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Since Google Chrome’s release in December 2008, its market share has steadily increased to nearly 70% while Firefox’s market share has dropped to roughly 8 percent.

Why did Google wait so long to create a browser? Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt didn’t want to: he was afraid of the company growing too fast and didn’t want to start a new browser war, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal. However, once convinced Chrome was born and, it is claimed, has become a very profitable part of the company.

  • How Does Google Make Money From Chrome
  • How to Monetize Your Chrome Web Store Item
  • How to Create and Publish a Chrome Extension
  • 20 Great Google Chrome Extensions for Online Entrepreneurs
  • Making Money Through Google Chrome Extensions
  • Why Was Google Chrome Created
  • Why You Should Stop Using Google Chrome
  • How Does Google Chrome Make Money?
  • How to Earn Money From Chrome
  • How Much is Google Chrome Worth?
  • Make Money Chrome Extension
  • Google Chrome Net Worth

How Does Google Make Money From Chrome

Examining Google Chrome’s revenue is much harder since Google doesn’t list the revenue and expenses for all of its services. This means that while Google claims the browser is “an exceptionally profitable product,” the public isn’t able to verify this information.

Let’s assume, though, that the browser is profitable. How does it make money? The simple answer is the same as Mozilla Firefox. Google receives money from advertisers but, instead of paying out search royalties to other browsers, the money is transferred to the Chrome part of Google.

Google has indirect ways of making money. For starters, when people use Google Chrome, they are more likely to use a related service—Gmail, Google Apps, Google Docs, etc.—which, in turn, leads to even more usage as the company’s products are highly integrated with each other. Each time a product is used, page views go up and ad revenue increases.

Read Also: How Does Google Get Profit by Search Engine

Secondly, Google’s AdSense program is really interested in your data. Chrome tracks user data and uses it to improve its AdSense program. With more data, each user’s marketing profile can be better understood and ads can be better targeted to potential customers. By promising more effective ads, AdSense is able to charge a higher price for advertising than its competitors.

How to Monetize Your Chrome Web Store Item

You can publish Hosted Apps, Chrome Apps, Chrome Extensions, and Themes in the Chrome Web Store. Collectively these are called simply “Items”. You have many choices when it comes to making money from items that you publish in the Chrome Web Store.

Items uploaded to the Web Store are unable to be purchased through the same developer account. Instead, use a trusted tester account to run a trial purchase flow.

In-app payments

Items that use in-app payments are usually free to try. For example, you might provide a free game that offers additional levels or avatars for a small price.

Generally, Chrome Apps and Extensions can use the Chrome Web Store API to charge for features or virtual goods. The fee for using this API is just 5% per transaction. For example, if you charge $1.99, you’ll receive $1.89; if you charge $9.99, you’ll receive $9.49.

One-time Payments

Chrome Web Store Payments is a payment system that is especially well integrated with the store. With it, you can either charge to download the item or provide a free trial that lets users try out the item before purchasing it.

The charge for using Chrome Web Store Payments is 5%. For example, if you charge $1.99, you’ll receive $1.89.


Chrome Web Store Payments supports both monthly and yearly subscription models. As with one-time Chrome Web Store payments, you have the option of providing a free trial.

Free Trials

The Chrome Web Store helps you to easily offer a limited-time trial version of your app to help you attract new customers.

Whether your item is a Chrome App, Chrome Extension, or Chrome Theme, you can use the Licensing API to check to see if the user has paid for your item.

You will use a javascript-based flow, that also uses the Licensing API along with functions built into Chrome to check the status of the downloaded trial item. If the trial is expired, you can direct the user to the web store listing to purchase the item.

How to Create and Publish a Chrome Extension

Ever wondered what it would be like to create a Chrome extension? Well, I’m here to tell you just how easy it is. Follow these steps and your idea will turn into reality and you’ll be able to publish a real extension in the Chrome Web Store in no time.

What is a Chrome extension?

Chrome extensions allow you to add functionality to the Chrome web browser without diving deeply into native code. That’s awesome because you can create new extensions for Chrome with core technologies that web developers are very familiar with – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you’ve ever built a web page, you’ll will be able to create an extension faster than you can have lunch. The only thing you need to learn is how to add some functionality to Chrome through some of the JavaScript APIs that Chrome exposes.

If you’re not experienced yet in building web pages, we recommend you first dive into some free resources to learn how to code, like freeCodeCamp.

What do you want to build?

