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How much time do you spend on your email campaigns every day, performing the same tasks over and over for different subscribers? This article will help you realise that there’s another way to handle those repetitive marketing processes: email automation. And all you need is the right tools.

So what are the right tools and how can you use them to properly achieve your email marketing goals? First, let us get to know more about email automation.

  • What Is Email Automation?
  • What are the Best Email Automation Tools?
  • How do you Automate Email Marketing?
  • What are Some Examples of Email Marketing Automation Workflows

What Is Email Automation?

An automated email campaign is a series of emails that are sent automatically, triggered by the actions of your subscribers. This is in contrast to “email blasts” or one-off email broadcasts that are sent manually to your subscribers.

Read Also: Learn the Basics of Setting up an Effective Email Lead Generation Campaign

At a time when digital marketing is expanding to include dozens of different mediums, email marketing still remains one of the highest returning assets (4400%!) a business has at its disposal.

The benefit of email marketing automation is that it lets you unlock this amazing ROI while you sleep! After you set up the email automation, there’s no action needed. It just works for you, automatically.

Consider some of the following statistics on email marketing automation:

  • Email marketing services are used by more than 80% of companies. But…
  • Only 51% of companies are using email automation to save time and money.
  • Automated emails get click rates 119% higher than broadcast emails.
  • Sending an automated welcome email series instead of a single welcome email can increase revenue by 13%.
  • Automated birthday email offers can boost conversion rates 60% over non-timed emails with the same offer.

These are just a handful of stats that prove the value of email marketing, and automation in particular. There are hundreds of other data points. However, the bottom line is this: if you’re going to do well at email marketing this year, you need to use the tools that will allow you to automate your campaigns.

What are the Best Email Automation Tools?

In this section, we share the best email automation tools you can use for everything: list building, email marketing automation, tracking and monitoring, and testing.

1. OptinMonster

In order for any email marketing drip campaign or newsletter to be successful, you need subscribers. With OptinMonster, you can build high converting forms for your websites and landing pages in just a matter of minutes. Plus, OptinMonster makes lead management easy since you can segment leads and customers with behavior personalization and funnel them right into your automated campaigns.

Read these case studies to see how much success other businesses are having using OptinMonster.

Pricing: Starts at $19/month (when billed annually), but the most popular plan (the Pro plan) is $59/month (billed annually). OptinMonster also has pre-pay discounts!

2. RafflePress

One of the best ways to increase your email subscriber list is by running contests and giveaways. With RafflePress, you can host these contests on your own blog and social media platforms.

Pricing: Starts at $49/month (billed annually), but you can get a lifetime license for $449!

3. Contactually

Contactually is one of the neatest tools on the list. It’s a CRM platform that focuses on vetting contacts. It gathers contacts form your email inbox, website, and social media profiles and then gathers as much information as it possibly can to guide your messaging.

If you’re looking for an email marketing tool and CRM for real estate professionals, you found it!

Pricing: Starts at $69/month for the Professional plan; the Accelerator plan is $119/month.

4. HubSpot

HubSpot is consistently ranked as one of the top marketing automation tools across a spectrum of tasks. One of its top uses involves streamlining email marketing services through the use of automated workflows.

Pricing: HubSpot has several free tools. Paid plans range from $50/month for the Starter plan to the Enterprise plan starting at $1200/month. Their pricing will increase on November 1, 2019.

5. Intercom

If you’re trying to teach your customers/users about your app, Intercom lets you send automated email conversations directly in the app. This gives them assistance where they’re most likely to see it.

Pricing: Pricing for the All-in-One solution starts at $87/month.

6. Hatchbuck

Just like Gmail now uses tags to optimize messages, so does Hatchbuck. You can create tags and assign them to specific contacts based on their interests and the stage of the funnel they’re currently in.

Pricing: Starts at $39/month (billed semi-annually).

7. E-goi

Sometimes you want to move beyond email. With E-goi, you can break up any email campaign by sending out updates via fax, SMS, or even voice message.

Pricing: Plans start at $22.50/month, but all of the best automation features seem to be in the Corporate plan, requiring a quote.

