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With the emergence of numerous digital platforms, blogging has become one of the most trending internet activities. Call it a hobby, job, or business; it has a very high appeal among people in both writing and reading.

Apart from making money online, blogging also lets you express and convey your thoughts and ideas to a large audience. However, not every blogger can be successful. In clear words, not every blog can attract a decent number of followers.

A low-traffic blog’s problem lies in many factors, like unappealing design, vague goals and targets, inconsistency, etc. Out of all, content is the major key to drive followers to your blog.

The question that remains: How to make your blogging platform more visible and catchy to your audience?

I am going to explain the answer to this query below with some super-effective tips. Keep reading…

Blogging Hacks: Is It As Easy As It Sounds?

Useful Hacks

1.    Think of a Specific Purpose

Every action needs to have a definite purpose. If you start blogging without a goal, you will most likely lose interest after a while.

Even if you manage to continue it for a longer period, it will not have enough engagement due to a lack of direction. In fact, the lack of a clear goal is one of the major reasons for failure in blogging.

Your blog’s ultimate goal may be to build or promote your brand, attract new customers, earn money online, or just express your ideas.

A clear purpose will further determine the approach and style of your blog.

2.    Consistency is the Key

The most difficult part of being a blogger is consistency. There are some days when ideas are overflowing within you, but there days when you feel blank.

Everyone needs a break, but it is not good to break your blog’s consistency, especially if your aim is making money online with blogging. The best way to prevent inconsistency is to write extra on the days you feel creative enough. This way, you will have pre-written content on the days you do not feel like writing anything.

To find the inspiration and motivation to write, you need to think about why you started the blog in the first place. Plus, setting up a fixed schedule for writing content might also help you stay on track.

Create an Impressive Design

3.    Create an Impressive Design

No doubt about the fact that content is the most important success factor for a blog. But there are other factors that are equally important in attracting readers.

Before coming on to the actual content, the first thing a reader notices is the design of a blog. Readers lose more than 90% of their attention if the design is either too dull or too flashy.

In short, create your blog with enticing design elements, avoid clutter, and make the content easy to read. Speed up your site loading time too!

4.    Use Analytical Tools

Making money online with blogging is not easy. For continuous improvement of your blog, it is necessary to monitor its performance. How do we gauge the performance of a blog? We have a lot of tools (e.g., Google Analytics) available for that.

How do these tools help us? These tools track some important website metrics like:

Use Analytical Tools
  • Visitors (new and return)
  • Referrals
  • Bounce rate
  • Exit pages
  • Conversion rate
  • Top landing pages

Using these tools is essential even if you are blogging as a hobby. Why? To know the response of your audience!

5.    Interact with Audience

Although blogging is all about expressing your thoughts and ideas, you have to know what interests your audience the most! There is no point in writing something if it doesn’t pull in your target audience.

Use different ways to interact with your readers to know their opinions on the topics you want to cover.

Social media platforms are really helpful in establishing a network with people all around the world. Also, you can avail the comment section in your blog to respond to your readers.

 Communicating with them will also help you discover new dimensions related to your niche.

6.    Collaborate with Others

For making money online with blogging, you have to grab your target audience’s attention in different ways. One of the best ways to engage them is to collaborate with other bloggers or influencers.

Collaborate with Others

Collaboration is beneficial for both the parties involves; so it’s a win-win situation. It increases your blog exposure and generates more revenue. In addition, your readers also get fresh content on your blog.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.