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Over 2.5 million mobile apps were available in the Google Play store at the end of 2019. Mobile applications provide an additional sales and marketing platform, enhancing brand awareness, strengthening customer engagement and loyalty, and creating new profit opportunities. 

The highest-grossing applications generate dozens of millions of USD in global revenue, which proves that the significance of mobile development for modern business is evident.

Today, building an app has become essential for most companies, so if you still haven’t got one, you might be missing out on a whole lot of business opportunities. 

  • How is a Mobile App Developed?
  • What is a Business App?
  • How Much Does it Cost to Make a Business App?
  • How to Build an App For Business
  • What Are The Features of a Business App?
  • How do I Make an Android App For my Business?
  • Is Android App Development Profitable?
  • Why Make a Mobile App?
  • How do I Choose The Best Mobile App Development Company?
  • How Much Does it Cost to Make a Mobile App For Your Business?
  • Top Mobile App Development Companies in India
  • App Development Course
  • Famous App Developers

How is a Mobile App Developed?

An effective app development process flow spans over six key phases. We’ll now take a closer look at each one in-depth.

Regardless of the size and scope of your project, following this development process will make your enterprise mobile app development initiative a success.

1. Strategy

It can be said that, the mobile app development process can be termed as defining the strategy for developing your idea into a desired successful app. You may include a more significant part of this in your overall enterprise mobility strategy. As one app’s objectives may differ from another, there is still an app-specific impact to the mobility strategy to address during the development process.

In this phase, you will:

  •   Identify the app users
  •   Research the competition
  •   Establish the app’s goals and objectives
  •   Select a mobile platform for your app
2. Analysis and Planning

At this stage, your app idea starts taking shape and turns into an actual project. Analysis and planning begin with defining use cases and capturing detailed functional requirements.

Read Also: How Can Business Get Competitive Edge with the Help of Mobile Apps?

After you have identified the requirements for your app, prepare a product roadmap. This includes prioritizing the mobile app requirements and grouping them into delivery milestones. If time, resources or costs are a concern, then define your minimum-viable-product (MVP) and prioritize this for the initial launch.

Part of the planning phase includes identifying the skills needed for your app development initiative. For example, iOS and Android mobile platforms use different development technology stacks. If your goals are to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android mobile platforms then, your mobile development team should include iOS developers and Android developers.

Have you selected the name of your app yet? Mobile app names are like domain names and have to be unique within each app store. Research each app store ensuring your app’s name isn’t already in use!

3. UI / UX Design

The purpose of an app’s design is to deliver seamless and effortless user experiences with a polished look.

The success of a mobile app is determined based on how well users are adopting and benefiting from all its features. The goal for mobile app UI / UX design is to create excellent user experiences making your app interactive, intuitive, and user-friendly. While polished UI designs will help with early adoption, your app must have intuitive user experiences to keep app users engaged.

4. App Development

Planning remains an integral part of this phase in the mobile app development process. Before actual development/programming efforts start, you will have to:

  • define the technical architecture,
  • pick a technology stack, and
  • define the development milestones.

A typical mobile app project is made up of three integral parts: back-end/server technology, API(s) and the mobile app front-end.

Back-End/Server Technology

This part includes database and server-side objects necessary for supporting functions of your mobile app. If you are using an existing back-end platform, then modifications may be needed for supporting the desired mobile functionality.


An Application Programming Interface (API) is a method of communication between the app and a back-end server/database.

Mobile App Front-End

The front-end is the native mobile app an end-user will use. In most cases, mobile apps consist of interactive user experiences that use an API and a back-end for managing data. In some cases, when an app needs to allow users to work without internet access, the app may utilize local data storage.

You can utilize almost any web programming language and databases for the back-end. For native mobile apps, you have to choose a technology stack required by each mobile OS platform. iOS apps can be developed using Objective-C or Swift programming language. Android apps are primarily built using Java or Kotlin.

There is more than one programming language and technology stack for building mobile apps —the key is picking a technology stack that is best suited for your mobile app.

Mobile technologies advance much faster with new versions of mobile platforms. Furthermore, new mobile devices are released every few months. With platforms and devices rapidly changing, agility is essential for building mobile apps within timelines and budgets.

If time-to-market is a priority, use an agile development approach. This approach supports frequent software releases with completed functionality. Defining development milestones as part of the agile development plan supports developing your mobile application in iteration.

As each development milestone completes, it is passed on to the app testing team for validation.