8. Act-On

For large companies that have a bunch of different inbound, outbound, and lead nurturing programs running simultaneously, Act-On integrates them together to maximize their return.

Pricing: There are 2 pricing plans, starting at $900/month (billed annually).

9. LeadSquared

As the name suggests, LeadSquared streamlines the lead scoring process by automating email marketing services and combining them with sales activities for increased efficacy.

Pricing: Plans with marketing automation features start at $150/month (billed annually). However, automation workflows are only in the Basic plan and above, starting at $400/month (billed annually).

10. SAP Sales Cloud

Another great lead qualifying tool is SAP Sales Cloud (formerly CallidusCloud). This technology automates the process of identifying promising leads while weeding out ones that are deemed to be unqualified or high-risk/low-reward.

Pricing: Contact for quote.

11. Marketo

Marketo is one of the best overall automated email marketing services currently available. It gives businesses the ability to trigger email campaigns based on 40-plus behaviors, which removes much of the “guessing game.”

Pricing: Contact for quote.

12. GetNotify

GetNotify is a free tool that notifies you the instant your email gets read by the recipient. You just send your marketing emails like you normally would, but add “.getnotify.com” to the recipient’s email address. Your recipient will not see this, and they will not know that you are tracking their opens.

Pricing: Free plan available; other plans are donation-based.

13. Campaign Monitor

What good is an email marketing campaign if you can’t automate things like testing, tracking, and optimizing? With Campaign Monitor, you can. It features interactive analytics that are easy to review and act upon.

They have another option called CM Commerce that’s geared towards eCommerce users.

Pricing: Plans for Campaign Monitor start at $9/month, but for better automation features you’ll want at least the Unlimited plan ($29/month). Plans for CM Commerce also start at $9/month.

14. PageModo

PageModo lets you turn your Facebook business page into a professional landing page that can collect leads and increase your subscriber numbers.

Pricing: Starts at $75/year.

15. GoViral

GoViral (formerly SmartBribe) is a 100% free tool that encourages your new email subscribers to share your opt-in with their friends. It customizes your thank you page to include a “bonus” incentive for them to share on social media and email. Once they share, they get access to the free bonus.

Pricing: Free.

16. Litmus

Litmus is one of the top tools to render testing emails on any device. You can test up to 40 clients and devices with one single click, which cuts down on the time it takes for you to review each and every email combination.

Pricing: Starts at $79/month (billed annually), but for automated testing options you’ll want at least the Plus plan ($159/month, billed annually).

17. Reach Mail

The Reach Mail testing feature lets users compare direct performance metrics on up to five individual email campaigns at once. It also accounts for things like subject lines, content, and images to show you which emails will perform best.

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $10/month.

18. Cake Mail

Every email marketer needs an automated A/B split testing tool to improve open rates. With Cake Mail, you can determine which emails will perform best. There’s also a “Spam Assassin” feature to ensure emails don’t end up in spam folders.

Pricing: Starts at $8/month.

19. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the email marketing services that we always recommend because it’s beginner-friendly and offers quick and easy setup. You’ll also get lots of support to use this email marketing automation tool since Constant Contact rates highly for world-class support, extensive online training, and webinars to help you achieve success.

Constant Contact is a great tool for everyone, but if you need an email marketing service that can help with managing event invitations, registrations, and tickets (Email Plus plan), you’ll be particularly happy with this choice.

Pricing: Basic plans start at $20/month; plans with all the automation goodies start at $45/month. Pricing varies based on the number of contacts.

20. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is a complete marketing automation software that combines both email marketing services as well as SMS messages. They offer a drag & drop builder that you can use to create highly-engaging emails, build automated workflows, and segment users.

You can also use Sendinblue with OptinMonster to segment your email list and send highly personalized emails to your customers at the right time. Or, you can use OptinMonster to create SMS campaigns and have leads sent directly to your Sendinblue account.

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $25/month.

How do you Automate Email Marketing?

Email marketing automation is useful because it eliminates small but time consuming tasks, such as preparing email lists, sending generic messages, or scheduling events manually. This allows marketers and salespeople more time to work on more productive projects or bigger deals.

