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In modern times, the idea of earning through work from home has gained popularity, and that has given birth to web researcher jobs. People have started to earn with the help of internet. This opportunity has given people new kind of job frontier where they can control their own life and support others.

It is not same as conventional job which is like nine to five jobs. You can start whenever you want and can work whatever amount you like. There are various types of internet jobs available around. There is one job where you can earn as a web researcher. Over the years, the importance of online research has increased. There are thousands of people working as freelance internet researchers.

What specially does the internet researchers do? Internet researcher is someone who helps a writer to find the content over the internet. Researcher takes over the internet surfing and finds the content which a writer require.

They cut down the writer’s job into half. Earlier writer has to do everything. He had to spend hours researching over his content and then start writing. Nowadays there are a number of researchers who does this job. Basically, researchers help writers save time which can be used by writers according to his/her convenience.

There are currently more than 1 trillion websites which Google have indexed. Actually there are more than 5 trillion websites but Google have not indexed them. Every day more than 1 million websites are created. Thus because of such growth rate demand for internet worker has grown.

There are people who earn around 50,000 to 100,000 dollars every year by working on internet. It depends on how consistent your clients are providing you work. Clients provide a topic they want to write. Researcher does research over internet and provides the research to the client writer. Researcher either charge fee per hour and charges fixed charge for a topic.

  • Why do You Want to Work From Home?
  • Qualifications of a Web researcher
  • How to Get started as a Web Researcher
  • Get Paid to do Internet Research
  • How do Online Researchers Make Money?
  • Can I Get Paid to be a Researcher?
  • How Much Does an Internet Researcher Make?
  • Can I Get Paid For Searching The Web?
  • Can You be a Researcher Without a Degree?
  • How do I Start a Career as a Researcher?
  • How Long Does it Take to be a Researcher?
  • Do You Need a PhD to be a Research Associate?
  • Are Researcher Jobs in Demand?
  • Are There Careers in Research?
  • Making Money as an Online Researcher
  • How to Make Money With Online Internet Researcher Jobs
  • How Make Money Online Doing Research
  • Top 5 Companies That Pay You For Doing Research From Home
  • Top 5 Ways to Get Paid Doing Internet Research
  • Web Research Jobs
  • Web Researcher Salary
  • Get Paid to do Research Studies
  • Online Research Jobs no Experience
  • Wonder Research
  • Online Research Opportunities
  • Remote Online Research Jobs

Why do You Want to Work From Home?

There are many reasons why people want to work from home. It can help you make money doing something that you love. For some it may be spending quality times with your loved ones. For some other it may be a financial security. It may be a different reason for you. You may want to be home with your kids or you are looking for something that can support you.

Read Also: Making Money With Technology-focused Media

May be you want flexibility of time or maybe you do not like to be bossed around. Whatever the reasons may be, everything depends on what actually you like. What kind of life you want to live? But remember it is still a job where you have to be committed and honest with yourself. Always keep your clients happy and satisfied.

Qualifications of a Web researcher

There is no such qualification for web researcher. All you need is a computer. You must be able to operate it. Most importantly you must be able to do some researcher. You must be able to copy and paste information from website to word document.

Gather all the information in one place so writer while writing does not have to waste time looking out for websites. Even you can interview customers of your clients for them to have some data which is not readily available over internet. It does not depend on who you are, you can either be a student, or house wife, or part time worker or any other.

How to Get started as a Web Researcher

You must get good internet connection. You must know how to operate word document. You should have eye for some internet skills. You must be skillful in internet research. You must be able to find specific information on specific topic which your client wants like cause of cancers, special drugs, metal harvesting etc. You must be able to find information which is relevant to specific topic and information must be authentic.

Another thing is that you must have networking skills. Networking skills are very much important because you need to get clients to improve your earning capacity. The more clients you have, the better your chance of having work consistently.

Getting clients

You can offer your services to anyone who requires researcher. There are number of people who require research like writers, authors, speakers, marketers, advertisers etc. You can help anyone who needs valuable information from valuable sources with some specific facts and figures.

You can help anyone who requires proofing credibility for what they are writing or information they are going to present in public media. You will need to find these people and approach them, provide some samples of your research if possible show your capabilities. Show them how research will ease burden on their back. 

There will be people who say no, some will say not today or some will say yes. But always leave your contact detail with them because today or tomorrow they will be coming to you for help. Important thing is to keep approaching such clients to seek out new work opportunities.

People may say surfing web is simplest thing we do. You must explain to them this may be simple thing but surfing specific information and bringing them together require some time. You are just saving that time and charging for a simple service. Without this help they will have to do it themselves which will be very much time consuming and even after they have brought all information in one document.

After that they even have to rewrite everything to make it presentable. There are trillions of pages on internet to look for specific information. A researcher will do this work for you and all clients have to do is go through the information and just write based on the research. This way, half of the work is cut down. This explanation will help you to get more clients.

Opportunity in current economic situation is very good. Earlier very few of them knew about this opportunity. But now this has grown exponentially. Just try to look for such jobs on internet, you will be overwhelmed by the response you will have. There is big demand of internet researcher in recent times. Even it was started just after 2010 before that, no one knew such opportunity existed.

Even in recent times of recession it was noted that internet researcher didn’t have any problem finding work.  It may be because as a society we continue to produce and consume high amount of information. There is great number of example you will get who have made this opportunity into multi project deals with clients. People have made this opportunity into big money making business.

Your working hours

There is no fixed working hours as compared to other jobs. There is only one limitation it is self-imposed either you can choose to work nine to five or work in the evening. You can make it forty hours per week job. You work at nights after you might have finished day jobs or house works.

You can make this work as part time job, if you are a house wife or someone who is struggling to get his dream work. You can look for your dream job during the day and then in the night you can work and earn something which will help you to go through daily needs. If you are a house wife then you can finish homework and then during your leisure times you do some work.

This kind of work life will give an opportunity to lead wonderful family life because you are working from home. You are there for the family, if they need you. You are free to make routine where you mix family time and work time.

You have the complete control of your life. If you have something which you have to do in the middle of the day, you do not have to ask permission of your boss. You do not have to worry about the time off limitation as in the cases of normal jobs, companies impose limitation on time offs you take in a month. You can work extra without much of fuss to meet your deadlines in time.

If you leave your work half, you can adjust whenever possible and make it up later when you are free. There is something called writer’s life. Writer’s life is something in which writer enjoys benefits of being the boss of his own life. It becomes important even in normal day jobs. You might have seen people often complaining about their work and their work have taken control over their life.

As in normal circumstances it becomes important to have control over your life. As a web researcher you have complete control. If you want to offer overnight services then also you can do that because you have chosen to do that yourself. It’s your choice and no one has forced you to do that.

