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Almost everybody wants to have more money but it is not always easy to increase your income. A very good way to have more cash for the most important things in your life is to learn to save more money. If you are disciplined, you will be able to save for larger purchases, emergencies, and other needs that will come up in the future.

While you may not have control over the economy, you do have control over the actions that you take. Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started.

The following tips in this article will provide you with some valuable insight into saving money.

  • 7 Simple Ways to Save Money
  • What are 10 Tips for Saving Money?
  • How can I Save Money Monthly?
  • How can I Invest Money to Make Money Fast?
  • How can I Earn Money Daily?
  • How can a Woman Make Money Fast?
  • How can I Make 1000 a Day?

7 Simple Ways to Save Money

Know What You Spend Money On

Start by identifying what you spend most of your income on. You can keep track of your expenses by writing down everything that you buy and every payment that you make from day to day. Add all these expenses together at the end of the month so you can have a clear picture of your spending pattern. Make sure you account for every penny spent within this period.

Work On Reducing Your Debt

Car loans and credit card debt are among the biggest drains on the finance of most consumers. Do not use credit cards for things that you can pay cash for. The interest rate that you will avoid may seem small but it can add up to a substantial amount if you consider the number of payments that you make with your credit card over several months. If you have a lot of debt, start a program that will make you debt-free in the next few years.

Stop Making Impulsive Purchases

Before you pay for anything that involves a sizeable amount of money, think about it for a while. You can set this threshold at about $200. Anything above this amount should not be bought in a hurry. If you have time to think about your purchases, you will discover that you really don’t need them at that particular time.

Always Shop With A List

Write down a list whenever you are buying a number of items at the same time. Store displays are designed to make you buy unnecessary items on impulse. That is why they are always attractive. It will be easier to avoid this marketing trick if you shop with a list and stick to the items on your list.

Read Also: How to Get a Personal Loan as a Self Employed Person

Plan your grocery purchases ahead of time. This will give you enough time to remember every item that you have to buy so it can be included on the list. You have to be disciplined if you want these tips for saving money to work for you.

Buy Secondhand

You do not really have to buy everything new. A brand new car loses over 30% of its value within the first one year. The same goes for most household appliances. You can get a good quality used appliances at prices that you can easily afford. If you watch a lot of movies, you can always get pre-owned DVDs from the local store.

Include saving in your budget

Now that you know what you spend in a month, you can begin to create a budget. Your budget should show what your expenses are relative to your income so that you can plan your spending and limit overspending.

Be sure to factor in expenses that occur regularly but not every month, such as car maintenance. Include a savings category in your budget and aim to save an amount that initially feels comfortable to you. Plan on eventually increasing your savings by up to 15 to 20 percent of your income.

Pick the right tools

There are many savings and investment accounts suitable for short- and long-term goals. And you don’t have to pick just one. Look carefully at all the options and consider balance minimums, fees, interest rates, risk and how soon you’ll need the money so you can choose the mix that will help you best save for your goals.

  • Short-term goals

If you’ll need the money soon or need to be able to access it quickly, consider using these FDIC-insured deposit accounts:

  • A savings account
  • A certificate of deposit (CD), which locks in your money for a fixed period of time at a rate that is typically higher than that of a savings account
  • Long-term goals

If you’re saving for retirement or your child’s education, consider:

FDIC-insured individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or 529 plans, which are tax-efficient savings accounts

Securities, such as stocks or mutual funds. These investment products are available through investment accounts with a broker-dealer

Remember that securities are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of a bank and are not guaranteed by a bank. They are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of your principal.

What are 10 Tips for Saving Money?

Use these money-saving tips to generate ideas about the best ways to save money in your day-to-day life.

1. Eliminate Your Debt

If you’re trying to save money through budgeting but still carrying a large debt burden, start with the debt. Not convinced? Add up how much you spend servicing your debt each month, and you’ll quickly see. Once you’re free from paying interest on your debt, that money can easily be put into savings. A personal line of credit is just one option for consolidating debt so you can better pay it off.

2. Set Savings Goals

One of the best ways to save money is by visualizing what you are saving for. If you need motivation, set saving targets along with a timeline to make it easier to save. Want to buy a house in three years with a 20 percent down payment? Now you have a target and know what you will need to save each month to achieve your goal.