Email marketing automation is centered around the workflow, which is essentially a blueprint of actions you’re directing your automation software to take. Software can’t read minds, so one of the challenges is implementing a repeatable process that takes all use cases into account.

1. Identify who you’re sending to

Personalization is critical when it comes to email, and if your CRM is set up effectively, you’ll be able to send automated emails to targeted segments of your database. It all comes down to the integrity of the data you’ve collected from your contacts and their behavior on your site and with your emails.

First, know who you want to send to. An upsell campaign might go to existing customers who have not purchased a particular product yet. For another campaign, you might want to promote a new feature to a specific type of prospect who finds it most useful.

Then, you want to translate the case you identified into criteria your software an understand. For the first example, you might use “Lifecycle Stage = Customer” and see if any of your custom properties can whittle that group down to only those who haven’t purchased the product yet.

For the second example, you’d need to determine if you have any properties that can segment the group you’re looking for. It might be a property/field for job title, customer type, or buyer persona.

Criteria can be as specific as the data you have in your CRM.

2. Determine your goal

Your email marketing is only as good as your strategy, so ensure you know why you’re contacting these individuals. Do you want them to buy something? Learn something? Do something?

Once you know this, you can figure out the messaging you need to take them from where they’re at to where you want them to go.

You also have to plan for what happens when you succeed.

For example, imagine a 10-email series to get prospects to request a consultation. Prospect A converts within the first email. If Prospect A continues to receive emails telling them to do what they’ve already done, they’ll get frustrated. In HubSpot, if you define your goal, it will unenroll any contacts who meet the goal.

If your software doesn’t have this feature or you choose not to use it, you will need to consider this case as you build your workflow’s logic.

3. Set enrollment criteria

“Enrollment criteria” refers to the qualities that must be met for a contact to be entered into a workflow. You’ll need to be intimately familiar with the types of data you have in your CRM (properties or fields) and be able to trust the accuracy of that data.

If you’re using HubSpot Workflows, for example, you can create personalized, automated email workflows that can get triggered in a number of different ways — when a contact gets added to a list, submits a form on your website, clicks a link in an email, views a page on your blog, clicks on one of your ads, or becomes a marketing qualified lead. 

You can also set up email workflows based on any information you have about the contacts in your marketing database, such as page views, email or social media clicks, content downloads, contact properties, or any combination of these and more. 

4. Identify the actions that must be taken

If you were manually emailing these contacts, what would you do? Automation actions include the following and more:

  • Email sends
  • Time delays
  • If/then branching
  • CRM updates

You’ll need to map out the sequence of events according to “actions” that your software understands and specify when the actions need to be taken.

5. Create the necessary assets

By this point, you know how many emails you want to send and the general messaging they should include. Before you begin creating your workflow, all assets should be created and loaded into the software.

In HubSpot, automated emails must be specified as such in the “email type” prompt.

6. Implement the workflow logic and attach email assets

Automation software works in an overly literal way, so think of your workflow as a blueprint that outlines each action in order, no matter how minuscule those actions seem.

In HubSpot, you’d specify which actions to take in the “choose an action” window in the workflows tool.

7. Check your setup and do a test if possible

Some things to consider implementing into your workflow publishing process:

  • Looking at the list of enrolled contacts for errors
  • Checking that the number enrolled matches what you’d expect
  • Considering the workflow chart and use cases
  • Checking the the send settings

In HubSpot, there’s also a way to “Test” the workflow by receiving the emails all at once (but in order).

This won’t cover all cases but is still a best practice.

8. Set live and monitor progress

Once you’re happy with the workflow, set it live. Mistakes can happen, so monitor for anomalies. Don’t be afraid to adjust as needed to resolve issues or improve performance.

And that’s just the beginning of what you can do with workflows. Workflows can also enable you to automate other actions besides email, such as setting or clearing a contact property value, updating a contact’s lifecycle stage, adding/removing a contact from a list, and other administrative tasks that allow for more targeted, effective marketing to your prospects and customers. 

What are Some Examples of Email Marketing Automation Workflows?

Now let’s walk through some examples of automated email workflows you can set up to start getting more out of your contacts database and marketing automation tools.

