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Today, the internet present a lot of ways to make cash whether online or physical. However, most of these methods are not tested and a lot of scams are released online.

So are there tested and tried strategies to make money? The answer is yes, however, a lot of person wants to get rich quickly so they fall into the wrong hands.

Most of the strategies we are going to discus in this article will not make you Rich Instantly, but you will make cash consistently and eventually make a lot of money if you put in the needed effort.

The strategies also offer an opportunity to make cash whether from the comfort of your home or anywhere else. So without wasting much time, let’s get into it.

  • Top 10 Tried and Tested Strategies to Start Making Cash
  • What Business can a Teenager Start?

Top 10 Tried and Tested Strategies to Start Making Cash

1. Test and review products

Brands and businesses are always in need of people to test and review their products and provide feedback before they launch to the public. Electronics, toys, food, and beauty companies are among the many that require frequent product testing.

Read Also: 30 Legit Ways to Make Money With Your Phone

Most sites will allow you to keep the product for free and in some cases will pay you for your feedback. In some cases, you can sell on tested products for a profit, depending on the company’s terms and conditions.

To get started reviewing products, you can sign up to market research sites such as ProductTestingUK. You’ll need to fill out a questionnaire to determine which target markets fit your demographic. You can also get paid to test digital products, known as usability testing.

Here you’ll have to check online products such as websites and apps and may have to record yourself using the products. You can find digital product testing opportunities on sites such as UserTesting, Webusability and TestingTime.

2. Complete paid online surveys

Businesses are continually looking to get an insight into the opinions and demographics of their customers so that they can hone their products, services and marketing campaigns. For this purpose, many companies are using online surveys as a market research method to gather public opinion.

Businesses often work with third-party market research platforms to publish their surveys and attract participants. To start earning money for your opinion, sign up to Swagbucks, Onepoll, Lifepoints and Toluna.

Swagbucks is one of the largest survey sites in the world and has paid out over £400 million to survey completers.

Before you use a website, check out its reviews online. Once you have found a survey site you like, it’s quick to sign up and get going. Payment varies – some offer cash, while others pay with vouchers or rewards.

Websites usually have a cap on the amount of paid surveys you can complete per month, so sign up to as many sites as possible to maximise your earnings.

3. Buy and sell cryptocurrency

Trading in cryptocurrency involves buying digital currency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin for a specific price and selling it for a profit through platforms such as Coinbase exchange.

Cryptocurrency is decentralised, meaning its exchanged directly from seller to buyer without the bank as the intermediary. In theory, crypto is therefore immune to government interference.

At the end of 2017, bitcoin reached its highest value ever, with a price of £17,000. If you’d invested in one bitcoin in 2015, it would have cost you only £215, showing just how lucrative crypto trade can be.

A foolproof understanding of your chosen currency is crucial to be successful in buying and selling crypto. You need to know the value and potential growth of each and observe market trends.

Study past trends and read up on the history of the market – markets react in the same way in similar economic circumstances. Studying recent trends can help you predict future peaks and dips in market value in similar economic conditions.

Choose your cryptocurrency carefully. The four most popular currencies are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple. These tend to be the most secure, having been around for a while. To trade, you can use online platforms such as Kraken, Etoro and Bitcoin UK.

Trading online is never without risk. Many experienced traders took on large amounts of debt to invest in Bitcoin, and when the price fell dramatically, these traders were left with enormous debt. The essential takeaway here is never invest more than you have or can afford to risk.

4. Create and sell stock photos

Are you a passionate photographer? Selling stock photos is a fantastic way to turn your hobby into a profit. Individuals and companies purchase stock photography to save time and money in place of arranging a photo shoot.

Writers of blogs, news stories and website owners also need stock imagery to use on their pages. Companies will usually purchase a subscription to a stock agency, where they have the rights to use any stock image on the site for the duration of their subscription.

