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There are hundreds of thousands of free and premium WordPress plugins out there. It can be overwhelming to find the best plugins among all of those choices! And when you’re just starting a blog, you might not even know what plugins to look for.

At the start, you’ll need a few essential plugins to launch your WordPress blog, create a contact form, start growing your blog traffic, and more.

In this article, you’ll find some of the best WordPress plugins (paid WordPress plugins and free plugins) that you can install to make your blog instantly better.

  • What Plugins do I Need For WordPress Blog?
  • Which Plugin is Best For WordPress?
  • How Many Plugins Should I Use in WordPress?
  • What Are The Most Popular WordPress Plugins And Their Functions?
  • Top 10 Best WordPress Blog Plugins 2021
  • Best Free WordPress Plugins For e-commerce
  • WordPress Popular Plugins Free Download
  • Best WordPress Plugins For Design
  • How to Get WordPress Plugins For Free
  • Why Plugins Are Used in WordPress
  • Does Yoast Slow Down WordPress?
  • Best WordPress Plugins For News Sites
  • What Are The Most Important WordPress Plugins?

What Plugins do I Need For WordPress Blog?

No matter what kind of site you’re running, or what niche it belongs to, there are certain plugins that you’ll want to install. And those are the tools we’re going to discuss now.

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is by far the most popular SEO tool in the WordPress landscape, and it’s easy to see why it’s one of our must-have WordPress plugins. Not only can it help you improve your SEO, it can even analyze your content’s readability. About 79% of users only scan through your posts and pages, so the more accessible your copy is, the greater your chance of retaining their attention.

Read Also: Hire WordPress Developer

As far as SEO is concerned, there are plenty of ways to drive traffic to your site. However, none offer as much potential as search engines. Each day, Google alone handles over nine billion searches.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that organic traffic can make or break a website, and you can’t buy your way to the top in most cases. Just to drive home that point, only 5% of search engine traffic leads users to paid results. That’s why working on your keyword strategy is critical for every website.

Key Features:

  • Optimize your WordPress posts and pages using keywords and meta descriptions.
  • See how well your content is currently optimized, and make improvements easily.
  • Improve your content’s readability with simple tips.


The base version of Yoast SEO is 100% free, and there’s a premium version with additional features.

2. UpdraftPlus

An average of 30,000 websites get hacked every day. When you consider the fact that WordPress powers nearly 30% of sites on the web, you can see why it’s a frequent target. Moreover, parts of your WordPress website can sometimes stop working due to simple errors.

For example, if most people use 10 or fewer plugins on their sites and half of those receive monthly updates, it’s clear that the risk of running into compatibility errors is common. A single recent backup can save you a ton of headaches, whether you’ve been attacked, encounter a compatibility issue, or simply want to migrate your site.

This is where our next must-have WordPress plugin comes into play. There are plenty of WordPress backup plugins available online, but few of them are as powerful and easy to use as UpdraftPlus.

It integrates with multiple cloud storage options to safeguard your backups. And you can even automate your backups with a recurring schedule.

Key Features:

  • Create automatic or manual backups of your website.
  • Store your backups locally or on the cloud.
  • Restore your website to a previous state.


There are both free and premium versions of UpdraftPlus available.

3. Optimole

Images take up more than 50% of the average webpage size. That means optimizing your images can make a huge difference to your site’s page load times.

Why is that important? Because if your website takes more than three seconds to load, over half your visitors will abandon it.

In case that isn’t worrying enough, 79% of online shoppers might not return to your website if they find its performance lackluster. While images aren’t the only thing that impacts website performance, optimizing your WordPress images is a key component of improving your page load times.

Optimole takes every graphic you upload to WordPress and optimizes it so that it takes up less space. In addition to that, it uses a cloud-based system to speed up your site. Optimole auto-detects the screen size, and resizes images to provide a fast loading, responsive experience to your users.

Key Features:

  • Automatically compress your images.
  • Optimize your JPEG and PNG images.
  • Bulk optimize any old images that you have
  • Resize any images you upload to your website.
  • Supports both Retina and WebP images.
  • Uses global CDN.
  • Compatible with modern page builders like Elementor.


This plugin is free for up to 5,000 visits per month. After that, you can opt for the premium version for $22.52 / month charged annually.

4. Revive Old Post

Social media is the source of over 30% of referral traffic to most websites.

That means you’re losing out on a massive amount of potential traffic if you don’t remain active on social media. Just to give you an idea, approximately 2 billion and 300 million users log into Facebook and Twitter respectively each month.

If every post on those networks can increase your chances of reaching even a sliver of those users, it means that the plugin we want to point out to you here is definitely worth your time.

Another one of the must-have WordPress plugins on our list is Revive Old Post. It’s designed to help drive more traffic to your website via social media. To accomplish this, the plugin takes your site’s new and old publications and automatically shares them to Twitter and Facebook.

Key Features:

  • Share your new and old posts to Twitter and Facebook automatically.
  • Set a schedule for your social media publications.
  • Include hashtags and links back to your website.


There are both free and premium versions available.

5. WP Rocket

WP Rocket is a powerful caching plugin that helps you to speed up your loading times. It does this by creating cached copies of each dynamically-generated page on your site, so your servers have to do less work.

We’ve already talked about why quick page load times are critical, and caching solutions can be an even more effective solution than image optimization. For example, the W3 Total Cache plugin can decrease your loading times by over 43% on average.

WP Rocket does even better – in our caching plugin tests, it decreased page load times by a whopping 63%. It may not be free, but the results are more than worth it, especially if there are conversions on the line.

Key Features:

  • Cache your website’s dynamically generated pages.
  • Improve user-end browser caching.
  • Enable lazy loading for faster loading times.
  • Integrate your caching solution with a Content Delivery Network (CDN).


WP Rocket is a premium tool that starts at $49 for a single site’s year-long license.

6. Elementor

With over 5,000,000 active installs, Elementor is one of the coolest additions on our must-have WordPress plugins list. It is a visual page builder that gives you the ability to craft original designs for your pages that are somewhat independent of your current theme.

This means you don’t have to be a web development aficionado to add all those cool effects like background overlays, hover effects, animations, and more, it can all be done with a simple drag-and-drop. It is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor and other WordPress plugins on this list.

Elementor is useful for those who want to create a beautiful landing page for their business. It is also a good choice for those who want to have a custom design for parts of their website but don’t have deep pockets to hire a developer to do the task.

Key Features:

  • Select from 150+ beautifully built templates from the Elementor library.
  • Create a value proposition with a simple drag and drop.
  • Build fully original designs for your website.


The main Elementor plugin is available for free in the WordPress directory. If you need more features, unlocking the premium version has its price tag:

  • Personal – $49 per year for one site
  • Plus – $99 per year for three sites
  • Expert – $199 per year for 1,000 sites
7. WPForms

WPForms is an amazing WordPress plugin for building beautiful forms (contact forms and other). This plugin offers a perfect blend of useful features and ease of usage. It is highly user-friendly and mobile responsive.

