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Organizations of all types and sizes must continually adapt their marketing strategies to remain relevant and in front of their target audiences. Increasingly, this means recognizing the online nature of customer relationships and deploying a strong digital marketing strategy.

Having a poor digital marketing strategy can mean missing out on potential customers online, which is a significant problem when you consider that the vast majority of people looking for a business begin their search online.

  • 10 Ways to Achieve Success in Digital Marketing
  • How can I Success in Digital Marketing?
  • What are the 10 Steps to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy?
  • How do you Achieve your Goals in Digital Marketing?
  • What are the Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing?
  • What are the Keys to Success in Marketing?
  • How can I Increase my Digital Growth?
  • What are the 4 Phases of Digital Marketing?
  • What is a Good Digital Strategy?
  • How to Create a Digital Strategy

10 Ways to Achieve Success in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a broad term that includes all marketing channels and methods you can use to promote products or services on the Internet but also on electronic devices such as TVs, mobile phones, and electronic billboards.

Online marketing has a number of pillars but the most important are:

  • Website marketing
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Banner advertising

Below, we summarize the most important digital marketing tips for each component so that you increase your chances of successful online marketing.

1. Use your own domain

Buy a domain name that is relevant to your business and use it to build your brand. The recommended extension is a .com or .net. Keep the domain name short (max 3 words) and avoid having spaces.

Read Also: Can we Learn Digital Marketing from Youtube?

Before you register a domain name, search for the name on Google and make sure that no other business exists with a similar domain. If there is, try to find something unique because otherwise, it will be very difficult to promote your brand and rank high for related searches.

2. Use VPS hosting

Website hosting plays an important role in the success of your website. Your website should be hosted on a fast and secure server. Avoid using shared hosting solutions. They may be cheaper but having your website hosted with a bunch of other websites is dangerous.

In a shared hosting environment, you share the same IP address with other sites and if they are involved in spammy actions, it will have a negative impact on your website as well.

Spending $20-$40 a month for your own virtual private server is not that much compared to the benefits you get. Choose an SEO-friendly web hosting company and make sure that your website is secure with a valid SSL certificate and that the software is up-to-date.

3. Create a professional website

When you start a website, spend some time thinking about your site structure and functionality. A professional website is not characterized by its ‘looks’ but by how easy it is to use on all devices.

Identify the purpose of having a website and make sure that this is reflected in the design. Don’t forget that a website represents your brand and it should be something you’re proud of.

4. Make your website load as fast as possible

Page Speed is an important usability and ranking factor. Try to make your website as fast as possible by avoiding unnecessary graphics or other cosmetic elements. Test your website speed using the Google PageSpeed Insights tool and follow their recommendations.

5. Spend time on SEO

SEO is not a once-off process but something that you have to do as an ongoing process. If you are not sure how to do it, go through an SEO certification. It’s the best way to learn SEO and optimize your website.

SEO will help your website get found on Google for related searches. Online businesses that can do SEO successfully, are more likely to grow and withstand the pressure from other online competitors.

6. Spend money on PPC

Pay per click platforms (think Google Ads) are great because they can generate targeted traffic to your website fast.

If you are serious about your digital marketing, PPC should be part of your monthly budget.

7. Don’t forget Bing Ads

Google Ads is the most popular platform for PPC advertising but there are also other platforms like Bing ads that can get you good results with less budget.

Bing is the second most popular search engine and something worth testing as part of your overall online marketing strategy.

8. Start with a low advertising budget and grow profitable

Once you start with PPC, don’t put all your money from the beginning but start slow, optimize your campaigns, and make them profitable and then increase your budgets.

A common mistake made by many digital marketing specialists is to spend all their budget on campaigns without first testing the waters with one or more pilot campaigns.

9. Build your presence in social networks related to your business

There are a lot of social networks available and you don’t have to use them all. Select the ones that are related to your business and potential customers and concentrate on those.

The table below shows the demographics of each network and you can use this as your guide.

Social Media Platforms Demographics.
Social Media Platforms Demographics.

10. Don’t over-promote your business and services

Social media networks are not about business but it’s about people, so make sure that you don’t over-promote your business or services but instead try to make your pages useful with content that may interest your readers.

How can I Success in Digital Marketing?

By combining the channels and tactics mentioned below, businesses can achieve success in their digital marketing in the following ways.