Where to find clients?

There are already so many websites which acts as clients. You can simply do Google search you will get list of number of websites. All of these sites operate where page views amount to a specified amount of money. There are websites which offers subject matter expert positions in the fields of medicine, law, science etc. 

There are even companies that outsource research projects. Depending on your degree you can seek out for clients. If you have degree in law, there are firms which constantly seek researchers specialized in law subjects. .

If you have degree in engineering, there are firms which constantly seek researchers specialized in technical fields. . If you have degree in medicine, there are firms which constantly seek researchers specialized in medicines.

You can get list of companies that sells out products which require research. You can start calling them just like you do in inside sales. Explain to them about your services. Tell them what your expertise is. Get work from them. Take complete details of whatever work they are giving to you.

Advance search tools

There are some techniques which can be very useful in making search. Let’s take an example if you are making a search about design engineering topic here are few keywords that will help.
“Design”,”designing”,”basicdesign”,”detailengineering”,”designengineering”,”FEED”,”Frontend”,”review”,”analysis” ,”basic engineering” , “detailed engineering”.

Putting search this way will get all the websites related to this topic of design engineering.
Let’s take one more example. If you are someone who is doing research on planning software, here is one more way you can make a search.

“Primavera” or “prima-vera” or “p3” or “p6” OR “p 3” or “P 6”.
This is another way of putting it, if you want something which must have all the words then you can put “and” word instead of “or”.  “Primavera” and “prima-vera” and “p3” and “p6” and “p 3” and “P 6”.
You must always find synonyms of any topic you are researching. That way search will return mostly related websites.

Even there are tools available which are specialized in searching.
These are the tools Internet researchers’ use:

  • Zotero and Wired-Marker (Firefox add-ons)
  • iCyte
  • Similar Web
  • Concierge (Safari plug-in)
  • Eagle Filer and Selenium (Mac OS X)
  • Spring Note
  • Google Notebook

Even there is an advance Google search option on the internet. This does the same thing as these tools do.

Making your work presentable

Always try to make your work presentable. After you have done researching. Compile each and every bit of data into one document. Always keep in mind whatever data you copy and paste, you must mention the source you have taken them from. Try to organize the data in a form which can be interpreted by your clients easily.

Most of the time you will be using Microsoft word for making the document. Sometimes your client will ask you to send the work in some specific manner. May be they will ask you to send in PDF form or in power point presentation. But remember it should be easy to understand.

Always try to work and finish the research before the deadline in order to gain respect from your client. The more you satisfy your client, the more your client will become dependent on you.


After you have completed your part it is time to prepare your invoice.  If you are someone who has vast experience in research you are doing, you can charge what is best for you. And if you are student or house wife not much experience in some special field, it completely depend on your client. Whatever be the reason you are doing this work for, remember you are still going to earn as a web researcher.

Get Paid to do Internet Research

If you’re looking to work from home, there are quite a few opportunities that will allow you to put your research skills to the test. If you’re not a fan of home-based phone jobs that involve customer service, get paid to do research online instead.

Below are 5 companies/websites that will pay you just to do research.

1. Research Online for Ask Wonder

Ask Wonder is a website that people use to get answers to their questions in 24 hours or less. The website provides a fast turnaround with quality answers thanks to the analysts working on the team.

If you like researching and answering questions, you can apply to be an analyst with Wonder and work from home. Analysts perform research based on the questions they receive which may involve:

  • Recommending a product or service
  • Competitive landscaping
  • Explaining a trend or phenomenon
  • Gathering statistics
  • Determining the size of a market

To get started, you need to apply. Then, you’ll need to demonstrate your research skills by completing a simple online quiz and trial assignment.

Wonder will assign you requests to work on. You’ll need to find the answers and sources then submit your work by a deadline.

2. 10EQS

10EQS is a company that provides crowdsourcing solutions to businesses. They occasionally hire at-home Subject Matter Experts who can research and answer questions in their areas of expertise.

Since Subject Matter Experts solve important problems, you’ll need expert experience in your chosen area along with research skills to help clients succeed. While there is an option to do phone work, it’s not required and you can work online with clients.

3. IT-BOSS Research

IT-BOSS Research is a woman-owned home-based business hiring court researchers for independent contractor positions. A court researcher is someone who’s hired to pull requested legal documents in their local area. Some researchers are assigned two or three counties to perform research in depending on size and workload.

While this job is flexible, it’s not a complete work-from-home job. You’ll be required to visit your local courthouse to obtain documents. However, you can do the bulk of your research work from home by pulling up public documents.

On average, IT-BOSS Research pays independent court researchers around $10 – $15 per hour to start.

4. Experts 123

Experts 123 is a site that allows you to answer questions or write expert articles for cash.  If you have certain expertise and can research well, you can answer questions and contribute helpful articles at your convenience.

You can sign up to become an expert contributor in order to receive a revenue share. This means that you’ll get a portion of what the site makes when you write articles.

5. JustAnswer

JustAnswer is another site that will allow you to get paid to do research online and answer questions When you sign up, you must choose your expertise and there are more than 175 categories to choose from including medical, law, pets, plumbing, writing, finance, etc.

You get paid via PayPal on the first business day of every month. Each referral can earn a $50 Amazon gift card.

How do Online Researchers Make Money?

The following jobs all offer remote opportunities for you to complete research and may help you on your job search by giving you a few more ideas of careers for which to search.


Blogging is all about research to make the very best content you can place on your site that’s even better than anything else that exists on the web for that topic.

Blogging may once have been just a casual art of jotting your thoughts down on the internet but it’s turned into so much more over the past decade or so.

Businesses now use blogs to draw in new customers and give them informative content on things they want to learn more about.

Entrepreneurs are making a living off their blogs as they learn ways to monetize them, like affiliate marketing, freelance writing, and sponsored posts.

Most successful bloggers know how to do search engine optimization (SEO) to target keywords to draw in their ideal audience.

SEO is relatively simple once you get the hang of it, but it definitely requires research skills to know what keywords to target.

You’ll also need to know how to research your competition to see what they’re blogging about with success and figure out how to do it even better.

Court Researcher

Court researcher jobs usually require some experience in the legal field. But, you can also typically get paid higher because of your expertise.

This type of job isn’t a full work from home job because you’ll need to visit your local courthouse to research and pull legal documents.

Still, you don’t have to sit in an office and the job is fairly flexible.

You usually get paid per job rather than an hourly rate.

So, the quicker you can get each job completed (yet, still doing a thorough job, of course!), the better your potential pay.

You may even be assigned more than one county from which to complete research, which can give you more opportunities to earn.