Before you start, you should have a rough idea of what you want to build. It doesn’t need to be some new groundbreaking idea, we can just do this for fun. In this article, I’ll be telling you about my idea and how I implemented it into a Chrome extension.

The plan

Let’s use these two extensions as inspiration to build something new, but this time, for movie lovers. My idea is to show a random background image of a movie every time you open a new tab. On scroll it should turn into a nice feed of popular movies and TV shows. So let’s get started.

Step 1: Setting things up

The first step is to create a manifest file named manifest.json. This is a metadata file in JSON format that contains properties like your extension’s name, description, version number and so on. In this file we tell Chrome what the extension is going to do, and what permissions it requires.

For the movie extension we need to have permission to control activeTab, so our manifest.json file looks something like this:

{ “manifest_version”: 2, “name”: “RaterFox”, “description”: “The most popular movies and TV shows in your   default tab. Includes ratings, summaries and the ability to watch trailers.”, “version”: “1”, “author”: “Jake Prins”,
"browser_action": {   "default_icon": "tab-icon.png",   “default_title”: “Have a good day” },
“chrome_url_overrides” : {  “newtab”: “newtab.html”},
 “permissions”: [“activeTab”]}

As you can see, we say that newtab.html will be the HTML file that should be rendered every time a new tab gets opened. To do this we need to have permission to control the activeTab, so when a user tries to install the extension they will be warned with all the permissions the extension needs.

Another interesting thing inside the manifest.json are the browser actions. In this example we use it to set the title, but there are more options. For instance, to show a popup whenever you click on the app icon inside the address bar, all you have to do is something like this:

“browser_action”: {  “default_popup”: “popup.html”, },

Now, popup.html will be rendered inside the popup window that’s created in response to a user’s click on the browser action. It’s a standard HTML file so it’s giving you free reign over what the popup displays. Just put some of your magic inside a file named popup.html.

Step 2: Test if it works

The next step is to create the newtab.html file and put in a ‘Hello world’:

<!doctype html><html>  <head>    <title>Test</title>  </head>  <body>    <h1>Hello World!</h1>  </body></html>

To test if it works, visit chrome://extensions in your browser and ensure that the Developer mode checkbox in the top right-hand corner is checked.

Chrome extension

Click Load unpacked extension and select the directory in which your extension files live. If the extension is valid, it will be active straight away so you can open a new tab to see your ‘Hello world’.

Step 3: Making things nice

Now that you got your first feature working, it’s time to make it nice. You can simply style your new tab by creating a main.css file in our extension directory and load it in our newtab.html file. The same goes when including a JavaScript file for any active functionality that you would like to include. Assuming that you have created a web page before, you can now use your magic to show your users whatever you want.

Finishing up the plan

All you further needed to finish the movie extension was HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so we don’t think it’s relevant to dive deep into the code, but let us go through it quickly.

Here is what you can do:

As an idea you might need some nice background images, so in the JavaScript file used the TMDb API to fetch some popular movies, took their backdrop images and put them in an array. Whenever the page loads it now randomly picks one image from that array and sets it as the background of the page.

To make this page a little more interesting you can also add the current date in the top right corner. And for more information, it allows users to click the background which leads to visiting the movie’s IMDb page.

You can replace the screen with a nice feed of popular movies when the user tries to scroll down. Also, use the same API to build cards of movies with an image, title, rating and vote count. Then, on clicking one of those cards, it shows the overview with a button to watch a trailer.

Now with that little manifest.json file and just some HTML, CSS and JavaScript, every new tab that you open looks a lot more interesting

Step 4: Publish your extension

When your first Chrome extension looks nice and works like it should, it’s time to publish it to the Chrome Store. Simply follow this link to go to your Chrome Web Store dashboard (you’ll be asked to sign in to your Google account if you’re not).

Then click the Add new item button, accept the terms and you will go to the page where you can upload your extension. Now compress the folder that contains your project and upload that ZIP file.

After successfully uploading your file, you will see a form in which you should add some information about your extension. You can add an icon, a detailed description, upload some screenshots, and so on.

Make sure you provide some nice images to show off your project. The store can use these images to promote your groundbreaking project. The more images you provide, the more prominently your extension will be featured.

You can preview how your extension looks inside the web store by clicking the Preview changes button. When you’re happy with the result, hit Publish changesand that’s it, your done!

Now go to the Chrome Web Store and search for your extension by its title (It might take some time before it’s up there).

The only thing left to do is get some users. So you might want to share a post about your life changing Chrome extension on social media. Tell your friends to check it out. Add it to ProductHunt. And don’t forget to share your project here in the comments. I’m curious to see what you came up with!