1. Be flexible and open to change.

Embracing the fast-paced changes in the digital marketing world and tweaking the new tools, strategies, and tactics accordingly, is a must for businesses to succeed and thrive in today’s world.

2. Set SMART objectives.

Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound objectives that are consistent with your digital marketing plan is critically important. For example, a conversion objective can be to increase the average value of orders in online sales from $30 to $40.

3. Execute perfectly.

Once you create an objective plan for achieving your SMART objectives, you need to execute the plan on schedule. Executing perfectly will allow you to collect data and make changes to your plan to fit customer feedback. These changes also need to be executed quickly.

4. Exercise creativity throughout the process.

Right from the planning stage, be innovative and creative in using the content, as well as different integrated channels (omnichannel marketing) to reach your audience and target customers.

Content can include images, infographics, video, modernized websites, elegant designs, etc. Integrated channels can consist of mobile, social, web, phone, and physical stores.

5. Target audience with market segmentation.

Understanding your target audience and reaching out to them wherever they may be is crucial for digital marketing success. Marketing segmentation is useful in helping marketers do this by studying audience behavior/characteristics and grouping similar traits, so that audience needs can be prioritized accordingly. Using AI and automation can help marketers achieve even higher levels of granularity and accuracy in an efficient way.

6. Diversify your channels, tactics, and strategies.

By understanding that no single digital marketing strategy is perfect, you become open to the idea that experimenting with different channels, tactics, and strategies is a critical part of achieving success.

One benefit of this mentality is that you’ll come across different audiences and customers that you didn’t know existed. These new audiences and customers can help you find new revenue streams.

7. Integrate your sales and marketing.

Integrating sales and marketing allows businesses to maximize every aspect of digital marketing because these teams will be working with a focused purpose as opposed to working against each other (knowingly or unknowingly).

Areas of maximization include the use of data, tools, seamless customer hand-over to different teams, etc.

8. Collect, measure, track, and analyze data.

Today, data is crucial not just to provide your customers with a level of service that they expect, but also to keep up with the competition. As such, collecting, measuring, tracking, and analyzing data in real time to get insights is simply a must for businesses to succeed in their digital marketing efforts.

9. Always stay connected to your audience.

Customers today want to communicate and know what’s happening with their chosen vendors at all times. Businesses must, therefore, create an always-connected environment to nourish this desire by not only providing up-to-date content, but also by availing tools (e.g., chatbots) that make it easier to receive and send the content.

10. Collect feedback and respond to it accordingly.

Use surveys, polls and comment forms to collect feedback from audiences and customers. You can use one of our handy free feedback email templates.

Once you get customer input, use it to inform which strategies are working and which ones aren’t, and then adjust accordingly. The constant improvement will lead you to digital marketing success.

What are the 10 Steps to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy?

It’s helpful to think of your strategy more like a digital marketing roadmap or action plan for expanding your online reach and establishing your place on the internet. And there’s no doubt about it: the internet is valuable real estate.

It’s where your customers are buying, engaging, and researching. In fact, 78% of consumers scope out a business’s online presence before ever physically visiting (Cision). A lackluster online presence can have a hugely negative impact.

The latest digital marketing strategies will help boost your brand awareness and attract customers through the big strategies mentioned above, namely SEO-fueled organic search, paid ads (ppc in digital marketing can be crucial, but more on that later), website design, and social media.

It also bears repeating that every business and website is different. The best digital marketing strategies take this into account and are designed with specific goals in mind that can be accomplished, tracked, and refined using particular tools and channels.

1. Your Environment: The Market and the Competition

The first step to a good digital marketing strategy is understanding the environment you are working in. In order to do this, you need to study the market, your competition, the sector’s characteristics and trends, and the strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Finally, you’ll need to find your USP or unique selling proposition: what makes your product stand out? What places it in a unique position in relation to the competition?

2. Your Audience

Marketing tools come bearing endless possibilities of audience segmentation, but to make the most of them it is vital to know who you are targeting, so the next step is to clarify this.

Demographics are an essential first step to defining your audience, but they aren’t enough. You need to understand what your buyer’s needs and motivations are and how to choose the best online channels and communication strategies to reach them. To do this, you can use you can use a variety of different tools.

