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If you are starting out as a small business, you look for every means possible to cut down on your expenses. One of such area to cut cost is getting insurance leads.

Small businesses need 3 things to succeed online and off. More traffic, more leads and more sales. We’ve found that when you get more qualified traffic, you’ll also see more leads. If you don’t have a place to capture leads, well then, you are wasting a lot of traffic.

So to say all you need to do is increase traffic would be misleading. What you need to do is make sure your website is ready to receive leads and increase your traffic with the right people. That right there is the path to take.

  • How can I get leads Without Paying?
  • How do Insurance Agents get Clients?
  • 15 Insurance Tips for Insurance Agents
  • How do I get an Insurance Prospect?
  • How do I Get Insurance Leads?
  • How Much do Insurance Leads Cost?
  • Health Insurance Free
  • Life Insurance Leads For Agents
  • How to Get Clients For Insurance Business
  • Best Life Insurance Leads
  • Insurance Lead Generation
  • Does Buying Insurance Leads Work?
  • Who is The Richest Insurance Agent?
  • Where Can I Get Free Leads?
  • How Much do Final Expense Leads Cost?
  • How Can I Get 1000 Leads in a Day?

How can I get leads Without Paying?

Go Organic

Organic traffic can be a powerful lead source if your website is optimized for lead gen. 51%of all website traffic comes from organic search, while only 10% derives from paid search. By boosting organic traffic, you’ll gain more opportunities to convert visitors on your website.

Read Also: How to Create a Lead Magnet That Converts?

Producing high quality content on a regular basis is the first step to increasing organic traffic. The content needs to be highly relevant to your target audience – addressing the questions and concerns they may have during each stage of the buyers’ journey. 

The more unique and specific your content is, the better its search ranking will be. For instance, an article entitled “10 Best Restaurants of The Year,” has far less SEO potential than one entitled “10 Best Indian Restaurants of 2018: Greater Boston Area.”

By producing unique pieces of content regularly, your website will slowly but surely climb to the top of search engines and engage more target users.

Optimize Your Goldmine

All that organic traffic won’t produce a single lead if your website isn’t properly optimized for lead generation. There are two main elements you must pay close attention to in order to capture more leads on your site: calls-to-action and forms.

When executed properly, calls-to-action entice visitors to take the actions that are most valuable to your company, whether it’s filling out a consultation form or downloading your latest eBook. In order to design effective CTAs, keep them bold, clear and above-the-fold.

A study by Nielsen Group found that the average difference in how users treat info above- vs. below-the-fold is 84% – making it essential to keep your main calls-to-action top of page and top of mind.

Once visitors click the CTA, they’ll encounter a form where they must fill out their contact information in order to download your content or submit an inquiry. The key here is to only ask for the information that’s absolutely vital to your sales team. The fewer the number of form fields, the higher your conversion rates will be. 

When travel giant, Expedia, eliminated the phone number field on their forms, they experienced a near 100% increase in conversions. This illustrates just how critical form fields are when it comes to generating leads.

By keeping both your CTAs and your forms in good shape, you’ll be able to convert your website traffic without using paid advertising as a crutch.

Share the Wealth

Another way to reach broader audiences without paid ads is to syndicate your content. This gives credible websites the opportunity to publish your company’s content on their own site.

Just make sure the websites you choose have established audiences composed of the people you’re targeting. It’ll do no good to get your content published on a university website if you’re targeting CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

In order to generate leads from this tactic, you’ll want to be sure to weave calls-to-action throughout your content that drive users to related gated content. By providing value in your syndicated content, you’ll promote trust, making readers more willing to trade their contact information for additional thought leadership. 

Leverage Your Lists

Three-quarters of companies agree that email delivers anywhere from “good” to “excellent” ROI. Sending emails to the right people at the right time can be a powerful way to nurture leads and push them further down your funnel. Although this won’t necessarily generate new leads, it can help you to better segment existing leads.

For example, by sending out offers for a specific product or service, you can use engagement data to decipher which leads are interested in which of your services. By continuously testing different offers on existing leads, you’ll gain insight into your database and identify which leads have the most potential to buy.

Influence Your Audience

Leveraging influencer marketing can be an effective way to drive business if the influencer’s following aligns with your target audience. You can make sure an influencer is a good fit by monitoring the engagement they receive on their digital platform of choice. You should look for quantity and quality – thousands of comments mean nothing if they’re not from the right audience.

Once you’ve confirmed that the influencer is a credible source with an audience you’re aiming to reach, reach out to ask about sponsorship opportunities. Many marketers are hesitant to sponsor influencers for fear that it’s too expensive; however, most micro-influencers offer very reasonable pricing.

What’s more is that non-celebrity bloggers are 10x more likely to influence an in-store purchase than celebrities. By identifying the micro-influencers in your industry, you can drive leads without spending an exorbitant amount on sponsorships.

If paid ads aren’t working for you or they look too expensive for you at the money, it may be time for a fresh perspective on lead gen. Whether you boost organic traffic, optimize your website, syndicate content, send emails or use influencer marketing, just make sure the tactic you choose aligns with your strategy as a whole.

As long as you keep your eye on your target audience and continuously assess your results, you’ll hit a tactic that propels your brand forward without paid ads. 

Use Social Media Strategically

Lastly, social media should be used to increase your leads. It is so important that you are strategic with your social efforts. Social media isn’t for popularity. It is for increasing your authority and leads.

You can engage with the right people and send them to the right pages on your site, but don’t engage just for the sake of engaging. You want people to buy. You want people to remember you. You don’t want to be chatty for the sake of being chatty

How do Insurance Agents get Clients?

Once you secure clients, your insurance business can start relying on premium renewals to bring in revenue. So, how do insurance agents get clients? Here are our top five techniques.

Find your niche

Insurance agents often want to be all things to all people, but niche marketing may be the smarter strategy. Concentrating your marketing efforts on one business class can help you:

  • Build deep knowledge of an industry’s risks. Sometimes the perils are obvious. But as you gain experience with a specific profession, your ability to evaluate risks improves.
  • Gain an advantage over competitors. Clients are more likely to choose an insurance agent who is an expert in their industry.
  • Raise your standing. Getting clients the appropriate policies at a decent cost is a good way to get a reputation as the go-to agent for the industry.
  • Earn referrals. As your reputation grows, more clients may send business your way.

To choose a specialty, start by researching which types of businesses are common in your area. It may help to join trade associations, read industry magazines to stay current on important issues, and focus your networking efforts on people in that industry.

