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For 61 percent of marketers, finding leads is their number one challenge. Your company doesn’t have to struggle when it comes to uncovering the best way to generate leads, though.

The digital era has changed the way we do business, and it’s important for marketers to keep up with the demands of their prospects by building a well-oiled lead generation machine.

We will relieve your stress of generating leads by providing you the needed tips to succeed.

  • How do Online Marketers Generate Leads?
  • How can I Generate Leads Quickly?
  • What are the Marketing Strategies to Generate Leads?
  • What is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing?
  • How to Generate B2B Leads
  • How to Generate Leads in Sales
  • How to Generate Leads Offline
  • B2B Lead Generation Tools
  • Best Lead Generation Strategies for Startups
  • How do you Generate Property Leads?
  • How many Leads Should Marketing?
  • How do I find Buyer Leads?

How do Online Marketers Generate Leads?

Lead generation remains a real challenge for most, even with the plethora of lead generation software available. As data indicates, 88 percent of consumers research their buys online before making a purchase.

As a marketer, you need to build a digital marketing strategy that provides value to the buyer through that research process, generating not just traffic but qualified leads.

Read Also: How to Create a Lead Magnet That Converts?

Below we offer four tips that will help you build a well-oiled digital marketing, lead generation machine.

Leverage Paid Social Media

Social media can be a powerful channel for lead generation. In order to be successful at acquiring leads via social media, you must invest time and effort in building an engaged audience so you can convert those individuals into leads.

The first challenge is figuring out which tool is right for your business. You can run paid social ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and even Pinterest.

Most internet users are on Facebook, so around 84 percent of marketers choose to use this platform to drive traffic and acquire leads. One of the favorites for lead generation is Facebook Lead Ads.

This ad format allows contacts to submit their information without ever leaving Facebook. Strategies for campaigns can include “Subscribe to Our Newsletter” or “Limited Time Offer – 20% Off Your First Purchase.”

Lead Ads is also a great outlet for remarketing campaigns because most of the time your website visitors will see the ad and you can use this opportunity to provide an incentive to send them back to your sales funnel.

Facebook removes the friction and lowers acquisition cost, providing a much better user experience and hopefully driving more leads for your business.

Optimize Your Site for Local SEO

Organic search is arguably one of the most valuable long-term lead generation strategies. Yet, with over 200 factors influencing how Google will rank your website within SERPs (search engine results pages), it’s difficult to know where to start.

A heavy hitter for lead generation is spending time optimizing local SEO. According to WordStream, 72 percent of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles of their location they searched.

Local SEO will allow your business to tap into the surrounding community and help users find you when you’re needed most. As mobile continues to dominate, local SEO can make a big difference in driving more customers to your front door.

Start by ensuring your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone) is consistent on your website and within listings such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google My Business.

Another good idea is to ask satisfied customers to leave a review or make it very easy for customers to review your business. Reviews on third-party platforms increase your chances of being found by qualified prospects without having to pay a dime!

Also, ensure your website Title Tag includes a main key phrase that you want to rank for in addition to your city, state, or neighborhood (e.g., “overnight fly fishing Colorado”). Give it some time, and then test your business by searching your keywords and seeing where you rank.

Use Content Marketing to Establish Thought Leadership

If you haven’t started producing content already, this should be one of the first steps in your lead generation strategy.

According to a survey by Demand Gen Report, 96 percent of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leaders and 47 percent of buyers viewed three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.

Garner leads by becoming a subject matter expert on topics or pain points that your product or service solves. Regularly post blogs, news, and tips regarding your industry.

Also, produce extensive guides that visitors can download on your website. This allows you to collect data from people that download your guides so you can enroll them into lead nurture programs and keep them engaged by sharing more about your product or service. You may even turn them into customers.

Don’t forget to promote the content you create using online marketing methods such as SEO, social, and email. Great content won’t make a difference if people can’t find it.

A survey done by FormStack suggests that organic search is the largest source of high-quality leads, so be sure to spend some time optimizing your content for search engines.

Segmented Email Marketing

Although it may be one of the older tactics, email marketing can be a very powerful tool when trying to reach prospects or upsell existing customers.

It’s important to adapt your email marketing strategy by tailoring your messaging to target specific segments of your customer database.

Right now, marketing automation is a popular method to help marketers automatically send highly targeted emails to leads. Synced with your CRM, leads can be placed into a workflow so once they fill out a website form they are nurtured with content that matches their specific interests.

This could include follow-up emails with great content and a CTA (call to action) to subscribe to your blog.

As you learn more about each lead, you can tailor your messaging to move them down the funnel. According to Forrester Research, companies that nurture their leads see 50 percent more sales-ready leads than their non-nurturing counterparts at a 33 percent lower cost.

Having the ability to capture website visitor data and couple that data with behavioral triggers has allowed marketers to get a lot smarter about the inbox.

How can I Generate Leads Quickly?

There are plenty of ways to generate leads quickly with basically no effort at all. The problem is most of those methods do nothing but generate low-quality leads with next to no chance of converting – and those are no good to your business.

What you need is fast, easy methods to generate high-quality leads that come with strong potential to convert, either now or further down the line.

Sadly, there aren’t as many of these methods that bring the best of both worlds but they do exist. So we are now going to take a look at some of them.

1. Automate your social posts

There are pros and cons to automating social posts but this certainly qualifies as a low-effort way to quickly generate leads.

To be clear, this does not mean that you should automate everything but scheduling your posts will drastically enhance your manual social activity – especially on networks like Twitter where content has a short shelf life.

A good place to start is automating your blog posts to publish on your chosen networks at the most influential times of day.

By scheduling your posts you can be consistent every day, in multiple time zones, at the most effective times of day to generate leads. Best of all, you only need to hit the publish button once and everything else is taken care of.

We still recommend that at least 50% of your social activity is done manually but a healthy dose of automation can make a serious difference to the number of leads you generate on a daily basis.

Hire a good PPC agency

There’s nothing easy about PPC but an agency will be taking care of all the hard work for you and it’s the fastest way to generate high-quality leads.

The great thing about paid advertising is you’re essentially choosing the kind of visitors who land on your site.

So you can target people who are itching to click the buy button and focus entirely on leads with the highest conversion potential, for example.

Likewise, you can use PPC to capture leads who aren’t so close to buying but nurture those leads along the buying process to make sure they end up buying with you, rather than one of your competitors.

