Every business , organization, municipality or institution is different and has to face the challenges and specific risks. We take the time to determine what makes each account to develop insurance solutions that meet the specific objectives of the clients .
The success of a business is based primarily on the choice of location. But careful not to get trapped by the lease.
Open trade requires both rigor and method because the ripening process can be long. Start by performing a market research: Identify your competitors, set your catchment area (your store catchment area).
Then build your business plan by estimating your potential customers and your future sales. To do this, measure the total consumer spending your catchment area for your products or services . Estimate the market share you’ll catch (your segment) and take into account the strength of your competitors to define your potential. These two fundamental steps will be scrutinized by your financial. So you must devote the necessary time, as needed by making you help by specialists.
Find the perfect site
Next is the fundamental step of choosing local. In retail, the key success factor lies in three words: location, location and location. Go on a hunt of the most appropriate places (center or periphery, mall …), and arm yourself with patience because finding the perfect site can take between six months and one year of research. The secret: being able to decide quickly. But without packing because the commercial lease can be a real trap for an unsuspecting merchant! Two examples of clauses will catch your attention. The clause called “big jobs”, aimed at support of the work by the lessee to the lessor normally falling (renovation of the building, renovated …); the clause “refund of property tax and building insurance,” usually at the owner’s expense, which can blow up the annual rent!
Be sure also to check with the planning of joint implementation services, there is no development project in your neighborhood may constitute a nuisance or a handicap for your business (no parking, new traffic plan, creating a tram or subway …).
Status: the predominance of small structures
Choosing your merchant status depends primarily a criterion: will you take alone or with one or more partners ?
– If you are alone , you can opt for the status of individual entrepreneur , the most frequently used : you will , as a natural person registered in the register of commerce and companies . No partner , no share capital : you and your business are all one . But beware , you are liable for the debts on your personal property , your private and business wealth being merged (you can , however, exclude your principal residence before a notary ) . This status is preferred when financial risks are small (few expenses , inventory , materials … ) .
“To succeed, we must listen to the advice and create a network”
Adrien Pettenatti and Coralie Rabot, creators of Tonali’ Thé Café (roasting and selling coffee and tea)
Adrien Pettenatti Rabot and Coralie were both sales engineers at France Telecom in Paris when they met. Wishing to settle in the South, they go in search of an activity and a place to exercise. Having observed the success of the roasters of coffee and tea shops, and the absence of such a shop in Salon-de-Provence, they decide to launch.
They invest 60,000 $ and 40,000 $ borrow from the bank to hire a franchise and buy machinery. Then they create their business in March 2006, a limited liability company with a capital of 7500 euros. A month later, Tonali’Thé Café welcomes its first customers. Since then, success is with go. The young company has achieved a turnover of 100,000 $
Money Supermarket Business Insurance : Merchandising ensures the visibility of your store products.
Merchandising is the set of techniques and strategies to optimize the product and meeting customer in a store . Its aim is twofold. For the retailer , it serves to develop its turnover by a permanent adaptation of the assortment to market needs . For the manufacturer , the goal is to increase the visibility of the brand and the products and , consequently , sales . Sell a quantity of products , it is , to ensure that they spend the reserve ray is better
How to build its merchandising strategy?
The merchandising strategy must reflect the company’s marketing strategy in stores . What distributors, resellers my product he address: upscale shops, discount stores ? We talk about positioning. Also determine its target. Is the SME customer is a family or single young urban ?
The specifics of each catchment area should they influence the choices of brands?
Yes, to a certain extent . The customers of a supermarket located in a small rural town is not interested to the same products as that of a structure located close to a school. When , for the first, it seems appropriate to highlight packs , for the second, small bottles sold individually represent a better option. Common sense holds a big role in the perspective of merchandising. However, it should not be overlooked either customer knowledge
How to negotiate with his distributor?

For your product to be visible , it is essential to reach an agreement with the distributor in which the two sides will come out of the game. And this is not done by mail. Go up to meet the dealer or department manager to whom you propose a kind of ray or organizational point of sale. The latter must take into account constraints ( available space, quality of infrastructure, for example). This is the time for weight, the arguments put forward by your theoretical research and the expertise of your business .
In 2009 , the computer system of a string supermarkets has been infected by malware ,which was not discovered until three years while diverted the credit card numbers of customers.
Cost of this disaster, actually quite common? Fifteen million – modest as it could have been much worse.
For 25 years , companies are increasingly dependent on their IT assets , and two
figures indicate very clearly:
• firstly , the information assets can now represent up to 49 % of the value of a entreprise.
• secondly , companies consider average that 50 % of their computer data are of
critique.2 character It is this vital heritage (personal data , data strategic businesses ) is now larged threated.
In this context of growing insecurity , companies must also contend with an exhibition area expanding through the opening of their infrastructure. These are in fact increasingly interconnected with partners, support the phenomenon of consumerization, open at new outsourced service providers with the cloud computing.
Data more valuable daily
The corporate information assets is extremely varied – but the risk, it is always the
same: that of a data breach, incident in which sensitive data, or protected
confidential are copied, transmitted, accessed, stolen or used by a person who is not authorized.
Professionals aware of risks related to data protection This risk may involve violation of two major
categories of data:
• personal information, such as Vital data – consumer customers as employees – bank data – maps credit details of accounts, etc. – Or even medical data.
• corporate strategic data, as sales information, sales leads files or evidence covered by the law intellectual property.
