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Cross-platform gaming is becoming more and more popular, with the majority of American players already adopting this trend. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), about 63% of American gamers play games on several platforms, and 50% of those players have played a game on multiple platforms simultaneously. Furthermore, according to a survey of gamers, 59% of them indicated they hope to see more cross-platform games in the future.

We will take a look at the significance of releasing your game cross-platform, whether it is the right move for your live game, and the benefits it brings to players.

Cross-platform play has grown increasingly significant, altering the way gamers engage with their favorite games. Cross-platform play, which can be defined as the seamless ability for players to compete and play with one another across several platforms, has spurred a new era of accessibility and community within the gaming industry. As long as the game you’re playing allows cross-platform play, you and your friends can still play together whether you’re on an Xbox, PlayStation, or PC.

But it’s not only about having fun together—it’s also about growing as a team. Players may now transfer their in-game achievements, awards, and advancement between platforms thanks to cross-platform progression, which creates a genuinely cohesive gaming experience.

What are the Benefits of Cross-platform Gaming?

The ability to play the same game on multiple platforms, including consoles, PCs, mobile devices, and tablets, as well as the option to play with or against other players who use different platforms, is known as cross-platform gaming. This feature has grown in popularity and accessibility over the past few years due to the development of online services, game engines, and cloud gaming. But what are the main benefits of cross-platform gaming for developers and players?

Here are some of the main benefits of this trend.

More players and friends

One of the most obvious advantages of cross-platform gaming is that it increases the number of possible players and friends you can make. You can invite friends with different tastes or budgets to play with you without pressuring them to purchase a particular platform or game. You can participate in online matches or cooperative sessions with people who use different devices, all without having to worry about compatibility or availability issues.

More flexibility and convenience

Cross-platform gaming also offers you greater convenience and freedom in terms of where, when, and how you can play. You can continue to play the same game and make progress even if you switch between other devices based on your preferences, circumstances, or mood. It’s also possible to access your account and game library from any device without needing to purchase additional copies or subscriptions. This can lessen the headache of juggling several accounts and devices and save you money, time, and space.

More innovation and quality

A third benefit of cross-platform gaming is that it can stimulate more innovation and quality in the gaming industry. Developers can reach a wider and more diverse audience by making their games cross-platform compatible, which can increase their revenue and reputation. They can also leverage the strengths and features of different platforms, such as graphics, controls, or performance, to create more immersive and engaging games. Moreover, they can use cross-platform tools and frameworks, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, or PlayFab, to simplify and streamline their development process and reduce costs and errors.

More options and opportunities

A fourth advantage of cross-platform gaming is that it can offer more options and opportunities for gamers and developers. Gamers can explore and discover new games and genres that they might not have tried before, because they are available on their preferred platform or device. They can also enjoy more exclusive and original games that are designed for cross-platform play, such as Fortnite, Minecraft, or Among Us. Developers can also experiment and innovate with new game concepts and mechanics that are suitable for cross-platform play, such as cloud gaming, augmented reality, or virtual reality.

More challenges and fun

The fact that cross-platform gaming can offer greater challenges and enjoyment to both creators and players is a fifth advantage. Gamers can test their strategies and talents against other players who use various gadgets and platforms, which can make games more exciting and varied. Their gaming knowledge and culture can be enhanced by interacting with and learning from gamers who have diverse viewpoints and experiences. By making games that are appealing and adaptable to various platforms and devices, developers may also put themselves and their rivals to the test, which can enhance their originality and quality.

More awareness and education

Sixth, cross-platform gaming can increase public awareness and education about the gaming industry and culture. Players can learn to value and respect the distinctions and similarities between various platforms and devices, as well as the history and development of gaming technology and design. Players can also share and exchange feedback and opinions with other players and developers, which can improve their critical thinking and communication skills. Developers can also inform and educate players and the general public about the opportunities and challenges of cross-platform gaming, as well as the issues and trends in the gaming industry and culture.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Platform Play in Live Game Development

Cross-platform gameplay is becoming more and more important, completely changing how gamers interact with their favorite titles. Cross-platform play, which can be defined as the seamless ability for players to compete and play with one another across several platforms, has spurred a new era of accessibility and community within the gaming industry. As long as the game you’re playing allows cross-platform play, you and your friends can still play together whether you’re on an Xbox, PlayStation, or PC.

Read Also: How to Overcome Frustration and Stay Motivated in Games

But it’s not only about having fun together—it’s also about growing as a team. Players may now transfer their in-game achievements, awards, and advancement between platforms thanks to cross-platform progression, which creates a genuinely cohesive gaming experience.


Cross-platform play in live game development offers a multitude of advantages. Below are some of the upsides to offering cross-platform play.

  • Improved Accessibility

Friends want to play with each other. Cross-platform play greatly improves accessibility by allowing players to connect and play with friends and fellow gamers regardless of the platform they choose. This enables a more seamless and integrated social experience, where players can engage in cooperative or competitive gameplay regardless of the devices they own. The shared experience across platforms promotes stronger social bonds and fosters player-driven experiences, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie within the gaming community.