Paid advertising gives you this choice and a good PPC agency will have you generating leads right away. Your job is to make sure you’re capable of converting those leads once they land on your site.

Add dynamic CTAs on each of your blog posts

To convert those blog readers of yours into email sign-ups, place CTAs for your free downloads on every blog post.

But here’s the trick: you’re going to create free downloads for each category on your blog and then create a “dynamic” CTA that automatically matches each download to the relevant category.

So people reading a post on lead generation, for example, will be asked to download The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation, while those reading up on email marketing will be asked to download 55 Email Marketing Hacks That Will Transform Your Business, and so on.

The point is every visitor will be prompted to download free content on the same topic they’ve already shown an interest in by clicking on your post. And with some pretty basic PHP code this will happen automatically for every single post you publish.

[includeme file=”wp-content/themes/venture-harbour/blog-promo-boxes/lf-webinar.html”]

Optimise your forms for conversions

One of the worst conversion killers you can have on your site is forms that frustrate users. It doesn’t matter how fast of easy your lead generation tactics are if your forms stop people from converting at the crucial moment. 

So invest in a good form optimisation tool to make sure you’re not shutting the door on potential leads.

Any good form optimisation tool will show you where users are running into problems with your forms so you can put things right. There are some great tools around these days, too.

One favourite right now is Leadformly because it comes with form templates that are already optimised for conversions and you can embed them anywhere on your site.

Which means you spend less time fixing problems with your forms and more time watching the leads roll in.

Compile your blog content into free downloads

People love freebies and your email lists will grow like mad if you provide them with valuable resources for nothing. To make this work you need to be publishing great content on a regular basis, which is neither low-effort nor quickly done – but bare with me.

With this kind of content strategy in the works, you can compile your existing content into larger resources and offer them as free downloads.

Think in-depth guides on technical topics, step-by-step tutorials for important tasks or industry “secrets” you’ve picked up over the years – something that really offers value.

Start by promoting these on social media to capture new leads and then move on to this next method.

Choose user-friendly popups

Despite the UX concerns, popups continue to get results and, believe it or not, it is possible to use popups in a way that has no/minimal negative impact on user experience.

Some of the least intrusive popups include exit popups, which only trigger when it looks like users are about to leave your site, or scroll popups that only show once users reach a certain part of the page.

You can even program these to trigger after a user has reached the end of your content and then starts to scroll up.

There are also popup alternatives like banner opt-ins or CTA sections that can break up your page without intruding on user experience.

Try out some different options and see what works best for you and the people using your site.

Reach out to people on social media

Moving back to social media for a moment, something brands don’t do enough is reach out to people on social with the right kind of intentions.

This is not referring to needy Facebook posts or promoting your own products on Quora. We are talking about reaching out to people with real problems and providing them with a solution.

So when you see a Quora page full of answers from businesses recommending their own products, break the mould and genuinely try to help people out.

Trust me, both your answer and your brand will stand out miles ahead of the other self-interested answers all over Quora.

The same goes for Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Twitter conversations and any other place your target audience goes to for help or advice.

Make yourself known in these places but make yourself known as a brand that wants to make life easier for people. Not only will the people you help out be impressed by your good will, so will everyone else involved in the conversation.

Turn networking events into new leads

Face-to-face interactions are a powerful thing and you’ll be making a mistake to limit yourself to generating leads online. To most people, their favourite way to generate leads is by attending networking events, conferences and trade shows.

We are not talking about events designed for you, though – we are talking about events created for your target customers.

If you’re an SaaS firm then you might make good contacts from SaaS events but you probably won’t get many leads. Instead, you want to be attending events created with your target customers in mind.

So, if one of your target audiences is Millennial entrepreneurs then you want to be going to the same events Millennial entrepreneurs are attending, whether they’ve got anything to do with software services or not.

Attend, network, exchange details and generate leads.

Get yourself on review platforms

With so many options for people to choose from – for just about every purchase they make – people want reassurances that they’re buying from the best possible source.

This is why reviews from third party sources like Google, Trustpilot and Reviews.co.uk are so important.

Not only do people visit these sites to get feedback from your former customers, these reviews are often embedded in search results and your PPC ads, while you can also place them on your landing pages to boost on-site conversions.

Of course, you need to be confident you can get a healthy collection fo positive reviews for this to generate leads, rather than scare them away.

So make sure your services are up to scratch and have a good customer care system in place to turn any complaints into happy customers.

Promote time-sensitive offers

With the techniques we’ve already covered you should be reaching a good audience and generating quality leads.

So now is a good time to start promoting time-sensitive offers to attract new leads and create a sense of urgency for those you’re already generating.

You can promote these in your PPC ads, social posts, blog articles, emails and every other channel you’re using to connect with prospects. What you offer and how often you run promotions is entirely up to you.

Experiment with a few campaigns to see what gets people excited; you may find some audiences respond to different incentives more than others.

Just be sure to emphasise that your offers run for a limited time only to create that sense of urgency.

Tap into your existing customers

It’s amazing how many brands think the job is done once users click the buy button, but one of your most powerful lead generators are the people who have already done business with you.

Create campaigns designed to turn your existing customers into repeat buyers, reach out to them for referrals and reward them for inviting their friends or contacts to buy from you.

You’ve already invested in winning each customer so you want to make sure you get the most out of that marketing spend, even after they’ve made the final commitment.

Do what you can create repeat buyers and brand evangelists who become an asset to your future marketing efforts.

What are the Marketing Strategies to Generate Leads?

The kind of strategy you use will determine the success you can achieve in generating leads for you business. That is the reason why we will provide you with 20 marketing strategies that will help you generate leads.

1. Direct Mail

An extremely flexible medium that gives you access to any number of otherwise inaccessible prospects for many different purposes; to sell your products; generate sales leads; follow up enquiries; get more business from current customers; keep in touch with former customers; close the sale in advance … and so much more.

It allows you to present every benefit of your product or service over those of your competition in a manner that’s 100% consistent. This is not just in their offices and during the business day, but in their homes, in the evenings and at weekends.

Reaching the right audience with the right offer and the right message is the key to success, because the only thing that counts is how many sales or inquiries your mailing generates.

2. Effective Advertising

Advertising should be nothing less than ”salesmanship in print,” i.e. it should do the same job that a top sales person would do face to face.

If you approach advertising in a scientific manner, following proven principles and facts, it no longer has to be a gamble. There are many extremely effective ways of using advertising in a highly targeted manner, that can’t help but grow your business.