Finding Prospects on LinkedIn

To acquire new customers from LinkedIn, you have to know how to use the site to its full capabilities. 

Make Your Profile Robust

You want your profile to stand out. By the time a person is done reading it, he should feel like he knows you as a person and a professional, even if he has never met you.

First, upload a picture that exemplifies you as a professional. This means no beach pictures, no pictures with friends and certainly no selfies. While you do not need a glamour shot or a top-dollar photographer, you should pay the small fee to have a professional headshot from a reputable studio.

Next, take the time to write a thoughtful summary. Your summary section should provide rich details about your professional background.

This is where you tell visitors who you are, why you got into life insurance sales and what you have accomplished in the field. Without a thoughtful summary, many visitors do not continue scrolling to read the specifics of your job history.

Speaking of job history, do not simply list job titles and dates of employment. This section should read like a resume, with bullet points highlighting your accomplishments in each position, but make your writing more casual and conversational.

This does not mean devolve into text-speak, but you want your visitors to feel like they are having a conversation with you over coffee, not reading a boring rundown of your professional accomplishments.

Do Not Simply Join Groups, Engage

The site’s group search function allows you to find groups related to your industry, your college and even your hobbies. Simply joining these groups is not going to build your network or get you leads.

By joining the discussion and contributing thoughtful comments, you gain the trust of others in the group and establish yourself as an industry expert. When you are considered an expert, professionals in related fields feel confident sending business your way; having someone like you in their network makes them look good by extension.

Offer Your Knowledge for Free

The LinkedIn forums provide a place where you can offer industry advice to those searching for it. Make use of this function, but do not come across like a pushy salesman. As you answer more questions and contribute more knowledge, you can expect people to contact you for help based on the expertise you have shown.

Maintain Relationships With Your Contact List

If the only time you contact the people on your list is when specifically asking for leads or referrals, you are doing LinkedIn wrong. Reach out to those on your list when they need help with something, or simply to say hello, wish a happy birthday or congratulate on a recent promotion.

When these contacts have life insurance businesses to refer to, they are most likely to send it to the agent with whom they enjoy the most active and meaningful relationship.

Watch for Important Life Changes

Sometimes a seemingly trivial social media post can provide an important clue that a person needs your services as a life insurance agent. Take the ever-present sonogram picture, for example.

A new arrival signals a huge increase in a person’s financial burden over the next 18 years. This is an ideal time to reach out to this contact, once again in a non-pushy tone, congratulate him on the big news and let him know you are there for anything he needs.

Partner with other professionals

Reach out to professionals who might be interested in a similar clientele. For instance, you may want to set up a lead-sharing relationship with:

  • Real estate agents
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Financial planners
  • Accountants

If you develop relationships with other professionals in your niche, your clients will appreciate your ability to point them to an expert who can offer what they need. And it’s a win-win when the other professional points their clients to your business, too.

Nurture your leads

It would be great if every pitch led to a sale, but unfortunately, the insurance world seldom works that way. More often than not prospects listen politely, say they’ll think about it, and then forget your name.

That’s why it’s important to nurture your leads. Set up a system that keeps your agency top-of-mind while also promoting your value to their business. To do that, you may want to:

  • Write blogs that demonstrate your expertise.
  • Create short educational videos explaining different policies.
  • Offer webinars that show how insurance can address their concerns.
  • Send regular emails with valuable risk management tips.

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. If you send out a newsletter filled with helpful tips and advice, sales should soon follow. That’s the key to success: become a friendly, well-known expert, and new business will come to you.

Company Life Insurance Leads

Perhaps the easiest way to assure yourself of a steady lead flow as an agent is to work for a company that provides its reps with leads. Many life insurance agencies use the promise of leads to entice prospective agents during the recruiting process.

While the idea of not having to prospect for business on your own is alluring, the pictures companies paint about their lead programs are almost always more attractive than the reality.

Working for a company that provides sales leads offers several benefits.

  • First, you do not have to risk your own money on leads that might not convert to sales. Companies that offer leads typically do so without charging agents up-front fees.
  • Second, not having to compare lead providers and lead costs frees up more of your day to do what actually makes you money: contacting prospects and selling them life insurance.
  • Lastly, because your employer is the one spending money on these leads, it has a vested interest in your closing as many of them as possible. This means the company is much more likely to provide support and assistance if you encounter difficulty in the sales process.

However, the fact that company leads have no up-front charges does not mean you do not pay for them. When you receive leads from your employer, the company almost always lowers your commission in exchange.

If you are just starting out and you have shaky sales skills, this might be a good deal for you; paying for leads on your own could cause you to burn through your money quickly before earning any significant commissions.

For good salespeople, however, company leads tend to cost more in forfeited commissions than what they would pay upfront for third-party leads.

The company leads also has a reputation for being old and worked to death. The turnover rate at most life insurance agencies is astronomical. The average new agent lasts less than 90 days. When an agent quits, the company reclaims his leads and often redistributes them to the next batch of new agents.

By the time you get your hands on a company lead, it is possible that it has been called already by a half-dozen or more ex-agents.

15 Insurance Tips for Insurance Agents

Insurance is one of the most expensive things people buy and they can’t see it, touch it, or hold it. You’re selling ideas. You’re selling trust. You’re selling promises. People contact you for something important in their lives.

1. Dress More Professionally

According to insurer Qantas, obviously, if you dress more professionally clients are more likely to take you seriously. But when you’re the sharpest dressed person in the office your coworkers and your boss will take you more seriously and most importantly, you’ll take yourself more seriously!

Sometimes confidence comes from the outside in. If you look the part everyone, including yourself, will start to believe it.

2. Avoid Using “Young” Slang

Have you ever told a client or prospect that you were “all about” customer service? Do you express agreement by saying things like, “Gotcha”, “Right on” or “For Sure”?

Don’t get it wrong, we believe in being yourself and not apologizing for it, but when you’re trying to sell, the more you speak like your prospect the better success you’ll have. If your prospect doesn’t use those terms it’s harder to earn their trust when you do.

3. Find Common Ground

Regardless your prospect’s age or background there’s always something you have in common. Did you grow up in the same neighborhood? Like the same baseball team?  Shop at the same grocery store? Do you both love your family?

Ask questions and figure it out so you can focus on the commonalities and skip over the rest. Working on Uber may seem easy and fun, but you need to know how to compare uber insurance quotes online and get the best insurance that covers clients injuries.