3. Your Goals

Once you have completed the previous steps, you have to determine what exactly you are trying to achieve. Your online goals should be compatible with your overall business strategy. But to get started, a few possible goals may be generating clients for your new product or service, increasing customer loyalty by a certain percentage, increasing the number of times your product is mentioned favorably online, or growing traffic to your online store by a certain percentage. 

When determining your plan’s goals, it can be useful to keep the SMART acronym in mind, as your goals should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

4. Strategy and Creativity

Now we come to the core of your plan: strategy and creativity.

Your marketing strategy gives you a global vision of the actions you will take to establish to connect with your clients. It will help you achieve the goals you defined in the previous steps. To lay out your strategy, it is useful to divide your actions according to the conversion funnel. Logically, talking to someone who has never heard of your brand is not the same as talking to a regular customer. 

Once you define your strategy, it’s time to incorporate creativity, to make your message go further and leave a lasting impression.

5. The Sales Process

Based on the strategy you have defined, you will now need to determine your digital sales process. If you are looking to drive online sales, it is quite sensible to define a series of steps a user will go through on your website before they become a client. If your business is not an e-commerce, you’ll need to find other ways to link your sales to your online communication efforts. This could be through lead generation, for example.

6. Loyalty

Once you have converted a user into a client, you are faced with one of the most interesting parts of online marketing: customer loyalty. It’s significantly more challenging to get a new client than it is to keep an existing one, so this part of the plan is crucial. 

Don’t forget to make the most of the potential of cookies to get to know the habits and interests of your clients, and offer them what they need most, at precisely the right time.

7. The Budget

It’s time to talk about money. How do you define the budget of your online communication efforts? The most common method is dividing your investment between the different channels you are using (web, search engines, social media, etc.). To get it right, you need to be able to predict which channels and platforms will have greatest impact on our audience.

8. Technology

When it comes to technology, the online world offers endless possibilities that are constantly changing and evolving. So, how do you choose the best tools to implement our digital marketing plan? While there is no correct answer, if you have a clear idea of your budget, the expected return on investment, and the places your audience likes to spend time online, you’ll be able to create an estimate. Don’t hesitate to ask for guidance from an expert who can explain in depth the pros and cons of different options.

9. The KPI

Your plan is almost ready but you cannot forget an essential part: analyzing your results.

To define success, you should define several KPIs or “Key Performance Indicators” that you will keep track of. These are metrics that show the results of your marketing efforts. An example of a KPI could be the acquisition cost of a new client of your e-commerce.

10. Measure and Adjust Accordingly

You now have your online marketing plan ready to go, but the job is not totally done. It is vital to establish periodic control tests of your KPIs and analyze your results to be sure that your marketing efforts are paying off. If they are not, you’ll need to adapt your plan based on what isn’t working. If they are, you can build on your existing plan and find new ways continuously improve.

How do you Achieve your Goals in Digital Marketing?

Without clear goals, you’re basically directionless – and working to achieve vanity metrics that don’t necessarily help you achieve your overall business objectives.

For example, without social media objectives, you’re basically working to get more likes and engagement – but does that necessarily translate to success?

On the other hand, if your goal is to convert more followers – arguably one of the most popular objectives – then don’t focus on creating content that only gets you likes and comments. Instead, try to drive more social media traffic to your website, and encourage your followers down the marketing funnel.

When it comes to setting objectives, there are various criteria you can use. We recommend strategic marketing planning through SMART goals work best because they cover every important aspect of a successful marketing goal:

  • Specific: There are two ways to interpret this and both are very useful. For one thing, you need to be specific with your goals and ensure that it’s a very clear objective; and for another, you also need to be very specific about what this goal means and what it encompasses.
  • Measurable: In other words, what KPIs will help you understand whether you’ve reached your goals or not. This is very important as you want to be able to understand whether your efforts actually paid off and how they translate to revenue. Also, it’s worth noting that with some digital marketing strategies, it can be difficult to quantify your results and understand how they translate into revenue (particularly with social media marketing).
  • Achievable: When setting goals, it’s a great idea to aim high – but not so high that they’re unrealistic. When you’re setting your digital marketing objectives, ask yourself whether they can actually be achieved or whether you’re simply setting yourself up for failure.
  • Relevant: Or, how do your digital marketing goals help you reach your business goals? As I mentioned earlier, this is very important because, at the end of the day, you’re developing all of these marketing strategies to help grow your business. In fact, you should start with your business objectives first and think of what digital marketing objectives will help you reach for the former.
  • Time-bound: Giving your objectives a clear deadline tells you when you need to measure your results and benchmark these results against past (and future) campaigns. This is another highly important practice as it helps you understand how to optimize your future strategies – and objectives – in order to achieve better results with each new campaign.