This includes 1) advertising only in media that reaches a sufficiently large number of the kind of people you’re trying to reach 2) focusing the entire thrust of your communication on your prospect’s interests, not your own 3) giving your prospects enough information and education and 4) offering them something appealing that’ll get them to respond now.

3. Referral Systems

One third-party endorsement is more powerful than a hundred presentations. Getting your customers to recommend and encourage other people they associate with to seek out your products or services is the most coveted prize in selling, besides a sale.

There are hundreds of referral systems you can use; to create an unlimited supply of hot prospects; to get prospects returning your calls; to contact hard-to-reach buyers; to create a reputation that opens closed doors; to enhance customer loyalty; and to increase sales and multiply profits.

Referral systems make your life easier and more professional, and bring higher profits with increased customer loyalty.

4. Host Beneficiary Relationships

There are bound to be other non-competing businesses who have already spent years attracting and establishing relationships with the very people who are prime prospects for your own products or services.

By establishing the right relationships with those ”hosts”, those customers can be yours for the asking, with the full co-operation and permission of the businesses that acquired them in the first place … and it will bring you more customers and more cash right away.

5. Word-of-Mouth Marketing

This is the most powerful, persuasive marketing weapon available to any business. It drives customers to try products or services more than any other marketing technique … more than advertising, salespeople, direct response, and public relations combined.

And contrary to what you might expect word-of-mouth is not out of your control. There are dozens of techniques for launching your own highly successful word of mouth campaigns, based on an all-important Decision Matrix and a proven seven-step process.

6. Telemarketing

Telemarketing can be used very effectively in conjunction with other types of marketing. It is flexible in scope, message, and the things it can accomplish.

It works especially well with direct mail because it allows you to identify prospects and reach them directly through two media.

It is also an enormously effective way to keep advancing and building your relationship and gently leading your prospects to a purchasing decision … which can increase your sales results by up to twenty times.

You can use telemarketing techniques to implement extensive campaigns as well as to fill in spare time by generating more business.

It also gives you immediate feedback from customers and prospects as no other medium can, allowing you to find out what prospective customers want, what they like, and what they don’t like, as well as helping you qualify them.

7. Qualified Lists

The quality of your prospect list is the single most important influencing factor in your marketing success because it can eliminate virtually all marketing waste.

A list of well qualified prospects can be a priceless gem because if you exploit it properly it will produce tremendous amount of revenue for you from people who have a proven interest in your product or service.

Thousands of properly qualified lists are readily available for virtually any marketing purpose and can give you many times more sales.

These lists identify the specific businesses, key decision makers and demographic characteristics you desire, within the geographic areas you specify. You can focus only on prospects who are more likely than not your primary target audience for your product or service.

8. Networking

Most people you meet have hundreds of contacts, which means that virtually anyone you might want to contact or meet is only four to five people away from you. Effective networking is therefore vital to your success.

Most people are poor networkers, but you can quickly learn how to get out; meet people; make new contacts; develop quality business relationships based on trust; polish your communication skills; educate the people you meet about what you do and the benefits offered by your product or service; create a lasting impression; quickly build your network, use your contacts database effectively, enjoy your new contacts …and maximise your chances of success.

9. Circle of Leverage

A highly effective step by step strategy that deals with the single most common and frustrating problem for anyone in business: the problem of gaining access to the correct audience.

No other skill is as directly connected to your ability to achieve success as the skill of getting in to see the right people. This approach will help you cut through bureaucracy, identify the people you most need to see.

You’ll find that you can get in front of your desired prospects–regardless of their position or level of experience–faster, more effectively, and with less expense. It represents a new way of thinking about gaining access and overcomes the problem of getting through to the right people.

10. Internet/E-Commerce

The Internet is now an essential element in business communication. When people want information, they surf the web to find what they need.

You need a good website that maximizes your exposure … or you’ll look old-fashioned and behind-the-times.

Your website needs to be attractive, informative, and easy to navigate so that you obtain a constant stream of new prospects. You also need to establish a system that deftly converts them into customers.

11. Become a Recognised Authority

You can take a number of simple steps to rapidly establish yourself as a recogised authority in your field.

These include writing articles and books, creating newsletters and information products, speaking and delivering seminars. These can keep you very busy and in demand virtually all the time, giving you a tremendous edge over your competitors who struggle to get by.

Customers will normally flock to you, while your competitors wonder why and have to settle for picking up the leftovers.

12. Public Relations and Publicity

Most of what you read, see, and hear in the media got there with the help of PR. The media are insatiably hungry for factual, interesting, and newsworthy or entertaining information they can share with their customers, members, employees, listeners, viewers or readers.

PR, approached correctly, will give you free coverage on radio, television, in magazines, newspapers, trade journals, newsletters, e-zines, and via Web sites who serve the marketplace you’re trying to reach.

13. Special Events and Promotions

One of the best methods of making your business more successful is to make doing business with you a special, memorable experience.

The more exciting, enjoyable, fascinating, informative, valuable or educational you can make the experience, the more business you will do, and the stronger and more meaningful the bond you will form with your customers.

Events are a very powerful way of offering people who have an excellent probability of turning into customers a chance to be educated about the benefits and results of your product or service. They can also be used to recognise your existing customers as being very special.

14. Advertorials and News Stories

Writing articles and news stories for publication in the media that your prospects and customers would find interesting and would like to know about is the quickest, easiest way, and usually the first step, in building your reputation.

You need to know how to come up with article ideas, research and write successful articles, get them published, use the reprints in self-promotion, and get people to respond to you and buy your products or services.

15. Brochures and Corporate Literature

No matter what your business, your brochures should help bring in profitable business … yet most brochures fail miserably.

You therefore need to know how to create professional brochures and fliers that sell for you by educating your prospects and customers about the benefits you offer and also addresses their questions and their needs for your product or service.

16. Making profits on the ”Back End”

If you depend more on repeat business than initial sales, or if most of your sales and profits occur when customers repeat purchase from you again and again, you should be doing everything possible to motivate as many customers as you can to make their initial buying decision as quickly and easily as possible.

Making it easy and irresistible for the customer to start doing business with you by adding extra incentives or by making your initial sale at breakeven or a small loss, means that you will benefit sooner rather than later from all the repeat business, the add-ons and the ancillary products and services that represent the bulk of your profits.