You won’t always need a legal background, but it does help.

The more knowledge you have of the legal system, the easier it will be for you to find the proper documents and information.


Online experts also require some excellent research skills to answer important questions from others.

Depending on the expertise needed, you also may need to have a high-level knowledge of a certain industry.

For example, some sites are dedicated to helping people find answers to their legal questions and hire only experienced, licensed lawyers.

However, other sites pay you to answer questions online even without expert knowledge.

You just need to have a good understanding of the type of questions you’re answering.

Freelance Writer/Editor

Whether you’re an expert or beginner freelance writer, one of your most important jobs is conducting thorough research.

You can’t expect others to read, and trust, your work if you haven’t been thorough in your research.

Successful freelance writers often spend hours just researching a piece for an online publication or blog before they begin writing it.

Even for articles in which a freelancer has a good understanding of the subject, some research may be required to find reputable statistics, quotes, and information that can back up the writer’s claims.

Similarly, freelance editors must also have excellent research skills so that they can fact-check articles from the writers with which they work.

Online Marketer

Online marketing is all about knowing where to go to advertise for people and their businesses, whether you’re placing ads, writing content, or reaching out to bloggers for sponsored posts.

In other words, you need to know how to research all over the web to find the people and places you need to market for your clients.

Online marketing is one of the best jobs to get into right now because the demand for it is so high as more and more people turn to creating online businesses.

Search Engine Evaluator

The main task in search engine evaluator jobs is research.

These jobs require independent contractors to know their way around search engines so that they can accurately rate the relevancy of search engine results.

Search engine evaluators should have plenty of experience searching the web and understanding what qualifies as a good or bad search result.

Social Media Manager

This job may not seem like it needs a lot of research skill, but it does.

As a social media manager, you’ll take on clients who need some help growing and engaging a social media audience.

Therefore, you’ll need to research a client’s current audience, brand, and competitors to find out the best social media strategy for you to use for that particular client.

A huge company’s social media accounts will likely be much different, and require a different strategy, than growing an individual’s social media accounts.

Research is incredibly important for social media managers to learn about a company or individual and how best to target its audience based on the industry and competition.


Even skilled transcriptionists have to complete some research here and there, especially when they’re dealing with technical subjects.

Online transcription jobs involve turning audio files into typed documents.

Sometimes, the speaker on an audio file talks about a subject that you may not be familiar with.

In that case, you may need to research the names of people or products you hear, or technical terminology.

For this reason, legal and medical transcriptionists typically get paid more per audio hour because they already know many of the technical terms they hear in the files.

But, even they may need to research sometimes.

Can I Get Paid to be a Researcher?

The following companies hire online researchers to complete research work from home!

They may not always be hiring, so bookmark this article for easy reference in the future.


10EQS is a company that provides helpful crowdsourcing solutions to businesses in various industries, from healthcare to contracting.

The company hires at-home Subject Matter Experts who can research and answer questions in their areas of expertise.

You’ll need extensive experience (preferably hands-on) in your chosen area.

Through your research, you’ll help provide expert knowledge to clients in areas they’re lacking.


Animalz is a content marketing startup that focuses on SaaS (software-as-a-service) clients.

The company offers remote jobs for Content Marketing Researchers.

For this position, you’ll be responsible researching information that will help target a winning content marketing strategy for each client.

So, some competition research, mobile and email analytics, and other techie things may be a requirement.

You’ll need to be great at multitasking and very organized, and a good amount of SEO knowledge is necessary.

Article One Partners

Article One Partners helps businesses with intellectual property research.

In other words, its research solutions include anything having to do with a plan for an invention, patents, literary works, and other things that aren’t yet tangible.

The company hires remote researchers as independent contractors.

You’ll need expert knowledge in at least one subject area, but you’re welcome to try researching others as you gain more skills.

You can choose the projects you want to work on based on your areas of expertise and interests.

Creative Circle

Creative Circle is a staffing agency for creative businesses.

While the company itself doesn’t necessarily hire people for research roles, it does usually have clients looking for people to fulfill them for their companies.

For example, there’s currently an aquarium client seeking a remote user experience researcher for a part-time or full-time schedule.

You can also sign up to Creative Circle to set up job alerts for yourself for similar roles that you might be a good fit for.

Experts 123

Experts for Experts 123 can write articles and answer questions for cash.

To create the most helpful articles and answers that get upvoted by others on the platform, some good research skills can help.

You must apply for an Expert Contributor position to get paid, at which point you’ll start receiving a revenue share.

This means that you’ll get a portion of what the site makes from the articles you write.

FireEye, Inc.

FireEye, Inc. is a threat intelligence company that looks for remote researchers who are skilled in researching and handling technical data.

Candidates must have a background in threat intelligence and data analysis.

You should also have at least 5 years of experience in cybersecurity or a related field, be able to pass a background check, have some programming experience, and have strong communication skills.

H&R Block

H&R Block is one of the leading tax companies in the U.S. and it needs people like you to complete some research in the comfort of your home.

The company looks for seasonal tax researchers who have a passion for taxes to assist clients in answering their most pressing tax questions.

Researchers should be able to find answers about tax laws, preparing taxes, and more, and should be able to accurately guide each client to an appropriate solution.

An undergraduate degree in business or a related field is a must, but those with a graduate degree will hold preference.

You must be able to type at least 50 WPM.

Hospital Corporation of America

HCA is a healthcare company that sometimes has openings for researchers to work from home in a dedicated home office space.

The Revenue Integrity Analyst will resolve billing questions and edits by researching and reviewing the appropriate documents and medical records of patients.

The position has a lot of moving parts that will require strict attention to detail and the ability to collaborate with others.

Clinical and healthcare experience is preferred, and those with a RN or LPN certification will get priority.

Humanus Corporation

Humanus serves the educational and health care communities through staffing services, sending organizations qualified teachers, nurses, aides, and more.

The company has some part-time opportunities available for at-home researchers with strong research and data entry skills.

Researchers will be responsible for researching potential candidates and clients for the company to grow both databases and entering information into the database.

Candidates must have a minimum of a high school diploma, strong computer skills, be proficient in Microsoft Office, and have strong communication and organizational skills.

It should also help if you know your way around job boards, as this is where you’ll be spending most of your time researching resumes that fit the company’s standards.


This company is all about improving its clients businesses, websites, and just about anything else they need help with.

In other words, it works to improve user experience.

It does this through online communities, which are made up of each client’s ideal customers, employees, prospects, and more.

As an online community researcher for icanmakeitbetter, you’ll be responsible for conducting surveys, posting questions, writing reports, and managing communities for clients.

There will be a lot of research involved to help you understand everything you can about the clients you work with and the audience they’re trying to target.