What are the Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing?

The main advantage of digital marketing is that a targeted audience can be reached in without breaking the bank. Digital marketing is cost-effective and measurable. Other digital marketing advantages include increasing brand loyalty, awareness and driving online sales.

The benefits of digital marketing are truly without limits, we will break down all the various benefits of digital marketing and how small brands can leverage these benefits to grow their business faster!

1. The most cost-effective way of marketing

Digital marketing is substantially cheaper than traditional marketing. Running ads on digital platforms is more budget-friendly than any other media like TV, Radio, or print media. It can help you dramatically cut costs and spend that money elsewhere, like improving your product or service quality.

2. Very promising for small businesses

Digital marketing is particularly beneficial for small businesses, primarily due to cost and most customers are beginning their buyer’s journey online. It can be helpful for small businesses to create awareness about their products and services.

3. Lead Generation

Through digital marketing, you can generate qualified leads through your marketing content. You can view how many people saw your content and how engaged they were. The users who show genuine interest in your content are potential leads that you can convert to customers.

4. Easily measurable form of marketing

Unlike most forms of marketing, the outcomes of digital marketing can be measured easily. Every aspect of digital marketing, including emails, social media, search marketing, etc., is measurable. Using various analytics tools, you can ascertain which channels perform better than others to concentrate your efforts on them. Parameters like the number of visitors, conversion rate, and bounce rate, among others, can be measured in real-time.

5. Better conversion rates

You’ll see improved conversion rates with digital marketing as it allows you to target your potential customers more efficiently. Reaching your customers through online media is a much better way than telephone. Digital marketing will enable you to filter out better leads that are more likely to buy your product. More qualified leads mean more conversions. Furthermore, techniques like SEO and SEM will positively impact your conversion rate.

6. Easier to monitor competitors

Businesses must keep a close eye on their competitors to stay ahead in the game, and digital marketing can go a long way in this regard. You can view the strategies adopted by your competitors and compare them with yours. You can see their social media and search ads campaigns and scout for any opportunities.

7. Helps you target ideal buyers effectively

Digital marketing is the best way to target your ideal customers. All the online channels allow you to direct your campaign towards a target audience based on factors like age, location, gender, etc. Traditional marketing channels are below par in this regard as they fail to target your efforts towards a specific audience. For example, radio, TV, or print ads will reach the general population, but there will be no guarantee that they will reach the intended audience.

8. Better ROI

As we mentioned, digital marketing will improve your conversions, considerably boosting revenue figures. As the initial investment is significantly lower than traditional marketing, the returns will be much higher as an investment ratio. Moreover, it will take much less time to recover the investment made in digital marketing than in other marketing channels. In other words, your business will see a better return on investment (ROI).

9. It helps you connect with mobile customers

Mobile customers who do most of their shopping through online mode form a sizeable chunk of today’s market. Digital marketing can help your business tap into this vast market and churn profits. Making your website mobile-friendly can help you reach these customers.

10. Compete with large corporations

Large corporations usually overwhelm small businesses and hinder their growth as they have more spending power. Digital marketing solves this problem as it levels the playing field and allows small businesses to compete with multinational corporations.

The world around us is changing, and so are how corporations reach out to their customers. Digital marketing offers a measurable, efficient, and cost-effective way to do that while keeping the playing field level.

What are the Keys to Success in Marketing?

There are several elements to consider when you are developing your marketing strategy.


Your existing and potential customers fall into particular groups or segments, characterized by their ‘needs’. Identifying these groups and their needs through market research and market reports, and then addressing those needs more successfully than your competitors, should be one of the key elements of your marketing strategy.

Targeting and positioning

You should aim to sell to the market segments that will be most profitable for your business. It is important that your product offering meets the needs of your chosen target market. 

You should create a marketing strategy that makes the most of your strengths and matches them to the needs of the customers you want to target. For example, if a particular group of customers is looking for quality first and foremost, then any marketing activity aimed at them should draw attention to the high quality of your products or service.