17. Newsletters

A powerful technique for building your reputation with a defined audience over a period of time is to regularly send them a newsletter, which can either be free or paid subscription.

Newsletters can be used to position you as an authority in your marketplace, to build closer relationships with clients.

You can use them to educate your target market so they can make more informed and more frequent buying decisions or educate them to the full extent of your services and how you can add value through those services.

18. Leaflet Drops or Inserts

Gives you a direct approach into both homes and businesses in an exact geographical area … giving you the flexibility to drop any number at any time, and lends itself to a low cost combination of letter and brochure advertising.

19. Use Your Competitors Resources

Harnessing the relationships that your competitors do not properly or fully develop or appreciate … and making arrangements to obtain details from them of all their unconverted leads, unsold prospects and unconverted enquiries is like them handing you the keys to their own customer list.

20. Exhibitions and Trade Shows

Some wildly successful businesses employ only one major method of marketing: they display and sell their wares at trade shows, exhibitions, and fairs.

They realise that many serious prospects will attend these gatherings. But there is an art to successful exhibiting which, if mastered, generates immense rewards.

Read Also: How to Get Free Insurance Leads

There are few other sales forums where prospects and clients come to you and where you can meet so many of them in a single day. You can also conduct valuable research, get first hand opinions on your products and services and even collect valuable testimonials.

Besides attracting new business, exhibitions can be used to introduce existing customers to additional products and services they were previously unaware of.

What is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing?

Lead Generation in digital marketing is the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business.

Lead Generation should be at the forefront of your digital marketing plans. 

A potential customer in your target audience whom is interested in your product or service is called a lead. This is the very first point in the customer’s sales cycle and the first point of contact is usually through marketing.

Lead Generation, in the digital marketing world, can be broken down into sets of marketing activities that correspond with the customer’s buying journey with the aim to;

  • Generate traffic to the business’s website
  • Covert those website visitors into leads
  • Convert the leads into customers.

There are many different tactics that can be used to generate leads in digital marketing. This could be from a contact form online, a response to a Facebook AD or an email sign up via a business newsletter.

How to Generate B2B Leads

Here are a few creative strategies that are not as common as the typical lead generation tactics employed by most marketers:

1. Develop a Personalized Email Campaign

Your emails need to speak the language of their recipients, whether that means lacing your content with academic prose or writing in an informal style that features slang, emojis, and GIFs.

The core information of your email doesn’t have to change; it’s the delivery mechanism — based on the readers’ personalities — that makes the difference.

Of course, you include CTAs in your emails. However, we’re talking about taking it one step further and placing a CTA button at the end of your regular work emails right underneath your signature. It can link to your latest piece of content or to your primary landing page.

This works especially if you send a lot of emails, which isn’t too hard for most of us. A wide variety of people in your network see your emails—be it personal or work related. This way, they’ll also see a unique CTA. Who knows? You might just catch the right person’s attention at the right time and… Presto, a new lead!

2. Syndicate Your Content

Content syndication amplifies your brand’s content by leveraging the audiences of complementary brands. By placing your content in front of relevant audiences that you may not have reached otherwise, you can generate more leads and increase your business opportunities.

Additionally, you can improve your search engine rankings by getting backlinks to your website through syndicated content. Be sure to only syndicate your best content. This strategy works best when the content is valuable and relevant to a specific audience. SEO is just a bonus.

3. Answer Questions on Quora

This question and answer platform is rapidly gaining popularity. In fact, Quora now has over 100 million active users.

Through the full-text search feature, you can look for questions that are relevant to your specific niche or interest. By consistently providing helpful and educational insight, you can get noticed by your target audiences who use the platform. This strategy is great for building brand awareness.

If you’ve created content that specifically addresses a question on Quora, then you can place a link to it in your answer. If the content is relevant enough and the question gets a significant amount of traffic, you can expect to see a few new visitors trickle in.

4. Speak at Events in Your Industry

There are a wide variety of trade expos and conferences that you can join or attend. But becoming a contributor to these events will majorly amp up your credibility as an authority in your field. Not only that, but you’ll also have the undivided attention of a relevant audience, which is a huge opportunity to impress.

So the next time you get invited to speak at an event, say ‘yes’ as quickly as you can. It doesn’t hurt to volunteer for these events either.

5. Experiment with Interactive Content

Visual content is a huge trend these days, and what better way to keep up with the fad than to do something even more innovative? Interactive infographics are rare, primarily because they are difficult and expensive to produce. But, if you have a team of graphic artists who are willing to go the extra mile, then why not?

Delighting prospects and customers is a key component to the success of any marketing strategy. With an entertaining and engaging interactive infographic, your brand stands out and becomes that much more memorable. Brand recall is high, and brand awareness goes through the roof.

Delighted customers are great promoters, and they will likely share your interactive content. Don’t forget to include an embed code and social sharing buttons to make the job easier.

6. Give Away Useful Templates and Spreadsheets

Not everyone’s great at customizing spreadsheets, especially if they use formulas. So, if someone else does it and gives it away for free, it’s easy to see the value. Prospects will gladly opt-in in exchange for this highly useful template.

So from here on out, compile the templates and resources you use for your company, and transform them into downloadable offers to help your prospects simplify their processes and workflows.

7. Create Gated Videos

User attention is becoming increasingly harder to retain, and not everyone’s patient enough to read through long articles. Short videos are much easier for users to consume. Create an entertaining video that can help address your target audience’s problems and challenges.

Use an opt-in video to generate leads. Wistia’s Turnstile, for example, allows you to place an opt-in email form with a CTA on your videos.

8. Quit Cold Calling

Cold calling is joining the ranks of 8-track tape players and Palm Pilots; it’s clunky, it’s outdated, and it’s ready to be put out to pasture. Ten years ago, reaching a prospect was possible after 3 or 4 cold calls. Now?

That number of attempts has jumped up to 8. Is it any surprise that 44% of salespeople surveyed admit to calling it quits after the first unsuccessful follow-up call?

Prospects are used to self-service options and finding business partners via thought leadership or email campaigns, not unsolicited phone calls. In fact, these calls may actually hurt your chances as much as help them. Even cold calling’s champions report a conversion rate that hovers around 2%.

But cold calling’s fall from grace doesn’t mean your sales team is done for. There are far better ways to generate qualified leads and grow your business.

9. Ramp Up Your Inbound Marketing

And any good inbound marketing strategy relies, above all, on a combination of compelling content and intensive SEO.