5. Testing

Performing thorough quality assurance (QA) testing during the mobile app development process makes applications stable, usable, and secure. To ensure comprehensive QA testing of your app, you first need to prepare test cases that address all aspects of app testing.

Similar to how use cases drive the process of mobile app development, test cases drive mobile app testing. Test cases are for performing test steps, recording testing results for software quality evaluation, and tracking fixes for retesting.

A best practice approach is involving your QA team in the Analysis and Design stages. The familiarity with your app’s functional requirements and objectives will help produce accurate test cases.

Your app should undergo the following testing methods, to deliver a quality mobility solution.

6. Deployment & Support

Releasing a native mobile app requires submitting your app to the app stores, Apple App Store for iOS apps and Google Play for Android apps. However, you will need a developer account with Apple App Store and Google Play Store before launching your mobile app.

An app’s release in the app store requires preparing metadata including:

  • Your app’s title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Keywords
  • Launch icon
  • App store screenshots

Once submitted in the Apple App Store, iOS apps go through a review process which may take from a few days to several weeks depending on the quality of your app and how closely it follows Apple’s iOS development guidelines. If your app requires users to log in, then you will need to provide Apple with a test user account as part of the release process.

There isn’t any review process with Android apps, and they become available in the app store within a few hours of submission.

After your app becomes available in the app stores, monitor its usage through mobile analytics platforms and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring your app’s success. Frequently check crash reports, or other user reported issues.

Encourage users to provide your company with feedback and suggestions for your app. Prompt support for end-users and frequently patching the app with improvements will be vital to keeping users engaged.

Unlike web apps where patch releases can be available to app users instantly, mobile app updates will have to go through the same submission and review process as the initial submission.

Moreover, with native mobile apps, you have to continually stay on top of technology advancements and routinely update your app for new mobile devices and OS platforms.

What is a Business App?

A business app is software designed to solve business problems. Business apps need to be user-friendly so that users with any level of technical knowledge or experience can use them well.

Many business apps do not need to be launched when you need them. They keep running in the background supporting critical parts of your company. For example-

  • Point-of-Sale Apps to make it easier for your customers to make payments
  • Accounting Apps to process your income and expenses
  • Marketing Campaign Apps to continue promoting your brand even when you’re not around.

Many apps are created with mobility in mind. You can use these apps on your tablet, mobile device, or desktop computer. Many good business apps work in the cloud, they help businesses pull information from a shared and secure location and help you stay in charge whether you’re at home or on the road.

How Much Does it Cost to Make a Business App?

The recent research from GoodFirms shows that the average price of a simple app is between $38,000 to $91,000. The medium complexity app cost is between $55,550 and $131,000. A complex app may cost from $91,550 to $211,000.

So, giving a rough answer to how much it costs to create an app (we take the rate of $40 an hour as average): a basic application will cost around $90,000. Medium complexity apps will cost between ~$160,000. The cost of complex apps usually goes beyond $240,000.

It’s not a secret that the average cost of app development varies depending on geographical location so let’s have a brief look at the table:

Cost of app development worldwide

How to Build an App For Business

Coming up with a unique app idea, no matter what goals you want to achieve with it, simply isn’t enough anymore – the app market is simply too competitive. It is getting harder to stand out, and the investment is large, both considering your time and budget.

Going into the mobile app development stage unprepared can result in costly, frustrating and brand-damaging mistakes.

However, if you invest your time to piece these building blocks together, you will make the development process fundamentally easier and give yourself lots of competitive advantage. It takes some effort, but it’s incredibly worth it.

Let’s get started!

1. Deeply research your market

The first step to inform everything you do moving forward is a thorough market research. You need to know the current offering on the market and use this knowledge to find a gap your app will fill and serve a fresh, complete solution to the problem you’re solving.

Extensive market research should help you discover:

  • Who are your competitors?
  • What is their strategy?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses
  • What are their customers saying in the reviews and on social media?
  • What is their unique selling point?

When you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to avoid your competitors’ mistakes, double up on the strategies that work, and clearly define your unique take on the problem and the path to solving it. There are millions of available mobile apps, and this is your opportunity to ensure yours stands out.

2. Define your elevator pitch and target audience

Can you articulate your app’s specific purpose? Can you name its difference from your website and its specific use cases? This is probably the trickiest step for business owners and marketers. Boiling all your ideas down to one or two sentences of clear purpose is hard, but it’s also one of the core steps to ensuring the success of your app.

