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You are an F1 student, so obviously your main priority is to learn. But what if it was possible to succeed intellectually and earn money at the same time? We provide the trade secrets for F1 students to make passive income in this article. We journey into the world of possibility outside of the classroom, from investments to online endeavors.

You’re about to learn some legitimate ways to create passive income on an F1 Visa, so if you’ve ever questioned “How can F1 students make money?” be ready to unlock the possibility of financial wealth while pursuing your academic goals.

1. Start an ecommerce store

Starting an ecommerce store is a great passive income idea for F1 students because it allows them to earn money while studying. With the help of dropshipping, students can create an ecommerce store without investing a lot of money. They can use platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce to create an online store. Basic skills required to get started include product research, marketing, and website design.

An eCommerce business is a company that sells products or services online. Ecommerce businesses have many advantages over brick-and-mortar businesses, including lower overhead costs, increased flexibility and reach, and the ability to reach a wider audience.

eCommerce is booming right now because of the convenience and efficiency it offers consumers. Consumers can buy products from their favorite brands on a platform that makes the whole process easier than ever. They don’t have to leave their homes or go out in public, they can just sit down at their computer, tablet or smartphone and browse through all of the options available to them.

To start an ecommerce business, you’ll need to set up a website where customers can browse your inventory and purchase items, as well as payment processing software that allows you to accept credit card payments. You’ll also need to choose a shopping cart software and manage inventory tracking software.

2. Create an online course

F1 students can create an online course in their area of expertise and sell it on platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or Teachable. This is a great passive income idea because once the course is created, it can be sold multiple times. Basic skills required to get started include expertise in a particular subject, teaching skills, and video production skills.

An online course business involves creating and selling digital classes teaching specialized skills or knowledge to subscribed students. As an entrepreneurial course creator, you identify educational gaps around topics you have expertise in and develop engaging video lessons and supplementary materials.

With flexibility around self-paced or cohort-based structures, building a student base provides passive income potential.

For founders who enjoy information-sharing, launching an online course platform presents a lucrative way to monetize your instructional talents with small startup costs by serving eager lifelong learners seeking convenient access to emerging subjects.

3. Start a blog

Starting a blog is a great passive income idea for F1 students because it allows them to share their knowledge and earn money through advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. Basic skills required to get started include writing skills, research skills, and SEO knowledge.

In recent years, blogging has become a highly sought-after & lucrative Business. This location-independent business is a creative outlet to reach a broader audience and even work at any time. According to Optinmonster’s list of blogging statistics and facts:

  • Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source of gathering online information.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs.
  • Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages.

Originally blogging started as an online journal, but today it is a highly profitable career option. Many people are choosing blogging as their full-time career and are earning their bread and butter from this profession.

If you want to start blogging as a side hustle or as a full-time profession, choose a niche you will enjoy writing about and have a content strategy ready. Then, create a mailing list, and decide on a good blog posting routine to keep your audience engaged.

4. Start an etsy shop

An Etsy shop is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in creating handmade products like jewelry, clothing, or home decor. Etsy provides a platform for students to sell their products online without investing in a physical store. Basic skills required to get started include product creation, marketing, and website design.

Etsy has been around for over a decade, and the platform has become more popular for creators, entrepreneurs, and consumers. The platform started as a place for crafters to sell their supplies and handmade goods. Now it has become a venue for artists and small businesses of all kinds to sell their products.

If you just started your shop or want to sell your products on Etsy, there are many different ways to kill on the platform. With the tips and advice of Etsy sellers who’ve been in your position, you’ll soon be successful!

5. Start a digital marketing business

Starting a digital marketing business is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in social media marketing, SEO, or PPC advertising. Students can offer their services to small businesses and charge a monthly fee for managing their online marketing campaigns. Basic skills required to get started include marketing skills, communication skills, and knowledge of digital marketing tools.

Digital marketing businesses serve local and international companies to expand their reach and grow revenue. A top reason digital marketing is so exciting is that the field is constantly evolving and is easy to learn.

If you plan to start a digital marketing business, educate yourself and understand how digital marketing agencies work. Then, focus on building your digital skills and advancing your career through online digital marketing courses.

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To stand out, find a digital marketing niche and focus on the audience interested in your services.

6. Start an affiliate marketing business

Affiliate marketing is a great passive income idea for F1 students who have a strong online presence or social media following. Students can promote other people’s products and earn a commission for each sale made through their unique affiliate link. Basic skills required to get started include marketing skills, communication skills, and knowledge of affiliate marketing platforms.

Are you looking for a side hustle to pay you a passive income? Affiliate marketing is one of those side hustles that will pay you well over the long term. It is a way to earn money online by promoting other companies’ products and services. You will be paid a commission for each sale you make as an affiliate marketer.

To get started, learn how to find the right product and brand to partner with. For example, you may prefer becoming an affiliate marketer for an eCommerce store, partnering with a manufacturer, and marketing their products for a commission.

7. Start a copywriting business

Starting a copywriting business is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in writing persuasive content. Students can offer their services to businesses and charge a fee for writing website copy, ad copy, or product descriptions. Basic skills required to get started include writing skills, research skills, and knowledge of copywriting techniques.

A copywriter creates clear, compelling copy to sell products and/or educate and engage consumers.

To become a copywriter, focus on covering the basics, plan your copywriting business and choose the services you intend to offer.

To develop your brand, establish a marketing strategy, and offer quality services to your audience. Email marketing, newsletters, and other digital marketing tools can help you create a successful copywriting business.