Inbound strategies are also cost-effective. Inbound leads are 60% less expensive than outbound leads.

Content series that draw your company’s target audiences in and keep them coming back to learn more are great conversion tools, especially when they involve strategic calls to action and landing pages to entice your readers to stay in touch and learn even more.

Your content can take a variety of forms: guest articles, blog content, informative whitepapers — the list goes on.

An SEO strategy has gone from a nice-to-have to a must-have. It’s one of the best ways to ensure that your company is consistently found by the right audience. Whether you hire an in-house team to focus on boosting search rankings or outsource this effort, identify the keywords that make your business stand out.

Keywords aren’t the only way to implement SEO practices. You should also ensure that your URLs are formatted properly, your web pages have unique titles and meta descriptions, your pages load quickly on mobile devices, you earn links from authoritative publications in your niche, and so on.

10. Make a Social Media Splash

Social media channels are a useful way to interact with prospects and customers regardless of industry, but different channels are more effective for different demographics. For companies seeking Millennial customers, Snapchat and Instagram campaigns are likely to catch prospects’ eyes.

Snapchat’s use in marketing efforts has grown by leaps and bounds (for both B2B and B2C companies) over the past two years, so if you’re seeking younger customers, link your Snapchat account to your other social media platforms.

Other platforms may not offer as much flair as Snapchat, but they can still help you grow your audience. One such platform is LinkedIn, which is a great place to gain qualified leads.

B2B marketers are especially likely to see success on this channel, as it has a higher concentration of business users than other social media sites. In fact, 80% of social media-based B2B leads come from LinkedIn.

As social networks evolve, new platforms crop up, and customer behavior changes, sales and marketing teams are having to follow suit to keep up.

How to Generate Leads in Sales

Here are some tips for creating a system that will help you identify sales leads in your business, and — with the right focus and effort — turn them into customers.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

The first step of lead generation is identifying your target audience. You can’t successfully reach and sell to your ideal customer if you don’t know exactly who that is, so it’s important to research your audience and come up with a clear picture of who they are, where they live, what they like to do, how much money they make, what their lifestyle and personality is like, etc.

If you don’t already have one, you should also create a comprehensive marketing plan as part of this step.

2. Pick Your Promotional Methods Wisely

In order to generate leads, you need a promotional plan that will get your products and services in front of members of your target audience. There are a number of ways you can promote your business, and again, you will want to use your marketing plan to identify the most effective methods for your business.

Some marketing ideas include an informational website, a blog, social media, speaking engagements, industry events, current customer referrals, pay per click (PPC) advertising, and traditional advertising.

3. Create a Sales Funnel

Once you know who you are targeting and have determined how best to reach them, you need to have a plan for collecting contact information. The first part of the process involves funneling all prospects to a standard form or landing page that encourages them to share their contact information, generally in return for a free gift, a coupon, a sample or some other value-added incentive.

At this point, it is vital to have a customer relationship management (CRM) database that will help you keep track of potential customers through the process.

4. Use an Email Newsletter to Build Relationships

Now that you’re in contact with prospects, it’s time to cultivate those relationships so you can take them from the lead stage through a sale (and eventually a repeat sale!). One of the best ways to create consistent communication with your prospects is through an email newsletter.

While you are planning your email marketing plan, make sure you are aware of and follow regulations that are a part of the CAN-SPAM Act.

5. Leverage Social Media to Connect and Engage

Social media provides a number of opportunities for small businesses to create conversations with prospective customers and generate new leads.

You can create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, LinkedIn company page, Pinterest account or a YouTube page to attract and engage your audience, then funnel them through your process to become leads.

Plus, once you have leads in the system, you can use social media to talk to them and find out more about what they need and want. The more positive touchpoints a customer has with your business over time, the more likely he or she will be to trust your brand and eventually purchase from you.

Lead generation should be thought of as a long-term and continuous process. If you get an efficient system in place using the sales lead tips above, you can streamline the lead generation process and increase your opportunities for business growth.

How to Generate Leads Offline

The approach towards offline lead generation is different from that of online. Right from the cost to the process, everything is different.

Here are the 5 different and practical ways to generate leads online:

1. Attend/Organize/Sponsor events

Building a strong network is essential for any business. Even while you are starting your business, you need to have a strong network. Everyone with whom you cross paths can be potential leads, therefore, ensure that you build a strong network of professionals.

Going to networking events is key to meeting new people you can potentially work or collaborate with. The key to getting the most from attending events is to follow up. If you meet someone at an event, add them on LinkedIn, or shoot them an email the next day. Make sure to reference an interesting fact/notable part of your conversation.

Giving people a reason to come to your brick and mortar location is a great way to generate offline leads and attract new prospects. It may also aid in building your company’s reputation in the community.

Product demonstrations or expert talks can help to get current customers and new prospects into your space. You know your customers and what they are interested in, so be sure to create events that will be most engaging and appealing.

As a sponsor, you would have the ability for prominent signage as well as a presence at the event where employees could display products and interact with attendees.

Look for the events in your community that your target audience may attend in large numbers, and you may find yourself an effective means of offline lead generation.

2. Asking for referrals

One of the most effective lead generation strategies for any small business is a referral program. Employees can be incentivized to refer, customers can be offered rewards to refer and people who aren’t your customers but can refer should be offered some perks so they feel motivated to walk that extra mile.

Thus, encourage people in your network to refer their acquaintances to you. Everybody might know at least someone who would be interested in your offer.

In order to motivate people for recommending, you could set up some incentives such as discounts, special offers, additional services included in their package, and others. This way, even if they’re not by default willingly to be your brand advocates, incentives can help them consider doing so.

3. Partner with other relevant businesses and do cross-promotion

As dedicated as you might be towards your marketing efforts, sometimes a strategic partner can make the extra mile for you. Especially if that other business has a better-known brand than yours, the affiliation with it can also bring a credibility transfer.

This way, your brand can benefit from the cross-promotion strategy not only through having access to more leads but also through increasing its impact.

4. Publishing Ads

Here we mean advertising in the traditional sense, where radio, television and print ads are relevant. Advertising of this kind creates quite an impact on the viewers making them interested in your product, which will boost your lead generation numbers.

For companies that want to tap a specific market, they can always consider publishing ads in magazines and newspapers. Certain groups like artists and seniors are more likely to read news on printed pages. To attract these niches, you only have to create appealing ad copy and visuals that point them towards you.