This is the time to define:

  • What will be the app’s key functionality?
  • Why would people want to use it?
  • What is the added value compared to a mobile website?
  • Which business goals will it help you achieve?
  • What audience will benefit from it?
  • What does that audience need and crave?

Being honest when answering these questions will ensure you don’t waste resources on redundant app features or targeting the wrong groups of people.

3. Choose between native, hybrid and web app

There are a couple of technical decisions to make early on, and this is a crucial one. Choosing between native, hybrid, or a web app carries many implications for your later development and maintenance. This is why it’s key to leverage your market research and the core purpose and functionality you’ve just defined, so you can make the best decision.

The core differentiations between native, hybrid and mobile apps are:

  • The programming languages are built-in. This affects and depends on your budget, desired time frames, and available expertise.
  • Access to native device APIs. This will depend on the device’s functionalities that you want your app to access.
  • Distribution method. This will largely affect the way you market your app and define your promotion strategies.
  • Multi-platform support. This will be based on your target audience and the market you want to penetrate; most often, you will want to be present both on Apple’s App Store and Android’s Play store.

Native apps are perfect for heavy-duty tasks such as gaming or the use of photos or videos. On the other hand, web apps are best for solutions that require easy updates but don’t require any access to the device’s native abilities.

4. Know your monetization options

An app can play many different roles for your business and your bottom line. Generating revenue directly off the app is an obvious one, while others may simply be serving as a resource for your audience, or indirectly assisting other phases of your sales funnel and increase your brand’s reach.

What role do you want your app to play in your business model? If you are planning to make money directly from your app, this is the time to look at the app monetization models:

  • Freemium apps – These apps are free to download, but certain features and contents are locked, and they can only be accessed through a purchase.
  • Paid (premium) apps – The user needs to purchase the app from the app store in order to use it. Because of the cost barrier of this model, a mobile marketing strategy is critical to demonstrate the unique, superior value compared to the free apps.
  • In-app purchases – This model works by using the app to sell digital or physical products as a mobile commerce sales channel.
  • Subscriptions – This model is similar to freemium apps, but brings a benefit of a recurring stream of revenue.
  • In-app ads – This is possibly the simplest model of all because there is no cost barrier for the user. As with any advertising space, it’s important to never sacrifice user experience in order to gain more ad space.
  • Sponsorships – This model usually becomes possible when you achieve a solid user base, as it allows you to partner with specific brands and advertisers. It is a win-win situation because brands pay for user actions, and your app generates further engagement for the user.

As with any other choice, each path as benefits and disadvantages. While your decision now can be changed later, it’s important you gain a solid understanding of all the models first, and steer your mobile app development based on what aligns with your business best.

5. Build your marketing strategy and pre-launch buzz

If there is an element that so heavily affects your app’s success, it’s the preparation to market and amplify it, including your branding, PR, pre-launch efforts, outreach, and simply overall web presence.

Now, you might think it’s too early to think about marketing before you’ve even begun your development. However, your efforts will multiply in the long run if you start creating the buzz around your app before it’s in the app stores.

This is the right time to start with the following:

  • Define your branding. How will your name, colors, logo and the tone of your content set you apart from the millions of other apps and businesses? Ensure consistency of all these across your app and all platforms you exist on.
  • Find your channels. Where does your target audience mostly hang out? Are they easier to reach through social media or email? Do they prefer video over written content? How much time are they spending on their mobile device?
  • Create content. Based on your answers in the previous point, you should now know what content your audience craves and where to reach them. Start mapping out your written and/or video content and sharing it on selected channels.
  • Kick off your outreach. What people are influencers in your industry, both small and large? Put some effort into reaching out to them in a personalized manner and provide them lots of value for putting your app in front of their audiences.

These steps will make promotion easier when the launch time comes, and you will have a warm community to launch for.

6. Plan for app store optimization

Many steps you’ve done so far, including your market research, your app’s unique purpose and your marketing strategy, largely affect your app store optimization strategy. This is the key to discoverability in the app store; over 60 percent of all apps are found through this organic search.

It’s important to respect both app stores’ requirements and best practices, and use this as a brilliant opportunity for your app to shine with its visuals, features and distinctive purpose.

While you won’t be able to complete all the ASO tasks this early in the process (nor should you), this is an ideal time to start sketching out your final app store look and feel, and ensure that the development follows your ideas.