3. Pay Yourself First

Set up an auto debit from your checking account to your savings account each payday. Whether it’s $50 every two weeks or $500, don’t cheat yourself out of a healthy long-term savings plan.

4. Stop Smoking

No, it’s certainly not easy to quit, but if you smoke a pack and a half every day, that amounts to nearly $3,000 a year you can realize in savings if you quit. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes is now below 20 percent for the first time since at least the mid-1960s — join the club!

5. Take a “Staycation”

Though the term may be trendy, the thought behind it is solid: instead of dropping several thousand on airline tickets overseas, look in your own backyard for fun vacations close to home. If you can’t drive the distance, look for cheap flights in your region.

6. Spend to Save

Let’s face it, utility costs seldom go down over time, so take charge now and weatherize your home. Call your utility company and ask for an energy audit or find a certified contractor who can give you a whole-home energy efficiency review. This will range from easy improvements like sealing windows and doors all the way to installing new insulation, siding or ENERGY STAR high-efficiency appliances and products. You could save thousands in utility costs over time.

7. Utility Savings

Lowering the thermostat on your water heater by 10°F can save you between 3-5 percent in energy costs. And installing an on-demand or tankless water heater can deliver up to 30 percent savings compared with a standard storage tank water heater.

8. Pack Your Lunch

An obvious money-saving tip is finding everyday savings. If buying lunch at work costs $7, but bringing lunch from home costs only $2, then over the course of a year, you can create a $1250 emergency fund or make a significant contribution to a college plan or retirement fund.

9. Create an Interest-Bearing Account

For most of us, keeping your savings separate from your checking account helps reduce the tendency to borrow from savings from time to time. If your goals are more long-term, consider products with higher yield rates like a Regions CD or Regions Money Market account for even better savings.

10. Annualize Your Spending

Do you pay $20 a week for snacks at the vending machine at your office? That’s $1,000 you’re removing from your budget for soda and snacks each year. Suddenly, that habit adds up to a substantial sum.

How can I Save Money Monthly?

People often think that saving more each month or implementing a budget means making significant changes. But the opposite is often true. Making a few relatively minor changes can have a considerable impact on your financial position, improve your well-being and open up a whole range of new opportunities.  

Here are our top tips for trimming your expenses, boosting your savings and getting the most from your money. 

Tracking expenses  

First things first, when it comes to knowing how to save money, you need to have an accurate picture of your finances. Then, it’s time to set up a spreadsheet and start listing all your regular expenditures.

Start with regular bills, rent or mortgage payments and then add any debts and your spending on food and other essentials. This is your baseline and is how much you need to have in your account each month.  

The remaining money is, in theory, your disposable income. You can choose to break down your spending into categories like travel, hobbies and socializing if you want to get an even clearer picture of your spending habits. Or you can transfer it all to a separate account to make sure you don’t overspend. Either way, knowing exactly how much spending money you have each month is crucial to see how much it is feasible for you to save.  

Trimming spending 

Once you can see exactly where your money is going, you can start finding ways to cut your spending. Again, there are lots of potential options here, including:  

  • Canceling unused or unnecessary direct debits or subscriptions like gym memberships – lots of them renew automatically without your input 
  • Reducing your purchases on luxuries (such as committing to making your morning coffee at home instead of getting a takeaway)  
  • Deciding to only eat out or get a takeaway once a month  

These and other small tweaks can instantly result in saving a good chunk of additional money each month.  

Identifying goals  

The best plans don’t try to do it all. Instead, they focus on a couple of clear and achievable goals. We would recommend having one short-term and one long-term goal at a time.  

Your short-term financial goal may be something like:  

  • Setting up an emergency fund (usually classed as enough to cover all of your essential expenses for a few months) 
  • A holiday  
  • Something related to a hobby like a new bike or games console  

For longer-term goals, people mainly focus on saving for their first house and retirement, but things like establishing a fund for your child’s education also qualify.  

With the ball well and truly rolling, you may already be seeing some early success. But don’t be tempted to stop here. There are lots more ways to help you save money each month.  