You can upload your images to websites such as Shutterstock, PayLoadz and Adobe Stock. Selling stock photos is an excellent way to earn a passive income, but it is difficult to turn into a full salary.

Stock imagery is a saturated market: there are over 225 million images on Shutterstock alone (your also in competition with free stock photo websites). Once uploaded, you’ll tend to earn £0.15 – £0.30 per month, per image.

A profitable market to enter is aerial photography. Well-known landmarks and popular tourist destinations such as the Eiffel Tower, London Eye or the Brandenburg Gate tend to achieve the highest sales.

5. Start an eCommerce store

Creating an online shop, known as an eCommerce store, is a lucrative way to make money online. An online shop is far more profitable than its brick-and-mortar counterpart as it eliminates the need for expenditure on rent and property insurance.

ECommerce stores also offer scope for massive growth as you can target customers from anywhere in the world.

Keep up to date with popular product trends: intercepting the market just before products go viral can earn you thousands. Sellers who picked up on the fidget spinner trend, for example, saw 10 to 20 times their initial investment.

You can easily set up an eCommerce store on platforms such as Shopify. Generating significant income requires effective marketing: create a strong brand and advertise your store through social media and Facebook ads to increase traffic to your website.

6. Start trading online

Trading online can be a lucrative money-maker: online trading involves buying and selling stocks, shares and currency, typically through an online broker, to make a profit.

In recent years there has been a boom in the number of people trading online. The FOREX market alone, a market which trades different currencies, sees a daily trading volume of 3.9 trillion pounds.

The best advice for any wannabe trader is research, research, research. Scrupulously studying the market is critical to becoming a successful online trader. You’ll need to be hot on the different types of trading and be aware of market trends.

Once you’re clued up on the market, you then need to decide on the kind of trading you want to engage in: cryptocurrency, for example, has proved a popular medium in recent years.

Next, decide on a broker to use for buying and selling. Popular platforms include Etoro, Plus500 and IG. Many trading platforms provide trading simulators for new traders to practice on; take advantage of the option to trade with no money in play before entering live trades.

The trick is to start investing small amounts and scale up as you gain experience. Remember, always keep your trades to low percentages of your overall available capital. That way, one bad deal won’t clear you out. 

7. Test apps for cash

App testing is a fun and easy way to make money online. As an app tester, you’ll download a new app before it’s launched to the public to give feedback on its usability, functionality and consistency. Your feedback will go towards improving the overall performance of an app before it goes live.

Over 194 billion mobile apps were downloaded in 2018 alone. It’s therefore no surprise that app testers are in high demand. To become an app tester, you will need a smartphone or tablet.

Sign up to a third-party platform such as Ubertesters. Here, you’ll need to fill out a short form giving information on yourself and your technical skills.

For higher-paid testing opportunities, consider taking some online training on general programming and app development. Once the site has certified your account, you’ll receive requests to start testing apps.

The average payment for individual app testing is approximately £5 to £7. That said, some platforms pay up to £75 depending on the intensity of the test.

We recommend that you sign up to more than one testing platform to maximise your earnings, as this is a great way to generate some quick cash in your spare time.

8. Work as a freelancer online

Do you have technical skills such as software development, web development, writing, data entry or graphic design? Almost any skill is marketable thanks to the internet. Offer your services online as a freelancer and start making money today.

Working as a freelancer has many perks, the most apparent being flexible hours. Working for yourself means you can work as and when you like. Platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr have made it quick and easy to get going.

What’s more, if you’re already proficient in your marketable skill, it’s likely you already own the necessary equipment to do the job – making it a venture you can start with next to no start-up costs.

Consider expanding your knowledge in your market by taking some online courses to boost your credibility, meaning you can charge more for your services and attract more clients.

Freelancing websites such as Bark and PeoplePerHour are a few of the many platforms available to market your services.

You’ll need to create a personal profile where you can detail your skills, education and experience as well as publish your portfolio. To maximise your exposure, consider putting yourself on more than one website.