The key elements for app store optimization are:

  • App name: make it easy to spell and pronounce, unique, and descriptive, fitting within the length limits (50 characters for iOS, 30 for Android)
  • Keywords: this is only applicable to Apple, and it’s an extra space to specify the search terms relevant to your app
  • Icon: use a clear color palette, avoid using lots of small details, and opt in for contrasting colors and a simple, clear concept
  • Screenshots: make sure to use all five screenshots and to leverage caption texts to tell a story and highlight benefits
  • Description: focus on the first three lines (before the ‘More…’ link) to clearly convey the key points, use bullet lists, and have a call to action
  • Preview video: it should be short and go straight to the point, with a clear and universal message that will work in any localization
7. Know your resources

Ideally, you’ll be able to announce your launch date ahead to create the buzz around your launch and make people excitedly wait for it.

For this to happen, you need to be aware of the development time frame in front of you. According to Kinvey’s report, most businesses need between 7 months up to over a year to develop and deploy a mobile app.

This is why you need to start conversations with your developers and technical teams as early as possible. This will help you guide your entire project more effectively and allocate appropriate due dates to various planning and development stages, including:

  • Use case(s) definition
  • Mapping of required functionalities
  • Wireframing
  • Programming language/platform selection
  • Coding
  • Design
  • Testing

This is the best time to also revise your budget. Depending on app’s complexity, features, infrastructure and many other factors, the full development price can vary between under $10,000 for simple iPad apps all the way to six-figure budgets for a more complex, full spec app.

Keep in mind this will also vary between different agencies and developers based on agency size, expertise, required and available time frame, and more.

Another costly factor is the ongoing support of the app. It will require continuous monitoring, crash logs review, optimizing for user experience based on comments, and keeping up to date with the operating system updates.

Knowing what resources you’re working with early on will prevent any emergencies and delays further down the line.

8. Ensure security measures

And finally, you must include a privacy policy in case your app will collect any sensitive information from users. This policy needs to cover what information is being collected and how is it used.

The benefit of taking this step so early is to give yourself plenty of time to get any legal consulting you may need, as well as plan and implement safety measures within the app.

The security of your app is one of its key points, and you must ensure it is being built early in the development. Your users’ data is your most valuable asset, and you should ensure you have processes in place to collect, handle and store this data, as well as to manage any potential security risks.

Once you go through these preparation steps, you will be ready to dive into your app development without distractions and lead it to a successful deployment and launch!

What Are The Features of a Business App?

The mobile app world offers countless applications, but generating an application that actually adds value to your business is the major challenge. Some applications actually facilitate in creating great revenue for their businesses. Here are 6 important mobile application features that every business must consider.

1. Social Integration

Integrating social media sharing has become a necessity for every mobile application. The crowd over social media will share almost everything they feel passionate about.

Use Facebook or any other social media platform to allow your user to sign up, like, comment or share posts about various events, making it simple for the users to remain engaged with your application.

2. Allow Customization

Make sure that the users feel safe and comfortable using your app. Allow them to customize the app the way they like it, by choosing colors, fonts and most importantly if it happens to be a social application, allow them to get a strong hand on the privacy settings. This way it gives users the opportunity to alter the application to the way they like it.

3. Eliminate Clicks

Once you have the user on your application, to make sure that they stay, be keen about eliminating every unnecessary click or tap from your application. Try to ask minimum amount of information from the user.

Often the hassle of detailed signing up diverts their interest. You only have a small window to engage the user, and if they have a bad experience, they are definitely not going to try again.

4. Include Analytics

For small businesses, the ultimate requirement is to track and identify their user’s actions and experience. The best way to achieve that is by integrating a system of analytics into your mobile application.

Tracking and analyzing their experience is more important for your business rather than a handful of data that does not pay off. Gathering relevant data will only help encourage better updates and functionality.

5. Maintain Relevancy

Your business app should provide content that is impossible to gain from your website. You need to focus on publishing information that is relevant and adds value to the user’s experience.

Over a hundred business apps are successful at virtually representing their business, but lose the game while promoting the product/services they intend offer through the application. Try to deliver a rich experience and beyond.

6. Feedback system

Getting feedback from the user has proved to be very helpful for many businesses. First of all, giving your users a chance to give feedback makes them comprehend the humble personality of your brand. Secondly, it is the easiest way to get suggestions and criticism from the users which will help you to shape the future of your application.

How do I Make an Android App For my Business?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to hire a developer or spend thousands of dollars to make an app for your business. You don’t even need to know a single line of code. You can easily create an Android app by using an app-creation platform like Como.