As a web developer, it’s very easy to create a Chrome extension in a short amount of time. All you need is some HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a basic knowledge of how to add functionality through some of the JavaScript APIs that Chrome exposes.

Your initial setup can be published inside the Chrome Web Store within just 20 minutes. Building an extension that’s new, worthwhile or looks nice will take some more time. But it’s all up to you!

Use your creativity to come up with something interesting and if you ever get stuck, the excellent Chrome extension documentation can probably help you out.

20 Great Google Chrome Extensions for Online Entrepreneurs

There are two types of internet users. Those who use Chrome and those who haven’t had a good friend force them to use Chrome.

One of the neatest things about Google Chrome is the ability to install thousands of extensions to make your internet browsing more efficient and fun.


With over 2 million users, AdBlock is the second most popular Chrome extension (behind Angry Birds) in the world. It simply and automatically blocks Google AdSense and most banner ads on all web pages, even Facebook and YouTube.


If you have a slower computer, one of the easiest ways to speed it up is to install FlashBlock. It automatically blocks Flash from loading which will drastically decrease your load times on sites that use Flash.

Alexa Traffic Rank

The Alexa Traffic Rank Extension lets you easily see the Alexa Ranking of any site that you’re on. When I go to a site for the first time, I subconsciously hover over this extension to get an idea of how much traffic that site gets.

WebRank SEO

Similarly, the WebRank SEO Extension displays the PageRank of every site within its icon. If you click the icon, it shows more SEO information about the site like the Compete Ranking, pages indexed, backlink counts, social counts, and a link to the Whois information.


If you have used Firebug more than any other Chrome Extension ever, you will notice that It’s a neat tool that lets you inspect HTML elements and live edit the CSS properties so you can test design elements before you change them. This is a must-have extension for anyone who edits websites.

Web Developer

Web Developer is like a more advanced form of Firebug. It allows you to see what your site looks like without CSS, remove all sorts of design elements, and otherwise troubleshoot every aspect of your site. It’s a must-have for more advanced web developers.


This is a plugin by Yahoo! that analyzes web pages and suggests ways to make your site load faster and perform better. Warning: Only use this extension if you want a comprehensive list of all the things that make you site load slow. It’s eye-opening.

Window Resizer

If you’re an avid Web Developer Extension user, this one is redundant. But if you simply want to know what your website looks like on any device and every screen resolution, this tool is the ticket.

Eye Dropper

Eye Dropper is another simple extension that lets you pick a pixel and it gives you the HEX code and RGB combination for that exact color. This is a handy tool if you’re updating your design and you want to match the colors on your site.

Awesome Screenshot

This is my favorite full-fledged screenshot extension. It allows you to take a screenshot of an entire webpage. Then the tool pops up to draw lines, shapes, and even text. When you’re done, you can save it online or download it as a .PNG.


iWeb2x lets you save any webpage as a .PDF file with all or most of the design elements intact.

Hover Zoom

Hover Zoom enlarges thumbnails on mouse over so you will never have to “click to enlarge” ever again.


Apture is a robust extension that lets you highlight any word or phrase on any webpage and a little window pops up with the definition, Wikipedia, Google, and YouTube results that are relevant to that term.


TweetDeck is the most widely used Twitter browser application. It lets you aggregate all of your Twitter feeds and makes it easy to Tweet from any of your accounts. It’s a must-have tool for anyone who runs multiple Twitter accounts.

Better Gmail

Better Gmail improves your Gmail experience by giving you the option to hide ads, add attachment icons, and show desktop notifications. This is a must-have extension if you use Gmail.

Offline Google Mail

Install Offline Google Mail so you’ll always be able to access your Gmail and write emails in case you’re in a spot without WiFi or, God-forbid, you lose internet in your home.


Forecastfox by AccuWeather.com is my favorite weather extension. The icon displays the current temperature and weather. And if you click it, you’ll get a 7-day forecast with a Doppler radar.


H2O is a simple extension that helps you keep track of how many glasses of water you drink. When you’re working on a computer, you don’t get as thirsty and this is a simple reminder to fill your 8-glass quota for the day.


If you have trouble staying away from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other distracting sites, install StayFocusd. Choose your most distracting sites and set a limit to how many minutes per day you’ll allow yourself to visit those sites.

Smooth Scrolling

Smooth Scrolling makes your scrolling smooth rather than rickety. It used to be an extension but now it’s a core part of Chrome. However, you still need to activate it.