An ability to create eye-catching contact forms without having to work on any JavaScript or other code is one of the big reasons why over 3 million websites are using this plugin already.

WPForms gives you a customizable, modern contact form that not only improves interaction but also generates better conversions, gets more survey results, and much more.

Key Features:

  • Create an attractive contact form for free.
  • Save your time with pre-built form templates.


WPForms Lite is available for free and works well for sites that want to use it on their contact page. WPForms Pro will unlock more features and integrations. You will have access to a lot of form templates for $39.50 per year.

8. Otter

Otter is a lightweight WordPress plugin for adding useful extra functionality to Gutenberg. It is a library featuring Gutenberg templates and additional blocks.

While Gutenberg is a nice replacement for the WordPress classic editor, there’s still a long way down the road for Gutenberg to offer premium class functionality. However, you can install Otter for additional Gutenberg blocks and then create intuitive pages with it.

Key Features:

  • Add Google Maps and advanced heading block.
  • Create an attractive contact form for free.
  • 13+ Gutenberg blocks for unique pages.


Otter is a free WordPress plugin.

9. Redirection

Since we are talking about must-have WordPress plugins, we cannot possibly miss out on Redirection. It is a redirect manager for WordPress. Redirection lets you set up custom 301 redirects within your website and then keeps a full record of data on clicks. You can even use it to track broken URLs on your site.

We all know how much Google (and other search engines) hates bad user experience. A 404 or broken page contributes to the same. But, you cannot check every single post or page on your website by hand, especially if you have hundreds of posts.

Simply installing the Redirection plugin will show you a list of pages that are 404s, and all you need to do is enter the URL where you want the plugin to redirect the visitor.

Key Features:

  • Track all 4xx error pages.
  • Set up page-level redirection easily.


Redirection is available for free.

Which Plugin is Best For WordPress?

With more than 50,000 plugins in the WordPress plugin directory, not to mention thousands more plugins on third-party websites, it can be daunting for site owners to find just the right plugins to improve their WordPress websites.

Choosing the right plugins is crucial for the speed, security, and user-friendliness of your website. Luckily, there are some clear winners that benefit just about any type of WordPress site. The HubSpot WordPress plugin, for example, lets you capture, organize, and engage your visitors with free forms, live chat, email marketing, analytics, and a CRM.

Below we’ll take a closer look at this plugin and others.

1. HubSpot

You simply can’t grow your business without marketing, and HubSpot makes it easy to do just that. The HubSpot WordPress plugin allows you to manage contacts, follow leads, track conversions, build email newsletters, engage with site visitors via forms and chat, and more.

The dashboard and analytics allow you to gauge how well your efforts are doing to continue making informed decisions while growing your business.

2. WooCommerce

Want to sell products or services on your website? Yes, there’s an e-commerce plugin for that! WooCommerce is a top eCommerce plugin that converts your WordPress blog into a fully functional online store.

Thanks to its endless customization, you can sell everything from digital files to physical products, set currencies, show reviews and ratings, add sorting and filtering functions, set unlimited images per product, and a lot more.

3. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress, making it easy to optimize your pages and posts to rank higher on search engines.

With Yoast SEO, you’ll get templates for titles and meta descriptions, so you can learn how to craft this information according to SEO best practices. Yoast SEO also analyzes your content for both readability and keywords, so you can balance high-quality content with SEO.

4. Jetpack

Jetpack is a collection of amazing tools and features that supercharge your site with many useful functionalities. Jetpack offers the capabilities of many plugins in one. It’s also developed by Automattic, the team behind WordPress, so you’ll be getting exceptional developers behind the tool.

From improving site security to optimizing user engagement, Jetpack provides several features to keep your site running smoothly. With Jetpack, you can add social share buttons, contact forms, CDN services, email subscription forms, and many other services to your website.

5. Elementor

Elementor is a leading page builder for the WordPress CMS — it allows you to place a variety of page elements with a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG interface. This way, constructing your ideal website is as easy as clicking and dragging your desired elements into the builder area.

For its ease-of-use, simplicity, and compatibility with many WordPress themes, Elementor is a highly recommended plugin for beginner website owners and those less comfortable touching the back-end WordPress code.

6. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular caching plugins for WordPress. Caching is a way of storing data in order to provide that data even faster the next time it is requested by a user.

Essentially, W3 Total Cache reduces your website’s loading times. Because of the increased site speed, you’ll see a boost in your site’s search engine rankings, and perhaps even a boost in conversion rates.

7. Smush

It’s important to optimize every image file on your site to help improve speed. However, doing this manually for every image can be a time-consuming, boring task. Thankfully, Smush is an image optimization plugin that comes to your rescue, as it automatically compresses images across your site. With compressed images, your website will continue to load quickly for users.

8. Akismet Spam Protection

Another Automattic-backed plugin, Akismet is the most popular anti-spam plugin for WordPress. It checks your contact form submissions and comments for suspicious submissions, keeping your blog clean and spam-free.

Using Akismet is as easy as installing and activating — the plugin will automatically handle the rest of the work. It also lets you review which comments are stopped or cleared by the plugin, so you can block or unblock comments yourself.

9. iThemes Security

The security of your WordPress site shouldn’t be taken lightly. The iThemes Security plugin is one of the most effective plugins for securing your WordPress website.

It gives you more than 30 ways to protect your site and users, including password expiration, two-factor authentication, reCAPTCHA, and malware scanning.

10. Monarch

Monarch from ElegantThemes is one of the best social sharing plugins for WordPress. This plugin has modern social sharing buttons, which you can strategically place on your web pages, to encourage users to quickly click and share your content on their social media feeds. Monarch will help you reach new audiences.

How Many Plugins Should I Use in WordPress?

The short answer to the question “how many plugins are too many?” is that there is no hard-and-fast rule. Plugins are a must for most WordPress websites, but you should only use as many of them as you need.

If you have dozens of active plugins, but you’re really only using a few of them, there’s no reason to keep the rest enabled. Those extra add-ons take up resources, and they increase the chance that you’ll run into compatibility issues.

With that in mind, if you follow these three basic tips, you can minimize the chance that plugins will impact your website negatively:

  1. Choose plugins with high ratings, and check out negative reviews (which often point out problems you might otherwise overlook).
  2. Before you install a plugin, make sure it gets regular updates.
  3. Use a web host that offers the best performance you can afford.

Merely using a great web host can solve most performance issues with WordPress websites. If you’re also proactive about site maintenance, your pages should load quickly regardless of how many plugins you use.

If you need to determine whether a plugin gets regular updates, you can find that information within most repositories. For example, if you go to WordPress.org and check out any plugin, you’ll see how long it’s been since the last update.

If you see that the plugin gets regular updates and has positive ratings (along with 1,000+ installs), then it should be a safe choice.

Most websites with decent hosting should be able to handle dozens of active plugins without breaking a sweat. The real problem lies in using outdated tools that don’t follow best practices.

