratch by printing some business cards or flyers and by networking in your neighborhood, or better yet, use one of the many website or Apps already available to start earning money right away. The top Apps and sites to become a dog walker are Rover.com, Wag, Care.com and Task Rabbit.

7. Dog and Cat Sitting

Pet sitting is a low overhead cost, high profit and high-demand business for entrepreneurs. If you love animals, are trustworthy, and have plenty of time this could be a great opportunity for you. As with dog walking, you can also find clients and launch your business fast with applications such as Rover.com and Wag.

8. Drop Ship Pet Food Opportunity

Distributing pet foods and supplies is really is a money-making opportunity! Pet food is the second basic annual pet owners’ expense according to APPA. You can join the pet wellness revolution-one of the world’s fastest-growing industries.

Several dropship companies offer a selection of the finest natural, holistic and organic dog food and cat food that is carefully formulated using only high quality, natural, wholesome ingredients.

9. Doggy Day Care or House Pet Sitting

This is a great business idea for animal lovers who have the time and extra space at their home to care of a pet during the day or for a couple of nights. You will be helping people who are not able to take their pets to their work places as well as vacationers who need a place to leave their beloved dogs or cats.

10. Pet Blogs and Videos

Affiliate programs allow you to sell items for other people and earn a commission off what you sell. The items you sell might range from pet products to ebooks to services. Commissions vary from one affiliate program to another but can quickly add up when you make enough sales.

There are many different ways in which you can earn sales as an affiliate, including having your own website where you direct visitors to your affiliate partners as well as writing articles and blog posts that recommend certain products or services.

You can also monetize your pet blog, website or even videos of your pets with advertising. This can be a very lucrative business idea if you like the idea of working online. You could build websites based on pet-related topics and then have adverts posted on those sites.

When a visitor on your site clicks on an ad they find interesting, you earn money. Not only does this business opportunity allow you to earn money right from the comfort of your own home, it also gives you the chance to earn money while working on a topic that you find fascinating; pets.

What Pet Product Sells Best?

Pet product trends change frequently, and 2020 has its own unique “best-sellers” and popular searches. For online retailers who need to tap into that stability, we poured through market reports and SEO data to compile this list of the 9 best pet products to sell online in 2020.

1. Dental Care Toys, Treats, and Toiletries

Maybe all this extra time at home is giving extra attention to our pets’ breath, explaining the rise in searches for pet dental care: teeth-cleaning toys and treats, not to mention dog toothbrushes.

One of the advantages of pet toys and treats for dental health is that they improve upon the standard toys and treats. They do everything normal toys and treats do, and more, making them more attractive to shoppers than “normal” toys and treats. They’re perfect for upsells or even replacing poor-performing pet toys and treats.

2. Novelty Pet Beds

Pet beds have been trending for a couple of years now, so much so that they birthed a submarket in novelty pet beds. Going beyond just a “floor pillow,” modern novelty pet beds have fun shapes and themes with anything from pop culture references to extra cuteness. More good news for online retailers is that these bigger beds come with bigger price tags as well.

More than any other item on this list, pet beds cater best to niche markets. Health-conscious pet owners can buy orthopedic pet beds, stylish pet owners can buy modern-style pet beds, sci-fi pet owners can buy Star Wars pet beds. The better you understand your target shoppers, the more you can cater to them.

3. Multifunction Biting Toy

Pet toys generally have a steady demand, but one of the newest types of pet toys is gaining popularity quickly at the moment. Referred to as “multifunction biting toys,” these dog toys combine different types of biting toys into one. While they look simple enough to humans, for dogs they promise a variety of entertainment options.

Multifunction biting toys are easy to market: you can promote them as multiple toys for the price of one, or you can highlight how dogs love them more than traditional toys. While the name is not yet well known and somewhat disputed (it’s commonly referred to as “molar bite toy”), you can use other popular keywords like “interactive pet toys” or “self-playing dog toy.”

4. Hamster Cage

Interestingly, search results show an increased interest in hamsters lately. And while we don’t recommend sending live animals through the mail, hamster cages fit perfectly in recommended ecommerce products.

Like pet beds, hamster cages can come in different styles to cater to niches. However, before you invest heavily in obscure hamster cage accessories, test the waters with more general and mainstream products with low risk.