Creating an Android app begins with the click of a button, “Create My App.” After that, you’ll be taken through a quick step-by-step process to build your app. You’ll name it, choose the type: business, restaurant, educational institution, blog, an event app…, and then enter your Facebook page or website.

Once you do this, the platform will build a basic app with features that are based on your existing content. If you don’t have a Facebook page or website, no worries—you can still create your app from scratch.

Once it’s built, customize your app to fit your business by adding any features you want of the more than 25 features available.

Of course, you probably won’t need all of them, but many will come in handy for your business, such as the click-to-call and email features, user reviews, mobile coupons, loyalty cards, the Forms feature which lets users send feedback, make requests, sign up to your mailing list, and more.

In addition to features, you can choose from a selection of themes, backgrounds, color schemes, navigation, and more. And if you want to give it an extra personal touch, you can customize your own icons, logos, features, and backgrounds easily.

Is Android App Development Profitable?

The answer is advertisements. Almost every free app that we use has advertisements. Revenue from advertisements is dependent on a lot of factors. Some of which are

a) Location of the app users

b) The category of the app

c) Time of the year. Yes , this is an important factor.

The calculation

Developers usually earn between $0.50 – $5 for every 1000 views that an ad gets. Ads are usually rotated every 30 seconds. This means if a user spends 10 minutes in an app that has an ad in it, the developer earns something between $0.01 to $0.10. So if the app has 1000 new downloads every day and every user spends 10 minutes on the app on average, the developer earns $10 to $100.

Also if the app is decent then the returning users will be more, suppose there are 2000 returning users every day ( in theory, the number of returning users will increase by time ). Thus the developer earns $20 – $160 from returning users every day. Thus we can safely assume that a free android app with 1000 downloads per day can generate a revenue of $20 – $200 every day.

Why Make a Mobile App?

Businesses from all corners of the world, offering a ridiculous range of products, have begun migrating from the physical world of handing out leaflets, printing advertisements, and hanging billboards, to the mobile realm. And you should too.

Here are 4 ways that your business will reap the benefits of creating a mobile app for your customers.

1. Provide More Value to Your Customers

Business is all about reciprocation. You offer a product, the market opens their wallets with their demand, right?

Maybe you’ve sat down with your employees and tried to nail down the best way to encourage more of this wallet-opening engagement from your customers. You want to increase their interaction with your business to promote sales, of course, but you also want to provide a level of value for your customers that they can’t get anywhere else.

One way to do this is create a loyalty program within your app. It would work like this:

The more customers interact with your business and product, the more points they collect, which can in turn be used for great deals on the products they already know they want.

2. Build a Stronger Brand

One of the most important things a mobile app offers to consumers is awareness of and communication with your brand. And through that regular interaction with your target market, you’re fostering trust.

The more your audience trusts you, the more likely they’ll be to listen to later sales pitches and even commit to your brand. With an app, you’ll demonstrate to your users why they should trust you by showing (rather than telling) what your brand stands for.

In the same way as distributing fridge magnets, calendars, and other random memorabilia with your company logo on it has served in the past both as advertisement and assistance, mobile apps strengthen your brand and educate your customers.

3. Connect Better with Customers

Customer service isn’t just about face-to-face communication between smiling sales associates and customers anymore. Since 2.6 billion people now have high-powered mobile devices within arm’s reach at all times, the true game-changer in customer service is now mobile apps.


Firstly, your app won’t be merely a human being, subject to mood swings and poor performance.

And, through a solid mobile presence, you’ll always know you’re presenting to the customer the same face – an interface geared specifically to provide them with the best experience of studying and deciding whether they want to buy your product.

In fact, the vast majority of marketers see their apps as a means to primarily improve customer service.

4. Boost Profits

When customer satisfaction increases, sales typically do too. In fact, according to SalesForce, 70 percent of buying experiences are influenced by how customers feel they’re being treated.

The more interested and pleased people become with your product and your business, the greater consumer demand will grow. And let me assure you, if you have a product your customers can’t wait to get their hands on, that demand is going to provide you with some serious returns.

That’s where the mobile app comes in like none other. But it’s important to keep costs low while you’re developing it.

Sure, you should have a website with a responsive design that can adapt to any of the various mobile devices there are now. This eliminates the necessity of having a frustrating, secondary “mobile” site to manage. But if you launch a mobile app in addition to your responsive website, you’ll boost sales while enhancing the customer experience.

How do I Choose The Best Mobile App Development Company?

