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A freelancing career is not new in the world of employment options. Most people thought that the pandemic gave way or recognition to freelancing jobs or the gig economy as so-called. In fact, full-time freelancers have been around for years. The number grew from 17% to 28% from 2014 to 2019.

As the pandemic happens, people who lost their jobs seek employment in the freelancing world.

Even though some parts of the world are returning to normal, those who experienced the freedom from 9 to 5 jobs don’t want to return.

A freelancing career is a step away from the traditional office-based job we all experienced once in our life. But that doesn’t mean that it comes easy all the time. Like most work, freelancing has its perks and drawbacks. It is also crucial to know that not everyone is made for a freelancing career. Some individuals thrive in an environment that embraces teamwork and office-based communication.

You may want to give freelancing a try. But what is it exactly? Why are people so drawn to freelancing? Does it always sound that good to work as a freelancer? How to build a career in freelancing if you want to give it a try?

Don’t worry. We are here to help you decide if freelancing is for you. We will put together a list of advantages and disadvantages to help you decide. If you wish to build a freelancing career, then our effective tips will help you on your journey to success.

But first, what is freelancing?

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a contract-based job that doesn’t require an individual to work for an organization in the long run. They are not bound to commit to a single employer.

People who work as a freelancer use their skills, education, and experience to gain clients and work on multiple projects from different people. Often, it doesn’t matter how many projects they get, as long as they can deliver the result in time.

There is no requirement to be present at the office.

Also, freelancing jobs are paid based on their time and expertise. Unlike traditional jobs where salaries are fixed according to the contract.

Although freelancers work from home or anywhere, don’t mistake it for work-from-home jobs. The latter isn’t required to work in an office, but they have a contract from a single employer.

Advantages of Freelancing

●      Flexible

Working as a freelancer, you have the freedom to work according to your time and the place you want. No one will have to check on how many hours you have worked in a day or if you are at home working.

Being flexible is the most often reason why many choose to build a freelancing career. You can work at your own pace. You don’t have to work every day, just when you think you are in the mood. The only thing you need to do is finish your project before the deadline.

Also, some like to travel, and having a freelancing job can be an excellent choice for avid travelers.

Of course, it’s not only for those who like to travel or have free time. Freelancing careers can be perfect for those with kids. They can take time off to spend with family and take care of their children.

●      You Manage Everything

Here’s the thing about freelancing, you don’t have a boss. Instead, you have clients. You work for multiple people who request some projects. You don’t have to show up and get dressed as you take control of your time.

As part of being a freelancer, you’ll have to manage everything, track your budget, find clients, negotiate payments, and so on. No one can control you.

●      Receive Payments According to Skills

Sometimes when working for a single employer, employees are not paid according to their expertise or skills. Even with an excellent degree, payment is below what they expected. However, for freelancing, you get to charge according to your experience and skills.

●      Improve Skills

Part of being a freelancer is accepting projects that are slightly different or advanced from your skills. With that, you can have the opportunity to learn something new.

As you learn new and advance your skills, you get to charge more for it.

Disadvantages of Freelancing Career

Freelancing is not all about frolicking in a field of flowers. You may have to experience some downside to it too.

●      No Interaction with Other Employees

If you are a social person, freelancing can be a challenge. Unless you travel often, most of the time, freelancing is isolating. You work alone with no interaction with management or other employees.

●      Lack of Benefits

Being a freelancer means you are your boss. No one’s going to give you benefits like health insurance, paid vacation leaves, or sick leave days.

If you need health insurance, you are responsible for it. When taking leaves, you need to make sure you have to meet the deadline to avoid issues.

●      Irregular Source of Income

Income mostly depends on how many projects you take or clients you have. There are times when you have a few projects, which means you can be short in money. But some months you can have plenty of projects and earn more than expected.

●      Unpredictable Workload

Similar to an irregular source of income, your workload varies. One month you can have a few numbers of projects, the next, you can be struggling with loads of clients. It could even make it difficult to catch up with deadlines.

●      Difficult Clients

It’s not all the time you’ll experience working with clients who can pay you upfront or on time. It can be a bit of a struggle when asking your clients to pay. You need to set policies and make payment easy for your clients. You can ask for a down payment before starting a project and get full when you are done.

Also, some clients expect you to be available 24/7. If you cater to clients from different time zones, you need to be available at all times. When a client reaches out, you have to respond quickly.

●      Must be Accountable

You need to be self-motivated and accountable if you work as a freelancer. No one will tell you to do your job. So, you have to push yourself to work and finish a project to earn money.

●      All-Around

Your responsibility does not only lie to your client. You have to manage, from computing and paying tax, managing expenses, and other aspects.

Get to know everything about self-employment to easily keep up with all matters.

Now you have an idea of what being a freelancer is all about. You can decide whether to proceed or not. But all we can say is that you can overcome the disadvantages of a freelancing career. There are solutions to such.

If you’re ready to become a freelancer, let’s start your career.