How Much Does an Internet Researcher Make?

The average annual pay for a Work From Home Internet Researcher in the United States is $59,729 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $28.72 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,149/week or $4,977/month.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $131,000 and as low as $15,500, the majority of Work From Home Internet Researcher salaries currently range between $31,000 (25th percentile) to $78,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $103,500 annually across the United States.

The average pay range for a Work From Home Internet Researcher varies greatly (by as much as $47,000), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Can I Get Paid For Searching The Web?

If you enjoy surfing the web and you spend most of your time on your laptop, you can make money searching the internet. It’s a great way to incorporate your favorite past-time and make productive use of your free time.

Some of them will be simple and others may require some experience.

 These are some of the ways that we’ll have a look at if you’re interested in getting paid to search the web:

  • Search Engine Evaluator
  • Appen and Lionbridge
  • Swagbucks
  • Wonder Researcher (Ask Wonder)
  • Zoom Bucks
  • Survey Junkie
  • Microsoft Rewards
  • Qmee
  • User Testing
  • Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel

The first way you can get paid for searching the web is by looking into becoming a search engine evaluator. 

Search engine companies like Google, Bing, and Yahoo hire people (you) to analyze search engine results.

Your job would be to clean up search engines and rate search results. 

You’ll be given a time limit to complete specific tasks, look at results and see if they meet guidelines. 

This is a no frills job, don’t take your time and work fast because you’ll only be paid for that given time limit.

What are the requirements to work as a search engine evaluator? According to Glassdoor, these are the requirements for this job:

  1. Must pass a qualification exam
  2. 1-2 years of search engine experience preferred, but not required
  3. In-depth familiarity with search engines and web search
  4. Excellent research and analytic skills
  5. Proficiency in computer operating software and the internet
  6. Excellent written and oral communication skills
  7. Basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) preferred
  8. The ability to multitask and prioritize projects effectively
  9. The ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines

Those are the barriers of entry to be a search engine evaluator. If you’re someone who’s detail oriented, works fast, analytical, and likes staying in their pyjamas (optional), then you can get paid for searching the web. 

Can You be a Researcher Without a Degree?

Theoretically, yes, but it’s unlikely. You don’t have to have a degree to publish in a reputable peer reviewed journal, but you will still be put through the same rigorous standards that are often not satisfied by people with Phds and years of experience. But even before that, the likelihood of getting any research good enough is highly expensive.

Grant writing is difficult, and you’re not going to get a good grant (or any at all), so you would have to fund everything yourself, lab space, employees, materials, etc. Beyond that, there are laws that make research difficult. If you want to have any study with human subjects, you have to get special certifications and submit all your experiments to a review board before you can start.

For other research, many materials are not readily available to the public in the quantities needed for research (think dangerous chemicals) or at all (think drugs, like cocaine, heroin).

How do I Start a Career as a Researcher?

These are the basic steps you should follow to become a research scientist:

  1. Obtain a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Complete a master’s degree.
  3. Gain experience.
  4. Pursue certifications.
  5. Consider a doctorate.
1. Obtain a bachelor’s degree

Aspiring research scientists should start by pursuing a bachelor’s degree that’s relevant to the field they’re most interested in. If you are unsure, a general degree in clinical research can be a good option.

If you want to research medicine, chemistry or biology, a degree in biochemistry, biology, pharmacology or pre-med can work well. If you are interested in being a computer and information research scientist, then a degree in information technology is appropriate.

2. Complete a master’s degree

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree, aspiring research scientists should begin working toward a master’s degree. Some schools off a program that combines a bachelor’s and master’s program, allowing students to begin graduate coursework immediately upon obtaining their bachelor’s.

If your university doesn’t offer this program, you will likely have to complete the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) before applying to graduate degree programs.

These programs usually last two to three years. The coursework you complete as part of your program will vary depending on the degree you’re pursuing, which should be relevant to the field you’re entering. However, some common topics in many fields are:

  • Teaching skills
  • Writing for research papers and grants
  • Advanced mathematics courses
  • Public speaking classes to prepare students for presenting research findings
3. Gain experience

To better qualify for research positions, aspiring research scientists should consider entering the workforce for one to two years before pursuing a Ph.D. program. They could also defer a master’s degree program for one or two years and pursue a position as a research assistant to obtain hands-on experience before continuing their academic studies.

4. Pursue certifications

While it’s usually not a requirement for research scientists to obtain licensing, certifications are available, which can differentiate you from other candidates. The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) offers several certifications that you may want to consider such as the Certified Clinical Research Associate, Certified Principal Investigator or ACRP Certified Professional designations.

5. Consider a doctorate

If you are interested in becoming a lead research scientist, you should consider pursuing a doctorate after completing your master’s program. Doctoral programs typically take between four and five years to complete.

Doctoral candidates must perform original research during the time they’re a student and their progress is monitored by school faculty or an advisor. As part of their program, they also defend their research through formal processes.

How Long Does it Take to be a Researcher?

Well, if you are doing experiments in your classes, then you are already a scientist. You see, being a scientist simply means that you do your work using scientific methods. So you see, you’re already a scientist.

Depending on what you want to do, you can get a job being a scientist right out of high school. Usually those jobs don’t give you too much freedom of choice. In other words, you do scientific projects for someone else. Being a professor of science gives you the chance to decide which experiments you want to do.

However, if you want to be a professor at a university then you need to get a doctorate degree. That degree can take between 4 and 7 years. Then you do some research for another two to three years until you find a job. So if you add it all up, it takes about 4 years for college, 5 years for a doctorate, and 3 years of post-doctorate research for a total of 12 years until you are a professor.

That may sound like a lot, but it is important to point out that when you are studying for your doctorate, you are also doing research (usually). That means you get to be a scientist-in training during that time.

Do You Need a PhD to be a Research Associate?

The role of Research Associate is almost always a postdoctoral research position, meaning that Research Associates have earned a PhD in a relevant discipline. It is also conventionally the first research appointment sought by an aspiring researcher after being awarded their PhD.

In many ways, this role mirrors that of the PhD student in that it involves designing research studies, collecting and analysing data, and reporting research findings in academic journals and conferences. It carries a greater emphasis on publication, however, and often comes with a higher degree of autonomy from the project supervisor than is typical for a PhD student, who is expected to require more guidance.

Research Associate positions almost always come as fixed-term contracts, which are usually two or three years in length and funded as part of a research grant for a specific project or research programme.

Are Researcher Jobs in Demand?

Employment of market research analysts is projected to grow 18 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Employment growth will be driven by an increased use of data and market research across many industries.