Let’s find out some of the key factors that can help in identifying an IT company capable enough of delivering custom mobile apps that can impress users and bring revenue to the owners.

Here are the considerations to keeping mind to prior to hiring services from mobile app development companies.

1. Choose the Mobile App Development Companies Based on Customers’ Reviews and Feedback

One of the sure-shot ways of identifying an ace IT company for custom mobile apps development is by going through its past and present clients’ feedbacks and reviews. In order to get all the information about the company, one can contact the clients for the same.

By talking to the clients, one gets to know the pros and cons of the company. In the nutshell, the only way for analyzing the quality of the services offered by any of the IT company is through its clients’ feedback.

Another important consideration is to look for the years of experience the company holds. It is important to outsource the work to a company that can bring justice to the task. Experienced companies are sure to offer services that are worth consideration.

2. Security of the App Idea

Leaking of the app idea and concept is the biggest threat to companies and entrepreneurs today. In recent times, many poor-quality replicas hit the app stores before the original one just because of the poor security measures taken by mobile app development companies.

Companies and entrepreneurs must ensure that the IT company they are choosing for their enterprise mobile apps design and development must follow some strict security measures. The app idea and concept must remain confidential before it finally reaches the app stores. Development company should be ready to sing a non-disclosure agreement for ensuring the security of the app concept and idea.

3. Effective Delivery Management

Many companies and businesses complain that their Development Company didn’t keep them posted on the progress of the mobile app development cycle. There are many cases when clients didn’t find their final mobile app relevant at all to their requirements just because of the communication gap between them and their Development Company.

For effective and flawless mobile app development, the company must keep their clients posted with every possible detail related to the progress of their product. Having regular conversations on the app development progress also ensures the timely delivery of the final product. That is why companies and businesses must make sure that their Development Company follows the effective delivery management service guidelines.

4. App Designing Standards

The designs of the custom apps are one of the crucial factors that contributes a lot to its success. That is why companies and independent business owners should emphasize the experience and skills of the app developers.

Consider the services from the mobile app development companies having some great UI/UX designers capable enough of delivering world-class custom app designs to the clients.

Companies and business owners must also check out the design portfolio of the development company to make sure that their app designing standards are globally accepted.

5. Trusted QA and Testing Measures

Most custom mobile applications are found to have technical errors and bugs. Regular interruption in the functioning of the mobile apps leads to loss of users’ interest in them. That is why great app design and development methodologies are not enough.

Development Companies must follow some of the latest manual and automation Quality Assurance and testing measures to make sure that the final product doesn’t have any technical errors or bugs by the time it arrives at the app stores.

Choosing the services from right mobile app development companies is a big investment and that is why it is important to invest the money in the right direction. And prior to making the investment, look upon the above-written considerations to get in touch with the right firm.

How Much Does it Cost to Make a Mobile App For Your Business?

The cost of developing an app is covered with mystery. No mobile app development team will give you an actual mobile app development costs estimate without knowing the main factors of your mobile app, such as app business logic, features, development team location and composition, and so on. 

If you have an idea about your app functionality, you can find the costs to develop app features for your business.

A survey by Clutch on the number of hours required for mobile app development activities revealed that the high median cost to build an app is $171,450, with an extensive range from under $30K to over $700K. Evaluating this cost to develop an app is essential since it has a subsequent impact on the overall business.

With the five essential aspects like Business model, App types, Platform, Functionality, and Development – you should now be well-equipped to prepare a robust and high-quality app that will fit within your projected costs.

Top Mobile App Development Companies in India

let us enlist the top 10 app development companies in India based on research findings to work with in the times to come.

1. Hyperlink InfoSystem

Hyperlink InfoSystem is a renowned app development company in India, with sales offices in USA, and UAE. The company offers web and app development, AI solutions, Salesforce solutions, IoT development, AR/VR, Blockchain, CRM Solutions, and many more.

Since 2011, the company has worked with almost 2300+ worldwide clients and deliver 3300+ apps and 1600+ website projects for custom requirements. They have a team of 250+ app developers who are highly skilled and always ready to develop most complex solutions.

2. Fueled

Fueled is an award-winning mobile app development company offering its services since 2007. The company offers app development, CRM, POS, CMS, ERP, CDP, Web Development, UI/UX Design, AR/VR, Blockchain, Chatbots, and many more. They served Startups to Enterprise-Level Businesses around the world and their major clients are MGM Resorts International, 9Gag, Harvard, Verizon, Crunchbase, etc.