4. Ask Prospects About Their Kids

If you’re trying to sell to someone much older than you, try to find out if they have a child or grandchild your age and ask a lot of questions about him or her.

You’ll prime their brain to think about their loved one. This makes your prospect more likely to buy from you since they would want someone else to do the same for their child.

Plus, while you may be young and inexperienced, if you’re more polished than their child you’ll come off as a real professional by comparison.

5. Reference Combined Experience

Remind prospects that they’re not buying only from you.

“I passed my licensing exam 3 months ago and I’m so lucky because our office has over 45 years of insurance experience! In fact, every single policy I write is double-checked by the owner of the agency.”

If experience may be an issue for your prospect, make sure they know you’re up to your ears in it.

6. Learn From Experienced Coworkers

Technology has created a very unusual situation in the business world. It makes younger people think they’re smarter than they are.

But there are some multi-millionaire insurance agents than almost anybody have found almost no correlation between their tech abilities and their success.

That’ll change for your generation, but learn everything you can from those who’ve been around.

7. Be Enthusiastic

Have you ever seen an infomercial without enthusiastic people? Everybody likes enthusiasm and as a young salesman, you can display unbridled enthusiasm without looking like an idiot.

People will just think you’re young and have a lot of energy. They’ll like it. And they’ll buy into it.

8. Follow the Markets

According to learnbonds, if you want to relate to a more mature and professional audience, follow the stock market. You don’t have to be an expert, just know enough to ask questions that don’t make you sound stupid.

After you’ve qualified someone by asking if they follow the market, ask something like, “What sectors do you think are going to do the best in the next quarter?”

And don’t turn into one of those Cramer wannabees who think they always know the sleeper stock. It’ll make you look inexperienced to someone who has followed the market for years.

9. Listen to Your Phone Voice

Record your voice on the phone while talking to some clients.

Do you sound smart?

Do you sound confident?

Do you sound like a little kid who picked up the phone in Daddy’s office?

10. Sell to Other Young People

There’s one group you have a huge advantage with in selling… other young people!

And guess what… There’s millions of them! Millions buying homes, millions getting married, starting businesses, having kids, buying expensive stuff!

Go for them!

11. Don’t Ignore Sales Fundamentals

Facebook, Twitter, Text Messages and QR Codes don’t sell insurance. People do.

Of course there are tools that can make things easier and more effective for agents, but social media will never replace the basics.

Read “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. It was written in 1936 and teaches you how Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin and a lot of other old people become successful long before Mark Zuckerburg.

Everything in that book is just as relevant today as it was 75 years ago.

12. Speak Less, Listen More

As a young or inexperienced salesperson, there’s always an impulse to demonstrate your knowledge. You want prospects to see you know your stuff because you’re a bit worried about it yourself.

The more you talk or explain things they didn’t ask about, the more obvious it is how much you don’t know. And the more likely you’ll elicit a question you can’t answer!

13. Bring Up Age First

The best way to avoid an objection is to bring it up and overcome it before the prospect has a chance to. Make a joke about your inexperience and be open about it.

Once you’ve brought it up, you have the excuse to explain why your prospect shouldn’t be concerned. (you’re well-trained, you’re licensed, you ask questions when you don’t know answers, etc)

14. Be Better Prepared

If your inexperience makes you feel inadequate as a salesperson then find a way to get around it. Work harder, work longer, learn more about your products. Have an answer for every possible question.

Read books about sales, listen to sales audio tapes, go to seminars about sales. Get in front of a mirror, a colleague, or a friend and practice your sales scripts, practice your rebuttals, your closes.

Nothing comes to you. Prepare yourself and go get it.

15. Expect to Live In the Trenches

Selling insurance is hard, hard work. Insurance agents you see with big houses and nice cars playing golf around the world didn’t get there overnight.

They sold and sold and sold. And sold more. It’s the only way to become super successful in this business and if you want to be successful you’re going to have to do it too.

How do I get an Insurance Prospect?

If you find insurance prospecting harder than you imagined, apart from the tips already discussed above, here are five prospecting tips to make your efforts easier and more effective.

1. Prepare For and Overcome Objections

If you’ve prospected for some time, you know the typical objections you’ll face. Planning for this and being ready for a way to destroy these blow offs is essential for any successful prospecting campaign.

Mike Brooks, sales trainer, offers three of the top insurance sales objections and how you can jump right over them. For example,

  • Objection One: “I’m happy with who I work with now”

    “I’m glad to hear that __________, and I’m not here to come between the relationship you have with your current broker. Instead, I’m only interested in making sure you have access to the best new vehicles to fit where you are in your life now. You see, the issue with most insurance is that people tend to buy it and forget about it. And the problem with that is that life, situations and responsibilities change and in most cases the insurance coverage gets neglected.

    Let me ask you this: When was the last time you had someone look at your existing coverage and compare it to what’s now available based on where you are in your life today? Well here’s what I’m prepared to do for you – I’ll compare your current coverage and your current needs with what’s available today, and if you have the best coverage at the best rates, then I’ll tell you so. And if I have a better vehicle at a better rate, and it makes sense to you, then you can decide what to do. Either way you’ll win. Is that fair enough?”
2. Use Every Lead Generation Strategy in the Book

A highly admired sales coach was once asked what the best method to generate leads is. His answer? There is no one great method. There are, however, hundreds of ways to generate leads. The more you use, the more leads you’ll generate.

These 14 strong prospecting strategies from Bryce Sanders (president of Perceptive Business Solutions) are great ways to diversify your lead generation strategy. One example is “cold walking”. It’s surprisingly effective, especially when you visit small businesses or office parks. It gets you outside. You get exercise.

  • The Pro: It’s a low cost strategy. Good in primarily urban areas.
  • The Con: The name is terrible. It sounds like door-to-door sales.
  • The Work Around: Use it in support of your upcoming seminar. Deliver invitations and tell them about it.
3. Create a Referral Rewards Program

Yes, referral programs are so typical in the insurance world it’s almost a turn off for prospects. The reason, however, isn’t because they don’t work. It’s because they aren’t done right.

When used with finesse, a referral program can literally become a fresh fountain for new leads on a daily basis.

4. Specify Exactly What You Do and Who You Want to Work With

Insurance agents typically offer more than one type of coverage. While this diversifies your portfolio and can make you more business, it doesn’t mean you should be marketing yourself as such.