Promotional tactics

Once you have created your marketing strategy, you must then decide which marketing activity or activities will ensure your target market know about the products or services you offer, and why they meet their needs.

There are many ways to achieve this – such as various forms of advertising, exhibitions, public relations, digital marketing and an effective ‘point of sale’ strategy. Try to limit your activities to those methods you think will work best with your target market, to avoid spreading your budget too thinly.

Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluating how effective your strategy has been is a key element, yet often overlooked. This control element not only helps you see how your strategy is performing in practice, it can also help inform your future marketing strategy.

A simple approach is to ask each new customer how they heard about your business. Deeper analysis can come from questionnaires, focus groups and examining customers’ online behaviour.

Marketing plan

Once you have decided on your marketing strategy, draw up a marketing plan that sets out how you intend to execute that strategy and evaluate its success. The plan should be constantly reviewed and, if necessary, updated so you can respond quickly to changes in customer needs and attitudes in your industry and in the broader economic climate.

How can I Increase my Digital Growth?

If you’re managing a digital business, running marketing campaigns online or are on the verge of launching a start-up – digital growth strategies are almost definitely on your mind.

1. Engaging the Customer

Always remember, the Customer is king. You have you impress them with your services and make products for what your audience is looking to. Business idea and execution is implied from market research, how good you are to provide the lacking service? Moreover, other similar things been brainstorm to facilitate your niche audience. Sign up for our exclusive newsletters.

Digital marketing in today’s era is how good you can expand to the Customer. The base should be clear before promoting your USP. It is incredibly crucial to know the audience’s needs and to maintain a quality product/service as it helps to build Customer and ultimate loyalty factor. So in brief, Customers can trust you from your online presence and digital marketing activities.

2. Stronger than the traditional method

The traditional method is time-consuming and may not be affordable by all. However, online presence never asked for many costs. All you need to do is hire an agency or be an expert in some technicians that create your brand value. Now comes offline marketing, one or the other way to generate leads as it exists since long. However, let me advise you that it works for some particular industries only that too, with a smaller target audience.

Also, you need to spend more on offline advertising like print media. Whereby, modern digital marketing plans get you done with all required market analysis and online advertisement analysis to make a strong move. You can enjoy ROI with customer engagement and loyalty over the globe.

3. Targeting the potential audience

Sometimes you find it difficult to reach the audience, actually a relevant audience. The exact and relevant audience is what matters, and that can achieve with precise marketing. A couple of years back we are familiar with TV advertisements only and some of them on the radio. However, now, all are talking about online advertising. Digital marketing helps brands as they can target their audience in terms of behavior, age group, location, geographical barriers, competitor analysis, interests, and more.

4. Creating reliable branding

You must have heard about; every enterprise can create a reliable brand no matter of the size of the business. Brand value can achieve with several steps and consistency of products and services. All you need is a unique identifier related to your product, an eye-catching professional tagline with some attractive and real images, and you are set to go. Before being digital, identity is a must so that the audience can relate and remember with some specific things you mentioned.

5. Improve results with Search Engine Ranking

Here, keywords and quality content play a vital role. Google, or any other search engine, crawl your website page based on naturally placed keywords. Content with relevant information for an audience helps search engines to find your page with keywords. These are how you have to improve website results in terms of ranking on the search engine.

Though you are doing good enough, you should keep improving as per updated trends for your customers. Always research for the keywords users are searching on Google and focus on that list to target it in your information based articles. These are one of the ways digital marketing helps to keep you on the top.

6. Strong social media presence

Getting a social media account is not enough. One has to with each step, related post, organizations’ USP images, and more proofs with the customer base. You have to keep an eye on the market, and industry-related news helps to answer all questions of your target audience. For fantastic business growth, active presence on social media is a must.

Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, and Instagram are the base platforms of marketing to attract an audience and maintain the customers. The audience views your daily activity and gets connected through comments, messages, email, calls, and more.

7. The power of SEO

The crucial point of digital marketing that assist with rank factor and optimizing your website is SEO. For years, search engine optimization helping the business to be in the top and have drastic growth in no time. Power of SEO Image source As per my search, SEO made a quality impact on brands by generating traffic on the website.