8. Start an online jewelry store

Starting an online jewelry store is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in creating handmade jewelry. Students can create a website using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce and sell their products online. Basic skills required to get started include jewelry-making skills, marketing skills, and website design.

The online jewelry store industry has been growing rapidly. More and more people are buying cheaper jewelry online because it is easier and has a much more extensive selection. The United States jewelry market was valued at about $76B in 2020, and diamond is considered to be the most valuable and lucrative among all forms of jewelry.

If you’re considering starting an online jewelry store to tap into this market, it’s crucial to choose the right e-commerce platform that can support your business needs and enable seamless transactions with your customers.

A great platform can help you showcase your products, manage your inventory, process payments securely, and provide an enjoyable shopping experience to your customers.

9. Start an online fitness business

Starting an online fitness business is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in fitness training or nutrition. Students can create online courses or offer one-on-one coaching services and charge a fee. Basic skills required to get started include fitness knowledge, teaching skills, and video production skills.

Thinking of starting an online fitness business?

Online fitness is growing rapidly in popularity because it’s convenient, affordable, and accessible to everyone. The best part is that you can stay in your home to start.

Starting an online fitness business can be a great way to make money and help people. When you start an online fitness business, you don’t have to worry about overhead costs like rent or maintaining a physical location – all you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.

10. Start a podcast

Starting a podcast is a great passive income idea for F1 students who have expertise in a particular subject and enjoy talking about it. Students can monetize their podcasts through advertising or sponsorships. Basic skills required to get started include communication skills, audio production skills, and knowledge of podcasting platforms.

The podcast business involves creating and producing audio content that people can listen to online. It’s a popular form of entertainment and information-sharing. To start a podcast business on a budget, you’ll need a few key steps.

  • First, choose a niche or topic that you’re passionate about and that has an audience.
  • Next, get basic recording equipment like a microphone and headphones.
  • Then, find a free or affordable hosting platform to publish your episodes.
  • Finally, promote your podcast through social media, online communities, and word of mouth to build an audience and potentially attract sponsors or advertisers.

11. Start a mobile app development business

Starting a mobile app development business is a great passive income idea for F1 students who have coding skills. Students can develop apps for small businesses or create their own apps to sell on platforms like the App Store or Google Play. Basic skills required to get started include coding skills, design skills.

Mobile app development is the process of creating software applications that run on mobile devices. These apps can be used for a variety of purposes, including games, productivity, and social networking.

Starting a mobile app development business is a great way to enter the world of software development. This type of company is growing in popularity as businesses are looking for ways to reach their customers through mobile apps.

To start a mobile app development company, you need to have strong technical skills and be able to develop high-quality software. You should also have a good understanding of how to market and sell mobile apps

12. Start a YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel is a great passive income idea for F1 students who have a passion for creating videos. Students can monetize their channel through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. Basic skills required to get started include video production skills, communication skills, and knowledge of YouTube algorithms.

13. Start an online advertising agency

Starting an online advertising agency is a great passive income idea for F1 students who are skilled in PPC advertising, social media advertising, or SEO. Students can offer their services to small businesses and charge a monthly fee for managing their online advertising campaigns. Basic skills required to get started include marketing skills, communication skills, and knowledge of advertising platforms.

An online advertising agency helps businesses promote their products or services on the internet. To start this business on a budget, first learn the basics of digital marketing through free online resources. Create a professional website and set up profiles on social media platforms to showcase your skills.

Build a portfolio by working on mock campaigns or offering discounted services to friends and family, and gradually market your services to attract clients. With dedication, you can grow your agency over time.

14. Start an ecommerce retailing business

Starting an eCommerce retailing business is a great passive income idea for F1 students who want to sell physical products online. Students can use platforms like Amazon FBA or eBay to sell products without investing in a physical store. Basic skills required to get started include product research, marketing, and website design.

15. Start a travel agency

Starting a travel agency is a great passive income idea for F1 students who have a passion for travel. Students can create customized travel packages for clients and charge a fee for their services. Basic skills required to get started include travel knowledge, marketing skills, and communication skills.

Are you a passionate traveler with entrepreneurial skills? Then starting a travel agency can be a great career choice for you. As a travel agency, you’ll be responsible for linking travelers to providers of all the travel and tourism-related services such as accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, tour guides, local adventure, etc.

Starting an online travel agency is a lot easier than you might think. You’ll need to perform market research, get a few necessary certifications (such as your IATA number), study competition, build a website, and do proper marketing.

To maximize earnings, negotiate discounts from the industry service providers, and charge travelers within the market rate.

Do F1 Visa Holders Pay Taxes? 

F1 visa holders in the United States are generally considered nonresident aliens for tax purposes. As a nonresident alien, you may be subject to certain tax rules and obligations. 

  • International students who are employed or participating in internships through Optional Practical Training (OPT) are typically required to complete a W-4 form, especially if they receive compensation for their work.  
  • The W-4 form is a tax document that new employees fill out when they are initially hired by a company, nonprofit organization, government agency, or other institution in the United States. At the end of the year, non-resident income earners submit their Form 1040-NR when filing their tax returns 
  • Income for international students can take various forms, such as wages, salaries, tips, interest, dividends, certain scholarships or fellowship grants, and prizes or awards. 
  •  If you have received any of these types of income from an internship or Curricular Practical Training (CPT) position, it is likely that you will need to report your earnings on your tax return.  

For earning passive income on an F1 visa the taxation can vary depending on several factors, including the specific type of income and any tax treaties between the United States and your home country. 

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.