5. Cat Litter Mats

It’s not surprising that cat litter mats are becoming so popular in recent months — what’s surprising is that they haven’t been this popular until now! It’s such a no-brainer concept; cat owners hate the run-off mess outside of litter boxes, so why not employ the same solution as we do for our shoes before entering the house.

Cat litter mats can be personalized to fit certain niches, both in terms of style (cute shapes, fun colors) and practicality (leak prevention, better litter trapping).

6. Personalized Collars

Pet collars are popular. Personalized products are popular. Pet owners feel a personal connection to their pets. See where we’re going with this?

Pet collars, in particular dog collars, are a “stable staple” in pet products, but you can go the extra mile by personalizing the collars yourself.

Giving the nature of collars, which are supposed to display the pet’s name and owner contact details, chances are the owners will go elsewhere to get at least part of the collar personalized — why not offer that service yourself and spare customers the extra trip?

7. Dog Harness

More dog owners are opting for harnesses when taking their dogs for walks. Harnesses provide an equal distribution of force, making it more comfortable for the dog and easier to manage for the owner.

The beauty of dog harnesses is that almost every dog will need one — at least one. Just as babies quickly grow out of their clothes, dogs often require multiple harnesses as they grow from puppy to adults.

8. Car Seat Protectors

A long-time Amazon bestseller, dog car seat protectors are becoming a must-have item for owners who take their dogs for frequent car rides. These seat covers are nothing more than protective fabrics with attachments in all the right places for easy installation and removal in cars. For people sick of having dog hair all over their back seat, no price is too high.

9. Pet Food

Citing data from a recent Nielsen report, Petfood Industry wrote that 2020 pet food sales are “soaring.” In March 2020, dog food sales grew between 37.5% and 54.7% and cat food sales grew between 38.7% and 52.8%, compared to March 2019.

More good news: pet food comes in almost as many varieties as human food. That means you can cater offerings to your target customers. Are you a naturalistic or environmental brand? You can offer organic pet food. Are you a fitness or health-centric brand? Offer special diet pet food.

And because pet food is consumable and needs to be bought periodically, it makes a perfect addition to subscription boxes or services.

What’s even better, pet food is one of 2021’s most lucrative ecommerce niches: natural pet care products.

How Can I Make Money With my Pet?

Have you ever looked at your pet and just wished they could contribute to the household income in one way or another? Let’s be honest, our dogs and cats have it made. We fuss them, feed them, and clean up after them.

Well, there are actually a few ways you and your furry friend can make some extra cash!

Here are a few ideas:

Help Pet Companies with Market Research

Just like every other industry, pet-focused companies need to know as much as possible about their target market to deliver good products.

Of course, since your pet’s ability to provide feedback is limited, you can step in and be their voice. An easy way of doing this is filling in paid online surveys focused specifically on pet products.

The best way to go about this is to sign up for survey sites, such as Swagbucks, LifePoints and Nielsen Panel.

The money isn’t enough to live on and it won’t provide you with a steady income, but paid surveys are a great way to make some cash with very little effort. You could make in excess of £50 a month without doing much at all

Make Your Pet Famous on Instagram

If you have a pet or even pets, plural, you probably have many pictures or videos of them doing cute or funny things at home or when you’re out and about.

People love cute animals, especially when they are doing something funny or memorable. Their demand for new pictures and videos online will never be satiated, so you might as well give the people what they want and get paid for it!

While there is no cut and dried method for turning your pet into an internet celebrity, but here are some ideas that might help:

  • Give your pet a memorable nickname, think Grumpy Cat, Maru or Manny
  • Observe their behaviour and document them doing things they love.
  • Create social media accounts dedicated to your pet. It might be good to focus only on Instagram or Facebook to start off with.
  • Use hashtags to help broaden your audience.
  • Take good quality photos and videos.
  • Post regularly to create consistency.
  • Focus on something original or specific about your best friend.

While you won’t get any money from your new endeavour initially, you could develop a following over time. Eventually your pet could hit the big time and advertisers may pay you to show their products and services to your audience.

Share Your Knowledge with others

If you’ve had pets for a long time and enjoy reading articles and studies about their behaviour, breeds, etc. why not share your knowledge with others? They may find it useful and in time this could earn you some money.