3. WillowTree Apps

WillowTree is one of the leading app development and digital product agencies in the world. Their team of mobile strategists, UI/UX Designers, and software engineers have developed 1000+ mobile and digital solutions for global clients including Century Fox, Regal Cinemas, Synchrony Financial, National Geographic, and many more.

The company is offering web and app development, chatbot development, software development, UI/UX, and also working on the latest technologies.

4. Tata Consultancy Services

TCS is one of the most well-known IT companies of India and placed among the most valuable IT services brands worldwide. The company offer services like mobile apps, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cloud Solutions, Enterprise Apps, Automation and AI, and many more. It was founded in 1968 and now operates in 149 locations across 46 countries.

5. Infosys

Infosys Limited is Indian based MNC that provides business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing services. Infosys is the second-largest Indian IT Company after TCS. The company has 82 Sales and marketing offices and 123 development centers around the world.

6. Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra is a subsidiary of Mahindra Group, offering Information Technology (IT) services for almost all industries. This company has 125K employees across 90 counties and 900+ active worldwide clients. It offers services like web and app development, Cloud solutions, Enterprise business solutions, Digital Supply Chain, Data Science, and many more.

7. Zensar Technologies

Zensar Technologies is one of the leading software companies founded in 1991. The company has a strength of 10K+ employees and has offices in 20 countries around the world.

They offer services like Digital Supply Chain, AI and Automation, Cloud Infrastructure, Data Management, Data Science, Enterprise apps, and other latest technologies. This company was the innovation award winner in the “Creating an Impact-IT Skills” category at India Perspectives 2018.

8. Accenture

Accenture is a Fortune Global 500 company offering service like App development, Blockchain, Cloud, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, Software Engineering, Supply Chain & Operations, etc. Company has more than 492K employees serving clients from 200 cities in 120 countries.

9. Capgemini India Pvt ltd

Capgemini is one of the leading multinational corporations that provides consulting, technology, professional, and outsourcing services. They have more than 270K employees in over 50 countries. They have expertise in AI Solutions, Cloud Services, SAP Solutions, App Development services, Blockchain solutions and served almost all industries.

10. HData Systems

HData Systems is India based Data Science company that helps businesses to increase their productivity and performance with the service of analytical approaches. The company offers app development, data science, big data analytics, AI, machine learning, automation, etc.

App Development Course

1. Udemy

Udemy not only opened up a variety of courses, but also opened up teaching opportunities. That is, you can become a teacher as long as you want. Users can learn any course on the platform at any time, you can also set up your own courses, and introduce your own expertise and knowledge to the world.

The cost of the course is determined by the teacher, usually ranging from $20 to $100 The program development category includes web development, mobile application development, game development and so on, to meet different needs of the work.

You can become a junior APP developer by learning their tutorials with the following 5 APP development courses.

iOS Development Courses on Udemy:

About this course: You can develop an iOS APP by learning this course without any development knowledge, and get an APP development job on a freelance website.

Price: $10.99 (New Year’s Sale)

Registered students: 59,029

Student rating: “Great course, thank you, Rob! Tremendous value and worth every penny. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn iOS 10 and Swift 3. No prior coding experience required. I look forward to taking another of Rob’s courses. “Happy coding. ”

Android Development Courses on Udemy:

About this course: The course focuses on introducing Android studio, Java code, and advanced Android features, and teaches you how to use maps in your APPs, how to storing data permanently.

Price: $10.99 (New Year’s Sale)

Registered students: 62,290

Student rating: “If you are planning to build an android yourself from zero knowledge, this is a great place to start.”

2. Udacity

Udacity is a profitable online education organization. It includes not only video but also its own learning management system, built-in programming interfaces, forums and social elements.

iOS Development Courses on Udacity:

About this course: Udacity ‘s iOS Engineer Nanodegree Program gives you the foundation to become a Silicon Valley-standard engineer; let you get the latest iOS technology! And you will challenge the real-world projects designed by Silicon Valley experts, and develop iOS APPs on your own and get iOS expert line-by-line code reviews and 1-to-1 tutorials. You will have your own portfolio that will make your resume stand out after graduation.

Price: $199 USD/monthly

Android Development Courses on Udacity:

About this course: The goal of this course is to help students get started as an Android engineer without any programming background. After successfully completing the project, you will have sufficient experience to develop an Android APP of your own and will get Google certified.

Price: $199 USD/monthly

3. edX

edX is an open online course website that provides online academic courses for students worldwide, offering a wide range of courses and including many free courses. Unlike other online learning sites, EDX is a non-profit organization.