Chrome Extension: Type “chrome://flags” into address bar > Smooth Scrolling > Enable

Making Money Through Google Chrome Extensions

Google has not yet implemented a solution to sell extensions. The only reference to being able to sell extensions is through a thread found on the Chrome help forum.

One person “Blair” who seems to be a Google employee, has commented on that thread saying that “Google is very interested in enabling web developers to earn income from developing extensions,

At present, only free extensions are included in the Chrome marketplace, but is there still opportunity to create an income from creating a free chrome extension?

You will have no doubt caught on to the fact that the “free” online business model can be quite profitable. Just take a look at sites like facebook or even google. If you can get the eyeballs, you can get a lot of advertising deals and the online world opens up to you.

So, let’s look at some of the most popular extensions in the marketplace and their stats. AdBlock, which is currently the most popular extension shows stats of 1,799,503 current users and 143,952 new weekly installs.

These are pretty phenomenal numbers but what’s interesting is the developer says in his product description that he is relying on paypal donations to generate an income from this app.

This suggest either that Google is not allowing monetization, or that users are going for apps without monetization ads, or simply that the developer has no idea how to monetize his extension.

What’s encouraging is the developer is obviously just a single person and not a huge company, which suggests there is room for the little guy in this marketplace and he must obviously be getting a decent amount in paypal donations as he says he has quit his full time job just to focus on it.

Why Was Google Chrome Created

Before chrome there were only browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape etc. Although, google had monopoly in search for years but still before chrome they were dependent upon other browsers for search.

For example, say a user has to search for an article on the internet , they have to go to internet explorer first and then they can google the desired article.

See, In this case, Google was dependent on Internet Explorer, which is Microsoft’s business. If Microsoft had manipulated Internet Explorer and stopped making google as their default search engine then the Google’s business would have been tough.

So, keeping this thing in mind and to eliminate their dependency upon other browser, they made their own and more friendly/powerful browser.

Also, Google’s main business is data. Without a powerful browser like chrome they could not have got this much of data and also they could not have maintained such type of ecosystem on its products as it maintains now.

Definitely, Chrome has been one of Google’s major products.

Why You Should Stop Using Google Chrome

You shouldn’t just stop using Google Chrome, but all Google Products. Why? You should read Google’s Privacy Policy. Not just the excerpts but read it in full at least once. Please, do it for your own privacy sake.

There is no doubt that we all love Google and all its product line. Google understands us and our needs in the best way possible. Google has given us so easy to use products, which we now can’t live without. There is no day in our lives when we are not using at least one Google product.

Well, that’s what the biggest problem is. Google is there in almost all parts of our lives. Starting from when we wake up until we go to sleep. Google is even tracking us when we are in deep sleep.

Almost all the privacy paranoid (like us) do not use any of the Google Products. You can do too. However, in this article we will only focus on why you should stop using Google Chrome, how you can stop using it, what happens when you stop using Google Chrome. What kind of problems you will run into and how to overcome them.

Probably you already know why you should stop using Google Chrome and Google Search.

Problem is not just Google Chrome, but the entire Google Ecosystem. To stop using Google Chrome is not enough, it is the best first step if you simply want to move away from Google Ecosystem.

Google Chrome’s Market Share

As of June 2018, 58.99% population in America alone uses Google Chrome on Desktops only. The graph below shows worldwide usage of Google Chrome in last 3 years.

When it comes to the average population of this world, even people with Privacy Concerns are not able to move away from Google Chrome. Why Google Chrome is so good?

Because it’s user-friendliness works best even for those who are not so friendly with computers. It displays even those websites beautifully, which don’t work properly on any other browser.

You already know that Google collects everything about us to show targeted ads, right? As per the statistics provided by Go-Guld.com, Google owns the largest advertising market share.

Online Advertising Market Share

Because Google’ search results’ click-baits are so perfect, even the advertisers trust Google’s Ad Network the most. Advertisers get the best value for money they spend.

It’s this information that gives Google its advertising superpower. In 2017, Google’s ad revenue was $95.38 billion. The data is extremely beneficial for marketers looking for customer insights and targeting people with ads.

Other Reasons to Avoid Google Chrome

Cookies and Tracking are common problems across all the browsers and not only Chrome. Same as Cookie and Tracking, Incognito Mode is also common to all the browsers, but every browser uses a different term for the same.

In Chrome it is called Incognito. Microsoft’s Edge or Internet Explorer browsers called it “InPrivate”. Mozilla’s Firefox call it “Private”.