You can achieve this by setting up a blog and writing regular posts about interesting pet-related topics. As more and more people start reading your blog, you could approach pet product companies to partner with you. They could buy advertising on your site or sponsor some of your social media posts.

In time your blog could even lead you to an eBook or a full-blown book deal!

Finally, you could offer to do talks at local events, schools and community organisations for a small fee.  Who knows, you might even get the chance to share your pet knowledge on world stages one day.

Sell your Pet Photo

You can also make money by selling them to stock galleries and other online resources. Believe it or not, people really need these to help draw people to their articles, products or website with your adorable pet’s pictures. It’s a nice way to make some money from things you enjoy.

While you probably won’t make buckets full of cash, it could provide you with a welcome little windfall every once in a while. And your fluffy friends will live on forever in the work of others.

Pet Walking

There are some things you do for your pet without a second thought, such as walking them. Some pet owners love their animals just as much, but aren’t able to do these things for one reason or another. But they will pay someone else to do it for them.

Cash in on this by offering your services as:

  • A dog walker (only if your dog is okay with other dogs)
  • Pet taxi service on days you’ll be taking your own dog/cat to the parlour
  • A pet-sitter (especially if your furry/feathery friend enjoys company)

How Can I Get Paid For Caring For Animals?

There are many ways to earn extra money on the side these days — like renting out your house or vehicle. There are also ways to make extra cash with a more traditional business model, like providing a service.

Critter care is one service that is always in demand. Whether it’s monitoring a fish tank, feeding a cat or getting a dog out for some exercise, pet owners all need help at some point. And they want to be able to travel without worrying about their furry, feathered or scaled friends.

Plenty of entrepreneurial types have managed to profit by providing pet care, and you can, too. But even though you will get to hang out with cute animals, this is a business and you need to treat it like one if you want it to succeed.

Pet sitting lets you set your own hours and your own pay, meaning you could end up earning £40+ each day. Not to mention, there’s the nice little bonus of earning money to spend time with your favourite animals.

Start off by asking family and friends if they know anyone who needs a pet sitter. Alternatively, you could post on local Facebook pages or Gumtree. Or, if you’re feeling super old school, you could even put up some posters or flyers in the local area.

How Much is The Pet Industry?

Total U.S. Pet Industry Expenditures 

Year                 Billions of dollars

2020                 $103.6 Actual
2019                 $97.1
2018                 $90.5 

(Data was announced at the 2021 State of the Industry presentation on 3/24/21) 

Actual Sales within the U.S. Market in 2020

In 2020, $103.6 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S. 

Pet Food & Treats                                                                   $42.0 billion 
Supplies, Live Animals & OTC Medicine                           $22.1 billion
Vet Care & Product Sales                                                     $31.4 billion
Other Services                                                                         $8.1 billion  
(Other Services include boarding, grooming, insurance, training, pet sitting and walking and all services outside of veterinary care)

Estimated 2021 Sales within the U.S. Market

For 2021, it estimated that $109.6 billion will be spent on our pets in the U.S.

Estimated Breakdown:                                          
Pet Food & Treats                                                                   $44.1 billion 
Supplies, Live Animals & OTC Medicine                           $23.4 billion
Vet Care & Product Sales                                                     $32.3 billion
Other Services                                                                         $9.7 billion   

How Much Can You Make Selling Dog Treats?

Having a good product and the right customer can make this business extremely profitable. As a beginner, you can make around $500-$1,000 a month selling homemade dog treats.

Many dog bakery business owners make around five or six-figures per month. Like any business idea, if you want to be successful, you need to be willing to put in the work.

Kristin from Diva Dog Bakery says the key to success is to set an income goal for yourself and decide whether you want to sell your dog treats online or in-person — or both!

How Much Money Does a Pet Shop Owner Make?

The average annual pay for a Pet Shop Owner in the United States is $49,174 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $23.64 an hour. This is the equivalent of $946/week or $4,098/month.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $110,500 and as low as $17,000, the majority of Pet Shop Owner salaries currently range between $25,000 (25th percentile) to $56,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $75,000 annually across the United States.

The average pay range for a Pet Shop Owner varies greatly (by as much as $31,500), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Are Online Pet Stores Profitable?