1. Topic Workflows

Main Triggers: Page Views or Content Offer Downloads

Create a workflow for each of the industry-related topics you create content about. So if, hypothetically, you’re a unicorn breeder whose main content topics include unicorn diets, unicorn gear, and unicorn boarding, you could bucket your content marketing offers (e.g. ebooks, webinars, kits, etc.) and blog posts by these topics, create an email workflow for each topic, and trigger the appropriate workflow when one of your contacts views a page or downloads an offer centered around that topic.

You can trigger a content download workflow based on a form submission from a tool like HubSpot’s free conversion tool, HubSpot Marketing Free. (HubSpot customers: You can add Lead Flows, HubSpot’s pop-up forms, as an add-on. To trigger an automated workflow in HubSpot, you can use the “Lead Flow Submission” option as the starting condition.)

So if a contact downloaded your ebook called 10 Tips for a Balanced Unicorn Diet, your “unicorn diet” workflow would be triggered, sending that contact other helpful content, like blog posts about unicorn dietary tips.

2. Blog Subscriber Welcome Workflow 

Main Trigger: Subscription to Your Blog

Give your brand new blog subscribers a nice, warm welcome with a blog welcome email. You can use this email to thank contacts for subscribing, remind them what they’ll get out of reading your blog, review their subscription settings (and allow them to make adjustments), and promote your blog’s best-performing articles or other offers.

3. New Customer Welcome/Training Workflow

Main Trigger: Lifecycle Stage

While we’re on the subject of warm welcomes, consider setting up a series of welcome emails when a contact converts into a paying customer, which you can trigger when a contact’s lifecycle stage gets updated to “customer.”

Not only is this a great way to kick off your new customer relationship on a positive note, but it can also keep your customers engaged after they buy. And if your product or service requires a little training on your customers’ part, use this workflow as an opportunity to introduce helpful training materials on an incremental basis.

4. Engaged Contact/Evangelist Workflow

Main Triggers: Visits, Clicks, or Form Submissions

Create a dynamic list that automatically updates to include contacts who are really engaged with you. To create this list, use trigger criteria such as a high threshold of visits to your website clicks on your emails or social media posts, or form submissions. Then create an email workflow to leverage this list as a way to encourage evangelism of your top content in social media.

Because these contacts are highly engaged with you already, they’re more apt to share your top content. You can also consider adding list criteria to pull in contacts with a certain number of Twitter followers so you can leverage the power of those social media influencers in your database. 

5. Lead Nurturing Workflow

Main Trigger: Multiple Top-of-the-Funnel Conversion Events 

If a contact has downloaded several of your top-of-the-funnel marketing offers like ebooks and webinars, it might be a good sign they’re ready for a little bit more. Set up workflows that help to advance these contacts further down the funnel.

If the contact is a lead, try sending them emails containing more middle-of-the-funnel content that might upgrade them to a marketing qualified lead (MQL) or an opportunity in your sales process.

This workflow could include content and web pages you’ve identified from an attribution report analysis as influential in converting leads into customers — perhaps content like customer success stories/case studies, free trial offers, or product demos. 

6. Internal Sales Rep Notification Workflow

Main Triggers: Bottom-of-the-Funnel Page Views/Conversion Events

On any given website, there are certain page visits and conversion events that indicate product interest more so than others. First, identify these pages and conversion events using an attribution reporting tool like HubSpot’s.

You’ll notice that, more often than not, the pages you unearth will be your pricing page, your product pages, etc. — pages contacts view when they’re truly evaluating your products or services.

Use workflows here to trigger an internal email notification to your sales rep informing them of these high-value activities. Using personalization, give the rep all the information they need about the lead in question, including relevant mid- and bottom-of-the-funnel content that they can send to the lead in their outreach email. This allows you to connect sales reps with the best possible leads at the right time.

7. Re-Engagement Workflow

Main Trigger: Inactive Contacts

Reawaken inactive contacts with a re-engagement workflow, enrolling contacts once they’ve met certain list criteria. For example, you could set conditions such as the length of time since their last form submission, website visit, or email click, triggering the email when it’s been a while since a contact last engaged with you.

In your workflow, try sending them an exclusive offer or coupon to get them excited about your company again.