Income for online freelancing varies massively depending on your skillset and payment structure. Most freelancers charge either per hour or per project. On average, online freelancers make anywhere from £7.50 to upwards of £750 per hour, depending on the service they’re offering.

9. Write and publish an eBook

72% of publishers now publish books digitally. Electronic books, or eBooks, are available on any electronic device, from tablets, phones and computers to specifically designed eBook readers, such as a Kindle.

eBooks have made publishing a book far more accessible. It’s an easy way to make a passive income: websites such as Amazon allow you to self-publish and sell eBooks for free.

If you enjoy writing or want to share a passion for a particular subject, you can write an eBook yourself and publish it online. Writing an entire book can be tricky. It’s easiest to stick to a topic you know – non-fiction tends to be a more accessible category than fiction.

Once you’ve written your text, choose appropriate formatting. It’s best to use a sans-serif text such as Verdana or Ariel in size 11 or 12 to enable easy reading.

Next, you’ll need a professional book cover. Despite the well-known saying, consumers really will judge the content by its cover, and a catchy design can go a long way in selling your eBook.

If you don’t have experience in graphic design, you can outsource this task to a designer on eBook launch, where covers cost £75 on average. Alternatively, you can find a designer on Fiverr, which tends to be a cheaper option.

Once you have a book and a cover, you will need to convert your text into an appropriate format. Different selling platforms require varying forms, so be sure to check the conditions for the site you choose.

The best places to sell an eBook are Blurb, Amazon Kindle and Payhip as they attract high traffic volume – perfect for a passive income.

10. Instagram influencer

One of the newest and most attractive careers born out of the internet is being a social media influencer. Being an Instagram influencer consists of sharing visual content on Instagram and building an engaged audience around a niche such as travel, fitness or lifestyle.

Instagram influencers reach a considerable audience and businesses are now capitalising on this by offering to pay influencers to endorse or market their products or services as a way to boost brand awareness amongst their target audience.

Fitness influencers, for example, are frequently approached by sportswear brands and businesses selling protein supplements as a way to reach their exact target audience.

Not only are influencers great for creating brand awareness and exposure, but the nature of being an “influencer” means that followers are usually fans on some level and are therefore likely to want to use and own the products endorsed by their stars.

Being an influencer seems like a very glamorous job, which is why so many people are trying to do it. The reality is that it takes consistent and relentless hard work to produce consistent, engaging and innovative content.

Even the best influencers take years to build a loyal following. To make money, you need to grow your Instagram following to about 10,000 or more.

Once you’re hitting enough traffic, you can begin reaching out to brands in your niche market and offer paid promotions, either through messaging directly on Instagram or sending emails to the marketing teams of relevant companies.

Income differs from promotion to promotion based on the size of your following and the size of the brand. That said, influencers tend to charge anywhere between £100 and £1000 to post a 24-hour story and even more for posting promotional content on their feeds.

What Business can a Teenager Start?

Being a teenager is not a good excuse to not start making money from your skills or from workable business ideas that are open to all and sundry irrespective of age differences.

As a result, there are loads of teens in the united states and in other parts of the world that have made their marks in the world of business and inventions.

There are loads of opportunities waiting for you to exploit and start making money. Here are 15 highly thriving and profitable business ideas that a teenager who is serious about making money from business should consider choosing from.

1. Open a Video Rental Shop

Video rental shop is another easy to setup business that a teenager who is looking towards starting a business should consider. This type of business will not in any way distract a teenager from studying his or her books; it is a kind of business that can easily be combined with schooling.

So, if you are looking to begin a business as a teenager, a business that you can comfortably operate from your compound, then you should consider opening a video rental shop.

You may also consider asking one or two other persons- preferably an adult who is already in the trade about how the business operates. This is so vital so that you will be able to learn the ropes from there.

2. Start a Mom and Pop Groceries Business in Your Neighborhood

Mom and pop Grocery Store is yet another easy to setup business that a teenager can successfully start in their neighborhood.