As the saying goes, “good at everything, great at nothing.” You can expect your prospects to think the same when finding out you offer multiple types of insurance. Instead, aim to follow Marty Agather’s advice of positioning yourself as a specialist.

5. Avoid Internet Roadblocks

Look back to twenty years ago and nobody used the Internet. Flash forward to today and every insurance agent has their own website competing for prospects’ attention.

Gary Savelli, an independent agent and consultant, recommends two critical things:

  • Building a strong online brand
  • A well-positioned spot in the search engines

How do I Get Insurance Leads?

Finding new insurance clients isn’t always easy, even for the most seasoned agents. That’s why we’ve curated this list of six approaches to lead generation for insurance agents just getting started.

1. Ask for referrals

When it comes to the quality of a lead, a referral from a satisfied client can’t be beat. Unfortunately, referrals are hard to come by when you’re new and your client list is small.

But there’s no rule that referrals must come from a customer. You can get introductions to potential clients from people who already trust you, such as your friends, family, or former colleagues.

And even if you get the dreaded call from a client asking to cancel their policy, make sure you remind them that you’re there for them anytime they need you. Consider creating a system to conduct exit surveys when clients leave to look for areas for improvement.

2. Be active in your community

Volunteering is a good way to establish a reputation as a caring and committed member of your community. But you can also show off your insurance industry chops by doing things like:

  • Advising local charities on their insurance purchases.
  • Hosting insurance seminars for small business owners.
  • Taking part in area meetups or online forums.
  • Offering to be a guest speaker for business groups.
  • Assisting clients’ friends or relatives when appropriate.

It may be tempting to do so, but don’t treat these situations the way you would a sales presentation. While ultimately you’d like these interactions to generate insurance leads, your first goal should be contributing to your community. The sincerity you demonstrate will keep your name top-of-mind and draw prospects to your agency when they need your services.

3. Go old school

Spam folders, privacy laws and the Do Not Call Registry have unfortunately made connecting with insurance leads more difficult than in the past. But some tried-and-true prospecting tactics still work, such as:

  • Fishbowl drawings
    • Ask a restaurant if you can collect business cards and offer their gift certificates to weekly winners.
  • Print advertisements
    • Advertise in industry trade magazines with postage-paid pull cards.
  • Read the local paper
    • Scan the marriage and engagement announcements for personal lines sales opportunities.
4. Go new school

Your website is a good tool to help you generate leads. Enable features that request contact information, such as a “Get a Quote” button or newsletter signup. But bear in mind that these elements won’t do all the work for you. You might also want to do things like:

  • Put contact forms on every page.
  • Include testimonials to enhance your credibility.
  • Highlight your contact information.

Don’t bypass the possibility of garnering referrals from social media, either. This often-untapped resource for finding clients can (and should) be harnessed by new insurance agents looking to grow their client lists.

5. Start a referral program

In some ways, launching a referral program is as easy as remembering to tell every client something like, “Please keep me in mind if you hear of anyone else I can help.” But to really add momentum, it doesn’t hurt to throw in an incentive for every referral. These incentives could include:

  • Lottery tickets
  • Gift cards
  • Movie tickets

Many state insurance departments allow incentives as long as they aren’t attached to a sale, but make sure you check with your department first.

6. Network like you mean it

Tons of people need insurance, but most of them aren’t sitting in your agency. Start meeting them by:

  • Joining your chamber of commerce.
  • Attending meetup groups and networking events.
  • Getting active on social media.
  • Connecting with your alumni association.

Don’t let the idea of prospecting, networking, and finding clients scare you away from your dream of opening your own independent insurance agency. By using unconventional tactics, networking, launching a referral program and bettering your community, you’ll drive business straight to your front door.

How Much do Insurance Leads Cost?

With everything else considered, the price can be helpful in determining if a lead company is worth testing. We recommend putting little weight on the price point upfront as it is a relative variable to lead quality.

We recommend testing a lead service first to determine what kind of closing ratio you can achieve then factoring price to see if they are going to meet your return on investment expectations.

Shared vs. Exclusive Leads

One of the first things to consider when searching for an insurance lead company is the type of lead you want to buy, Shared or Exclusive.

Shared Leads

Most internet lead companies offered shared leads meaning they sell them to more than one agent.

Companies are able to generate more income per lead selling them on a shared basis which explains why it is the most popular model. With most of the more reputable and larger services, an agent can expect any given lead to be sold to 2-8 agents depending on how the location and lead type.

The competition is obviously much higher with shared leads but at the same time, most lead companies do offer carrier exclusivity which means you shouldn’t be competing with other agents from the same company if you are captive.

Shared leads average around $10-18 per lead depending on the line and can go up from there if you opt to add custom filter options or limit competition levels.

Exclusive Leads

Exclusive leads are tougher to find and are often available with smaller lead companies that don’t have the large volume to sell shared leads.

They take away the competition factor that you have with shared leads but that comes with a price. Depending on the service and type of insurance exclusive leads can cost from $20 to $50 or more per lead. Exclusive leads are often generated in different ways than a typical shared lead including telemarketing and direct mail. One of the more popular types of exclusive insurance lead is the live transfer lead.

Live call transfer leads are normally generated via telemarketing and are transferred via phone directly to the agent.

One important note about exclusive leads is that they are exclusive to the lead provider, not the consumer. The consumer that generated your exclusive lead could have called 5 other agents or submitted for another quote before going through your exclusive lead source.

Health Insurance Free

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans, including some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Some states have expanded their Medicaid programs to cover all people below certain income levels.

Even if you don’t qualify for Medicaid based on income, you should apply. You may qualify for your state’s program, especially if you have children, are pregnant, or have a disability. You can apply for Medicaid any time of year — Medicaid and CHIP do not have Open Enrollment Periods.

Fill out an application through the Health Insurance Marketplace®.

  • If it looks like anyone in your household qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP, we’ll send your information to your state agency. They’ll contact you about enrollment.
  • When you submit your Marketplace application, you’ll also find out if you qualify for an individual insurance plan with savings based on your income instead. Plans may be more affordable than you think.

Create an account to start a Marketplace application.

You can also apply directly to your state Medicaid agency.

Life Insurance Leads For Agents

Perhaps the easiest way to assure yourself of a steady lead flow as an agent is to work for a company that provides its reps with leads. Many life insurance agencies use the promise of leads to entice prospective agents during the recruiting process.

While the idea of not having to prospect for business on your own is alluring, the pictures companies paint about their lead programs are almost always more attractive than the reality.