Using Google Chrome browser gives an added advantage to Google for these factors. Let’s look at them in detail in the context of Google Chrome.


Every time you use Google’s Search, Google places a cookie on your computer. This cookie gives all the information Google needs to track everything about you. Collected information is then linked to your Gmail accounts that you have logged in to.

Read Also: How You Can Make Money Online With Google Adwords

The same information is not just linked with Gmail but with all the other Google products you use like YouTube, Google Maps, Google Photos, Any Android Phone including Google Pixel, Nest Thermostat, Google Home, Chromecast, and almost everything else. Users can delete these cookies from their computers, but the cookies are updated every time a Google service is used.

Google’s Chrome browser is a privacy nightmare in itself, because all you activity within the browser can then be linked to your Google account. If Google controls your browser, your search engine, and has tracking scripts on the sites you visit, they hold the power to track you from multiple angles.


Even though you don’t use Google’s Search, but use Google Chrome, it can still track you everywhere. In case if you are not logged into your Google Account in Chrome browser itself, as soon as you log in to Gmail or any other Google services e.g. YouTube, Google knows exactly who you are.

Even if you are not logged in to any of the Google Services, but you are using Chrome Browser, Google knows your exact IP Address (even if you are using VPN service) and can track you everywhere.

One mistake from your side and Google will be able to connect all the dot and link everything back to real you. In fact, Chrome can send back the keystrokes you type into its Address Bar, even if you don’t bother to hit Enter.

Google uses its Analytics product to record your browsing history all over the Internet. By linking that information to an IP address and an associated Google account, your complete profile is created by Google. It’s called User


Privacy Advocated are discussing privacy issues more than a decade now. Some people have definitely become smarter in using the Internet, so are the trackers like Google.

In addition to User Profiling, they have come up other methods to track us. These are called Device Profiling and Browser Profiling, also known as fingerprinting.


As Wikipedia explains, A device fingerprint, machine fingerprint, or browser fingerprint is information collected about a remote computer device for the purpose of identification. Fingerprints can be used to fully or partially identify individual users or devices even when cookies are turned off.

So even if the cookies are deleted, Google can still track you.

Fingerprints can be used to compile long-term records of individuals’ browsing histories. Fingerprinting capabilities make it useful when user’s IP address is hidden, or even when user switches to another browser on the same device.

So even if you change the browser on the same device Google can still track you. Fingerprint’s potential for abuse raises a major concern for internet privacy advocates.

To check if your browser is safe against tracking, you can try web-based tool provided by Electronic Frontier Foundation, called Panopticlick

Incognito Mode

Chrome’s Incognito Mode is often taken to mean that it protects user privacy. However, it doesn’t keep you safe from tracking on the websites you visit. While Chrome won’t store (locally on your computer) your browsing history, site data, or information entered in forms in Incognito Mode, the sites you visit can still gather and keep that information.

How can you stop using Google Chrome

Well, this is simple to answer. Uninstall Google Chrome from all your devices including your phone and make sure that you never install it again. No matter what happens. No matter how many problems you face. It’s all about privacy over convenience, right?

So, when you stop using Google Chrome, what are your options? Well, there are too many options out there. Some browsers are specifically meant for privacy paranoid people like us.

But, the problem is slightly bigger. All the companies don’t test their websites on all these browsers. So, if you pick & chose any, you will run into too many problems too often, sometimes even for most popular websites.

We plan to write a separate article about best browsers for privacy, as now we are in the process of testing all of them.

For now, we will not leave you hanging. Your best bet is Mozilla’s Firefox. The most reputed and credible browser out there. Patrick Lucas Austin has written a nice article on Lifehacker “Why You should switch from Google Chrome to Firefox“.

What happens when you stop using Google Chrome

Have you already tried switching away of Google Chrome?

If not, then try now. Nothing serious will happen. Some of the websites and their key functionalities may not work and that’s the only thing will happen. You need to be patient and stick to it. Find the solutions to use these websites with only one exception of not switching back to Google Chrome.

If you did try switching before and couldn’t stick your new browser, then you might have already experienced it.

It’s common human nature to resist the change and you are no different. It takes time to match your frequencies with the change and finally accept the change. It happens when we change a job, move into a new house or new city.

In situations like job change or house/city change, you don’t have a choice to go back. So, you stick to it and in the end, you get into your comfort zone again.

You need to try the same logic. We recommend to follow the 21 Days Challenge.

How Does Google Chrome Make Money?