To find the right publications for your print ads, consider the volume and frequency of distribution, the characteristics of their readers, and of course the pricing.

Be sure to have a professional layout and design your ad. This may cost a bit more than doing it yourself, but will yield better results and a better return on your investment.

5. Cold calling

Some say cold calling is outdated and while it may seem like a primitive way to acquiring high-quality leads, cold calling can still provide you with advantages that social media channels could barely outrank.

One of the advantages of cold calling is outreach. Prospects want instant responses to inquiries, which is exactly what talking to a telemarketer entails. In addition, cold calling can also lead to better relationships as you are allowed flexibility in terms of crafting talking points that will keep a prospect interested in you.

Cold calling doesn’t always mean getting on the phones and annoying people with phone calls it can be used strategically. If you’re a b2b business, use search or social media to compile a list of suppliers or potential clients.

You may be surprised at the response you get, don’t be scared to put yourself out there, that’s what marketing is about.

B2B Lead Generation Tools

Like all things sales and marketing tech-related, there’s an ever-expanding supply of options. Here are the top eight tools we’re digging for generating new business leads in 2021.

1. Unbounce

Long time fans and users of Unbounce, they’ve significantly expanded the platform beyond landing pages. For organization’s who maybe lack design and/or tech resources, Unbounce makes lead capture easy peezy.

With a diverse set of integrations, you can connect it to email platforms and other tools to build a marketing stack if you don’t have an all in one platform, like #2.

2. Hubspot

When you’re ready to scale and want a more unified view of your lead generation activity, Hubspot is the way to go. As they’ve expanded their product line up from a marketing tool to a platform for marketing, sales, and support, it offers tools from lead generation all the way through your customer journey.

But even just getting started with some of the free marketing and sales tools will help ramp up your b2b lead generation efforts in 2020. For example, use forms and live chat on the free version of marketing to immediately start converting some of your website visitors.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

For sales teams taking a targeted, account based approach, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a must-have lead generation tool. One of the features we find the most useful is the account and lead recommendations.

As you interact with and tell Sales Navigator what kind of leads and accounts you’re interested in, it surfaces new contacts and accounts that are similar but might not have been on your account based targeting list. It’s a great way to expand your scope with the accounts you can truly add value to instead of randomly selling to anyone with a pulse.

4. Calendly

There is nothing more annoying than trying to schedule meetings back and forth with someone. Calendly eliminates all the back and forth – but it also makes it easier to open up your calendar to potential prospects, referral partners and others who can bring value to your network.

Setting aside a time for “office hours” and making that meeting link available opens you up to letting potential partners book time with you in a far more convenient way for everyone – and easily generate a lead.

5. Vidyard

Video is a hot topic these days – and for good reason. It’s a far more engaging and easily consumed form of content. When it comes to lead generation, personalizing outreach has a significant impact on improving response rate. One favorite tool for this is Vidyard. It makes personalized video super easy to produce and distribute. Don’t worry – you don’t need to be Scorcese – just get started.

6. Meetup

Depending on what you sell, generating B2B leads with Meetup could be your new secret weapon. Here’s how – find events and meetups related to your topic, in your area. Reach out to the organizer and see if they are looking for speakers. Many times – they’re open to it and it’s an easy way to get in front of an interested audience of potential buyers.

Other options, if you’re a product and you need focus groups or beta users, you can find meetups that are often willing to share these kind of opportunities with their members. Do some research and see what groups are already getting together and how you can add value but increase your awareness.

7. Feedly

Keeping track of buying signals in your target accounts, verticals etc. can be a nightmare. Maybe you’ve set up a bunch of Google Alerts that have now been relegated to a folder in your inbox that you never actually check. Maybe you have an intern putting together a spreadsheet.

Alternatively, you could setup feeds in Feedly to monitor accounts or industries to identify opportunities for reaching out with your b2b leads. Feedly goes with you on your phone and makes checking updates on the go a lot easier too.

8. AeroLeads

As you’re looking to generate leads and find prospect information, there are additional tools that can help. AeroLeads is an easy way to find prospects and their information from platforms like LinkedIn, AngelList, Crunchbase, Xing, etc.

You can find the right audience, prospective business emails, contact numbers, company details, and more, all by using their Chrome extension.

Best Lead Generation Strategies for Startups

1. Write Impressive ads

There are too many merits of online advertising to ignore: getting yourself listed on the SERPs is imperative if you want to win customers.

As a new business, you’re probably sceptical as to how well you can rank on search engines such as Google. If your industry is particularly saturated, and you don’t have a huge budget, it can be easy to waste your advertising spend in the blink of an eye.

As a startup, you have to be smart – smart, and highly targeted. By doing the basics well, you’ll put yourself ahead of a lot of people using Google Ads. Spend some time studying up on what makes a kickass ad and you’ll be raking in those clicks before you know it.

Similarly, there are many benefits to advertising on Facebook as it’s a great place to find leads – it offers an entirely different audience. If your potential customers are social media users, and you know their interests, you can really narrow down who you target on this platform.

Facebook also offers ways of embedding lead capture forms into an ad, so that the user journey isn’t disrupted and you have less chance of losing them.

2. Build the perfect landing page

If the term for a potential customer is a lead, then we’ll name potential leads as fawns.

The reason why you might call them fawns is because they’re delicate, scare easily and are on wobbly legs when it comes to your business – one wrong move could send them running for the hills.

They have no trust or loyalty with your brand, so they can easily press that dreaded back button and choose another business.

That’s why if you get your fawn to click your ad, you need to tread very carefully. The way to do this is to build a dedicated landing page for their expectations and gently guide them to the lead capture form (or whatever your goal is.)

If your PPC ad promotes an offer or specific product, taking them through to your main website is just going to confuse them. If they have to hunt for what they were expecting to see, you’ll lose them.

By taking them directly to a separate page, designed with their particular journey in mind, you can guide them straight to their destination. This handholding technique is needed far more than you may think and will result in many more leads.

3. Decide what your hook is

As we discussed previously, a lead magnet is designed to entice people in. There are many ways of offering something to your audience, but it’s all about deciding what the right one for your specific user base is.

Better yet, think of it the other way around: what is the most valuable thing that you’re prepared to offer people for free? Is it your knowledge? Then create an eBook, a series of blog posts, a guide.