Quick Facts: Market Research Analysts
2020 Median Pay$65,810 per year
$31.64 per hour
Typical Entry-Level EducationBachelor’s degree
Work Experience in a Related OccupationNone
On-the-job TrainingNone
Number of Jobs, 2019738,100
Job Outlook, 2019-2918% (Much faster than average)
Employment Change, 2019-29130,300

Are There Careers in Research?

Research is important to many professions. It involves determining how to get the right information needed to understand a specific issue. Analytical skills are used to review the data that’s gathered during research and to determine what conclusions can be drawn from the data. There are many social science, law enforcement, scientific research and agricultural careers that emphasize research and analysis in their regular duties.

Job TitleMedian Salary* (2020)Growth* (2019-2029)
Forensic Science Technician$60,59014%
Anthropologist and Archeologist$66,1305%
Operations Research Analyst$86,20025%
Medical Scientist$91,5106%
Agricultural and Food Science Technicians$41,9704%
Computer and Information Research Scientists$126,83015%

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Historians usually need to have a master’s degree to work in their field; some employers may prefer those with a doctoral degree. Historians research data and then analyze the data they’ve collected to reach conclusions.

For example, they may perform research to authenticate an artifact or historical document. Individuals who enjoy research and analysis will enjoy the opportunities to gather and review information as part of the research process, and the opportunity to analyze that material as part of their job.

Forensic Science Technician

Forensic science technicians play a critical role in law enforcement. They use research and analytical skills to assess crime scenes, ensure that relevant evidence is gathered, and process the evidence properly.

The tests and examinations they perform on evidence forms the basis of their research, and their analytical skills are used to review the results and develop conclusions. A bachelor’s degree in forensic science, biology or a comparable subject area is necessary for a career as a forensic science technician.

Anthropologist and Archeologist

Anthropologists and archeologists rely on their research skills to perform investigations relevant to their field, which involves studying the life and culture of modern-day or ancient humans. They use their analytical skills to review the data they gather during the research phase and form conclusions.

They need at least a master’s degree, and may benefit from completing a doctoral degree before entering this career field. Individuals who enjoy research and analysis will find that is the foundation of the work that anthropologists and archeologists do.

Operations Research Analyst

Operations research analysts spend their career assessing problems and finding solutions to help improve the operations of businesses or other organizations. Although it’s possible to start out in an entry-level position with a bachelor’s degree, some employers may require operations research analysts to have a master’s degree.

Operations research analysts have to investigate the issues, which means that part of their job involves researching information relevant to the issue they’re focusing on. They get to use their analytical skills when they assess that data.

Medical Scientist

A Ph.D. or medical degree is required for a career as a medical scientist. Research is one of the primary tasks that medical scientists perform. They run studies and perform tests and collect data that’s relevant to their work.

The results of their research are then analyzed and used to make recommendations or form conclusions. They may perform trials to determine if a medication is an effective treatment for an illness, or to identify factors contributing to diseases.


Since sociologists focus on the study of society and how people behave in society, they need to perform a lot of research for their work. They develop research strategies designed to help them acquire data that’s relevant to the focus of their studies, and then they use their analytical skills to review the information they’ve gathered. Sociologists need a master’s degree.

Agricultural and Food Science Technicians

Although an associate’s degree may be sufficient for some jobs in this field, agricultural and food science technicians may have more job options to consider if they have a bachelor’s degree in animal science, biology or a comparable field of study.

Agricultural and food science technicians keep records about food products, and they may be involved in performing tests on food or agricultural products. This part of their work involves research, and they use their analytical skills to review the data from the tests and make conclusions. Individuals who enjoy using research and analytical skills and want to work in the agricultural industry may find this an ideal career.

Computer and Information Research Scientists

Computer and information research scientists are involved in creating things such as software and computer programming languages. They are highly trained and need a Ph.D. to work in this field. When they’re developing new computer systems, they perform a lot of research to see if the system works the way they intend it to.

Computer and information research scientists then employ their analytical skills to review the information they gather from their research and use it to make improvements to their work if necessary.

Making Money as an Online Researcher

Online research jobs are kind of side gigs that can give you extra money doing web research.

Research jobs are one of the many side gigs that I recommend to supplement your income.

There are many sites that list online research jobs. You can find and apply for these jobs at online job sites such as Ask Wonder, Upwork, Freelancer, FlexJobs, Indeed, and others. Internet researcher jobs are also listed on localized job sites such as Craigslist but beware of the dishonest online scams.

Use the keywords “internet research”, “online research”, “work at home research jobs”, “internet/online researcher jobs” when you search the web to find internet research jobs.

How to Make Money With Online Internet Researcher Jobs

Here is a list of research jobs you can do comfortably from home.


This company hires people to work from home for roles like search engine evaluator, internet assessor, and social media evaluator. The job involves doing web research and rating the search engine results, which in turn improves the organic search results for end users.

This company hires in many countries around the world, and the pay differs with the role and country.

You can apply online on the website. If you are accepted, you have to take an assessment test before you get hired.


Do you relentlessly research when it comes to finding about things? This could be a plus point for you as a Wonder researcher. Once you sign up with the necessary details, you will be required to take a test that is related to the research tasks you will be doing if you get hired.

The job involves doing thorough research for the questions you get as a Wonder researcher. By in-depth research, I mean, finding out minute details and backing your research with facts.

The pay is around $8 to $35, depending on the questions you get. 


If you are an expert in a particular field and want to earn extra money with your knowledge, JustAnswer is the way to do it. It’s simple. When a user has a question, they post their question on the website. Once they are happy with the answers from their paired experts, the user rates the expert, and the money is paid.

This is a straightforward and flexible side gig for people who have expertise in a specific field. Signing up is easy on the website by providing the necessary details and your certifications.

Keep in mind that there will be a lot of competition, and only a satisfying answer from an expert gets paid.

Depending on the questions, the pay can range from $3 to $100.


As a “micro consultant” for Maven, you will be helping people with their questions with your expertise. This job is pretty much like Just Answer but has other ways you can earn money like face-to-face projects, consulting on the phone, you can even refer other experts to earn money with Maven.

You can sign up online with details like your education, the industry you work in. You can then calculate your hourly pay.

Once this gets completed, the company will contact you if questions are matching your expertise. You can chat, text, or consult on the phone to answer the questions.


As a Studypool tutor, you will be answering homework questions from students and getting paid for your research. You will go through the students’ questions on the website, and if you find the right one, you will bid on it. You get paid once you answer the questions to student’s satisfaction.

This is great for people who want some flexible work while earning good money. You can set your own schedule, and Studypool takes around 20% to 30% commission from the pay. As per the website, you can earn up to $7,000 per month by answering questions.