Reduce your bills  

Most of us don’t like dealing with bills. This is why many of us end up paying more than we need to. Luckily price comparison websites make the process of swapping energy, insurance or wifi suppliers much simpler than it used to be. You will likely find introductory offers for new customers that will let you save some extra cash each month. 

Use tax credits and allowances 

You may be entitled to tax reliefs or benefits that you are not using. There are many obscure tax reliefs available out there, including the marriage allowance, tax-free childcare, rent-a-room relief and many others. You may be able to reduce your annual income tax bill and save yourself a good chunk of change.  

On the savings side, your personal savings allowance can help reduce your interest payments. It is currently £1,000 for basic-rate taxpayers and £500 for those at the higher rate. 

Consolidate your debts  

If you have a few different pools of debt, combining them all may make your life easier and help you pay less in interest. There are two main ways to do this. Firstly, you can take out a new loan and use it to pay off your existing debts. You will now only have one payment (and interest) to worry about.  

Alternatively, you can look at 0% transfer credit deals. This means that you won’t be charged any interest on transferred debts for a set period. This can be a great way to start hammering away at any debts you are trying to get rid of.  

Change your shopping habits  

There are lots of small changes you can make to save a bit more cash at the till including:  

  • Don’t overlook supermarket’s own brands  
  • Utilize rewards cards to earn while you spend  
  • Explore buying staples like rice in bulk  

Cook more  

This is an extension of the point above. Starting to make more of your meals from scratch can not only have a positive impact on your health but can reduce your monthly food spending by quite a lot. The mark-up on pre-made sauces and ready meals is relatively high. You can make a large amount of great, fresh tomato sauce for the equivalent of a couple of pence per serving. 

Get smart about eating out 

Having a budget and savings goals doesn’t mean an end to treating yourself to a nice meal now and then. But there are some ways you can be a bit savvier about it:  

  • it is often cheaper to order directly from the restaurant rather than through an app or delivery service  
  • there are lots of sites that offer vouchers from some of the most popular restaurants  
  • make sure to ask for tap water (it’s free) instead of bottled water  
  • some chain restaurants offer clubs where you can get access to deals – if you have an absolute fave, this can be a real game-changer 
  • bringing your own alcohol (if allowed, of course) can slash your final bill  

Reduce your car use  

Cars are expensive to run and maintain, so it makes sense to try and limit your car use. Cycle-to-work schemes are a great way to get yourself a decent bike without having to shell out hundreds of pounds upfront. And you could gain some great mental and physical benefits by peddling more, too.  

Become a bit more efficient  

Heating and electricity are essential expenses, but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with large bills. There is a range of ways you can boost your energy efficiency and potentially lower your costs:  

  • turn down your heating and wear a jumper inside during the colder months  
  • invest in some insulation â€“ up to a third of your house’s heat could be seeping through your roof otherwise 
  • install a smart meter and start monitoring your energy use  
  • use draught excluder strips or foam rollers to deal with any gaps around windows, doors or pipework  

Make monthly saving automatic  

Once you know how much you will save each money, it’s time to lock it in and take it out of your hands. Set up an automatic transfer from your current account to your saving account every month so that it happens without you needing to do anything. Then you just get on with your life in the knowledge that your savings are growing month by month.  

Saving money doesn’t have to mean giving up everything you enjoy doing. These monthly money-saving tips can help you make big changes to your financial situation. If you want to go even further, Unbiased can match you to an adviser who can help you make your financial dreams a reality. 

How can I Invest Money to Make Money Fast?

If you’re making a short-term investment, you’re often doing so because you need to have the money at a certain time. If you’re saving for a down payment on a house or a wedding, for example, the money must be at the ready. Short-term investments are those you make for less than three years.

If you have a longer time horizon – at least three to five years (and even longer is better) – you can look at investments such as stocks. Stocks offer the potential for much higher returns. The stock market has historically risen an average of 10 percent annually over long periods – but it has proven to be quite volatile. So the longer time horizon gives you the ability to ride out the ups and downs of the stock market.

Here are a few of the best short-term investments to consider that still offer you some return.