Android Development Courses on edX:

About this course: This course is for students who are new to programming and want to learn how to develop Android applications. You will learn some of the key principles behind Android architecture, and the processes involved in developing Android applications, familiar with Android development tools and user interface design.

By the end of the course, you will create two simple applications that you can share with your friends. Their Android lessons are taught by Google APP development experts.

Price: Free, Add a Verified Certificate for $99 USD

4. Simplilearn

Simplilearn provides short-term online training courses and offers more than 400 courses in IT, programming, digital marketing, and project management.

Android Development Courses on Simplilearn:

About this course: It’s very suitable for beginner Android APP developers, you can fully learn the basics of Android development and publish the application in Google Play Store. This course takes you through the Android architecture and provides hands-on training with 2 popular basic APPs developed within the course.

Price: $99USD

5. Google developers training

Google developers training will provide certificated teaching resources and certification exams to teach you to be a true APP developer. “Let’s grow with Google.”

Read Also: How to Make Money with Blockchain App

Android Development Courses on Google developers training:

About this course: Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer, there is a rich set of lessons to teach you how to develop Android APPs, from simple basics to optimizing your APP’s performance.

Price: Free

Famous App Developers

The complete list of data points includes a number of employees, offices, the year company was founded, LinkedIn and Twitter account followers number.

App Development rankings (March 2021)

#CompanyOffice locationsNumber of employeesFoundedSocial Presence *
 1eleksKyiv (Ukraine), London (UK), Las Vegas (US), Tallinn (Estonia), Berlin (Germany), Toronto (Canada)1,001-5,0002007 16k / 1,5k
2WillowTreeCharlottesville (US)501-1,00020078.6k / 2.7k
3Y Media LabsBengaluru (India), Atlanta & San Francisco (US)201-500200939k / 2.3k
4 IntellectsoftKyiv (Ukraine), Minsk (Belarus), Oslo (Norway), London (UK), New York (US)201-50020078k / 1.5k
5OpenXcellSunnyvale (US), Ahmedabad (India) 201-50020097.8k / 2.7k
6GeekyAntsBangalore (India)51-20020068,2k / 3.5k
7Konstant Infosolutions Palo Alto, NY, North Palm Beach (US(, Jaipur (India)51-20020036.6k / 1.9k
8FueledNew York, Chicago, LA (US), London (UK)51-20020075.6k / 6.7k
9Hedgehog LabNewcastle, London (UK), Boston, Austin (US), Hyrdrabad (India)51-20020074.8k / 3.2k
10The NineHertzAtlanta, Cincinnati, Florida (USA), Jaipur (India), UAE51-20020083.4k / 2.6k
11PromaticsPunjab (India)51-20020082.6k / 1.7k
12Emizen TechNew York (USA), London (UK), Singapore, Jaipur (India)51-20020132.1k / 840
13VironITMoscow (Russia), Minsk (Belarus), New York, San Francisco (USA)51-20020042.1k / 125
14IntuzSan Francisco (US), Ahmedabad (India)51-20020082k / 1.8k
15NetsellsYork (UK)51-20020101.2k / 670
16OrangesoftMinsk (Belarus)51-2002011600 / n/a
17360 Degree TechnosoftAhmedabad (India), Santa Clara (US)11-5020102.4k / 1.5k
183 Sided CubeBournemouth (UK)11-5020091.9k / 7k
19Bright Brains Information TechDubai (UAE)11-5020181.6k / 12
20The DistanceYork (UK)11-502009670 / 1,8k
21SoninReigate (UK)11-502008600 / 680
22Tech ExactlyKolkata (India)11-502016400 / 1.5k
23RantmediaCardiff (UK), Cupertino (US)11-502003400 / 890
24Alphonic Network SolutionsJaipur (India)11-502013400 / 5

Sources: LinkedIn, Twitter, a company data.

Final Words

Now that you have gotten a taste of the numerous benefits of your own business mobile app, where are you going to start? You have two options:

  • You hire an app development agency or bring your own in-house app development team on board (depending on how much emphasis you’d like to put on your mobile strategy).
  • You use one of the fantastic mobile app builders like Como, BuildFire, or AppsBuilder to build your own mobile app without having to worry about coding and technicalities.

Either way, you go, a mobile app is going to be a standard component of any business in the future. The choice you make today is going to set the foundation for the future of your business. It’s on you to decide whether you’d like to be one of the first.

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MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.