Experts 123

With Expert123, your chances of earning extra money are a little low. You sign up and answer questions on different topics like travel, technology, health, entertainment, parenting, etc. You will be writing in-depth articles on various topics, and once you have good traffic to your articles, you get paid.

Keep in mind that you might not be seeing any money in the beginning, and it will take some time to monetize your articles.


If you are a top-level expert in your industry and want to earn money, you can join 10EQS. It hires industry experts/independent consultants around the world to work on projects with its clients. You can register on the website and join the community to land prospective projects.

How Make Money Online Doing Research

An online researcher is a profitable work at home job that gives you the flexibility to work on your own schedule. You will gather information for a company or individual by looking through websites and online databases. There are many different places you can search for information such as Google, blogs, newsletters, and other websites.

There are many companies and individuals, particularly professionals that want to find information online about various topics. Many companies have their own online researchers while others seek out everyday people to gather the information for them.

Top 5 Companies That Pay You For Doing Research From Home

Many of these companies simply want to track your behavior online so their clients can better advertise to people in your demographic. Keep in mind, that means not everyone will qualify for some programs — a company may be looking specifically for 25- to 34-year-old men in a certain region or income bracket, for example.

Even so, it doesn’t hurt to apply. So sit back, open your browser, and learn all the different ways you could be earning money for surfing the web.


If you have excellent research skills and want to earn some extra cash, Wonder might be the perfect fit. We wrote about Wonder several weeks ago, and here’s how it works: Basically, Wonder invites anyone – journalists, corporations, or even individuals – to pay a flat fee for a properly researched answer to their most burning questions.

In most cases, users pay this fee because they don’t have the time to do the research themselves, or because they want to make sure they get it right for an important presentation or report.

On the employment side, Wonder researchers pull out all stops to create accurate and comprehensive responses to any question posed. Wonder doesn’t have any formal education requirements for the researchers it hires, but it does prefer candidates with excellent research and English writing skills. If you’re interested in learning more, you can look into becoming a researcher on AskWonder.com, or read more about the company.


For an easier way to earn that doesn’t require quite so much brain power, try Swagbucks. This website will literally pay you to search and play around on the internet, with almost nothing more extensive required on your part.

The set-up works like this: Once you sign up for Swagbucks, you’ll download their search bar onto your computer. From there, you’ll earn points for shopping online, watching targeted videos, searching the web, and taking surveys. Once you rack up a ton of points, you can exchange them for gift cards to popular retailers like Amazon.com and Walmart.

So yes, Swagbucks pays you in gift cards and not money. But most people can turn those gift cards into cash if they’re creative – for example, you can score some Walmart gift cards and use them for groceries, then turn around and reduce your grocery budget that month. That’s pretty swank if you ask me!

Opinion Outpost

You know what they say about opinions, right? They’re like armpits (and other less savory body parts) – as in, everybody’s got ’em. The good news is, Opinion Outpost will actually pay you for voicing your opinion, answering important questions, and taking their surveys. That’s right: Whoever said your opinion didn’t matter was dead wrong.

All you have to do to get started is sign up with an email account or social media account. Once you do, you’ll be selected for surveys you can complete in exchange for cash or gift cards to retailers like iTunes or Amazon. Plus, you can also earn entries into occasional cash drawings for as much as $10,000.

User Testing

User Testing is another online survey site that rewards its members for giving their opinions on marketing tactics and products. Worldwide, more than 34,000 customers and companies rely on UserTesting to figure out marketing techniques and strategies and to gain insight into the minds of their users.

Signing up is free and easy. Just for visiting a website or testing a new app, you can get paid $10. Of course, participating in multiple campaigns can help you earn more and more cash over time. And each time, you’re paid $10 for about 20 minutes of work or less. It doesn’t get any easier than that.

Smart Panel

Earning nominal amounts of cash is easy with Smart Panel. Once you complete a three-minute questionnaire to see if you qualify, you can get paid for everything from living and breathing to using your phone or computer like you always have.

For starters, you’ll get $5 just for meeting their qualifications. After that, you’ll get another $5 per month just for keeping the app installed. Beyond those initial payments, you’ll earn small amounts of cash just for using your phone or computer as you always have – and letting Smart Panel analyze your search results. According to Smart Panel, you can earn up to $110 in 12 months and up to $230 in 24 months – for doing almost nothing.

Top 5 Ways to Get Paid Doing Internet Research

Become an “Expert” on Question Sites

Have you ever done a search on Google and landed on a site where professionals or other experts had answered the question you asked? If so, chances are those experts were paid to answer to that question.

There are a few well-known sites that will pay its “experts” to answer questions (these will often times require research.) The pay usually depends upon how many views the question receives. Also, different sites will have different criteria that needs to be met in order to become an expert.

Just Answer – This site hires experts to answer questions. The amount you earn will depend upon how many hours per week you can work and your expertise. It appears that a certification or degree may be needed to prove your area of expertise. Just Answer is currently hiring.

Experts123 – With this site you can answer questions and write articles for money. The pay depends upon how much traffic you can get to your answers/articles.

Perform Web Research Through Click Worker

Clickworker is a micro task site that hires freelancers to perform various duties, one being internet research. When you sign up with Clickworker you’ll be prompted to take assessments to show that you have the necessary skills in the areas you want to work.

Once you pass the assessments you’ll be able to choose from a list of jobs available. Each job will have different requirements and different payment amounts depending upon time and complexity.

Jobs that are processed on Clickworker are payable after seven days. Payment is made via Paypal every week or month once the minimum account balance of $5.30 is reached.

Become a Virtual Assistant

If you’re comfortable finding your own clients, becoming a virtual assistant is a great option for turning internet research into a profitable job.

Virtual Assistants perform a wide variety of tasks with web research being one of them.

If you want your work to be comprised of mostly internet research assignments here are some ideas:

  • Work with freelance writers researching, collecting data and organizing information.
  • You can work with business professionals booking flights and hotels, looking for business networking opportunities and performing other types of research.
  • Work for a store owner, Amazon seller or eBay flipper researching new trends, marketing ideas and more.

If you’re creative you can find a way to tie some of what you already know to internet research and make a job out of it.

Researching Questions with Wonder

Wonder is a site that caters to professionals, companies and students who need questions answered but aren’t fond of doing the research themselves.

Wonder hires freelance researchers to answer the questions submitted by their clients. As a researcher you can choose from the questions and perform the research to answer them.

The pay depends upon the complexity of the question and how long it will take to answer it. The top researchers earn up to $35 per hour and $2,000 per month. Pay is every two weeks via Paypal.

Look on Jobs Boards

Another way to find internet research jobs is to look on job boards. A few quick searches could result in the type of job you’re looking for.