1. High-yield savings accounts

A high-yield savings account at a bank or credit union is a good alternative to holding cash in a checking account, which typically pays very little interest on your deposit. The bank will pay interest in a savings account on a regular basis.

Savers would do well to comparison-shop high-yield savings accounts because it’s easy to find which banks offer the highest interest rates and they are easy to set up.

Risk: Savings accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at banks and by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) at credit unions, so you won’t lose money. There’s not really a risk to these accounts in the short term, though investors who hold their money over longer periods may have trouble keeping up with inflation.

Liquidity: Savings accounts are highly liquid, and you can add money to the account. Savings accounts typically only allow for up to six fee-free withdrawals or transfers per statement cycle, however. (The Federal Reserve now allows banks to waive this requirement.) Of course, you’ll want to watch out for banks that charge fees for maintaining the account or accessing ATMs, so you can minimize those.

2. Short-term corporate bond funds

Corporate bonds are bonds issued by major corporations to fund their investments. They are typically considered safe and pay interest at regular intervals, perhaps quarterly or twice a year.

Bond funds are collections of these corporate bonds from many different companies, usually across many industries and company sizes. This diversification means that a poorly-performing bond won’t hurt the overall return very much. The bond fund will pay interest on a regular basis, typically monthly.

Risk: A short-term corporate bond fund is not insured by the government, so it can lose money. However, bonds tend to be quite safe, especially if you’re buying a broadly diversified collection of them. In addition, a short-term fund provides the least amount of risk exposure to changing interest rates, so rising or falling rates won’t affect the price of the fund too much.

Liquidity: A short-term corporate bond fund is highly liquid, and it can be bought and sold on any day that the financial markets are open.

3. Money market accounts

Money market accounts are another kind of bank deposit, and they usually pay a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts, though they typically require a higher minimum investment, too.

Risk: Be sure to find a money market account that is FDIC-insured so that your account will be protected from losing money, with coverage up to $250,000 per depositor, per bank.

Like a savings account, the major risk for money market accounts occurs over time, because their low interest rates usually make it difficult for investors to keep up with inflation. In the short term, however, that’s not a significant concern.

Liquidity: Money market accounts are highly liquid, though federal laws do impose some restrictions on withdrawals.

4. Cash management accounts

A cash management account allows you to put money in a variety of short-term investments, and it acts much like an omnibus account. You can often invest, write checks off the account, transfer money and do other typical bank-like activities. Cash management accounts are typically offered by robo-advisors and online stock brokers.

So the cash management account gives you a lot of flexibility.

Risk: Cash management accounts are often invested in safe low-yield money market funds, so there’s not a lot of risk. In the case of some robo-advisor accounts, these institutions deposit your money into FDIC-protected partner banks, so you might want to make sure that you don’t exceed FDIC deposit coverage if you already do business with one of the partner banks.

Liquidity: Cash management accounts are extremely liquid, and money can be withdrawn at any time. In this respect, they may be even better than traditional savings and money market accounts, which limit monthly withdrawals.

5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds

Government bonds are like corporate bonds except that they’re issued by the U.S. federal government and its agencies. Government bond funds purchase investments such as T-bills, T-bonds, T-notes and mortgage-backed securities from federal agencies such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). These bonds are considered low-risk.

Risk: While bonds issued by the federal government and its agencies are not backed by the FDIC, the bonds are the government’s promises to repay the money. Because they’re backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, these bonds are considered very safe.

In addition, a fund of short-term bonds means an investor takes on a low amount of interest rate risk. So rising or falling rates won’t affect the price of the fund’s bonds very much.

Liquidity: Government bonds are among the most widely traded assets on the exchanges, so government bond funds are highly liquid. They can be bought and sold on any day that the stock market is open.

How can I Earn Money Daily?

Today, a lot of people are looking for how to make money online. But, unfortunately, it is not easy to find legitimate ways to earn money online, as the internet has many fake agencies, scams, and frauds.

However, if you are careful and research the sites you sign up with, you can actually find a number of ways that you can earn money online, and for many, there is no investment involved.