Owning a pet store can be a profitable business regardless of the performance of the larger economy. Pet stores have shown revenue growth even during recessions, as owners have cut back on their own spending before reducing the standard of living for their pets.

However, the competition from larger retailers means that a small-business owner still has to watch her costs carefully to join the ranks of the profitable.

The pet industry earned an estimated $594.7 million profit annually, on revenues of $16.5 billion, as of publication. The average pet store is smaller than many expect – 59.1 percent of those in the pet industry are considered non-employers, meaning they don’t have a single paid employee, and 83 percent have four employees or fewer. Nevertheless the specter of competitors such as PetSmart and Wal-Mart places pricing pressure on the smaller stores.

Best Pet Stores Profitable

Launching a business and making it profitable takes a lot of hard work. But when you get to work on something you love, the process goes a lot more smoothly. Consider these pet business ideas to find the one that best speaks to your interests.

1. Pet Sitting

While pet sitting was once an after school job for teens, it’s grown into much more. Many pet owners want a customized, boutique experience for their animals while they’re away. Not only is pet-sitting a fun business to operate because you get to interact with animals daily, but it’s also a low-cost business to start and operate.

One of the first things you should do when learning how to start a pet sitting business is to refine your offerings. You might specialize in pet sitting for animals that need extensive care or carve out a niche where you only take care of cats.

2. Animal Boarding

Many people choose to board their animals while they travel so they get to interact with other animals and people while they’re away. Boarding facilities have started extending their services and offerings, creating luxury pet hotels instead of bare-bones boarding centers.

By offering more and better services, boarding facilities are also charging higher prices. Some animal boarding businesses have extended their offering to not just full-day services while people are out of town, but to also include doggy daycare services for those who work long hours.

3. Dog Training

Many people love their animals but work long hours which makes it difficult to provide education and training. That’s where a dog training service comes in. 

With a low-cost startup and minimal tools needed, you can start a dog training business with very little cash on hand. While not required, it can help to build your credibility with customers by having a professional dog training certification.

One of the benefits of this type of business is that you don’t need office space. You can train dogs at your home, at your clients’ homes, or by partnering with a pet store or boarding facility. There’s also a lot of flexibility in what services you can offer as a dog trainer. You might offer group lessons, private lessons, or to train dog owners on how to train their own dogs.

4. Dog Walker

One of the many reasons that people love dogs is the pure joy in which they celebrate life. While most everything makes dogs happy, there are few things they like better than taking a walk.

When you start a dog walking business, you get paid to make dogs happy, get exercise, and spend time outside. While rainy days make the job a little bit harder, in general starting a dog walking business is mostly enjoyable. 

5. Doggy Daycare

For dog parents who work long hours but still want to provide their dogs with an enriching, fulfilled life, there’s doggy daycare. Doggy daycare centers let dog owners drop off their furry friends in the morning and then pick them back up in the evening. During the day while the owners are working, the doggy daycare center provides fun, games, walks, feeding, and outside time for the dogs.

If you’re looking for just the right pet business idea, it’s important to note that this is one idea that will require some startup funding. A doggy daycare requires land, a building, and equipment to outfit the facility. Many doggy daycare facilities offer a premium experience with outdoor space, health check-ups, toys, and cameras so owners can see what their dogs are doing while they’re away.

6. Poop Scooping

While this is a job that no one really wants to do, it is a pet business idea. Getting this business started is pretty simple; you’ll need shovels, waste containers, a vehicle for transporting, and an approved disposal site.

If you choose this type of business as your pet business idea, don’t limit yourself to just working with residential customers. Make sure to explore all the options by offering your services to dog parks, boarding facilities, doggy daycare centers, and vet clinics.

7. Social Media Pet Personality

From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub to Marnie to Jiffpom—there are numerous social media accounts dedicated to animals that have become famous. Many of these accounts are written as if the animal in question is speaking to the reader. With enough followers, you can start monetizing your account through sponsored content, ads, and more.

So, if you have the social media skills and think you can turn your pet’s inner monologue into a business, then this could be a creative and fun business idea.