Here are a couple of job boards to check for work from home research jobs.

  • Indeed.com
  • Upwork
Offer Your Services on Fiverr

Fiverr is a site that allows it’s user to offer services starting at $5. (When you get work and good reviews you can move up and charge more money.) You can offer to do small research assignments for $5 and then create new services as you move up.

Setting up a profile on Fiverr won’t guarantee that you get work but it is a good start.

Web Research Jobs

Internet researchers use their skills to search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics. In this career, you can work as a freelancer, contract employee, or a direct employee of an organization.

You must be highly skilled with computers and have a strong understanding of how to use a search engine to access scholarly research, industry publications, and think tank documents to find information for whatever project on which you may be working. Data analysis is another important aspect of an Internet researcher’s job, as you must be able to read and interpret the resources you find.

Several skills and characteristics can help to make you successful as an Internet researcher. One of the primary responsibilities of this job is to read and interpret studies from across different industries. This means that excellent comprehension skills are crucial in this field.

You also need excellent writing skills so that you can effectively communicate what you have learned. Beyond these skills, other qualifications for the job include a curious and innovative nature, expertise in a few subjects, and up-to-date computer skills.

Web Researcher Salary

The average annual pay for a Freelance Internet Researcher in the United States is $45,459 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $21.86 an hour. This is the equivalent of $874/week or $3,788/month.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $111,500 and as low as $18,000, the majority of Freelance Internet Researcher salaries currently range between $29,000 (25th percentile) to $45,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $82,000 annually across the United States.

The average pay range for a Freelance Internet Researcher varies greatly (by as much as $16,000), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Get Paid to do Research Studies

If you like the idea of getting paid to share your opinions, you’re in luck. There are plenty of places that host paid research studies.

You can find online focus groups that’ll pay you for your time and feedback through a variety of websites. Each site has its own requirements and payment structure, so it’s a good idea to explore all the options available.

1. Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is a survey site that’s been around since 2005. It will pay you to take surveys and express your opinions to big brands who want to improve their products and services. After you answer several questions about yourself and create a profile, the site will match you to surveys that are relevant to you.

Any time you complete a survey, you’ll earn virtual points, which you can redeem for PayPal cash or online gift cards. Most surveys take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, and you can expect to make between 100 to 200 points or $1 to $3 per survey. You won’t have to buy any products or sign up for other websites.

2. American Consumer Opinion

American Consumer Opinion is a survey panel that partners with large companies who want customer opinions. To join, you’ll enter basic information such as your age and where you live. Then, you’ll take a general household survey where you’ll share details about your lifestyle.

You’ll likely receive survey invitations via email several times a year. The number of points you’ll rack up will depend on the length of the surveys.

While short surveys are typically worth anywhere between 5 and 50 points, you can earn up to 5,000 points with longer ones. One point equals $0.01, and you can cash your points in for PayPal cash or donate them to charity.

3. Respondent

Respondent is unique because it organizes one-on-one paid research studies online and in person. You can sign up with your email address or via your Facebook or LinkedIn profile through the site.

Once you do, you’ll fill out some basic personal information such as your name, birthday, and email address. They’ll also ask for demographic details like your gender, ethnicity, and educational background.

After you’ve signed up, you’ll browse all of the “projects” available and details like the pay and how long they take to complete. When you see a project that interests you, you can apply to it through a short questionnaire. You’ll be emailed if the company chooses you for their project.

Most of the projects focus on small business or technology and pay anywhere from $50 to $85 via PayPal for 45 minutes to an hour of your time.

4. FocusGroup.com

FocusGroup.com began in 1988 and offers surveys as well as in-person and online focus groups via phone and webcam. After you create a profile, you’ll be emailed surveys and focus group invitations.

The majority of the site’s surveys and focus groups revolve around health and wellness, pet products, finances, and shopping habits.

You’ll earn between $75 and $150 if you participate in focus groups and points for surveys, which you can apply toward a prepaid Visa debit card. You can cash out 100 points for $1.00.

5. Plaza Research

Plaza Research pays parents, kids, teens, students, doctors, and business professionals to share their opinions on new products and services. It hosts surveys and a variety of in-person focus groups throughout the country.

If you attend a focus group, you’ll likely be asked to try a new product, watch a TV commercial, or discuss your thoughts about future products. To receive survey and focus group invitations, fill out an online form. The form will ask you questions about your education, electronic use, employment, household, pets, and more.

You’ll get an email if you’re a good fit for a survey or focus group. The amount you’ll earn depends on its length and scope. Most participants will earn between $50 and $200, paid via check, for two hours of their time.

Online Research Jobs no Experience

It is hard to look for legitimate work-from home research jobs, and it’s even tougher to look for jobs with no experience .

The jobs listed below are excellent entry-level jobs and can be a good fit for you if you have started searching just now.

Pay – $25 to $50 per hour

Do you have a keen eye for detail? Can you spot errors/grammatical mistakes in documents? If you answered yes, then Proofreading is the best work-from-home choice for you. Though having some prior experience in the field is necessary to apply with companies like Polished Paper, Edit911, some entry-level companies like ProofeadingServices.com hire beginners.

You can start a successful proofreading business without any experience if you have relevant training. Starting your own business has its perks, like high income and flexibility.

Pay – $20 to $35 per hour

Transcription is an excellent option if you are a beginner looking for no experience jobs. There are many transcription companies out there that will hire you just with your typing skills. That’s something you need to have, at least, if you want to get into transcription.

You can always learn more skills to get better jobs in transcription. The companies that hire newbies in transcription are AccuTran Global, GMR Transcription, Scribie, TranscribeMe!, Ubiqus, and Tigerfish.

Customer Service
Pay – $15 to $25 per hour

Of all the work-at-home roles, customer service roles are the most wanted, because of their flexibility. You have to keep in mind that most customer service jobs require you to be on the phone.

Many companies offer online customer service roles like Amazon, Apple, Williams Sonoma, LiveOps, Arise, Sutherland, Working Solutions, Sitel, etc.

Data Entry
Pay – $10 to $18 per hour

Data entry might be the first job you will look for if you are planning to work from home. Legitimate data entry jobs are hard to come by, but they are perfect to get started with.

You can apply for data entry roles at companies like Quicktate, Axion Data, SpeakWrite, Cass Information Systems, and Clickworker. Please keep in mind that data entry jobs are only open occasionally, and you need to apply fast.

Website Testing
Pay – $8 to $10 per hour

This is a great way to start your work-at-home journey. You do not need any particular expertise to get started as a website tester. You will need to have a basic idea about navigating around websites and testing their functionality.

The equipment you will need for this role is a webcam and a microphone. You will have to speak out your thoughts about the test after the test is done. This could be a good beginner-level job if you have no prior experience.

