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Brands refer to a distinct identity of a company in the market and the minds of consumers. It’s one of the central aims all businesses strive for, and represents a key step in the ladder of business success, get brand consulting at Refer Reach

What advantages does branding offer? Branded products are more memorable, build trust and loyalty, and help consumers make decisions. These advantages contribute to the success of your brand. For example, advantages of branding are it creates more memorable company information, build trust and loyalty, help consumers make decisions and contributes to the success of your brand.

But why is branding so important? Becoming a well-known brand is such a sought-after achievement because studies have demonstrated that consumers prefer brands. They are more likely to purchase products from brands they are aware of, and more probable to purchase new products launched by known brands. Basically, branding boosts sales. To employ professional help, simply run a search: branding agency ahmedabad (replace with your city’s name).

As would be obvious, building a brand and a brand identity is not an overnight task. It’s building identification and connect: something your customers identify with and associate your company to. As such, there are some key elements of branding design that each company needs to know about, if they want to build their brand. They are: –

1.Logo: Logos had to be on the top of the branding design list. They are the first thing that come to people’s minds when anyone mentions brands, brand identity, or building a brand design, and that fact itself testifies their importance. Logos are the face of your brand. They are the image that will pop up in your consumer’s brain when your company, or anything related to it, is mentioned. As if that isn’t important enough, logos are also how your company will be represented everywhere else: vehicles, pamphlets, banners, billboards, screens, websites, platforms, business cards, merchandise, etc.

Rules for logos: keep them simple, clean, easy to remember and recognise. Make sure they represent what your company stands for.

2.Fonts and Typography: Words are powerful. But the fonts you choose to write them are equally, or perhaps more, powerful. The fonts you select for the text displayed in your logo, on your website, on promotional prints and everywhere else represent your brand personality and identity. You don’t want to choose a standard font and come across as bland and plain. Choose the font correctly. Don’t go for what you like, but rather, what works with the kind of business you run. Curvy, loopy and bubbly fonts are perfect for some companies (like a children’s brand or a gift company) while bold, clear, and compact fonts are the ideal choice for others (a legal or financial firm or consulting agency, for example). Keep all these factors in mind when electing your font, or a family of similar fonts.

3.Colours and Shapes: Colours and shapes are as important as fonts. Like fonts, colours and shapes too represent your brand and symbolise different things.

It’s generally advisable to stick to a colour palette of a few colours that represent your company well and are easy on the eye when used together. Trying to incorporate too many colours can lead to an over-colourful image that hurts the eyes and turns off the customer.

Choose your colour palette with care. Different colours have different meaning and effects on the psyche. Different shapes too represent different things, and these factors need to be accounted for. For example, triangles represent power, while circles symbolise harmony and completeness. You can also use a combination of several shapes.

4.Voice, Vocabulary and Words: Remember when we said words were powerful? Well, they are so powerful they deserve a separate point. We don’t think of words and different sensations they evoke in everyday conversation, but the effect is always there. You need to be careful in your choice of the vocabulary you employ everywhere, from taglines to your website to billboards to promotional pamphlets. Psychological experiments have shown that even if two words have the same meaning, they can be associated differently in the brain. Be mindful of the voice and tone of your brand. It could be humorous, light, serious, mysterious, on-point, anything. It should resonate with your company and its motto. Additionally, you could distinguish yourself by playing with vocabulary.

5.Imagery: Imagery is distinct from your logo and shapes. Imagery includes all the images and graphics you use anywhere and everywhere in connection with your brand. It also includes the style of these images, as well as the overall aesthetic they combine to represent. Images and patterns that you employ need to be in tandem. They obviously have to be different, but there should be a general similarity running through them, to allow customers to note it (consciously or sub-consciously) and associate it with your brand. Remember, the purpose of branding is to stand apart from others while developing associations with your own company. Different images and patterns convey different things. Your choice will be influenced by the same factors that drive your font or shape selection: how you want your brand to be represented in people’s minds. If you’re having trouble with this, or any other aspect of branding, try hiring a best branding agency in Ahmedabad. Just search: branding agency ahmedabad (replace with your city’s name).

6.Position in the Market: Where does your brand stand in the market? What position does it occupy, when compared to other companies in the industry? The answer to these questions has a direct effect on your branding design and strategy.

Think of it like this: if your company provides products at a lower price, your branding will be different and more aligned to attracting the poorer segments of the population. Vibrant, bright branding with a simple voice works in this scenario. Your position is also influenced by the other brands in the market. The brands that you partner with will play a role in determining how you are perceived by the world.

7.Brand Personality: Your brand design will determine your brand personality, and be determined by it. The most important thing to figure out is how you want your brand to be seen. This will impact the kind of design you opt for, the fonts, shapes, logo, images, colour choice, vocabulary. Having a clear idea of your brand personality helps you choose appropriate brand design elements. On the other hand, you can choose elements that seem the most appropriate, form an aggregate of those, and use the information to conceptualise your brand personality.

8.Tagline: Tagline is the verbal counterpart of the logo. Ideally, taglines should be short, snappy, and easy to remember. They should capture the essence of your brand while also being attractive. Incorporating humour is a good idea, but not necessary, and definitely not advisable if it seems forced. Generally, your tagline should have a tone that resonates with the other text associated with your company, to provide continuity and help customers remember you. Brand designing is a long process that includes several elements. For professional aid, run a web search: branding agency ahmedabad (replace with your city’s name). Working on each is crucial to develop a brand that will occupy a place in the market as well in customer’s minds.

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