Beyond that, you shouldn’t keep plugins active if you’re not using them, because it’s a waste of resources and opens you up to unnecessary compatibility errors. As long as each plugin on your site serves a purpose, is regularly updated, and is well-reviewed, you shouldn’t have to worry.

What Are The Most Popular WordPress Plugins And Their Functions?

Based on the actual download numbers from WordPress.org, these are the 10 most popular WordPress plugins of all time from the 55,000+ plugins that are currently available.

1. Yoast SEO

One of the plugins that gets a lot of love from people is, without a doubt, Yoast SEO. This plugin is used by (almost) everyone who has a blog or site on WordPress. In fact, it can be hard to find websites that DON’T have Yoast SEO installed (well – we know of ~50 million actually! Check out #7).

So, if you’re one of those people who doesn’t use this plugin… well, it helps you improve the overall SEO score of your articles and pages. With it, you can set your main keyword, the meta description, slug, SEO title, the alt attributes of your images, and it also recommends the best practices for good readability.

It’s nice because the plugin offers stats and actionable advice on how to improve your work and, when everything is done by the book, you get the green light.

2. Jetpack

Another plugin built by Automattic makes the top of the most popular WordPress plugins. This time, it’s Jetpack, a multipurpose tool that’s good at (almost) everything. It helps you with marketing, design, and security.

Among its various features, you can find site analytics, automated social media posting, multiple WordPress themes, spam filtering, downtime monitoring, malware scanning, login security, lazy image loading, CDN, and more.

Jetpack comes in one free and three paid plans, so not all of its features are free of charge. The plugin is suitable for personal blogs, and for both startups and corporate businesses. It fits all the basic needs and all budgets.

3. Akismet

Not far from Yoast SEO when it comes to the number of downloads is Akismet Anti-Spam. Akismet is a tool developed by Automattic, made to automatically block spam comments. Every day, we are spammed by either promotional links, irrelevant stories, malicious content or simply by mistake. And it’s very hard to filter them all by yourself, especially if you own a business that gets hundreds of comments per day.

The plugin is good not only for automation but also for security purposes since it won’t allow malicious or problematic content to be published on your site.

Akismet also checks all your contact form submissions against their global database of spam, so you’ll be sure only the good and relevant information gets to you. The plugin is mandatory for blog and business owners who receive at least tens of comments daily.

4. Wordfence Security

As you can see, the most popular WordPress plugins are diverse and come with a wide range of features. Now, Wordfence is a plugin only about security; it was created to keep your site safe. Wordfence puts a firewall on your site to keep it away from malicious traffic. Apart from that, it offers a malware scanner which blocks suspect external attempts and provides a secure login system.

What’s nice about this plugin is that it provides alerts every time something weird happens on your site. By weird, I mean anything that shouldn’t happen in terms of security. For instance, when a plugin that you use gets closed or abandoned or when a vulnerability issue takes place.

At a first sight (and in a professional’s book), having Wondfence installed on your WordPress site is mandatory if you don’t want to face unneeded problems or at least if you want to decrease potential dangers.

But of course, there are lots of people in this world who don’t think security is something to worry about, so… Keeping your site in check would be ideal, but it’s only up to you how you see things and how you want to deal with issues (prevent them or fight them when it’s the case).

5. Contact Form 7

The next most popular plugin is Contact Form 7, which creates simple and effective contact forms for your blog. Given that all of us need an easy way to connect with people, it’s not a surprise to see this plugin so high on the list.

The plugin was developed by Takayuki Miyoshi and can handle multiple contact forms on the same site; it also integrates Akismet spam filtering and lets you customize the styling and fields that you want to use in the form. The plugin provides CAPTCHA and Ajax submitting.

Again, this is one of the plugins that can be used by absolutely everyone, no matter if you’re running a personal blog or you’re having a business that you monetize. Why? Because it’s free, easy to configure, and efficient.

6. WooCommerce

How could e-commerce miss this list of the most popular WordPress plugins? WooCommerce is the plugin that lets you turn your WordPress site into an online shop, so you can sell your products to your clients on the web.

Of course, this plugin was built for commercial purposes, so all its users must be business owners (be it for side projects or for a living).

What’s nice about WooCommerce is that it’s very flexible in terms of customization options. Apart from the built-in settings, lots of developers built a community around it and created extensions, so that selling online can be as smooth as possible. With WooCommerce you can sell both physical and digital goods, add product variations, use affiliate links, and extensive payment methods.

7. Google Analytics for WordPress

Is there anyone in this world who’s not using Google Analytics? I mean, especially if you have big plans with your website. If you want to grow your personal, hobby blog into something that you can monetize, you can’t do it without Google Analytics.

So Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is a plugin that makes the connection between your WordPress site and Google Analytics easier. The plugin offers quick and powerful integration if you simply copy and paste the tracking code to your site.

After you do this, the plugin just works. A cool feature is that you can monitor the stats without leaving your dashboard because it imports the numbers from Analytics to your WordPress admin area.

8. All in One SEO Pack

SEO is a very popular topic across the web. When it comes to what gets shared in WordPress, we found out that SEO was the second most interesting topic, after plugins. So, if you want to experiment more or need an alternative to Yoast, you can try All in One SEO Pack, created to help both beginners and advanced users alike (including developers).

How does this plugin help you? Apart from the basic SEO instructions for content optimization, the plugin also offers XML sitemap, Google Analytics, and Google AMP support. An awesome feature of this tool is that it provides SEO integration for e-commerce sites.

Who can use All in One SEO Pack? Everyone. If you host a personal blog which you want to grow, own a business of any type, or you’re a professional blogger, this plugin should be a valuable addition to your artillery.

9. Elementor

A beautiful landing page is essential, so it’s no surprise that #9 is a plugin that lets you build custom pages independent of what your current theme allows you to do. How does it work exactly? It gives you a visual design interface where you can craft your page from scratch or use one of the available templates.

This plugin is one of those that you must install on your website because it helps you big time, especially if you want full control over your design. There are a lot of free templates in the Elementor library that you can use for creating a page straight away.

10. WPForms

As we finish up this list of the most popular WordPress plugins, let’s meet WPForms, which is also part of our list of must-have WordPress plugins. If you want to add a fancy form to your WordPress site, this plugin lets you do it in a few clicks. WPForms allows you to create a beautiful contact form using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

This plugin was built for people who want to be able to create trendy forms without hiring web developers. WPForms Lite is limited to three types of forms (including contact forms). WPForms Pro offers advanced integrations to create survey forms, quizzes, payment forms, and more.

Top 10 Best WordPress Blog Plugins 2021

1. Yoast SEO

If you’re serious about search optimization, use Yoast to reach the next level

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that offers real-time page analysis to help you optimize your pages’ content, images, titles, meta descriptions, and keywords. You can also use the plugin to tell Google not to index a page, or set of pages. And it even analyses the readability of your copy; checking the length of your sentences and paragraphs, whether you use transition words or subheadings, if you use passive voice too often, and so on.