  • Larger Player Base

One of the primary advantages of cross-platform play is the ability to bring together players from different platforms, thereby significantly expanding the player pool. Developers can foster a more inclusive and vibrant gaming community by breaking down the barriers between platforms. Additionally, the expanded player base increases the pool of potential opponents, reducing matchmaking wait times and improving overall player retention. This enhances social interactions and ensures that players can easily find matches and engage with a larger pool of opponents and allies, ultimately enriching their gaming experience. 

Cross-platform gaming results in more diverse communities by bringing in players from different platforms. This diversity enhances matchmaking algorithms, ensuring that players are matched with opponents of similar skill levels, resulting in more balanced and engaging gameplay experiences. 

  • Increased Longevity

Cross-platform play can significantly contribute to the longevity of a live game by fostering competitive environments and esports scenes. Developers can create unified and robust competitive ecosystems by enabling players from different platforms to compete against each other. This not only extends the lifespan of the game but also attracts a wider audience and enhances the competitive experience for both players and spectators. The inclusivity provided by cross-platform play has the potential to elevate the game’s esports presence and solidify its position in the competitive gaming landscape.

  • Increased Revenue

Cross-platform play opens up new avenues for revenue generation. With a larger player base and more diverse communities, developers can tap into various monetization strategies, such as in-game cosmetics, expansions, or season passes. Additionally, cross-platform play can attract a wider audience, increasing the game’s potential for in-game purchases and microtransactions. The increased revenue potential makes cross-platform play an attractive feature for developers seeking to maximize their game’s financial success.

  • Builds a Sustainable and Inclusive Community

Cross-platform play plays a vital role in fostering a sustainable and inclusive gaming community. Developers can create a diverse and inclusive player base by enabling players from different platforms to connect and play together. This inclusivity promotes social interactions and cooperative gameplay across platforms, breaking down barriers and facilitating a sense of unity among players. Moreover, cross-platform play opens doors for player-driven content creation and sharing, empowering the community to contribute and collaborate across platforms. By leveraging the power of cross-platform play, developers can cultivate a sustainable and inclusive gaming community that thrives on diversity, collaboration, and a shared passion for the game.


Though cross-platform play offers several advantages, it also poses potential challenges that should be addressed. 

  • Technical Limitations

One of the primary challenges in cross-platform play lies in ensuring compatibility and optimizing the game’s performance across different platforms. Each platform may have its own hardware specifications, operating systems, and networking capabilities, which can pose technical hurdles for developers. Ensuring a seamless and consistent gameplay experience across platforms requires additional effort and resources to overcome these technical limitations.

  • Navigating Various Platforms Requirements

Implementing cross-platform play comes with the challenge of navigating the diverse requirements imposed by different platforms, leading to increased complexity, operational considerations, and development costs. Adapting the game to multiple platforms requires additional resources and specialized knowledge, with platform-specific optimizations often necessary.

The certification process for publishing games on different platforms can be time-consuming, and ensuring a seamless user interface across platforms is crucial to avoiding user frustration and customer service tickets. Despite these challenges, developers who successfully address platform requirements can provide a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for players across various platforms.

  • Unbalanced Playing Field

Cross-platform play often involves players using different input methods, such as keyboard and mouse, controllers, or touchscreens. These variations in input methods can lead to imbalances in gameplay and create challenges for achieving fair competition. For example, many may argue that aiming with a mouse is significantly easier than aiming with a controller. Developers must carefully consider these differences and implement appropriate control schemes and balancing mechanisms to maintain an equitable experience for all players, regardless of their chosen platform.

  • Security and Cheating Concerns

On the topic of unfairness, the open nature of cross-platform play introduces security vulnerabilities and cheating concerns. With multiple platforms involved, developers must ensure robust security measures to protect player data, prevent hacking, and detect cheating behaviors. Maintaining a fair and secure gameplay environment across platforms requires continuous monitoring, updates, and cooperation with platform holders to mitigate these risks effectively.

  • Community Fragmentation

While cross-platform play offers the advantage of expanding the player base, it can also lead to community fragmentation. Players may prefer to interact primarily with others on their own platform, creating distinct communities that might not fully interact with players on other platforms. This fragmentation can impact matchmaking times, community events, and the overall sense of a unified gaming community, requiring additional efforts to bridge these gaps and encourage cross-platform interaction.

  • Difficulties Ensuring Seamless Login Experience

One of the key challenges of implementing cross-platform play is ensuring a seamless login experience with a cross-platform user identifier. Typically, users are required to log in using specific platform credentials, such as PSN, Xbox Live, or Apple accounts. However, without a robust cross-platform user identifier or account linking solution, maintaining consistent account information and progression across different platforms becomes exceedingly difficult.

It is crucial to establish a system that allows users to seamlessly access their accounts and retain their progress, regardless of the platform they choose to play on. This challenge demands careful consideration and implementation to provide a smooth and unified experience for players engaging in cross-platform gameplay.


Although there are certain difficulties in balancing gameplay across platforms that use different inputs, including controllers, keyboards, mice, or touch, industry trends indicate that these difficulties are greatly outweighed by the benefits of common gameplay and player base unification.

It is highly likely that more and more players will choose Cross-Platform gaming over dedicated game consoles, making the former obsolete, much like compact digital cameras were superseded by smartphones, unless bespoke consoles offer some notable gameplay benefits that online gaming cannot possibly match.

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