8. Event Workflow

Main Trigger: Registration or Attendance

Hosting a live, in-person event? Or maybe an online event, like a webinar? Use email workflows to automate your communication to event registrants and attendees before, during, and after the event.

For example, create a workflow that delivers important information registrants should know leading up to the event, such as hotel accommodations and agenda information for live events, or webinar log-in information for online events.

When the event ends, set up a workflow that gives attendees online access to session slides and continues to nurture them with additional content or promotion for future events. 

9. Abandoned Shopping Cart Workflow

Main Trigger: Shopping Cart Abandonment

If you’re an e-commerce business, you’ll likely benefit from an abandoned shopping cart workflow. The concept here is simple: When someone adds an item to their online shopping cart but leaves your site without completing the purchase, you can trigger an email workflow that reminds them of their forgotten purchase and motivates them to complete the transaction by offering a special discount code or some other incentive to buy.

10. Upsell Workflow

Main Trigger: Past Purchases

Communication with your customers shouldn’t stop after they make a purchase. This is especially true if you sell a variety of different products and/or services. Use workflows as an opportunity to upgrade or upsell your existing customers, or sell them complementary products and services depending on what they’ve already purchased.

Create dynamically updating lists of contacts who purchase a certain product — or combination of products — and create workflows aimed at recommending other products/services or encouraging upsells or add-ons.

11. Customer Happiness Workflow

Main Trigger: High or Low NPS Scores

If you administer regular Net Promoter surveys of your customer base, you can use customers’ Net Promoter Scores as a property to trigger workflows.

Simply determine what your ideal customer happiness score is, and use that as the threshold for your dynamic list of happy customers. Then trigger a workflow for customers with “happy” scores and reward them with exclusive content, offers, or discounts.

Read Also: How to Grow and Convert Visitors with Email Subscriptions

Trigger a different workflow for your “unhappy” customers that includes content/offers aimed at helping to improve their happiness. We’ll give you a few bonus points if you segment those unhappy customers by the reasons they’re unhappy, and send them even more targeted workflows aimed at addressing the issues that are making them so grumpy.

12. Customer Success/Engagement Workflow

Main Triggers: Success Metrics or Product Usage

If you keep track of customer success metrics, you have a prime workflow opportunity on your hands. For example, if you’re trying to build up your arsenal of customer case studies, you could automatically trigger an email that asks customers if they’d be interested in being featured as a success story once certain customer success metrics were met.

Furthermore, if you keep track of customers’ product adoption or feature usage, you could trigger a workflow for users who are exhibiting low product engagement, providing resources that educate and train them on how to use the product features they’re not taking advantage of.

13. Upcoming Purchase Reminder Workflow

Main Trigger: Purchases Made on a Cycle

Does your contacts database include customers who typically purchase on a cycle? Enter those people into a workflow that gets triggered when they make a purchase.

For instance, let’s say you sell eye care products, and a customer purchases a six-month supply of prescription contacts. Enroll that customer into a workflow that sends them an automated email five months later as a reminder that their six-month supply is about to run out, and it might be time to order a new batch of contacts.

14. Customer Service or Ticket Workflow

Main Trigger: A customer or prospect contacts customer service via email or an online form.

Sometimes, your customers or prospects might have trouble using your free or paid software. When this happens, fielding a bunch of customer service emails and messages can take tons of valuable time from your schedule. 

One way to avoid this it to create a workflow that categorizes that makes customer concerns into tickets that can be categorized, labeled and assigned to customer service reps on your team. These tickets can also help you keep tack of ongoing problems as well as when issues with a customer or prospect are resolved. 

15. Deal-Based Workflows

Main Trigger: When someone e-signs a quote or contract.

Sealing the deal is obviously key to successful sales. Automating small aspects of this process, like emails someone might get after signing a contract or quote page with you, can allow you to spend more time nurturing the client over the phone, during demos, or through other messages.

With a deal-based workflow, you can trigger confirmation emails when a prospect becomes a client or qualified lead by signing a quote or contract. With systems like HubSpot, you can also set the workflow to change the contact’s status to show where they are in the sales lifecycle.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.