8. Grooming Services

One of the many aspects of pet ownership is ensuring that pets are well-groomed. Grooming services can include bathing, hair trims, breed-specific styling, and nail trims. One of the benefits of grooming services as a pet business idea is that there are a number of ways to start this type of business. 

You can start your grooming business as an independent contractor who works with established salons and builds experience. You could then invest in your own salon space or a customized truck which would then become your mobile grooming business. 

9. Pet Toy Designer

If there’s one thing pet owners love to do, it’s spoil their pets. If you’re creative and have a love for crafting, you could start a business creating toys for animals. While most people jump to dogs and cats when they think of toys, there’s a wide range of animals that interact with toys. In addition to making toys, you could consider making habitats. 

10. Animal Blogger and Expert

For those with a knack for writing and some knowledge about animals, the pet business idea for you may be blogging. One of the best parts about starting a blogging business is that you can do it from anywhere.

By writing great articles, you can gain followers and become an affiliate marketer. Bloggers generally make money by endorsing products and providing readers with a link to purchase. Once people make a purchase, the blogger gets a small percentage of the money. Ads and sponsored content are other ways you can monetize your blog.

Pet Business Name Ideas

Start brainstorming which words would suit your business names and which words would represent your brand correctly. You can decide to use words like Standard, Joy, and Style to indicate a happy pet, a healthy pet, and a fancy and well-groomed pet. These are all essential for a pet business because your target customers want to know how you can care for their pets.

To get started check this pet business name generator.

  1. Ruff Life
  2. Pawsibilities
  3. Canine Crew
  4. Animal Crew
  5. Fido Fiddle
  6. Animal Haus
  7. Dog Galore
  8. Play Pen
  9. Tails of Joy
  10. Maw and Paw
  11. Spotty Pet Store
  12. Animal Pawpose
  13. Pet Empire
  14. Pawfect Tail
  15. Wiggly wag
  16. Pup Hub
  17. Bark in Style
  18. Poodle Standard
  19. Groom and Growl
  20. Top Cat

Make Money Selling Dog Clothes

As the owner of a pet clothing business, you’ll either resell or design and fabricate pet attire. You might own a brick and mortar store, run your business online, or operate in a hybrid model by serving customers in both modes.

Hopefully, you love dogs and other animals. You should also have good instincts for finding vendors, pricing items, and promoting and marketing your business. If you’ll be making rather than buying and reselling items, you must also have a talent for pet fashion, clothing design, and sewing.

U.S. pet owners spend an estimated $69.36 billion annually on their pets, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This includes expenditures of nearly $1.5 billion on supplies and medicine. The estimate represents an impressive year-over-year growth rate. The 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey Debut is an excellent source of additional market profile information for your business plan.

Animal Business Ideas UK

Britain has long been known as a nation of pet lovers, and represents a hefty chunk of the pet market in Europe and across the world. They spent an estimated £7.16 billion on our animals in 2015 alone, and the figure continues to climb. Nearly half of all British households are home to at least one pet; 26% of homes count a dog, while 18% favour cats. 

So how might you get into the pet business? Let’s look at five ideas for pet-focused products and services to inspire you.

1. Dog Walking

One of the simplest ways of starting a pet business is through offering dog walking – it requires very little in the way of equipment and can turn into a regular gig if you and the pup hit it off. 10% of dog owners have hired a dog walker at least once, and that number almost doubles for owners in their early 20s.

If you decide to become a dog walker, don’t forget to take out pet business insurance in case of accidents – and consider registering with a trade body such as the National Association of Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers (NarpsUK). 

2. Pet Sitting

Reliable, trustworthy pet sitters are invaluable to owners who travel often or work long hours away from home. While it may be a little more difficult to score your first clients, this is a business where word of mouth is extremely valuable – do a good job and you’re likely to earn additional work through your client or their friends. 

While it’s not strictly required, a criminal record check is valuable. Don’t forget pet business insurance, and think about taking a course in animal first aid.

3. Pet Boarding

Kennels and catteries are popular with pet owners who would rather not give access to their home while they’re away. They require plenty of space and you’ll need to contact your local council to apply for an animal boarding establishment licence.

An inspector will check that you are providing adequate shelter, food, water, exercise and protection from disease – they can check in at any time. It’s more difficult to set up a boarding establishment than a pet sitting service, but can be very rewarding.