1. Work as an Insurance POSP

A good way to earn money online is by becoming a POSP (Point of Salesperson). This is a kind of insurance agent who works with insurance companies and sells insurance policies. All you need for the job is a smartphone and a good internet connection, and it can be done online from home.

To qualify as an insurance POSP, you need to be over 18 years old, and graduate Class 10, then you must complete a 15-hour compulsory training offered by the IRDAI. Your income will be on a commission basis, and the more policies you sell, the more you can earn.

2. Look for Freelancing Work

Another popular way to earn money online is through freelance work. Those who are good at programming, editing, writing, designing, and more can look at portals like Upwork, PeoplePerHour, Kool Kanya, Fiverr, or Truelancer to find work with businesses that look for freelancers. You just need to register on one or more of these portals (usually for a small fee), and based on the work you offer, you can gradually work your way towards high-paying gigs as a freelancer.

3. Try Content Writing Jobs

If you’re good at writing, you can even look to make money online through content writing. Lots of companies these days outsource their content work. You can register yourself on websites that offer this online work, such as Internshala, Freelancer, Upwork, and Guru.

There, you can set your preferences as a writer and then start to get paid work from companies to write about things like brands, food, travel, and other topics, or even just correcting existing articles.

4. Start Blogging

If you enjoy writing, but you don’t want to work as a content writer for others, you can also start your own blog. Blogging sites like WordPress, Medium, Weebly, or Blogger, offers both free and paid services. Once you know your areas of interest, like book reviews, food recipes, travel, arts and crafts, etc., you can start writing about it.

Once your site begins to get some visitors, you can earn money through ads. Depending on the traffic to your site and your readership, you can earn up to ₹2,000-15,000 a month for your ad space.

5. Sell Your Digital Products

On your blog or website, you can even sell digital products of things you have covered, like recipes, or instructions for crafts. This includes audio or video courses, e-books, design templates, plug-ins, PDFs, printables, or UX kits.

You can also distribute and sell these kinds of downloadable or streamable media through sites such as Amazon, Udemy, SkillShare, or Coursera. Since you only need to make your product one time, and you can sell it as many times as you want, you can have high-profit margins for a well-made and unique product.

6. Look For Translation Jobs Online

If you are someone who knows multiple languages, you can also earn money online as a translator. In this global age, there is quite a demand for people to translate everything from documents to voice mails, papers, subtitles and much more. You can find such work with specialized translation agencies or through freelancing portals such as Freelance India, Upwork, or Truelancer.

Your income will be based on the number of languages you know, and while you can earn sufficient money through Indian languages alone, you can always earn more if you know a foreign language (like French, Russian, Spanish, or Japanese) and have a certificate for the same. Generally, you will be paid per word, and you can make from ₹1 to ₹4 per word based on the language.

7. Beta Test Apps and Websites Before They are Released

Since almost everyone has a smartphone or a computer these days, one of the easiest ways to earn money online is by testing out apps and websites. As companies and app developers don’t want users to get confused by their new products, they hire users to do what is called ‘Beta Testing’. Sites like BetaTesting, Tester Work, Test.io, or TryMyUI offer such jobs. 

You just need to test out these sites or apps and then report your user experience or identify any bugs before they go live to the public. Depending on the product that is being beta tested, and your experience with the process, you can earn from ₹1000 to ₹3000 each time.

8. Work as a Travel Agent

One underrated and easy job you can do online is to find work as a travel agent or a travel planner. While making travel bookings can be done online nowadays, it can be quite a hassle for those who are busy with work or unfamiliar with the internet. Thus, many people look for travel agents to help them through the process.

You can either work with sites like Upwork, AvantStay, or Hopper, or just work as a self-employed travel agent. In both cases, your earnings will depend upon your clients, as well as the company you work for.

9. Find Data Entry Jobs

Another option to make money from home is through data entry jobs. These kinds of jobs can be done online with just a computer, knowledge of Excel and other Microsoft tools. You just need to register on a trusted site like Axion Data Entry Services, Data Plus, Freelancer, or Guru.

Then you can start accepting data entry jobs from companies worldwide. They will send you an email or a link to the data source, and instructions about what to do. With these jobs, you can earn ₹300 to ₹1,500 per hour (be sure to check their legitimacy before transferring your details).