You can also use Yoast SEO to generate URLs automatically (so you don’t get penalized by Google for duplicate content), create readable XML sitemaps, and get finer control over breadcrumbs.

The premium version of Yoast SEO offers more advanced features, but even the free plugin can help you make a real difference to your site’s ranking. Yoast SEO is constantly updated with new releases.

2. WP-Rocket

Want to speed up your site? Caching plugin WP Rocket could be your friend

WP Rocket begins at US$49 (about £37, AU$69) for an annual license for a single site. That might sound like a lot – especially when there are other caching plugins available free – but this really is a premium product where you get what you pay for.

It’s very easy to set up, and can be installed and configured in just a few minutes. And that’s it – a real case of set it and forget it. Page caching is activated straight away and you should get an immediate speed boost to your site as a result. Plus, because this WordPress plugin’s crawler simulates a visit to preload the cache, the indexing of your website by search engines is instantly improved.

WP Rocket, which has been used on more than 1,280,000 WordPress websites, also makes sure the images on your site are loaded only as your visitor scrolls down the page, and reduces the weight of your HTML, JavaScript and CSS files through minification, both of which should improve your load times further. Furthermore, being a premium product means you’ll receive regular updates and excellent customer support.

3. Gravity Forms

If you need a contact form for your WordPress site, Gravity Forms is ideal

Currently in use by more than one million sites, Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you to build complex, contact forms quickly and with ease, with no technical knowledge required. 

A user-friendly editor prompts you to select the fields you want to include, configure your options, and then embed the forms on your WordPress site. If you wish, you can also break up your form into multiple pages, and show a progress bar that lets users know how far they’ve got in the process. Also, there is a HubSpot add-on integration.

You can also schedule forms to appear and disappear at certain times; create order forms with pricing fields; and even build a form that creates user-generated WordPress posts on your site. All in all, well worth the US$59 (about £45, AU$83) price tag.

4. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

Use this plugin to find out how many people are visiting your site, where they’re from, and how long they’re staying on each page

This powerful, free WordPress plugin enables you to track your site’s visitors using Google Analytics’ tracking code, and view key statistics within your WordPress installation. You can use Google Analytics Dashboard for WP to generate a set of performance reports about the site’s performance as a whole, as well as that of individual pages and posts, and the information you get back is fully customizable. 

This WordPress plugin is fully compatible with multisite network installs, integrates with Google AdWords so you can keep track of how well your ads are converting, and supports AdSense, so you can work out which posts or pages are generating the most income. Note that you need to open a (free) Google Analytics account before you can use this plugin.

5. WooCommerce

A free WordPress plugin that’s the world’s most popular for ecommerce sites

The WooCommerce WordPress plugin currently powers more than 30% of online stores. First launched in 2011, it was acquired by Automattic (the company behind WordPress.com) in 2015, so its future development is clearly in safe hands. 

The standard, free version of WooCommerce can calculate the costs of shipping and taxes and offers the ability to accept major credit cards, PayPal, bank transfers and cash on delivery. There are also some very capable stock management tools to help you keep track of your inventory.

The premium version of WooCommerce comes with more advanced tools, such as a one-page checkout, and an add-on for cart abandonment emails. There are also hundreds of add-ons and themes to extend WooCommerce’s functionality further.

6. Adobe Fonts (Former TypeKit Fonts for WordPress)

Integrate thousands of top-quality fonts for your WordPress site

If you want to make your WordPress site look beautiful, you need to move beyond standard fonts and start investigating a wider range of typography. Adobe Fonts (former TypeKit ) is an Adobe service that gives you access to high-quality custom fonts.

The fonts are applied to your website using the font-face standard, so you can be sure they’re web standards-compliant, fully licensed, and accessible. There are thousands of fonts available and you’ll need a Creative Cloud account/subscription to get started.

7. SearchWP

Help readers find the content they want with a plugin that’s a huge improvement on WordPress’s own built-in search tool

Unfortunately, the search functionality provided by WordPress isn’t so great. But if you want to give your own visitors a decent in-site search experience (and let’s face it, who doesn’t), there’s a great free WordPress plugin that can help you out.

SearchWP offers a list of advanced search features including the indexing of post titles, descriptions and keywords, as well as PDF, Office and text document content. You can also create multiple search engines, each with their own settings; so you could, for example, create a search box solely for product searches. 

SearchWP lets you to give users better results by using keyword stems instead of exact term matches, so, for example, the search term ‘sing’ would return related words like ‘song’ and ‘singing’. You can even customize how results are ranked using SearchWP’s weighting system. Prices start at $99 for one site for one year.

8. TablePress

Make and manage tables on your site, and even import them from Excel

If you need to present a lot of data in table form, it can be quite a pain coding it all by hand. TablePress is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to create and manage tables on your site without any knowledge of HTML. And best of all, it’s totally free.

With TablePress, your tables can contain any type of data, even formulas, plus an additional JavaScript library can be used to add features such as sorting, pagination and filtering to help your visitors make sense of all the info. 

You can include tables in posts, pages and text widgets, and tables can be imported from Excel (XLS and XLSX), CSV, and HTML files, as well as being exported.

9. BackUpWordPress / UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup

Disasters and security breaches happen, so be cautious and protect your site

In the Wild West world of the internet, nothing lasts forever and you never know when catastrophe may strike. So it’s important to make regular backups of anything you put online. 

BackUpWordPress lets you back up your entire WordPress site, including your database and all your files, on a schedule and timeframe that suits you. 

The WordPress plugin, which boasts more than 200,000 active users, works in low memory ‘shared host’ environments, lets you manage multiple schedules, and gives you the option to have each backup file emailed to you.

You can send your backups to a wide variety of destinations, including remote FTP servers, Google Drive, DropBox, Amazon S3, Dreamhost DreamObjects, Rackspace Cloud and Microsoft Azure. It’s free to download from the WordPress website but due to the change in ownership, backups to Dropbox, Google Drive and others won’t be supported anymore. Alternatively, you can check out UpdraftPlus WordPress Backups.

10. Akismet

The quick and easy way to manage and eliminate spam comments

If you allow comments on your WordPress site, you’ll know what a headache comment spam can cause. One way to deal with this is to enable comment moderation, but once the volume of spam reaches a certain level, there often aren’t enough hours in the day to deal with it.  

Created by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, Akismet is a WordPress plugin that automatically checks all comments and filters out the ones that look like spam for you. It works in the background and there are no settings to configure, so it’s extremely easy to pick up and run with. 

Of course, you can’t rely on Akismet capturing every single piece of spam, and there’s also the possibility of false positives. But by telling it when it has missed spam or identified false positives, it can learn and get better over time. 

Akismet is free to download but you’ll need an Akismet.com API key to use it. Keys are free for personal blogs; paid subscriptions are available for businesses and commercial sites.

Best Free WordPress Plugins For e-commerce

Are you looking for the best free e-commerce WordPress plugins? we put together a list of the best and most popular free e-commerce plugins for WordPress to help you open you online store and help you monetize on your website or blog.