If you are looking for an ideal retailing business to start – a mom and pop style of business that requires low start – up capital to set – up, then you should consider opening a grocery store in an ideal location within your neighborhood. People visit grocery stores to re – stock their homes from time to time.

This type of business is simple to set up and it is indeed a profitable business. You might not make huge profits from this type of business, but you are sure of maintaining steady cash flow on a daily basis.

If you choose to start this type of business, ensure that you conduct market survey in order to know the types of products to stock your store with. This type of business is likely not going to take the bulk or your time; you will sure have time to study your books.

3. Start a Cleaning Company

You don’t necessarily need to start a big and well-structured cleaning company before you make money from the cleaning industry. As a teenager who is interested in starting a business, you can start a small cleaning business; a business that offers cleaning services in and around your neighborhood.

You don’t need to compete for cleaning jobs from corporate organizations with big time cleaning companies; home cleaning jobs will guarantee you steady cash flow.

Just ensure that you aggressively market your cleaning services in your neighborhood and you will be amazed at the numbers of cleaning jobs you will get. From starting as an individual and perhaps an only employee of your business, with tome, you will be able to expand.

4. Baking and Selling of Cookies

Baking and selling of cookies is yet another thriving and profitable business that a teenager who is interested in making money should consider starting; it is easier to learn how to bake cookies. All you need to do is to ensure that your cookies taste good and are well packaged.

With that you are likely not going to struggle to sell your cookies especially to your friends and other kids in your school and neighborhood. It is a business that a teenager can successfully combine with his or her studies without stress.

The cookies market is a very large one, as there are a whole lot 0of people who eat cookies. Whilst some have cookies as a staple food, yet others would ensure that they have it as breakfast.

5. Baking and Selling of Cupcakes

Baking and selling of cupcakes is yet another thriving and profitable business that a teenager can successfully start. As a teenager you can easily learn how to bake cake from your mom; it is a skill that can easily be learned.

You can comfortable sell your cupcakes to your family members, friends, and people in your neighborhood and other kids in your school.

So, if you are looking towards starting a simple business as a teenager, then one of your options is to start baking and selling cupcakes. There are kids and also adult who cannot but want to have a taste of cupcakes. As such, these are the kinds of people that you have got to position your business for at all times.

6. Offer Babysitting Service

As a teenager one of the easiest means of making money – especially during holidays from school is to offer babysitting services. There are working class parents who would be more than willing to hire your services especially if you are known to be level headed, focused and caring.

You don’t need any start – up capital to start making money offering babysitting services; all you need is how to successfully take care of babies. All that is required of you as you start this business is to have the penchant for kiddies.

You would be amazed at the type of clients that you could possibly attract when you turn your likeness for kiddies into a trade.

7. Video Coverage Business

If you are out of high school and looking towards starting a business before proceeding to college, a business that you can successfully build a long term career on, then one of your options is to start video coverage business.

Please be informed that you would need to acquire training on video coverage / film making before you can successfully launch this type of business.

You can market your services to those planning weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, parties and other special events. One of the day through which you can market this business of yours is to have a heavy internet presence.

This means that you have got to make your business known through the various social media platforms that is available.

8. Music, Movies, Computer Games and Apps Download Center.

If you are looking for an easy to setup business to establish, a business that wouldn’t affect your studies and social life as a teenager, then one of your options is to open a center where people can pay to download music, movies, computer games, and apps.

Basically what is needed to start this type of business is a laptop and the willingness to work; it is a business that can be successfully launched with very minimal start – capital.

This type of business if well managed will not in any way affect your studies and you can actually run this type of business without renting a shop.

9. Virtual Assistance

Becoming a virtual assistance is another means a teenager can generate income from. There are several busy business people or organizations that are willing to hire and pay virtual assistants to help to handle some of their job responsibilities.

If you know you have marketable skill sets, then you can earn good money as a virtual assistant.