SEO-friendly keywords are the best way for a business to earn relevant traffic and thus, revenue. You have to make sure all SEO activities are actively done to be on the first page of Google. You can visible growth increases in sales with on-page and off-page SEO activities.

8. Mobile-friendly site

A business becomes a brand with a site that is mobile-friendly. We all are much in mobile devices these days, and it is something like never lasting. As per the research, the usage of gadgets is increasing beyond expectations. So, a website or a business should be easy to use and mobile-friendly. The UX-UI of the website should be creative that directly attracts the audience and spread with word-of-mouth. Numerous audiences going to visit from mobile as per their preference and you can measure the ratio.

What are the 4 Phases of Digital Marketing?

1. Awareness

When potential customers first enter into the content marketing funnel, you should assume that they are unaware of your company or the solution you provide. It’s now your job to make them aware. Top-of-funnel (TOFU) content focuses on educating your audience. You can use content types such as:

  • Shareable blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • E-books
  • Podcasts

But don’t stress—you don’t have to try every single content type. Test a few that seem to resonate with your intended audience and track their success. With each piece of content you create, ask yourself:

  • Are prospects viewing, interacting with, and sharing the content?
  • Is my target audience interacting with my content?
  • Is there any follow-through after interaction?

Use metrics like time on page, number of reviews, and bounce rate to assist in answering these questions, and dig into Google Analytics to understand more. If you find that your content falls short or doesn’t address the correct audience, pivot. Just because you’ve started on one path doesn’t mean you can’t make changes to your strategy.

We also compiled a list of useful resources and tools that can help with creating or promoting the content pieces mentioned above:

  • For creating shareable blog posts, try HubSpot’s blog post maker.
  • To schedule social media posts ahead of time using tools like Hootsuite or CoSchedule.
  • For video editing, try using Apple’s default video editing software, iMovie, which is also pre-installed on mobile Apple devices. If you’re not a Mac user, Windows also has a pre-installed video editing option. 
  • To create quick and easy E-books use Adobe’s E-book creator tool.
  • For podcast audio editing, you can try either Audacity or GarageBand.

2. Evaluation

In the middle of the funnel (MOFU), potential customers determine whether they need your product or service. You’re also attempting to build trust with your consumer in the evaluation stage. No one buys from or does business with a company they don’t trust, so look for ways to build that relationship.

Consumers are looking for content that demonstrates why they should choose your product or service:

  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • Emails
  • Useful resources/downloads
  • Events/webinars

Again, ask yourself if your content is fulfilling its intended purpose:

  • Are people converting from this content?
  • Am I generating new sales or leads from this content?
  • Is this content helping or hurting my end goal?

Good content creation helps incrementally move a prospect toward a purchase. It doesn’t happen all at once, so don’t expect one piece to do all the heavy lifting. That’s why it’s so important to vary the types of content marketing you use and to have a comprehensive content strategy in place.

3. Conversion

Everyone wants to feel confident in a purchase. Give your potential customers very clear reasons why buying your product or investing in your service is the smart thing to do.

The content funnel up to this point has been about getting customers interested in your product. Now, at the bottom of the content marketing funnel (BOFU), give them a reason to buy. By offering side-by-side comparisons of similar products—and highlighting how your product or service is superior—you can easily influence a purchase.

Again, keep in mind the following:

  • Does my content have a clear call to action?
  • Am I making the purchase process as simple as possible?

Offering a free trial of your service can also lead to a purchase, as long as you aren’t giving away the whole product. An introductory trial gives potential consumers a taste of what you do but should leave them wanting more, since your objective is to convert them to a sale.

4. Delight

Although it’s not part of the traditional content marketing funnel, many companies have added an additional step to retain or delight customers.

Your overall content strategy should be aimed at building an audience and keeping them engaged. That work extends beyond the purchase stage.

Your content should give customers simple ways to stay engaged and share their feedback with your business. Ask yourself:

  • Does this content encourage customers to leave feedback?
  • Does the content give readers reasons to refer their friends?
  • Does this content showcase real customer success?

Reward your audience with special promotions or early previews of new products. Even if your customer isn’t a repeat buyer, they still have influencing power in their social circles.

What is a Good Digital Strategy?

A digital strategy is how a company plans to use its technology resources. An effective strategy can help a company increase brand awareness, reach new customers and optimize business processes. Learning the components and value of having a digital strategy can help you develop one that’s right for your business.