You can join companies like WhatUsersDo, TryMyUI, UserTesting, Loop11, etc.

Chat Agent
Pay – $9 to $17 per hour

Chat agents are another form of customer service and getting into this work-at-home career is relatively straightforward compared to other roles.

As a chat agent, you will be helping customers online through the chat feature with any queries they have regarding the company you work for. You can apply for many chat agent companies like The Chat Shop, Needle, Arise, etc.

Wonder Research

Wonder works on a crowdsourced platform. When a client has a research request, the assignment goes to a dashboard. The question pricing is also listed here for you to see. Researchers can see the questions and pricing and claim the ones they want.

The nice thing about the crowdsourced approach is that you can log in when you want and work. If you see an assignment that looks interesting, great, you can claim it. If not, no problem, you can always check back later!

Researchers are paid per assignment. The amount varies based on a question’s complexity. So, some will be worth much more than others.

Remember, question prices are listed on the dashboard. You will how much you’ll be paid before starting an assignment. It’s up to you to decide whether a question is worth accepting based on its complexity and pay rate!

How much you earn depends on how many assignments you accept. According to Ask Wonder, their most active researchers can earn $2,000 or more a month!

You can login and check for work when it’s most convenient for you. The more you work, the more you’ll earn. On average, questions pay between $8 and $16.

Payments are made every two weeks through PayPal.

Online Research Opportunities

If you type “online research job” into any search, it will populate many different options. From various skill levels to employers, here’s a look at some research titles from the web:

  • SEO Associate
  • Customer Analytics Reporting
  • Intelligence Research Specialist
  • Internet Marketing Analyst
  • Research Associate

If you wish to work for a specific company, it’s best to go on their website to find out about available positions. Or, you can check on various job boards and freelance networks. Here are a few to get started with:

  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • Flexjobs
  • Clickworker
  • Wonder

If you’re an entrepreneurial type or just want the most flexibility possible, then it could be a good idea to start your own internet research business.

One way to go about this is to gain some experience while working from an agency. Then, as you network and hone your skills, you can start to acquire projects on your own.

Once your business feels sustainable enough, you can move to just working for yourself. If need be and your business expands quickly, you can always hire other online researchers to work under your company.

Remote Online Research Jobs

Research jobs from home are a great way to enjoy the freedoms of earning money online, and as you’re about to discover there are a range of fields under the research umbrella. This means that you can become the skilled master of one or two, or enjoy the variety that comes with being a researching ‘jack of all trades’.


A research assistant is more of a generalist role as an assistant within a research team, which is great for those looking to enter the industry or gain a range of different work experience. These roles are often offered as contract or remote research jobs.

Research assistant jobs can include work like researching for federal presentations, researching information related to art works, researching to monitor disinformation in regional elections in Venezuela (seriously!), research within a university studying human stem cells. What variety!

And the best part is that these were all jobs that were seeking candidates at the time of writing this blog.


This job role translates medical discoveries into effective working treatments as clinical researchers study the effects of new medicines or treatments. They conduct safety tests, take notes on any adverse side-effects, and analyze the success rate of a particular treatment process.

Most clinical research jobs are performed by freelance researchers who also undertake on-site investigation since they require studying drugs and analyzing the effectiveness of a certain treatment. Clinical research jobs involve working with patients, collecting data, online researching etc.

The role is extensive and many opportunities are cropping up on freelance job portals.


A market research job includes conducting online surveys on customers and consumers preferences and choices regarding product and service designs, prices and promotions. After collecting all this data, they present the statistics to help industries and markets understand how to better approach their customers (a.k.a. their market).

A brilliant way to earn money online, it requires working with software to analyze the trends, prepare questionnaires and conduct surveys. Some examples of topics that market researchers would be involved in include a select group of customer’s choice of beverage in hot weather, cell phone preferences between genders and age groups, and how living standards effect purchasing power of consumers.

The variety of market research topics is literally unlimited, so it’s great if you seek variety in your work from home job.


Firstly, what’s UX? In short it’s user experience. In long, according to usability.com it’s “having a deep understanding of users, what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations” with regards to accessing and using a product or service.

For example, having ketchup bottles that stand on their lid so the sauce is at the top of the bottle when you want to use it, or having someone greet you and point you in the right direction when you enter a store are examples of improved UX.

ux researcher jobs

The UX researchers act as market analysts, seeking out the reasons behind behavior, needs and priorities of people interacting with a brand. Their research area covers consumer preference towards certain types of products and how to make products more appealing for consumers.

Many job portals feature it as online research jobs because of the type of researching it exhibits. Add ‘UX’ into the job portal search bar for improved results.


Research scientist jobs have the main aim of gaining knowledge from controlled laboratory based investigations, experiments and trials. Hang on a minute… does that mean I need to convert my basement into a lab?

Haha, no!

Aside from the physical experimenting side of things, research scientists are also involved in designing the project and experiments, and analyzing the information gained. I’m sure this now makes a lot more sense as a work from home job.

This one is often sought after by those in the field of science who want to cut out the commute and find work life balance as it requires working on projects like medical research, geoscience, pharmacology, meteorology, math, life sciences and many more.


Some businesses use the skills of internet researchers to help develop Love Work at Home for tasks like researching competition, what’s trending and work from home jobs amongst other things.

They source their researchers through freelance websites that are included in this blog.

Internet researching can be undertaken on just about anything from market and financial trends, to medical development, scientific exploration, public policy examination, or any other topic that requires investigating data from numerous published sources like internet searches, journals, and newspapers.

This is one of those stay at home jobs where you will stay in the know!


A social researcher will use a variety of methods to gather their information including questionnaires, focus groups and interviews.

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Social science research jobs focus on social matters such as ethical issues, feminism in today’s world, effects of social media and bullying, family and single parenthood, legalization of marijuana and many, many other interesting topics.

If you find these sorts of topics interesting then this field of research would be perfect for you!


Raise public awareness on a number of issues through Policy research jobs. Policy researchers work to inspire political and social events by analysing current policies, assessing the effects of projected legislation, and presenting a detailed report on findings.

For example, this article on which water bodies across the US should receive protection from the Government under the Clean Water Act.

This field of research is well suited to people who are passionate about researching and learning about local, state or federal policies, the relationship between policy and societies wants and needs, and the impacts of policy change.

Bottom Line

Are you an endlessly curious person who loves to learn and share new information? If you want to earn extra cash or even make a living from home, online research jobs might be the perfect fit!

Another good thing about online research jobs is their flexibility. The flexibility is similar to that of attending online college, like the University of the People. You could earn your degree tuition-free online, while also making income online with your research job!

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.

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