As a virtual assistant you can handle various job roles for loads of clients from the internet; you can handle roles such as responding to emails, online marketing, products listings, webpage editing/ updating, blogger outreaches research and report writings et al.

10. Blogging

No doubt blogging is open to all and sundry, as long as you have useful, educative or entertaining contents to share. The actuality of it all   is that blogging is all about creating usefully and perhaps educative content for a targeted audience on the internet.

As a teenager if you think that you have good knowledge on a particular subject, you can make money by sharing your knowledge to a wide range of audience via your blog.

This is how making money from blog works; if you have good contents on your blog, loads of people (human traffic) will visit your blog. The larger the traffic that visits your blog, the more money you will make.

If your blog attracts huge traffic, you can attract adverts from top corporate organization. You can also earn money from your blog via AdSense, by offering subscription services to members and also selling your products via your blog.

11. App Development Company

It is common to see teenagers who have mastered computer programming and can successfully build useful software and apps for computers, pads, tablets and smartphones. So, if know you are skilled at developing apps, then you can make good money by developing apps.

Even if you are not skilled at developing apps, it is skill you can acquire within a short period of time especially if you are willing to learn.

There are loads of apps that are being sold on apps stores and there is still need for more apps. If you can come up with a unique app, you will be amazed at the amount you can generate from selling the app.

If on the other hand you feel this is something that you might be interested in doing, then you may want to consider going to a school where you can be trained in this regard.

12. Become a Social Media Manager

As a teenager, if you have enough time at your disposal and you have good understanding of various social media platforms, then you can start making money by managing social media handles for several busy business executives, politicians, government officials, pastors, celebrities and public figures.

Of course you must display some level of professionalism and expertise before you can be hired to manage social media pages (Facebook pages, Google+, and YouTube et al) and social media handles (Twitter, and Instagram et al) for people, but the truth remains that you can make pretty cool cash from this type of Online business as a college student.

But you must be ready to strike a balance between your studies and this business because it can take the bulk of your time.

13. Offer Web Designing Services

Web designing services is yet another highly thriving and profitable business that a teenager who is interested in making money can successfully start.

Statistics has it that there are well over 350 million active websites on the internet and it is not enough to meet the demand of people visiting the internet frequently; there are still pretty much to learn from the internet hence people are opening new websites on a regular basis.

If you know how to design website, you should not restrict the marketing of your website design services to people you can see and visit within your location. There is a large market within the online community waiting to be tapped.

All you need to do is to list your services online and if you are good, you will attract clients from all over the world. Please note that this type of business is demanding and time consuming hence you might want to actively engage in website designing during your holiday periods

14. Offer Graphics Services

Graphics designing is yet another business that a teenager can successfully launch even as a student. Graphics designing skill is a skill that any serious minded teenager can easily acquire with his or her spare time.

There are loads of people out there who are looking for graphic artist to contract their graphics jobs to. You just have to be proactive and aggressive in marketing your services.

Read Also: How to Make Money Fast: 31 Quick Ways to Earn $100 Now

One good thing about offering graphics services is that you can sign a long term business deal with just one clients especially if you are good at what you do.

15. Repair of Computers and Mobile Phones

If you are serious about making money as a teenager, then you should be willing to go all the way to acquire skills that can help your generate incomes during your holidays.

One of the skills that you should looking towards acquiring is technical skills; especially in the areas of computers and mobile phones repairs. If you have this skill, you can go into the repair of computers and mobile phones.

It is a highly thriving and profitable business venture that you can successfully operate from a small shop or from your apartment.


So there you have it, this article contains more than enough strategies for you to start making cash. There are strategies for both adult and teenage entrepreneurs, those who want to make money from home and different categories of individuals.

So now the next step is to go through these strategies and pick the one that fits your lifestyle and start working on it. Although you might not get rich quickly, consistency and hardwork will help you grow your business to a million dollar company someday.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.