10. Opt for Online Tutoring

If you have a lot of knowledge about a given subject, or you are currently a college student, one good option to earn money online might be to offer online tutoring lessons. Students at every level are looking for lessons in everything from English, math, science, and history, and even help with competitive exams. And based on which subjects you teach, you can set an hourly rate based on your expertise and you can earn up to ₹200–500 per hour.  

You can choose to sign up with an online tutoring platform like Udemy, or Coursera, or you can also reach out and look for people in your social circles who need tutoring classes.

How can a Woman Make Money Fast?

There’s nothing a man can do that a woman can’t, however, due to the incredible relationship-building and multi-tasking skills we women have, there are some money-making strategies we’re probably more suited to.

Here are 10 ways a woman can start making money.

1. Freelancing

Undoubtedly one of the fastest routes to making extra money online is freelancing.

Simply sign up to one of the freelancing sites such as upwork.com, freelancer.com, or guru.com, and create a profile listing your skill sets.

Businesses (like mine), will regularly post jobs, looking for people with specific skills from blog writing, social media management, graphic design, administrative tasks, and all sorts.

Make a list of everything you’re good at and research the sites to see what businesses are looking for and bid for jobs accordingly.

One of the most popular freelance roles is that of a freelance writer. If you love to write then writer-specific sites such as writersaccess.com are also worth looking into.

Another super popular freelancing role is that of a virtual assistant. Let’s talk about that next.

2. Virtual Assistant

There are multiple freelance sites online dedicated to the role of virtual assistants including onlinejobs.ph specifically for Filipino virtual assistants, and Zirtual for US-based virtual assistants.

However, Upwork.com, Fiverr.com, and Freelancer.com are among the largest job sites for freelancers and you’ll find plenty of work that suits your skills on those sites.

As a virtual assistant expect to be covering a variety of tasks including posting social media content, answering emails, creating basic graphics in Canva, researching stats, laying out blog posts in WordPress, managing product listings in Shopify, and loads more.

Businesses are looking for versatile, committed virtual assistants who can help save time for the business owner. This role is particularly suited for women because of course we are masters at multiskilling with exceptional organizational abilities!

3. Social Media Manager

Another fantastic freelancing role is that of a social media manager. If posting on Instagram is your jam or editing clever videos for TikTok, you could soon pick up work managing someone else’s account.

Social media management is tricky as you’ll need to come up with creative ways to tell interesting stories around the business and likely spend a fair chunk of time nagging the business owner for content.

But it can be an extremely rewarding job, particularly if you’re spending your days coming up with awesome content ideas, engaging with other social media accounts, and watching that follower account increase!

To make money fast, sign up for upwork.com or fiverr.com today and start pitching for work, showcasing your own social media account as proof of how creative you are!

This next one is one of my faves for how to make money fast as a woman.

4. Retail Arbitrage

If you love to shop (and let’s face it, who doesn’t), retail arbitrage could be the business model for you.

Plus if you’re reading this post on a Friday you could start making sales this weekend!

The goal is to head down to a local garage sale, a thrift store, or a bargain depot and pick up great products at rock-bottom prices.

You could even search through the Facebook marketplace for quality products on sale in your area.

Create an account on Amazon as an Amazon seller and once you have a selection of products, take attractive photos and create your product listings on Amazon at a higher but competitive price.

Once someone purchases you send them the product and pocket the difference!

5. Digital Printables on Etsy

Another great way to make money fast as a woman is to sell digital printables on Etsy.

Simply head to Etsy and research a niche you’d love to be in. Weddings are big business on Etsy as are downloadable coloring books, printable wall art, printable stickers and labels, greeting cards, games & activities, planners and journals, and loads more!

Choose your niche and look at the best-selling items within that niche.

Head over to Canva to see if they have any pre-made templates you can use to quickly and easily create your own version of some of the best-selling products.

Create your Etsy store, add your downloadable digital printables, create keyword-rich listings, add super attractive images of your products and jump on social media to let the world know your products are live!

You may need to invest in some Etsy ads to help promote your products to get things rolling, but as you start to generate sales and reviews any new products you launch will likely take off much faster.