Read Also: Top 20 Ways to Earn Revenue on Your Website

A digital strategy is a company’s approach to using technology, like computers, mobile devices and internet services, to grow their business. This plan can help them reach customers, increase sales and showcase their brand effectively. A company may design and adjust its strategy based on market needs, popular technology or platforms and business performance.

There are a few components that companies may consider when developing their strategy:

  • Digital marketing: Digital marketing uses technology channels to increase brand awareness and engagement. The different areas of digital marketing include social media, email and content marketing.
  • Advertising: Digital advertising is when companies deliver targeted materials to attract new customers and engage existing customers. Companies may pay to advertise on websites, through search engines or through pay-per-click.
  • E-commerce: E-commerce is the ability to buy and sell products or services online. It’s important to provide customers with the option to shop from your brand on digital platforms.
  • Customer interaction: Having open channels for feedback and interaction with your customers can help you provide a positive customer service experience. Interacting with customers can also give you important data for targeting specific groups or for product improvement.
  • Search engine optimization: Search engine optimization can help your company appear on search engines. Tags, keywords, links on your website and other online content can be part of your plan to increase your traffic and accessibility.

Many people use technology, so creating a strategy for your digital presence may help you grow your business. Here are a few benefits of creating a digital strategy:


The discovery phase of creating a new strategy is when a business decides what it wants to accomplish, how it can accomplish these goals and what its competitors are doing. Creating a strategy can be a great way for businesses to assess their current marketing strategies and plan how to use technology to develop their strategies further. For example, you might decide to target new audiences or increase sales goals.


With technology, you can find tools to help you track and manage your data better. For example, it may be easier to track users’ clicks to your website through online advertisements than track if people discover your company through a newspaper ad. Building your strategy might change in the early stages as you gather and analyze customer data.


Resource management includes the tools and processes that help a company manage its resources like employees, content, financial resources and more. For example, automated tools like instant emails or chatbots on websites can help marketing or technology tools focus on improving your software and developing new campaigns. Efficient operations can also allow your business to focus on more important digital outcomes.


The internet can expose your business to millions of people worldwide. This can help you target specific markets that you may want to reach. Using new technology and data, you can reach different geographic locations, targeted age groups and users with specific interests.

How to Create a Digital Strategy

Here are some steps you can take to create your own digital strategy:

1. Determine your purpose

Determine what you want your business to accomplish and consider how your strategy can contribute to your goals. You might revisit your original business plan and strategies before creating a digital one. Once you refine your overall business goals, define what you want to achieve, such as greater brand awareness, more customers or better customer loyalty.

2. Define your brand

Digital branding can make your brand consistent across all platforms and channels so customers can identify your company easily. You may already have a logo and elements like color schemes or a website, but you may also consider what story you want your company to tell. Define the reasons customers might choose your brand over competitors and decide how to convey that message through emails, social media accounts, websites and blogs.

3. Identify your customers

When creating your online strategy, think about who your customers are and how they might interact with your digital presence. For example, if you want to target new moms for baby furniture, consider what may influence them to purchase your products, such as safety features, convenience features and easy-to-assemble equipment. You might create advertising content that highlights these unique features, using a conversational tone to express your understanding to customers.

4. Create adaptable processes

Consider creating processes where you can frequently review data, update content and adapt to new technology. This could apply to specific tasks and metrics or your overall strategy. Learning how customers respond to your online presence may require you to shift goals often. For example, if a new social media platform becomes popular, you might create more content there instead of platforms with less engaged users.

5. Create a content strategy

One of your biggest tasks may be to create new content for your digital channels. Building a content strategy to target your audiences can help you create and publish content quicker. For example, you might decide to post infographics when you release blog posts and choose how often you want to post on social media.

6. Invest in technology tools

There are many technology tools that can help you improve your digital presence. Research tools that can help you achieve your business goals and use them where possible. For example, website-building tools, advertising plugins and customer relationship management tools can automate customer interactions. These tools can help you make progress toward your goals and eliminate some manual tasks to improve efficiency.

7. Adjust your strategy

You may need to adjust your strategy in response to user engagement. For example, you might find that posting content at certain times of the day creates more engagement, or that users are more likely to use your website on Sundays than on Mondays. Responding to actual customer data and adjusting your strategy can help you give customers what they want from your digital brand.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.