If it’s a tiny piece of your product, promote a free trial, sample, taster. Maybe it’s an offer, a coupon, an introductory discount. Whatever you choose, the next stage is more important – how you package it.

You can decide to give away the best thing in the world, but if people don’t recognise its value then it’s meaningless. Use your content to frame your lead magnet in the right way: educate your audience if they don’t know why they need what you’re selling, shout about the benefits.

As a start-up, you have to tackle many things at once – establishing brand awareness and trust goes hand-in-hand with lead generation. Picking a lead magnet which quickly demonstrates the value of your brand over others is a good way to win.

The goal is that for whatever you offer, you get a lead in return. But you need to choose which form is going to be most valuable to you. Do you want people to opt-in for an email so you can gain a direct line to their inbox?

Would you rather a social media follow because that’s where you promote your business the most? Is an on-page form expected because of the details you’d need to know?

There’s no strategy that wins all as every business is unique. You don’t need to adopt multiple different lead magnets, pick one and give it your all. There’s no need to get stuck for lead magnet ideas as there’s plenty of examples out there.

4. Remarketing

Just because you don’t capture a lead the first time around, doesn’t mean you won’t the next time. If you’ve invested in online advertising, then remarketing is the next step to warming up potential customers.

Remarketing tactics allow you to generate brand awareness, nurture the leads you already have and, most importantly, capture those who passed you by the first time. With only 2% of shoppers converting on their initial visit, remarketing offers a way of getting back some of that 98% – without it, they’re lost.

Remarketing also offers you many strings in its bow: engaging with customers at various stages of your sales funnel. So once past the lead generation stage, you can utilise it for reengaging with customers who have previously bought from you, for example.

For now, our concentration is on generating those initial leads. Create your remarketing list based on those who have interacted with your brand. This can include those who have previously clicked on an ad but headed back, those who have partially filled out contact details but then left, or those who have read your content but gone no further.

There are many tools out there that can help you identify where people have dropped off in your sales funnel, which you can then use to patch the holes in your user journey.

5. Referrals

A shortcut to getting more customers is to introduce a referral scheme. After all, who is most likely to know people who would like your product or service? Other customers!

At Adzooma, their refer a friend scheme gives both you and your mate a £20 Amazon voucher whenever you recommend a new user. We’ve found this works really well as the new customers are within the industry field and more likely to stay, whilst the draw of the voucher works universally since Amazon stocks something for everyone.

A little sweetener can push those who already enjoy your services into mentioning them to someone else. Word of mouth advertising is still a strong force to be reckoned with, so referrals can be a strong lead generation source.

6. Content marketing

Content production should never be overlooked. It’s the backbone of your business as you can have the best product or service in the world, but if it’s not marketed properly, you’ll have no customers.

Lead generation through content marketing is fruitful because they come from a qualified source. If they’ve engaged with your content and are still around, you’re likely a good match for each other.

Setting up a blog, a Facebook page, social media channels and the like are great communication lines between you and your audience. But they’re going to be pretty dull if they just contain your contact details and nothing more.

Producing well-thought-out content that informs and advise people is valuable. Even if after watching your video, reading your article, participating in your webinar or whatever form your content takes, they leave, you’ve spent all that time in their minds.

So the next time they need a service like yours, they think of you. Better yet, they think of how helpful you were, so you must know your stuff. They also think of how you weren’t just trying to sell them something, you cared about them as a person.

Again, this is valuable. Through content marketing, you can not only build up leads but craft a loyal customer base who have a reason to come back for more.

At the end of your content – and throughout – be sure to have clear CTAs (call to actions) so that your audience know exactly what they’re supposed to do next if they’re interested. Don’t oversell, it comes across as disingenuous.

The brands that survive the long haul, even global pandemics, are those who are more than just money-making schemes. Show your potential customers you care, and they’re more likely to care about you.

How do you Generate Property Leads?

A well-working lead generation strategy is a balanced combination of various tactics: online and offline. The key is to have multiple touch points with your potential customer to collect leads, and then decide how to take them closer to the purchase decision.

In the real estate industry, you may reach a lead, who is ready to buy but only in 6-12 months.

So, when that window of opportunity opens, how do you make sure you are listed as a potential agency?

1. Use social media for your lead generation

Start a conversation, provide value and drive traffic to your website and landing pages showing the properties you are selling. Use lead capture ads on Facebook to target and capture leads.

Once a lead is captured, with an advanced marketing automation solution, you can immediately start nurturing them:

  • Thank with an SMS
  • Share the property details via email
  • Follow up with a couple of emails

2. Generate leads from your website

First of all, make sure your website is mobile optimized. Most of your visitors browse your website on their mobile devices.

Also, place a pop-up on your webpage to ensure the visitors subscribe to your updates.

Provide lead hooks to collect more email subscribers. Lead hooks can entail various content, for instance:

  • Market studies
  • Property brochures
  • Video content
  • Area guides
  • Tips & tricks for moving
  • Advice on finding mortgages

If you capture visitors email address, you can retarget with an email after the website visit with relevant content.

Tip: To measure the effectiveness of your newsletters, track open rates and click-through-rates with an email marketing tool. This will give you an overview on which content performs best.

3. Use marketing automation as a part of the sales process

You captured an inbound lead, put their details in CRM, understood their requirements, but what’s next?

Once you know if the lead is, for example, a buyer, seller, tenant or landlord looking for a certain type of tenant or property, you can automate trigger emails:

  • Available properties based on their interest (3BR villas for rent in Arabian Ranches)
  • Information package: “What you need to know if you are renting property for the first time”

Once a lead has been turned into a customer, marketing automation can trigger:

  • “Congratulations & Welcome to the neighborhood!” email on the same day with a link to download the Arabian Ranches area guide with all the services available in the area
  • Another email 3 days later about the complementing services (moving & house maintenance services)
  • Feedback and referral request in 30 days
  • If the rental contract is for one year, send the reminder email 30 days before the lease expires about renewing the contract or current listing of similar properties in the area

4. Engage your audience with valuable content

People do not want to be bothered by sales messages, but if you provide value and show expertise in the material you provide, people start appreciating your efforts.

Start blogging (which Google and other search engines love!) with topics that interest your audience.

5. Create converting landing pages

Landing page is a great way to maximize your inbound campaigns. It is a simplified and informative webpage aiming to capture lead’s details, i.e. get a visitor to fill in a form and leave their required details.