Each e-commerce plugin is updated to the WordPress.org plugin directory standards, which means its well coded and SEO optimized, it will work on any mobile devices.

1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a free eCommerce WooCommerce Product Blocks Pro plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce and Webshop plugin solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. The best eCommerce platform to start an online store in 2021

WooCommerce is a flexible, open-source eCommerce solution built on WordPress. Whether you’re launching a business, taking an existing brick and mortar store online, or designing sites for clients you can get started quickly and build exactly the store you want.

Activate the free WooCommerce plugin on a new or existing WordPress site, follow the optional guided tour, and set up a new store in minutes with:

  • Product, Cart, and Checkout pages
  • Secure payments by credit card and alternatives
  • Configurable shipping options, including flat rates and label printing
  • Integrate content and commerce across your site via modular blocks
  • Automated tax calculations
  • Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Facebook integration
  • Central store dashboard with key metrics, and more.
  • Install Woocommerce extensions to take your online store to the next level.

WooCommerce is built to allow store managers to run an eCommerce site themselves, no web developer needed. There is also a free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS) for store management on the go.

2. Omnisend

Omnisend is a plugin that you could easily integrate with your WooCommerce store to boost your sales. Using this plugin, you would be able to implement an omnichannel marketing strategy by using email, SMS, push notifications, Facebook Messenger, and more.

Omnisend allows you to build a personalized customer experience and boost your sales using a single platform. You will get a lot of pre-built automation workflows, email templates and drag & drop content editor to start using it without much hesitation. 

  • Omnisend offers a 14-day free trial
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Email, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Push Notifications and other channels
  • Signup Forms
  • Automation workflows
  • Targeting and Personalization
3. WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount

WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount is an add-on for WooCommerce which will help you to gain your visitors email address just by giving them discount. In this way a visitor can be easily converted into a potential customer easily.

By this plugin you can show a form in the popup or you can also show a simple form by the help of Shortcode. So when user will make subscribe with their email id the plugin will add the email to your MailChimp newsletter and in return it will send them an unique coupon code to their registered email address.

4. eCommerce Product Catalog

eCommerce Product Catalog plugin is powerful, highly customizable and simple solution that works with any theme and most of WordPress plugins. It will make your web development even more effective.

eCommerce Product Catalog is a beautiful, easy-to-use, 100% responsive and free product catalog plugin for WordPress ecommerce or simple product catalog website with the request a quote functionality.


  • Display products anywhere on your WordPress website with or without price and custom parameters
  • Fully customize product display with WordPress customizer, template files or CSS
  • Organize products into multi-level categories, tags and multiple product catalogs
  • Filter the products in many different ways to give your customers what they are looking for
  • Add product search and get your products found easily
  • Import & Export your products with a csv spreadcheet
  • Let your visitors request a quote for all or selected products (Pro) from the product catalog 
  • Enable full WordPress ecommerce functionality at anytime to create shop or online store with or without payments (Pro)
  • Many, many more features with dozens of compatible free and premium plugins
5. WP eCommerce

Since 2006, we’ve been helping entrepreneurs just like you realize their goal of selling online. Whether you’re hoping to sell digital downloads, physical inventory, or subscriptions and memberships – with WP eCommerce, you’re only minutes away from your next sale.

  • Make the plugin your own with CSS and HTML customizations
  • Learn quickly with video tutorials
  • Integration with dozens of different payment gateways
  • Integrate with many popular WordPress plugins
  • Use built-in marketing tools to sell more
  • Shipping is easy with built in shipping tools and integration with popular couriers
  • Secure check-out with SSL
  • Manage your orders and catalogues with powerful built-in tools
  • Extend your eCommerce site with additional modules
  • Integrate with WordPress multisite
  • With hundreds of available hooks, developers can make WP eCommerce do anything you can imagine
6. WP Easy Cart

WP EasyCart is a powerful FREE WordPress eCommerce store & WordPress Shopping Cart plugin that installs into new or existing WordPress blogs and websites.

Get a full WordPress eCommerce shopping cart store within minutes! Sell retail products, subscriptions, digital downloadable goods, gift cards, donations, services and more!

Use Stripe payments to sell subscription and recurring billing products as well as offer Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay as a checkout method to your customers.

Sell your products on social media with Facebook and Instagram premium extension. Market your products across your online WordPress store and Facebook social media.

WP EasyCart offers payment solutions that are SCA compliant (Stripe, Square, and PayPal Express) as well as GDPR compliant options.


WP EasyCart comes in 3 different shopping cart editions to cover every online store need.

FREE eCommerce Edition – Unlimited Products, Unlimited Orders, and sell with PayPal Express, Square, and Stripe.
Professional eCommerce Edition – No Fees, 30+ Additional Payment Gateways, Live Shipping Calculators, Coupons, Promotions, Order Editing, Digital Wallet Payments (Apple Pay & Google Pay), Subscription products, and More!
Premium eCommerce Edition – Everything in the Professional Edition plus apps for Desktop, Tablet, iPhone, and Android plus 10+ Premium Extensions! Facebook & Instragram, ShipStation, Stamps.com, Quickbooks for Desktops, MailChimp, and others!

7. Shopp

Shopp adds an infinitely flexible WordPress ecommerce plugin and secure shopping cart that runs thousands of successful online storefronts.

Shopp was introduced in 2008 as a premium plugin by the team at Ingenesis Limited with 15-years of experience in the e-commerce industry. Today, Shopp is free and developed by a community of volunteers to provide a solid e-commerce toolkit with the best engineered framework for developers to build upon.


Run sales, add new products, update inventory, ship orders. It’s all there, and it’s easy. Shopp consistently wins accolades for it’s WordPress-native administration tools giving it the most natural management experience you’ll find in a WordPress e-commerce solution. Get in, do your thing and get on with your real life.

E-commerce software shouldn’t tell you how to manage your business. You should be able tell your e-commerce software how you manage your business. Shopp lets you do just that. Create your own order processing labels and easily move orders through each step of the order fulfillment workflow either automatically or take control of it yourself.

Export orders to accounting systems like Intuit® QuickBooks®, or to CSV files. Shopp remembers your last export date so its easy to do ongoing exports on a regular basis.

8. Selz

Turn your existing WordPress site into a fully featured ecommerce site with our simple, free WordPress Ecommerce plugin. You can embed beautiful, customizable buy now buttons and product widgets or even embed your whole store.

You can display a permanent shopping cart in your site and allow customers to add multiple items as they browse around. Your customers don’t have to leave your site to check out. Best of all, it’s simple and requires no coding. Just add the plugin and go.

  • Use with any WordPress theme
  • Powerful and easy to use apps and features are also available (including a fully featured shopping cart)
  • All your sales are recorded and managed through your Selz dashboard, where you can also manage inventory, promotions and customer relationships
  • Built-in fully integrated payments accepts all major credit cards
  • Free SSL certificate

WordPress Popular Plugins Free Download

A good plugin has the power to help you skyrocket the success of your business online. But the WordPress plugin directory is stuffed with 55,000+ plugins, so this guide has narrowed down the best free WordPress plugins for your website.