Examining Google Chrome’s revenue is much harder since Google doesn’t list the revenue and expenses for all of its services. This means that while Google claims the browser is “an exceptionally profitable product,” the public isn’t able to verify this information.

Let’s assume, though, that the browser is profitable. How does it make money? The simple answer is the same as Mozilla Firefox. Google receives money from advertisers but, instead of paying out search royalties to other browsers, the money is transferred to the Chrome part of Google.

Google has indirect ways of making money. For starters, when people use Google Chrome, they are more likely to use a related service—Gmail, Google Apps, Google Docs, etc.—which, in turn, leads to even more usage as the company’s products are highly integrated with each other. Each time a product is used, page views go up and ad revenue increases.

Secondly, Google’s AdSense program is really interested in your data. Chrome tracks user data and uses it to improve its AdSense program. With more data, each user’s marketing profile can be better understood and ads can be better targeted to potential customers. By promising more effective ads, AdSense is able to charge a higher price for advertising than its competitors.

How to Earn Money From Chrome

Chrome extensions are why chrome is such a powerful browser, they make everything easier and quicker. With that in mind, what’s in it for the people that make chrome extensions, surely they make money somehow, right?

So, how do chrome extensions make money?

Chrome extensions make money in 3 main ways; by charging a one-off or subscription fee for the extension, offering in-app payments or through affiliate marketing.

1. Paid chrome extensions

Some chrome extensions charge a one-off or recurring fee to download and use the extension. This way, the owner of the extension earns money from people who pay for the extension. They are usually pretty cheap (under a few bucks).

2. In-app payments

As stated by Google themselves, in-app payments is a valid way of monetizing chrome extensions. This works by offering options to pay for the extension with the service provider, rather than the chrome store. Some good examples of this include Grammarly, which offers paid plans as well as a free version.

If I were making a chrome extension today, this is probably the way I would make money from it since it has higher potential and you have more control over the income from the extension.

3. Affiliate marketing

This is a clever one. Some free chrome extensions offer you deals and coupon codes for example and then get a commission if you click on the links that the extension provides. This is an indirect and passive way of monetizing a chrome extension, yet relies heavily on partners rather than your own product or service. I like this way of making money from an extension, but it can be difficult to do well in my opinion.

How Much is Google Chrome Worth?

As the company has been prone to brag from time to time, Alphabet’s Google has seven services that each claim over a billion monthly active users (MAUs): Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Android, Gmail, the Play Store, and Google Chrome.

Of the seven, Google Chrome is arguably the one that gets the least attention and praise. After all, web browsers are more than two decades old now, and a large portion of Internet usage has migrated to apps (smartphone apps particularly).

But as new disclosures help show, Chrome’s momentum remains quite strong, and the browser’s strategic value to Google is as big as ever.

At its annual Chrome Dev Summit, Google announced there are now over 2 billion Chrome browsers in active use. Actively-used browsers aren’t the same as active users, since many users rely on Chrome on multiple devices, but the figure does highlight how ubiquitous Chrome has become thanks to a high PC browser share, a healthy iOS presence, and (most importantly) the fact Chrome is pre-installed on every phone running Google’s version of Android.

The figure meshes with market share data from web analytics provider StatCounter: The firm estimates Chrome had a 50.6% browser market share in September across PCs, mobile devices and consoles. That’s a new high, and easily dwarfs the 13.7% share claimed by the second-most-popular browser, Apple’s Safari.

Google also declared it won’t be building an ad-blocker into Chrome and would prefer to work with the ad industry on creating ads that deliver a better user experience. And the company outlined its plans to have Chrome support progressive web apps (PWAs) that deliver a mobile app-like experience within browsers. Mozilla’s Firefox and Microsoft’s Edge also support PWAs. Apple, however, doesn’t yet support them either within Safari or for third-party browsers running on iOS.

Make Money Chrome Extension

A small fraction of Chrome extensions make money in pay per install model. Which means you have to pay to install it into your browser.

Most of the serious companies having Chrome Extension as their major product simply has a SaaS approach to this business. They offer you a free extension with some basic functionalities and if you want to use it more, or have more powerful features you’ll have to pay (most often) in the subscription model.

To name you a few: Grammaly, Toggl, Toby, Evernote Web Clipper, Todoist, LastPass, Bananatag, Hiver.

Google Chrome Net Worth

Google Chrome is an American YouTube channel with over 1.90M subscribers. It started 12 years ago and has 409 uploaded videos.

The net worth of Google Chrome at the moment is $2,253,911.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.