Working for a company that provides sales leads offers several benefits.

  • First, you do not have to risk your own money on leads that might not convert to sales. Companies that offer leads typically do so without charging agents up-front fees.
  • Second, not having to compare lead providers and lead costs frees up more of your day to do what actually makes you money: contacting prospects and selling them life insurance.
  • Lastly, because your employer is the one spending money on these leads, it has a vested interest in your closing as many of them as possible. This means the company is much more likely to provide support and assistance if you encounter difficulty in the sales process.

However, the fact that company leads have no up-front charges does not mean you do not pay for them. When you receive leads from your employer, the company almost always lowers your commission in exchange.

If you are just starting out and you have shaky sales skills, this might be a good deal for you; paying for leads on your own could cause you to burn through your money quickly before earning any significant commissions. For good salespeople, however, company leads tend to cost more in forfeited commissions than what they would pay upfront for third-party leads.

The company leads also have a reputation for being old and worked to death. The turnover rate at most life insurance agencies is astronomical. The average new agent lasts less than 90 days. When an agent quits, the company reclaims his leads and often redistributes them to the next batch of new agents.

By the time you get your hands on a company leader, it is possible that it has been called already by a half-dozen or more ex-agents.

Third-Party Leads

If your company does not provide leads, or if it does but you are not happy with the quality, third-party companies exist whose sole business is selling leads to life insurance agents.

The way it usually works is you give the company your zip code, how far you are willing to travel to meet with prospects, and how many leads you want to order. You pay upfront, and the company gives you a stack of leads within your specified geographic boundaries.

The biggest benefit of buying third-party leads is the lead provider, unlike an employer that provides leads, does not take a hefty chunk of your commissions in exchange. For a salesperson with a high closing rate, the lead cost becomes a small fraction of the commissions he earns.

Some companies offer the choice between exclusive leads, which means they are only sold to you, and nonexclusive leads, which means they also get sold to other agents. Exclusive leads are much more expensive, but you have less competition for their business.

The main drawback of third-party leads is the risk you will experience. You pay for them upfront, which means if you do not sell any of them, you effectively have a negative paycheck for the week. New agents who have not yet honed their sales skills are particularly susceptible to this risk.

How to Get Clients For Insurance Business

Even if you’ve been selling insurance for years, you need to bring in new business to increase your revenue and replace clients who drop policies. Here are five top methods to attract new clients.

1. Find your niche

Insurance agents often want to be all things to all people, but niche marketing may be the smarter strategy. Concentrating your marketing efforts on one business class can help you:

  • Build deep knowledge of an industry’s risks. Sometimes the perils are obvious. But as you gain experience with a specific profession, your ability to evaluate risks improves.
  • Gain an advantage over competitors. Clients are more likely to choose an insurance agent who is an expert in their industry.
  • Raise your standing. Getting clients the appropriate policies at a decent cost is a good way to get a reputation as the go-to agent for the industry.
  • Earn referrals. As your reputation grows, more clients may send business your way.

To choose a specialty, start by researching which types of businesses are common in your area. It may help to join trade associations, read industry magazines to stay current on important issues, and focus your networking efforts on people in that industry.

2. Network in your community

You already know that networking is essential for bringing in new clients. However, going to the same events may just get you in front of the same people. Shake things up a bit by attending:

  • Meetup groups
  • Trade shows
  • Local fairs
  • School board meetings
  • Charity events

You might also volunteer with a nonprofit organization in your area. It’s a good way to make connections, but it can also:

  • Engage employees
  • Strengthen your reputation
  • Attract new agents

Community connections make your business the go-to when someone mentions insurance. Plus, the activity will draw your employees together and give everyone a boost.

3. Prospect every day

As a new agent, you probably spent a significant amount of your time drumming up business. When your residual income started rolling in, your sense of urgency may have faded.

No one expects you to spend half your day looking for new business. However, prospecting is necessary to sustain your agency’s growth. Set aside an hour each day for:

  • Reading the local paper. Pay attention to the business section, but also look at engagement announcements. Both may hold sales opportunities.
  • Generating leads. Put features on your website that request email addresses, like a newsletter signup or a “Get a Quote” button.
  • Calling business owners. Cold calling is not dead, it’s just unpleasant.

To improve your return on prospecting, make sure you listen to prospective clients and address any doubts or concerns. Be ready to explain why they need insurance and how it can save them money in the long run.

4. Partner with other professionals

Reach out to professionals who might be interested in a similar clientele. For instance, you may want to set up a lead-sharing relationship with:

  • Real estate agents
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Financial planners
  • Accountants

If you develop relationships with other professionals in your niche, your clients will appreciate your ability to point them to an expert who can offer what they need. And it’s a win-win when the other professional points their clients to your business, too.

5. Nurture your leads

It would be great if every pitch led to a sale, but unfortunately, the insurance world seldom works that way. More often than not prospects listen politely, say they’ll think about it, and then forget your name.

That’s why it’s important to nurture your leads. Set up a system that keeps your agency top-of-mind while also promoting your value to their business. To do that, you may want to:

  • Write blogs that demonstrate your expertise.
  • Create short educational videos explaining different policies.
  • Offer webinars that show how insurance can address their concerns.
  • Send regular emails with valuable risk management tips.

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. If you send out a newsletter filled with helpful tips and advice, sales should soon follow. That’s the key to success: become a friendly, well-known expert, and new business will come to you.

Best Life Insurance Leads

Below is a list of providers offering life insurance leads.

1. Hometown Quotes

Hometown Quotes has been in the insurance industry since 2003 from its location in Franklin, Tennessee. The company have been able to build a base of agent customers by offering a solid selection of lead lines and benefits.

2. All Web Leads

AllWebLeads.com is one of the biggest online insurance lead companies in the industry. By generating high lead volume from multiple marketing channels as well as in-house web properties, this company is able to service a large number of lead buyers.

3. iQ Agents

InsuranceQuotes Agents (iQ Agents) is a recent entrant into the insurance lead marketplace officially launching in April of 2015. The company offers features, options and lead volume that rival industry competitors.

4. InsuranceLeads

With a name like InsuranceLeads.com, it is easy to understand why this company is able to attract a sizable lead buyer audience. A large selection of leads, combined with risk and geo filters has been a successful combination for the company.

5. NetQuote

When it comes to name recognition, NetQuote is one of the most well known lead providers in the industry. With numerous high quality web properties, the company is able to provide agencies leads across most product lines.