To help you navigate this post, we’ve summarized the top “must-have” WordPress plugins here (and most on this list are free!):

  1. MonsterInsights Lite Best WordPress Google Analytics Plugin
  2. WPForms Lite – Drag & Drop Form Builder
  3. SeedProd – Best Landing Page Builder Plugin
  4. TrustPulse –FOMO & Social Proof App
  5. WP Mail SMTP – Easy Transaction Email Tool
  6. OptinMonster –Best WordPress Lead Generation Plugin
  7. RafflePress – Amazingly Easy Giveaway Plugin
  8. MemberPress – Best WordPress Membership Plugins
  9. Smash Balloon – Best Social Feed Plugin
  10. Uncanny Automator – Greatest WordPress Automation
  11. PushEngage – Top Browser Notification Tool
  12. LiveChat – Best Conversational Marketing Chat Tool
  13. Visualizer – Best Tables and Charts WordPress Plugin
  14. All in One SEO – Best WordPress SEO Plugin
  15. WooCommerce – Top Plugin for eCommerce Sites
  16. W3 Total Cache – Best WordPress Caching Plugin
  17. Pretty Links – Must-Have Affiliate Marketing Tool
  18. LearnDash – Best LMS Plugin
  19. Smush – Top WordPress Image Optimization Plugin
  20. Better Click to Tweet – Great Twitter Tool

Best WordPress Plugins For Design

Check out our choice list of the best WordPress plugins for design available below, to add functionality to your website. And the best part? They’re all available for free!

1. Modula Image Gallery

WordPress ships with some limited abilities to host image galleries, but for a truly customizable and flexible solution, a plugin such as Modula offers a far better experience for both the web designer and website maintainer, and for the visitor to your site.

This WordPress plugin offers a host of different options that allows for true customization rather than forcing you to adopt a visual style that matches every other gallery on the web. 

2. Speed Booster Pack

Website visitors have always been reluctant to hang around for a slow-loading website, and as the primary consumption platform has moved from desktop and laptop computers towards smartphones accessing over 3G and 4G, this has only increased. If you want your visitors to stick on your website, you need it to be quick to load as well as engaging and useful. 

Speed Booster Pack helps with the loading speed by automatically minifying your scripts, removing blocking scripts, optimising database calls and loading assets asynchronously. The results can be quite dramatic, giving the impression of a huge loading-speed boost.

3. Google Analyticator

If you want your WordPress blog to become more popular, you need to start thinking about promotion. If you know the keywords that visitors are using, you can use those in your post.

The Google Analyticator plugin adds the JavaScript code necessary to enable Google Analytics on your WordPress dashboard. After you enable this plugin, go to the settings page, input your Google Analytics UID, then authenticate your Google Analytics account with Google Analyticator.

4. Duplicator

If you’re a web designer, setting up your 100th WordPress site can feel like a real chore. Most designers will have a typical base-build that they use because they’re familiar with the configuration, plugins and options, and they know what works well for their customers.

This plugin helps to reduce the installation pain by allowing you to migrate, copy, clone and move a site. Set up a core build, then use it as the source for a clone operation to simplify deployment and automatically generate a new site with the basic environment already configured.

5. The Events Calendar

There are loads of different event plugins available for WordPress, but one of the best (and most popular) is The Events Calendar. This module extends the WordPress post types with a new Event class, allowing you to quickly create events and adding functionality such as the ability to render a list, calendar view, search events and integrate maps.

If you’re running a club or society, or designing a WordPress-powered website for a client that regularly runs events, this plugin will save you a huge amount of time.

6. AMP for WP

Whether or not you feel that Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is a good thing, one thing is clear: Google is deliberately showing websites with AMP pages higher up the search results page than those without.

With this is mind, this plugin makes it easy to add support for AMP automatically. Grab it, plug it in to your WordPress environment and that’s about it; you’ll find AMP-specific versions of each of your pages, which in turn should lead to more mobile-based traffic.

7. Page Builder

Page Builder is a plugin that allows your content editors to get involved with controlling the page layout, in an intuitive, WordPress-like environment. It works with all themes and plugins, making it simple to generate flexible responsive layouts without the need for any coding knowledge at all.

This is ideal for websites that will be managed by a less-technical user, who wants more flexibility than a pre-set list of page templates.

8. Wordfence Security

Security is a massive issue for WordPress websites, just as it is for any site on the web. One of the biggest issues is that as WordPress is such a popular CMS, there’s a lot of knowledge out there about how to compromise it, and exploit security holes.

While this WordPress plugin wont solve all of these for you, it does allow you to monitor attempts to maliciously access your site, and adds in support for the likes of two-factor authentication, which is a security must-have in the modern era.

9. JetPack

JetPack brings some of the functionality of WordPress hosted blogs to self-hosted WordPress installations.

The features are wide and varied, and include cloud-hosted stats for your site, email subscription to your site, a built-in URL shortener service, social network-based commenting, inline spelling and grammar checking and an enhanced gallery system.

10. Everest Forms

Practically every website out there features a form of one kind or another, whether it’s a simple Get in touch form, or an online registration form, there’s a definite need for a simple way to create, maintain and manage form construction and layout.

This plugin makes it a breeze to create forms using a simple drag-and-drop interface to craft a layout that works just as well on smartphones as the desktop. It even includes options to support multiple languages!

How to Get WordPress Plugins For Free

one of the best reasons why WordPress is the world’s most successful website builder is because it offers you thousands of free and paid plugins which are also known as premium plugins.

There are many sites available from where you can get the premium WordPress plugin for free such as Srmehranclub and many more. Here, we will discuss some steps on how you can download a premium WordPress plugin for free.

Steps to download a premium WordPress plugin for free:

  1. First Activate the plugin
  2. On the plugin page, you can see the download link below each plugin name
  3. Click on any one of the plugins which you want a plugin zip downloaded on your computer.
  4. Now it is downloaded you can use it on your website

Best Free Premium WordPress plugin to download:

1. GPLDL – Must research before join

GPLDL is a premium WordPress plugin to download but they sell nulled and crack version which are not recommended so I will not recommend you I would suggest join premium GPL site; it is different from the others sites from the list.

They offer all the premium WordPress plugins and themes on their website for free. While they don’t charge anything for downloading plugins and their updates, they do ask their users for donations if they like the service.

GPLDL can offer so many WordPress Items for free because all WordPress Items are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Since the GPL gives all users the four freedoms to use, share, modify and redistribute software as they please as long as they inherit the GPL to their derivatives, GPLDL makes use of the redistribution right. This enables us to bundle themes and plugins we purchased from 3rd party developers and offer them for download at GPLDL.

To download from GPLDL, you need to become a free member. Free membership has various advantages: You get access to the specific WordPress items you need and can download any updates and additions that are covered by your membership.

Srmehranclub – Recommended

Srmehranclub is a website for premium WordPress plugins you can also download the plugin from this website. Srmehranclub is the best Site for WordPress premium themes and Plugins. They have a wide range of Multi-Domain products and not to mention a huge base of satisfied customers.