4. Animal Training

Confident in your pet-whispering prowess? Consider putting your skills to use as a trainer. Good training can help anxious, unhappy animals to settle into their homes and nip bad habits in the bud. 

Even better, you could train assistance dogs or therapy animals – they are increasingly popular for mental health support and can really change lives.

5. Pet Grooming

Cats, dogs and rabbits require regular grooming to keep coats healthy and hairballs in check, but many pet owners are short on time or struggle to get their pet to cooperate. Long-haired breeds like poodles and Angora rabbits need regular brushing to prevent matting, while hairless Sphynx cats need regular baths. If you know your way around a comb and claw clippers, perhaps this could be the job for you?

Dog Grooming Business Ideas

Dog grooming salons can be a profitable option for those looking to start a business in the animal service industry.

Americans spent more than $72 billion dollars on pets in 2018, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), and that number is projected to top $75 million in 2019. The category of other pet services, which includes grooming, accounted for more than $6 million, or about 8%, of the money spent.

Pet services are the fastest-growing sector of the pet industry, and the APPA projects that pet services will continue to grow. Dog grooming businesses should show continued profitability as the more than 63 million households with dogs continue to increase their spending across the board on care and services for their pets.

Training & Certification

To be a successful dog groomer you must acquire the necessary skills, either by completing a formal grooming program, shadowing an established professional, or through experience gained in the world of dog shows.

Several schools are available to provide training and certification for anyone interested in being a dog groomer. While certification is not necessary to work as a dog groomer, it is beneficial for marketing purposes and makes it clear to prospective customers that you have some training.

Business Considerations

The first step is to form your business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. There are tax and liability considerations for each type of business entity, so it is wise to consult with an accountant or attorney to evaluate which options will best suit a grooming business.

Next, you have to determine whether you will operate out of a retail space or a mobile grooming salon. Most dog groomers rent a storefront from a commercial real estate company or convert a building on their property to accommodate grooming activities. Mobile grooming is an increasingly popular trend but requires a significant investment to upgrade a van with the necessary equipment.

Purchasing Equipment

One of the most substantial start-up costs for a grooming salon is the purchase of equipment. Necessary basic equipment for grooming businesses includes clippers, shears, scissors, brushes, shampoos, conditioners, sprays, dryers, nail clippers, ear cleaning products, bandanas, and bows. Salons also are usually equipped with washing machines, dryers, bathtubs, professional grooming tables, and cages.

Equipment such as dryers, tubs, and tables each can cost hundreds of dollars depending on size, style, and quality.


One of the most important factors in making your dog grooming business successful is to distinguish it from the competition. You need to develop a memorable name and logo that customers will remember.

There are many advertising options to generate buzz for a new dog grooming business. You can send out flyers, catalogs, or postcards to potential clients in your area. You also can leave advertising items and business cards at dog parks, pet boutiques, or veterinary clinics.

Read Also: What Are The Most Lucrative Small Business Ideas

Dog groomers may choose to network with veterinarians, dog trainers, dog walkers, and doggie daycare owners to gain and give referrals. You might also consider giving away gift certificates to your salon as a part of animal rescue charity fundraisers or other community events.

Word of mouth will be a major factor in advertising your business as it becomes established. Satisfied customers tend to refer their friends to your business, and eventually, this will become a major source of revenue.

Pricing Services

When determining the prices for grooming services, it is wise to research the current rates in your area. Your prices should fall into a similar range so your business will be competitive, and it is smart to price slightly lower when first establishing a clientele to encourage customers to give you a chance. Offering a special discount rate to first-time visitors is another sure way to get new clients in the door.

It is also important to consider the breed of dog, the type of cut required, and the time it takes to complete the grooming service when establishing your rate.


While it is tempting to want to touch every part of this industry to cover all of the above services, it’s important that you remain focused as a new business owner. Don’t try to sell unique foods, offer grooming services, sell travel cases and dog sweaters, or more. Less is more here, as when you can establish that you do one thing well, you’ll retain a loyal customer base that continues to come back.

If you look at the expenses and the effort of expanding from a specialty shop with a core focus to a more broad approach, you’re diluting your investment of time, money, inventory, marketing and more. And customers can see that. That’s when they get unhappy, and you start to lose business.”

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