6. InsureMe

As one of the oldest insurance lead companies in the business, InsureMe for Agents offers national online lead coverage across most popular product lines.

7. Leadbot

Since 1998, Leadbot has been generating exclusive insurance leads for agents throughout the United States with strong traction in the life market. Getting started is as simple as providing basic contact information as well as details regarding your primary line and average number of applications

8. Parasol Leads

By offering exclusive leads to insurance agents, ParasolLeads has found its niche in the lead industry. The company claims their agents close roughly 40% of the insurance sales leads that they purchase.

9. Prospects For Agents

ProspectsFor Agents operates a Customer Acquisition Marketing (CAM) technology-based platform, connecting insurance pros with prospective clients. The product line includes auto, home, renter, life and Medicare supplement leads.

Insurance Lead Generation

For many insurance companies, however, online lead generation is new territory. Whether you’re providing life, car, auto, home, or business insurance, it’s essential to understand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to earning more leads online.

That’s why we’ve compiled eight of the best insurance lead generation ideas:

1. Contact forms

Contact forms are one of the best ways to generate new leads. These forms only take a few minutes for web developers to create, and their potential payoff is huge. To maximize the success of your insurance company’s lead generation, make sure your developers create effective lead generation forms.

Contact forms are small areas of a page where visitors can provide you with the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. Phone number
  4. Service request
  5. Customized message
  6. And more!

By submitting a contact form, visitors invite you to email or call them. Those interactions may range from keeping them updated on the latest additions to your product line or providing them with your newest email newsletter. It may even mean compiling a custom quote.

No matter the interaction, it’s just important that you’re staying in contact with a potential client.

To get the most out of your contact forms, have them on every page of your site. That includes your homepage, article pages, company information page, and more. Every page on your site has the potential to create a new client, and every lead you miss is another one for your competition.

2. Company contact information

Sometimes, a potential client doesn’t want to give you their personal information to hear from you. Instead, they want to contact you directly. That’s why it’s important for you to list your company name, address, and phone number on every page on your site.

This information works best when it’s included in the footer of your pages. That way, it doesn’t get in the way of a visitor finding what they want on your site. At the same time, they can easily find out how to talk to you when they’re ready to talk about insurance.

3. Calls to action

Now that you have all of your contact forms and information, it’s time to make sure people use them. Calls to action (CTAs) are some of the best ways to increase your conversion rate on any page of your site.

A CTA is a final sentence on a page that tells visitors what to do after browsing a page. In your case, that means contacting you for more information about insurance. For example, you may create a CTA that says, “Contact us a for a free quote on your home insurance.”

While it may sound excessive to tell visitors to contact you, this strategy works wonders when it comes to generating new leads. Without a CTA, you risk losing more of your visitors to competition because they simply don’t see what they should do next.

4. A/B testing

Now that you have these parts of your page set up, it’s time to test them.

Testing is as easy as using a third-party site to A/B test different ideas you have to generate leads. That can include rewording your call to action, choosing different power words, adding more text or white space, and lots of other potential ideas.

Basically, if you want to try something new on your site, you can do it with confidence when you test.

A/B testing is one of the most common forms of testing, and it works best when you’re testing the effectiveness of one element at a time. That way, you can be sure that a certain change to an element on your page is responsible for an increase (or decrease) in leads.

You can constantly test parts of your pages to make sure you’re getting as many leads as possible from each page. The more time you spend testing, the better results you’ll see from your conversions.

5. Power words

“Power words” are strong, relatable verbs that help people understand what you’re offering.

Some of the most common power words are:

  1. Have
  2. Get
  3. Feel
  4. Boost
  5. Overcome
  6. Discover
  7. Beat

There are plenty more, but these are great words to use for any company.

When you use them, you’re showing potential clients exactly what they can expect from your insurance. Whether that’s, “Feel comfortable on an adventure,” with health insurance or, “Drive comfortably,” with auto insurance, you’re giving someone an idea about what you do while encouraging them to do it.

6. Email marketing

For many insurance companies, it’s a surprise to learn that email marketing generates 50 percent more sales than any other lead generation method. That’s immense, which is why you want to include email marketing in your insurance lead generation strategy.

It’s also why you want compelling CTAs, as well as intuitive contact forms.

By including contact forms throughout your website, as well as CTAs, you can build your email subscriber list. You can also grow your subscriber list with a few other strategies, which can contribute to a higher conversion rate.

A few insurance lead generation ideas for this goal include:

  1. Include a sign-up form across your website
  2. Offer a discount on your insurance premiums
  3. Use an exit intent popup on select webpages

Once you establish your email subscriber list, it’s critical that you optimize your email marketing strategy. That may mean segmenting your email list — which is a must if you offer several different types of insurance, such as homeowner and business insurance.

Additional tips to improve your email marketing campaign and its lead generation rates include:

  1. Personalize your emails
  2. Experiment your send times and days
  3. Optimize your emails for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices

It’s also vital that you track the performance of your campaign with an email platform, like MyEmailFX. That way, you can see what strategies are working for your insurance company. That results in a powerful email marketing campaign that drives valuable leads.

7. Chatbot

Whether you’re a home, life, or business insurance company, a chatbot offers value. By adding a chatbot to your website, you’re providing users a new way to connect with your business — even when your team’s out of the office.

With a chatbot, users can get a ton of information about your company, including:

  1. Insurance types
  2. Insurance rates
  3. Business locations
  4. And more!

They can also transition a user into a lead, such as by inviting users to receive a custom quote or schedule an appointment with an insurance agent. Even better, they provide value to users that become clients, such as by handling payments or managing claims.

That’s a perk for your team, plus a unique selling point for your company.

8. Content marketing

Another insurance lead generation idea that’s becoming more prominent is content marketing. Compared to traditional marketing, it generates 50 percent more leads, which is why content marketing and email marketing offer a competitive lead generation strategy.

If you want to generate leads from content marketing, it’s critical that you understand your target audience. You need to learn what your audience wants to know about insurance, as well as their motivations.

For example, if you offer life insurance, you may create a blog post that discusses when a person should invest in it. This type of content could appeal to new parents, as well as adult children caring for their parents.

To maximize your insurance company’s lead generation efforts, you’ll need to create original content that’s top-notch when it comes to quality. Audiences won’t read or engage with your content otherwise, as someone else — such as a competitor — will have content that’s ten times better.

Does Buying Insurance Leads Work?