Landing pages are effective for growing your email list and generating leads.

Ask only relevant information that helps you to capture the lead and move them forward in the customer journey. When people visit the landing page but do not fill in the form, you can remind them with another email on the following day. For instance:

“Thanks for showing your interest in our off-plan project. Click here to get more details about it!”

And finally, the last tip:

6. Don’t buy databases

We have seen many times that this strategy does not work over time. Most likely your competitors are already using the same database. Overloading recipients with the similar content will not bring much value and can even jeopardize your reputation.

How many Leads Should Marketing?

The actual analysis requires specific knowledge of your company’s revenue goals, but let me offer a simplified scenario that will give you the concept. To work your monthly lead target, you will need seven pieces of data. If you don’t have all this data, use what you do have and begin to collect the missing data:

  1. Monthly revenue target – your monthly sales goal from all revenue sources
  2. Marketing driven revenue – the portion of the total monthly revenue that marketing is responsible for, not counting cross-sales, up-sales and revenue that comes in (regardless of what marketing does)
  3. Average sales price (ASP) – the average revenue contribution from each new sale
  4. Number of marketing-driven deals – this is the marketing-driven revenue divided by the ASP
  5. Opportunity-to-sale ratio – the percentage of pipeline opportunities that you close
  6. Qualified lead-to-opportunity ratio – how many qualified leads it takes to produce one opportunity
  7. Inquiry-to-qualified-lead ratio – how many inquires it takes to produce a qualified lead

Sales Lead Example

Let’s plug some straw-man numbers into these data elements to produce a sample lead plan. Note that the terms “lead” and “inquiry” are used interchangeably.

Monthly revenue target:$125,000
Marketing driven revenue:$70,000
Average sales price:$7,000
Marketing-driven deals:10 ($70,000/$7,000)
Opportunity-to-sales ratio:5 (we close one out of five opportunities)
Number of opportunities needed:50 (10 x 5)
Qualified lead-to-opportunity ratio:2 (we turn one out of two leads into an opportunity)
Number of qualified leads needed:100 (50 x 2)
Inquiry-to-qualified-lead ratio:7 (we turn one of every seven inquires into qualified leads)
Number of inquiries/leads needed:700

In this example, the number of inbound inquiries/leads required to meet the revenue target is 700 per month. If each leads costs an average of $30 to acquire, the total marketing programs acquisition cost is $21,000 (700 x $30).

The point is that you need to know two very important things. First, exactly how many leads/inquiries you need to reach your target revenue goals; and second, your acquisition cost per lead/new customer order.

Your ability to quantify these numbers and then deliver them to the sales force will make you a hero in the executive suite. And most importantly, your marketing budget will be seen as a critical investment, not as just another expense.

How do I find Buyer Leads?

Buyers are the foundation of your real estate sales. That’s why generating leads for people looking to purchase a home is so important. You can generate real estate buyer leads through a paid service or through means such as referrals and campaigns.

Generating buyer leads is the single most effective way to increase your business profits, and it doesn’t have to be costly.

Here are 9 of the top methods successful agents use to generate real estate buyer leads:

1. Work the Rent vs Buy Angle

Apartment complexes are filled with potential buyers. Create a direct mail campaign with a postcard that grabs their attention by addressing most common complaints tenants have, from lack of privacy to lack of space. Sites like PostcardMania and ProspectsPLUS! make it easy to find well-designed, affordable cards with a variety of messages.

2. Place Targeted Facebook Ads

You can get hundreds of leads from a well-placed, targeted ad on Facebook for less than $100. Facebook makes it very easy to customize the audience by whatever criteria you choose under the Edit Audience section. If you cover a suburban area, for example, your ads can target city-dwelling new parents who are ready for more space.

3. Become a Zillow Premier Agent

The Zillow Premier Agent program provides an excellent source of real estate buyer leads. Zillow is the largest real estate marketplace on the internet, so it just makes sense to be where the most buyers are searching.

As a Premier Agent, you’ll be the sole agent on any of your listings and buyers will contact you directly for more information. You will also be listed on non-Premier Agent listings in your area, providing visibility to prospective buyers.

4. Review Public Records

A good agent keeps track of recent sales. Take it a step further and make note of who buys all that real estate. Over time, you’re likely to find a person or a company that buys a lot of real estate on a regular basis, and you can search public records to see how many properties they own. You can also find their mailing address in public records, which you can then add to your marketing database for future mailers.

5. Get Personal With Your Database

When you get to know your contacts, you become more than just another real estate agent. Every new connection, every handshake is a potential lead or referral source, so treat each of them like you would if they were a friend and a client.

Get to know them, congratulate them on milestones, and wish them a happy birthday. Be genuine about making a connection and they’ll be less likely to forget about you when it’s time to buy.

6. Educate First-time Homebuyers (& Buy Them a Drink)

You can create opportunities to educate and interact with potential first-time homebuyers in person by inviting them to a happy hour where they can have their questions answered by a team of experts in a relaxed setting.

Experiences like these give potential buyers a chance to meet you in person without pressure or obligation and see you as an expert in the field. By giving buyers a chance to get to know you in person, you increase the odds of being hired or recommended.

7. Use Craigslist

Craigslist is a great place to find buyers. Go onto your local Craigslist page, click on the “housing wanted” tab, and you will find countless ads placed by people who are searching for a place to live. Respond to ads by offering to help potential buyers with their search.

8. Network With Everyone

Don’t be shy about telling everyone you meet that you’re in real estate. Buyer leads can come from anywhere, including places you frequent like the dry cleaner, the coffee shop, and the gym.

If you don’t tell people you sell real estate, they’ll never tell you they’re looking for an agent. You don’t need to hit them over the head with it, but find a way to slip it into conversations and they may refer business to you in the future.

9. Send Gifts Often

Establish a gift-giving system for clients who purchased homes from you, whether it’s a gift for every holiday or one gift for the anniversary of their closing. The goal is to remind them about you and encourage referrals.

Try a client gift service like EvaBot, which uses artificial intelligence to tailor gifts to your client’s tastes. Go a step further by having them include a handwritten note inside a box that’s been branded with your logo.

Final Thoughts

As you already know, your ability to generate leads will likely determine the success of your business. Which means you have no other option than to generate leads.

We have made this process easy for you by providing the needed tips and strategies you can utilize to generate leads for you business.

It’s now time to take action and put this tips into practice and watch your business succeed.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.