Includes more than 650+ developers and provides a range of WordPress plugins, themes, and templates for almost every platform. It’s authentic and 100% Original. Also Srmehran template kit comes in very handy which includes more than 4000 elementor plugins and templates.

Great customer support for 24/7 has gained a huge customer base with a 5-star rating of the renowned consumer review website “ Trustpilot”

One of the best websites to download premium WordPress plugins for free. This website provides you with lots of unlimited themes and plugins. Compatible with most of the page builders. One-stop shop for all your needs if you are looking for free WordPress plugins with the great key feature you wanted for your site.

It’s the features that make it easy to work and save time. With over 29000 plugins and 39000 categories, you don’t have to look for a free WordPress plugin. Some well-known plugins that can be downloaded for free, you can try – Yoast SEO, Adenergizer, address locator, Address geocoder, and many more to go.

Why Plugins Are Used in WordPress

WordPress plugins are small software apps that integrate and run on top of the WordPress software. This allows you to create almost any kind of website with WordPress (not just blogs).

For example, you can:

  • Start an online store with WordPress using the WooCommerce plugin
  • Create a job board with WordPress using the Job Manager plugin
  • Build a business directory with the best directory plugins for WordPress
  • Start a coupon website like RetainMeNot
  • Build your photography website using the Envira Gallery Plugin
  • Create a Wiki website using the Knowledge base plugin
  • Start your own podcast website using WordPress
  • … and tons more.

There is a popular saying in the WordPress community, “There is a plugin for that”.

No matter what you are trying to do on your WordPress site, it’s possible. If the feature is not available in default WordPress, then there is certainly a plugin available for that.

There are WordPress plugins to improve SEO, boost performance, add contact forms, social media buttons, create galleries, and so much more.

Plugins can be small and offer just one tiny little feature (like adding an image to sidebar).

Or they can also be quite large and act as their own platform as well (Example: WordPress eCommerce plugins or WordPress membership plugins).

More feature-rich plugins can have their own addon plugins to extend them just like you would extend WordPress.

Does Yoast Slow Down WordPress?

It is already known that the more the plugin, the more is the website load speed. That’s why it is important to have plugins made by known developers. Thus Yoast is popular and used by most, they have also optimized it as much as possible for WordPress.

Yoast may increase the loading speed of the admin dashboard as it adds its own elements, including an extra section for SEO and tabs. But rest assured, if you use fewer plugins and not use plugins just for a simple function (example: go to the top plugin) then your site would load faster.

Obviously. it also depends on page size, hosting speed, and all. But Yoast is an important plugin for WordPress to have for SEO. So Yoast may not increase the loading speed of pages but it will increase the loading speed of the admin dashboard which is normal and shouldn’t affect you unless it takes way too much time.

Best WordPress Plugins For News Sites

There are different types of news WordPress plugins available on the market and it’s really hard to choose the best ones. So, to help you out here we’ve made a list of some best News WordPress Plugins. All these plugins are easy to use and support one-click installation. Let’s go through the list:

1. News Announcement Scroll

News Announcement Scroll is an excellent News Plugin for WordPress sites to offer the significant notices and upcoming events for your site audience. It is an easy-to-use plugin that has several features like

  • News expiration date setup
  • Add unlimited news
  • Scroll direction customization
  • News order prioritization
  • Create/Edit Groups for news
  • Temporary news hide option and much more

Till now, this news and events plugin for WordPress has 9000 + installations and earned positive reviews from the users.

2. WP-Polls

If you want to improve the interaction and feedback of your visitors, then WP-Polls is the best news plugin for WordPress to display the polls and its results on your sidebar or footer of your magazine based website.

There is no doubt that it will encourage your audience to take part in the survey since it has the qualities like

  • Highly customizable Via CSS
  • Supports multiple answer choices
  • Tons of options to run the post as you wish

This WordPress Poll Plugin has been installed by 100,000 + users and received a good rating from them.

You may also install Yop poll WordPress plugin that boasts the similar features of WP polls.

3. Ditty News Ticker

Ditty News Ticker is a well suitable WordPress plugin for news based site as it possesses the multi-functional data display feature. You can easily add custom news tickers to your site. It has the following features

  • Three default ticker modes (Scroll, Rotate & List)
  • Include tickers through shortcodes, direct functions or widget
  • Additional ticker types available in the paid version

It had 30,000 active installs till now and obtained a remarkable evaluation from the installers.

4. Organize Series

In general, news sites have countless articles and managing them is a big task. If the need perfect assistance in organizing and presenting the posts to make it easier for your visitors to find out the content they are looking for. It has some best features such as

  • Allows to write a series of posts and have them automatically linked together
  • Possible to customize the archive page for series
  • Potential to create a page that lists all the series available

This article managing plugins had 4,000 + installs and acquired good feedback from the users.

5. WP Frontpage News

If you want to display your news content in a dynamic way, then you should install WP Frontpage News plugin. This freebie automatically formats the content as per your requirement.

You can showcase a huge piece of content in a limited place and nudge your readers’ focus only on the data that you have offered. It has a few brilliant features like

  • Display a news carousel on the homepage
  • Unlimited Latest posts instances
  • Full customizable news template
  • Include news blocks in the content editor with a button
  • Display as the sidebar widget
  • Pick the number of columns, elements, and pages in a news block
  • Limit the total number of displayed news items
  • Select image source
  • Add custom margins around images
  • Supports WordPress default themes and custom themes & styling

Its current install count is 6,000 + right now, and ratings are quite good.

6. WP News And Scrolling Widgets

WP News And Scrolling Widgets are one of the top WordPress plugins for news websites as it allows you to display and manage the news in a consistent manner.

This responsive plugin is fully customizable and easy to install. Following are the few notable features of this new WordPress plugin.

  • Supports Multilanguage, Multiple layouts & Google Fonts
  • 3 Featured Posts Grid and slider design
  • Options to show date, category, full & short content
  • Includes list view

You will get extra features in this paid version of WP news plugin. It often gets the update and reached 10, 000 + installation as of now.

7. Issuem

If you want to convert your WordPress site into a digital issue publishing platform, then IssueM would be a perfect choice for you. This WP news plugin can bring the issue-based publishing model to the web which would give a less-frantic, well-ordered reading experience for your readers. Its best features are provided below!

  • Build issues
  • Create articles & allocate articles to particular issues
  • Publish an issue (and all included articles) at one time
  • Display past issues and a current-issue article list (using a widget)
  • Allow readers to search for content
  • Choose featured articles to be displayed in a rotating article showcase
  • Present issues with an attractive ready-to-go (yet customizable) issue table of contents page

Thousands of users have downloaded this news management plugin.

8. News Manager

News Manager is the latest news plugin for WordPress free download that would let you add, handle and demonstrate news on your site in a smart way. Some of its salient features are as follows!