The simple answer to the question, does buying insurance leads work?, is yes. For most insurance agents, it takes some effort to make sure they work for their agency. Just buying leads and assuming that they will work without any additional effort is a recipe for failure.

The agents that say that buying insurance leads don’t work, say this because they don’t undertake any additional efforts to make sure they work for their agency. Buying leads alone is not a magical solution to growing your agency.

Who is The Richest Insurance Agent?

So, who are the nation’s wealthiest people in the insurance industry? Here are the four who made the list.

1. Warren Buffett
2020 ranking: 4
Forbes 400 net worth: $73.5 billion
Net worth (as of November 22): $85.9 billion

To no-one’s surprise, Buffett once again secured the top spot on the list of the US’s wealthiest insurance tycoons. Although the man known as the “Oracle of Omaha” dropped one place to number four in Forbes overall ranking as his net worth took a dive from $80.8 billion in 2019 to $73.5 billion when this year’s list was released, he has since recovered – growing his wealth to $85.9 billion, according to the latest figures.

Buffett’s conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, owns several insurance companies, including Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance, Applied Underwriters, Gateway Underwriters Agency, GEICO, General RE, MedPro Group, National Indemnity Company, and United States Liability Insurance Group.

However, Buffett’s wealth does not solely come from his insurance empire as he also owns more than 60 companies in various industries, the largest among these are restaurant chain Dairy Queen, paint manufacturer Benjamin Moore Paints, battery maker Duracell, and clothing brand Fruit of the Loom.

2. Thomas Hagen
2020 ranking: 213
Forbes 400 net worth: $3.7 billion
Net worth (as of November 22): $4.3 billion

Ranking a distant second, Erie Indemnity chairman Thomas Hagen still topped the list of the nation’s richest businessmen who are purely focused on insurance. His company is currently the 12th largest auto insurer and 10th biggest home insurance provider in the US. 

Hagen’s wealth slightly dipped from $3.9 billion last year to $3.7 billion when the rankings were released. But he has since recovered, with a net worth reaching $4.3 billion as of November 22.

3. Patrick Ryan
2020 ranking: 260
Forbes 400 net worth: $3.2 billion
Net worth (as of November 22): $3.1 billion

Patrick Ryan’s net worth took a minor hit dropping from $3.3 billion in 2019 to $3.2 billion in the latest ranking. He currently serves as chief executive officer of Chicago-based wholesale brokerage and specialty insurer Ryan Specialty Group, which he also founded.

His first company, brokerage firm Ryan Insurance, merged with Combined Insurance in 1982 to form insurance heavyweight Aon.

Apart from his business endeavors, Ryan is known for his philanthropic works. He and his wife have given about $200 million to their alma mater Northwestern University. In 2016, the couple also made a significant donation to physical medicine and rehabilitation research hospital AbilityLab, the largest in the institution’s history.

4. William R. Berkley
2020 ranking: 299
Forbes 400 net worth: $2.8 billion
Net worth (as of November 22): $2.6 billion

William R. Berkley entered the Forbes 400 list last year and has continued his ascent, growing his net worth from $2.6 billion to $2.8 billion before the ranking’s release. He established his insurance firm W.R. Berkley in 1967 with only $2,500 while taking his MBA from Harvard.

Berkley stepped down as chief operating officer of the company in 2015 but still holds chairmanship. He owns about 20% of the insurance firm.

W.R. Berkley specializes in property and casualty insurance and operates in 60 countries. It went public in 1974. Currently, the company is headed by Berkley’s son, William Robert Berkley Jr.

Where Can I Get Free Leads?

We’ve drawn up a list below, detailing the different methods you might consider implementing for your own unique strategy, and the beauty is, they will all help you generate leads online for free.

1. Generate Leads with Google My Business

It is completely free, and its purpose is to help you reach & engage with your local target market, using google search and maps, giving you greater visibility.

When people search via google, or on Maps for your business specifically, or businesses similar to yours, your business profile will appear.

With a free app on your phone, Google My Business is easy to create and manage your business profile.

Google My Business also has a huge impact on local SEO, as the business information will be accurate and consistent. Like all tools, this requires some time to be invested to really gain the benefits. But the key things are:

  • Insights. Google offers analytical data about how a business was found, where it was shown, and what information the end-user is seeing.
  • Google Post. it has the option to show “featured content” to users that already found the business. This includes:
  • Events like live music at a bar or restaurant
  • Product Updates like new merchandise
  • Special OffersGeneral Announcements like opening hours
  • Reviews. The public can leave reviews, positive or negative, and Google My Business allows you to manage and monitor these with an intuitive dashboard.
  • Visibility. Keeping things consistent throughout Google will improve all marketing efforts as many local listings use Google’s data to feed their listings.

Google is going to keep optimizing and finding ways to monetize Google My Business. By taking advantage of Google’s latest features early, you stand to gain more local business and outshine your competitors.

2. Improve Your Local SEO

To build a good online presence you need to make sure that you have accurate details added to all relevant business directories. This has a direct impact on your ranking, reputation, and consequently, revenue. Typically, the following will be required:

  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Website
  • Photos
3. Blogging

You can use blogging to help your business develop a strong web presence. This is becoming increasingly important to help businesses engage and communicate with their customers, and build brand awareness.

According to a recent inbound marketing report, nearly 80% of companies that use blogging as a part of their marketing strategy reported acquiring customers through their blogging efforts. Additionally, 82% of businesses admit that blogging is critical to their business.

The Benefits of blogging are:

  • Driving traffic to your website.  Typically, you would post a summary paragraph and a link to your blog through your social media.  This allows your target audience to see that you have written something relevant, without bombarding them with words.  They are then encouraged to click the link, which takes them directly to your website.
  • Boost your SEO on the cheap. Blogging is straightforward and inexpensive, and the major search engines love the relevant content.  Make sure you are inserting keywords that your prospective customers will use to search for your products and services.
  • Make a connection.  Everyone can relate to a story.  Blogging helps you connect with your audience on another level and builds trust and rapport, by creating credible and authentic content.  This establishes your business as an expert or industry leader in that field, which will lead to more enquiries and higher conversion rates.
  • Get Personal. Blogging is the voice of your business, and this creates Brand Awareness in a more personal way.
  • Share the love. If the content is good, relevant and interesting, people will share it. This creates the potential of viral traffic, with so many different sharing platforms available – this is free marketing at its best!
4. Social Media

Social networks help create awareness and connect you with potential customers. You need to start by identifying which platforms are right for your business. If your business is Gardening and Landscaping, platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for showcasing your work, for example. If you share content in the form of a link, you will then drive traffic to your website.