Well aware of the threat, companies place today the loss or theft of personal information and infringement of their intellectual property rights second and third place of their fears, the first up being occupied by the damage to their réputation . They are not wrong: 79% of companies in the world experienced a computer security incident in the last 12 months And in 43% of cases,these incidents have been linked to malicious attacks or Criminals.
Money Supermarket Business Insurance :More open and exposed information systems
The risk to corporate data is all the more important that the risks of vectors multiply rapidly.
A new protection approach Datas The current information systems are systems
open, since data and applications must now be accessed anytime and anywhere.
This is what has led some security experts IT to invite firms to exceed the approach
traditional perimeter (with, for example,firewalls around their physical network) to adopt a overall protection approach of the information system,suitable for outsourcing (“cloud computing”, internet mobile, etc.)
This comprehensive protection through the creation of tools identity management and access, leak prevention data, detection and intrusion prevention,or especially collection and correlation of incidents and security events.
However, this cultural revolution is still difficult to practice, because of a major difficulty:
the scope of projects and studies prior to deployment of security tools because these tools need be tailored to each information system adapted to each organizational structure.
However, remote access to information systems is now open not only to employees but also to partners, customers, and suppliers operational via extranets.
Therefore, in many sectors of activity,implementation necessary for this new protection is not without raising significant challenges.
”Cloud computing”: a risk public liability?

To this is added the phenomenon of “Cloud computing” the use of such services Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, or Infrastructure as a Service, brings out the same risk civil liability as any conventional delivery
With a shade, however: it may be more difficult to obtain a “cloud computing” as a provider classic outsourcing partner any transparency that one would wish on safety devices that has put in place and on the chains of law.
The Cloud Security Alliance, including several launched initiatives to improve the situation, such as setting in place of a register providers incorporating standardized information on processes and devices of security. But these actions will still face many obstacles.
Remains a certainty: as the system Information expands and opens to third parties, the surface risk exposure increases.
The ” consumerization ” of IT
The phenomenon of ” consumerization ” IT brings Also its share of risk vectors. this anglicism describes the entry into the sphere of business tools and originally personal services – iPad and other tablets, smartphones , personal computers , etc. – if that today more than 60 % of companies are unable to indicate specifically which devices mobiles are connected to their réseaux.17
Aware of the importance of the phenomenon and the risk that it may pose to data security the company in the absence of any control , some Companies preferred to regulate the uses in a logic called BYOD – ” Bring Your Own Device ” – rather than to prohibit .
While this approach may be cumbersome and complex to implement, since it implies both a partial renunciation of the employee to master his personal terminal in order to allow security by the company and the agreement of the representative bodies employees.
Rest in the absence of supervision, terminals used to access personal data or enterprise applications enhance the risk of leakage data, not least in the event of theft or just loss of the device, even when it is not in rebus
Prior erase after a fall and destruction of the screen, for example.
The “consumerization” also covers services line, starting with social networks. Indeed, theyare a gold mine for journalists on the lookout for projects secrets of a company, who do not hesitate to consult the company’s employees referred profiles, or on Viadeo LinkedIn, for example.
Because without training – even Monitoring publications – one worker can too transparent be severely detrimental to the company.
A multiplicity of critical consequences
Far from being harmless, the consequences of an incident safety touching computer data
the company may be very serious, to the point of threaten the very sustainability of the business.
The attack on the company’s reputation The first consequence of a data breach,
it is the damage to the company’s reputation, it or vis-à-vis its end customers, partners
commercial, or its investors.
This is also an easily understandable position:
who would want to do business – and thus entrust his money or personal data – to a company whose experience tends to show that it is not able to ensure full security?
No matter in this regard that it is not possible to ensure absolute security of data: there will always negative feelings towards the victim of a business incident, which will be automatically considered responsible for its system security flaw information.
What financial consequences?
Every incident has a cost – some experts suggest moreover the rate depending on the one hand, the value estimated unit of each data may be fly, and, second, the time it takes the company to discover and remedy the incident. Indeed, it is this time which determines the amount of data likely to be stolen before a response plan appropriate is implemented.
In 2011 in France, an estimated $ 2.55 million the average cost a data breach, or 16% more than in 2010,with an average cost per data hacked from $ 122, or 13% more than a year .
Incident management costs, standby fees on payment whose security has been compromised,compensation for aggrieved partners, etc: these impacts directly affect the company, since reduce liquidity and de facto its capabilities self-financing.
For example, a company specializing in the sale line was stolen more than 2 million customer data sensitive in 2009.
She had to temporarily close its website (cost of $ 1.5 million), respond to requests for compensation banks affected end customers ($ 1 million), assuming expertise, notifications and screen exercises (1.25 M $) and finally work to restore its reputation ($ 250,000).
A total bill of more than € 4 million, the company did not paid, since it had made the decision to sign a contract Risks of Data by Company Insurance, a specialist insurer.
Beyond protection, anticipating risks
Insurance, new management tool risks It is therefore essential to prepare the company to face pirates consequences of actions during the period remediation of incidents, to ensure its sustainability.
It is here that the added value of an insurer specialist, who must propose a global offer of services incorporating both a preventive dimension – with management of an audit and the establishment of recommendations for improvement of security systems – And corrective dimension.
Insurance IT risk must of course cover damage: notification fees, expertise computing, intelligence and communication costs, losses Financial suffered by the insured, and possibly management negotiating with the pirates in attempt extortion.
But the insurer must also be able to support defense costs and damages claimed by
injured parties in the context of liability calendar of business: challenged by the CNIL where File theft, compensation for customers whose data Personal were affected, etc.