  • Simple to configure
  • Easily integrates into any theme
  • Supports Yearly, Monthly, and Daily Archives
  • Ajax News Calendar
  • News Categories & Tags
  • Custom permissions for News
  • 5 News widgets
  • Compatible with WPML & Polylang
  • .pot file for translations added

At the time of writing this post, this WordPress news management plugin has attained 4,000+ installs.

9. WP News & Scrolling Widgets

WP News and Scrolling Widget are one of the best ways for the news articles, news widgets and thumbnails also it can effectively increase the dynamics of the online webspace and this plugin also light wait for your website loading speed, which is much more suitable for your visitors. They also have their online support to help you out.

  • Display news-post into a grid layout
  • News categories
  • Shortcode parameters
  • List view
  • Translation in German, French, Polish languages
  • Show news date, Show news categories, Select news categories types widget option

Premium Plugin Features

  • Lots of new designs of News grid layout, News slider/Carousel layout, News list view, News grid box, News grid box slider
  • WPbakery compatible
  • You can turn your news page to news website
  • Shortcode for News slider view, News list view, News grid box view, News grid box slider view, Newsticker
  • Popular grid slider feature
  • Drag & Drop feature to display News post in your desired order and other 6 types of the order parameter
10. Vertical News Scroller

Bloggers and website builders both want to highlight their new News posts related to the importance of their blogs. Vertical News Scrolling is a WordPress plugin that is a fast, quick but powerful and the most interesting part which I like the is settings of this plugin all easy to use and quick to learn.

  • Unlimited news adding & Display users the number of news needed
  • Manage scrolling news speed & Scrolling news height width
  • You can build without PHP & HTML
  • User-friendly with WordPress themes
  • CSS touchups

Premium Plugin Features

  • Multiple news categories & two types of news styles like Modern, Classic
  • News order & Mass news order with thumbnail images
  • Pick your color for your title & description
  • Set your font & Description size
  • User-friendly responsive layout
11. Breaking News WP

This plugin allows you to put a custom breaking news bar wherever you like to show and customize the breaking news bar in different ways, such as bar dimension Color of background title and news title bar Number of news to display filtered news based on news categories Possibility to add a personalized text

  • Breaking News WP is an open-source software
  • Customize breaking news bar & set wherever you like
  • Set color of backgrounds, title & news
  • Filtered base categories
  • User-friendly dashboard
12. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails

This plugin is based on the well-known default WordPress widget ‘ Recent Posts ‘ and expanded to view more posts information such as thumbnails, excerpts and assigned categories. Also, it’s lightweight, easy and efficient.

  • Work with Elementor
  • Various post categories settings such as show post author, open post link in new windows, sticky posts, post title, etc.
  • Featured image customize options & set the default thumbnail
  • CSS friendly
  • Manage random order of posts
  • Excerpt options
13. WP RSS Aggregator

See this plugin for WordPress RSS feed if you operate concurrently with several feeds. The plugin is intuitive and for each person feed it provides great management.

  • Single page management
  • Custom templates with styling options
  • Import channel or user URL from Youtube
  • Shortcode & block supported
  • Reduce the products stored & collected to achieve better efficiency
14. Feedzy

The best thing is that by using the simple PHP Class you can easily add several RSS feeds to your WordPress blog. For more apps, you can purchase a premium version of Feedzy RSS Feeds.

  • Control number of things you wish to view for a source of feed
  • Import pictures with your RSS feed or use your own picture or logo for imageless feeds
  • Control meta fields you want to show, such as the RSS feed author, date & time
  • Data accessible around platforms
  • Elementor, Gutenburg blocks, Shortcode supported
15. PJ News Ticker

PJ News Ticker is a tiny plugin that shows in a marquee style your latest posts. Wherever you like, you can embed the news ticker with shortcodes.

  • Simple & Fast
  • You can use shortcodes to insert the news ticker wherever you want
  • Marquee style embed
  • Userfriendly dashboard
  • Recent post customization

What Are The Most Important WordPress Plugins?

The following plugins are highly recommended for beginners and advanced users alike.

1. Jetpack

Jetpack is an all-in-one plugin created by the developers of WordPress (Automattic), which offers a whole suite of features activated on a module-by-module basis. This includes functionality such as contact forms, site security, user engagement options, site backups, and much more.

If you pay for the premium version, you’ll also get access to features that can help your site rank higher in search engines, plus several useful advertising tools.

While Jetpack Professional is normally $299 per year, you can get it for free with our DreamPress Plus and DreamPress Pro hosting plans. That way, you’ll have access to both a fully managed hosting system and a comprehensive set of features to keep your site secure.

Key Features:

  • Provides protection from brute force attacks.
  • Lets you secure your logins and add two-factor authentication to your site.
  • Includes various analytics and social sharing tools.

Price: Freemium

2. Yoast SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy that, when followed correctly, can help your site rank higher in search engines such as Google and Bing. However, it’s a complicated set of rules and guidelines, and can be challenging to implement effectively.

Fortunately, Yoast SEO makes it easy to optimize your posts and pages by offering you a set of tools to hone your keywords and customize what will appear in search engines.

Key Features:

Enables you to optimize your search engine results, including titles, URLs, and meta descriptions.

Analyzes your pages and posts and points out areas for improvement.

Lets you control what pages of your site are displayed in Google search results.

Price: Freemium

3. Contact Form 7

You’ll likely want your site’s visitors to be able to get in touch with you, whether it’s just to share their thoughts on your content or to sign up for your services. Including a contact form directly on your site is a convenient way to make that possible. Contact Form 7 enables you to add multiple such forms to your pages — and customize them so users can submit precisely the information you need.

Key Features:

  • Lets you create and customize contact forms and insert them into your pages or posts.
  • Makes it easy to add unique fields to your forms.
  • Enables you to include a reCAPTCHA solution on your forms to combat spam.

Price: Free

4. WooCommerce

One thing the core WordPress platform doesn’t include by default is the ability to create an e-commerce store. That’s where WooCommerce comes in.

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This plugin is the most popular e-commerce solution for WordPress and lets you create an online store to sell physical and/or digital products. Its developers (the folks at Automattic) also offer many useful free and premium extensions that can provide additional functionality for your store.

Key Features:

  • Enables you to display and sell physical and digital goods directly from your website.
  • Includes multiple payment and shipping options.
  • Offers access to a wide range of features via extensions.

Price: Freemium

5. The Events Calendar

There are plenty of plugins available that enable you to add a list of events to your website. The Events Calendar is one of the best since it’s both easy to use and provides high-quality results. Plus, you can fully customize your calendar — and keeping it updated is simple.

Key Features:

  • Lets you create events and add them to one organized calendar.
  • Enables users to view your calendar in multiple ways.
  • Incorporates additional features, such as a search function and maps.

Price: Free


WordPress plugins are such useful tools that it’s almost certain you’ll want a few to round out your site. The only tricky part is choosing the best ones since there are thousands available that do almost anything you could think of. In this article, we’ve introduced you to excellent plugins that could serve your site well in 2021 and going forward. 

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MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.