5. Online Referrals

This is the most valuable and important form of advertising you can get. Prospective customers love a recommendation, and existing customers love a bit of service and care.

You should be reaching out to your existing customers at least every three months to touch base with them, make sure they’re happy with the service, and see if there is anything else you can do for them. This, in the first instance, can easily generate you more business.

In the second instance, if they’re happy, tell them that you’d love to work with more businesses like theirs. Ask them if they will help you do that.

The simplest ways they can do that for you are:

  • Google Reviews
  • Facebook Recommendations
  • Linkedin Recommendation
  • Review on Yell
  • TrustPilot
  • Trust a Trader
  • Yelp
  • TripAdvisor

It works well if you offer to do the same for them in return. If a client was particularly happy with something specific that you did for them, you could even ask them if you could use that as a case study for your website.

6. Email Marketing

With the introduction of websites such as MailChimp, email marketing is now open to everyone, and it is one of the best methods of direct marketing available. MailChimp is free for businesses with less than 2,000 contacts and is simple to use!

Email Marketing can help you:

  • Build relationships. This is a simple, cost-effective way to keep in touch with your customers and let them know that they are not forgotten. Send out newsletters, product launches, latest offers or links to your blog!
  • Brand Awareness. Develop your brand by creating awareness. Email marketing gives you a presence and a voice, direct to your subscribers.
  • Be known as an expert. Not only can you use email marketing to drive traffic to your website, but you can also use it to deliver unique content that your audience will enjoy reading. With credible and authentic content, you will build a reputation as being an expert in your field, and build a solid reputation for your business.
  • Time and Budget. These are constraints for all businesses.  Email marketing campaigns are quick to put together and are cost-effective.  You can connect with a large number of inboxes, all at the push of a button!
7. E-Mail Signature

We all have these, so why not use it to your advantage!

This will give your offers, promotions and content advertising space. Every time someone within your business sends out an email, that is a direct engagement, with minimal effort – best of all, its free!

You could…

  • Put your business social media profiles on there, “Like Us on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn”
  • Always put a call to action on any advertising – “Call us now for a free quotation”
  • Put your special offers, “For today only, 10% off when you quote EMAILOFFER”

Whatever you decide to add, make sure you notify everyone within the business, so your entire team can add it to their signature.

Whatever your business, there is a cost-effective lead generation strategy for everyone!

How Much do Final Expense Leads Cost?

Final expense lead cost can vary from vendor to vendor. Leads may be priced by the thousand or at a fixed amount per lead. Good leads can be purchased anywhere from $10 – $20 but some providers offer more expensive leads that refine their filters, like Social Insurance Leads’ $29 final expense leads.

Some final expense leads vendors will actually offer free leads in order to attract and retain new agents and their business. Be sure to check the terms and requirements of receiving these free leads.

How Can I Get 1000 Leads in a Day?

As a small business, generating leads is a top priority.  Luckily, there are many ways get more leads quickly and effectively.

The following five ideas can be used by businesses of all sizes and most industries. The key is to test and modify to make them work for your customer base.

Here are five foolproof ways to generate leads for your business:

1. Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are one of the best ways to drive leads. If you’re willing to “pay to play,” you have access to specific targeting options, including age, location, interests, and more.

To make your ads successful, and drive qualified leads, use best practices and follow your data. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you create your first Facebook ad:

  • The ad should be closely related to the content people are clicking through to. If there’s any confusion, people are more likely to click away, assuming there was a mistake.
  • Use eye-catching, bright colors, rather than blues or whites. The latter tends to blend in with Facebook’s branding, suggests James Scherer of Wishpond.
  • Run your first ad based on a “lookalike audience,” which uses your list of imported customers to find similar Facebook users.
  • Know the difference between CPM (cost per impressions) versus CPC (cost per clicks).
2. Personalized email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to drive leads, especially when your emails are personalized to the person receiving it.

A study by Experian found that personalized emails generated up to six times higher revenue than non-personalized emails and campaigns.

Use your email platform to personalize your email greeting to include the recipient’s name. Group your contacts by name location, purchase history, or expressed interests.

This small touch can help you drive more leads while building brand loyalty with potential customers.

As you begin sending emails, it’s important to track your success. This allows you to test, modify and evolve, driving more leads with each send. Compare your open and click rates to the average for your industry, as well, to determine if you’re on par or behind.

Don’t forget to check where people are clicking within the email itself. If you place links in more than one place in your email — which you should to increase total clicks — track which ones are being clicked more often. Learning your subscribers’ habits allows you to be more effective.

3. Discounts and coupons

To drive leads with discounts and coupons, focus on “new customer coupons.” In a 2016 CouponBox survey, 75 percent of retailers polled said this was the best coupon/discount for increasing long-term revenue.

Once you’ve created your deal or coupon, it’s time to distribute — you can’t expect customers to find these discounts and deals themselves.

Read Also: Email Marketing – How to do it Right For Effective Sales Conversion

Share with current and future customers via all your online platforms, including social media and email.

If possible, create a banner ad or pop-up for your website as well, enticing potential customers to buy right then and there.

If direct mailing is part of your marketing budget, use this as a way to distribute discounts and coupons as well.

4. High-value content

Content is a great way to build search engine optimization for your website, show your knowledge as a business, and generate leads.

The first step in using content as a lead-driving tool is to remember that this term encompasses more than just blog posts. Content could be an ebook, guide, white paper, graphic, in-depth study, or video.

The content is then gated, so potential customers give you their contact information in exchange for access to it.

To make the most of this content, consider how you can make it most valuable and targeted.

For example, if your ideal customer is in the healthcare industry, create a piece of content for healthcare leaders. Learn about this audience, write about a topic that you’ve found to be most important to them, and in a format they prefer (I.E. ebook versus white paper) and then promote it accordingly.

5. Referral Partnerships

As a small business, you can generate leads by partnering with other small businesses. A simple way to facilitate this is with a referral partnership.

In this case, you receive a percentage of the revenue from referrals you send to the other business and vice versa.

Have your lawyers or legal team create and proof paperwork, to ensure both sides are clear on the stipulations. Include information about requirements such as quality of the leads, total sale amount, percentage tiers, and more.

Bottom Line

In addition to all the tips already provided, make notes of conversations in your day planner for future reference. Be kind, courteous and respectful of the leads that others give you.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.