Effective Ways to Build Your Freelancing Career

Know Your Strengths

Before choosing your clients or what service you can provide, you have to know your strengths. List down all the skills you have, your experiences, and your degree. In this way, you’ll know what you can provide to your clients.

Let’s say you have a degree in journalism. You have been working as a writer for years. That’s enough for you to take a freelancing career in writing.

Although, some people who jump to freelancing have no experience in the industry they are currently working in. You can do so, but you need to take online classes or workshops to impress or gain clients. Most clients don’t hire freelancers with no credentials or experience.

Create a Portfolio

You need to have an attractive and killer portfolio to impress your clients. There are various ways to build your portfolio.

You can create your website and include the services you offer. Also, you can join freelancing platforms and create a profile. You can even provide free services for businesses that require your talent.

For example, if you want to be a freelance writer, you can search for websites that offer free guest posting. You can provide well-written articles to grow your portfolio.

Choose a Platform

Starting with a freelancing career requires patience. It’s a challenge to find clients and be seen. That’s why you need to find places that cater to freelancers.

Websites or freelance platforms are the best way for beginners to attract clients.

You can look for popular platforms to find clients and build your reputation. Create a profile and show your experiences and skills. Make sure to impress your clients by indicating that you can deliver to their needs.

Before choosing a project, make sure that you’ve read the requirements. Better yet, since you are starting your career, find projects that are easy. Also, check on clients you want to work with by reading reviews about them.

Some platforms allow freelancers to leave reviews on their clients. Here you can see if they pay on time or leave good reviews after working with a freelancer. You will want someone to leave a good review on your profile, not a simple comment like “great” or “excellent job is done.”

Reviews are crucial to attracting more clients.

As you get more clients on platforms you’ve joined, make sure to raise your rates. But do this early on in your career, so clients won’t have to question your drastic change.

Learn to Network

Yes, you can gain clients on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. However, sometimes these platforms can ban you or temporarily prevent you from finding clients. Therefore, networking is a vital part of a freelancing career.

It’s awkward and quite a challenge to network yourself with others, whether online or in real life. But it’s a great way to find clients.

You can gain private clients when you put yourself out there. Even better, most private clients can become your long-term clients, especially if they like your work.

There are online platforms to network and find clients online without the middleman. LinkedIn is one of the best places to network. It’s a social media made for professionals. You can find plenty of businesses that need someone of your skill.

Build Your Brand

Like businesses, a freelancing career requires that you build your brand. It may take time to find what your brand is, but it can help you land more success in freelancing.

You can create your website, promote it on social media, or collect reviews from previous clients. Your brand can say who you are as a professional.

Share on Social Media

Social media is more than a platform where people share content to entertain. Businesses are taking over social media platforms.

Creating an online presence can help you market your brand to potential clients. By starting an Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account, you are showing yourself to clients. However, you have to keep all your content professional and work-related. Don’t use your freelancing social media for personal use.

Set Your Price

Freelancers are not employees. They are businesses. Therefore, you don’t ask how much your clients want to pay you. You must set your payment and tell them.

When setting your price, make sure you don’t sell yourself short.

Think about how much you need to cover your daily expenses, your bills, and other payments. If you are beginning, search for freelancers in your field and see how much they charge. However, keep in mind that your pricing should differ if you are new.

Rates can also be dependent on location, demand, and visibility.

Remember, as you gain more clients and experience, your rate increases.

Work Hard and Give Your Best

When taking on a project, always give your best. Make sure that you meet the demands of your clients. Although freelance means you have most of the time in your hands, you still need to make time for your clients.

Set a schedule when you can work on your projects. Work hard to finish it and make sure it’s of value. Providing premium output can help you get recommended to other clients.

The quality of your work defines your reputation as a freelancer.

Invest in the Right Tools

Remember to use the best tools that you need in your niche.

If you are a freelance illustrator, buying or subscribing to tools like Adobe Illustrator, Corel, or other drawing tools are vital. Tools as such can help you achieve what you need to meet your clients’ requirements.

These tools help in business growth, which means help you in your freelancing career.

Here are tools you can use as a freelancer.

Keep Balance

It’s good to have plenty of clients. It means more opportunities to grow and earn money. However, taking in a lot of projects can only make things worse.

Learn to keep things balanced. Make sure that you say yes to projects that you can handle. Don’t compromise your time and health for the sake of having plenty of clients.

Since no one is there to monitor your work and the process, make sure to set schedules. Having a calendar makes it easy to focus on work and have time to rest.

Maintaining balance helps you manage your work well.


With a freelancing career, you can have the freedom to take control of your time and the money you earn. But remember, if you want to succeed in your freelancing career, you need to work hard and build your brand. It is the best way to attract plenty of premium clients.



Vanessa Venugopal is a passionate content writer. With four years of experience, she mastered the art of writing in various styles and topics. She is currently writing for Softvire Australia – the leading software eCommerce company in Australia and Softvire New Zealand.

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