6. Social Media Influencer

Becoming a social media influencer could take more time than you have, but this is a fantastic way to generate a consistent income for a long time.

Plus if you focus on TikTok or YouTube shorts you could be making money in just a few weeks.

If you love to create content, have no issue with being in front of the video camera, and have a natural creative lean, becoming a social media influencer will probably suit you to a tee.

These days you don’t even have to get in front of the camera to make super engaging and popular videos.

TikTok and YouTube shorts are currently putting everything behind launching new creators and rewarding them for their views and engagement. TikTok celebrities have reported going viral within a few weeks and the more views you get, the more money you make!

Have a look at the kind of content that’s currently doing well on both platforms and start to test your own ideas. Be prepared to post consistently and often, to test as many strategies as possible and see what resonates.

How can I Make 1000 a Day?

You’re likely familiar with active income: you actively perform work and are compensated for your effort. Active income might get you a steady paycheck, but most people won’t make $1,000 a day from their jobs alone.

That’s where passive income can come in. This is income you earn with no effort or direct work. A common form of passive income is returns and dividends earned on investments. Adding in additional sources of passive income gives you the opportunity to grow your income without increasing the amount of time you spend working each week.

To get you started, here are some smart side hustle stacks we came up with.

1. The delivery courier stack

This side hustle starts with signing up to be a courier with UberEats. You can do so by downloading the UberEats app and signing up for the program. Once you sign up to be a delivery driver, you’ll consent to a background screening and upload pertinent documents to the app to get started. Once your delivery driver account has been activated, you can start receiving requests. Easy!

Now for the next level of this stack: the Fetch app. This app offers you rewards for submitting receipts, purchasing items from participating brands, and buying specific products. You can earn Fetch points when you upload shopping receipts and then redeem those points for all kinds of products, Mastercard or Visa gift cards, travel purchases, or charity donations.

The final level helps you take your earnings from UberEats and savings from the Fetch app — and use them to start generating passive income. Specifically, you can funnel your extra funds into the investment app Stash. With Stash, you can easily invest your money with few barriers or costs. Seamlessly build a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and ETFs with personalized financial guidance. You can start investing with just $1.

2. The paid surveys stack

This next income stack is centered on getting paid to share your opinion — then saving money freed up by these rewards.

The first step is to start completing online surveys through platforms like Survey Junkie and Inbox Dollars. Both of these websites offer compensation to participants who take surveys.

Survey Junkie offers a rewards program that provides participants with gift cards to major retailers like Amazon or Target, or with cash deposited to a PayPal account. Inbox Dollars provides cash for completing surveys as well as rewards for other actions such as watching videos or shopping online through Inbox Dollars offers.

You can then use your cash and cards earned through these programs for everyday expenses and purchases. As you do so, it can generate more wiggle room in your budget.

That’s where the second step of this stack comes in, with the savings app TrueBill. TrueBill is an all-in-one spending app that can help lower your monthly bills, including phone, internet, and cable bills. Truebill can monitor and cancel subscriptions you no longer use, request refunds on your behalf, and help you manage a budget. Truebill saves users an average of $720 per year!

3. The grocery savings stack

Next is a three-step stack that starts with earning some extra cash by delivering groceries for Instacart. This grocery delivery service works with shoppers to get groceries selected, purchased, and delivered to customers. That means, you can shop and deliver orders — and earn extra money while doing it, which often includes a tip from the customer.

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You’ll pay for orders with an Instacart credit card, but you’ll get the grocery store receipts. And you can get something out of those with Fetch Rewards. Upload an image of a receipt to Fetch, and it scans the receipt and rewards you with points. You can then redeem rewards for gift cards to a wide range of retailers.

The final step in this stack is to take the money you’re earning with Instacart or saving with your Fetch rewards and invest with Stash. This app provides banking, saving, and investing options all in one place. Specifically, Stash offers a personal investment account through which you can buy stocks, bonds, and funds (ETFs). You can invest with as little as $5 and the beginner account costs just $1 per month.


These are just some tips for saving money. There are still others things that you can do to reduce your expenses and have more money to spend on important areas of your life. If you really want to save money, it has to become a priority for you.

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