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In its most basic form, coding is the process of writing instructions for computers to accomplish specific jobs. To function, every gadget, not just traditional desktop PCs, requires programming. Code is used to power everything from apps on wearable tech devices to traffic lights.

Computers can only process “binary information,” which is represented by 1s and 0s. All code and programming is made up of combinations of these 1s and 0s (true or false). In other words, code serves as a medium of communication between humans and computers.

Coding, web development, and programming are all terms that are used interchangeably. Web development, on the other hand, refers to the process of creating items that are specifically utilized on the internet, such as websites, web applications, browser extensions, and so on.

However, as technology improves, the distinction between software engineers and web developers becomes increasingly blurred. For example, you can use the famous JavaScript framework React to create webpages and mobile apps (for both Android and iOS).

Before you can choose the best programming language to learn, you must first decide what you want to construct. You must be clear about the types of projects you wish to work on. Otherwise, you can end yourself spending weeks or months studying a language that you won’t be able to utilize for the type of work you want to do.

Here are five in-demand freelance IT skillsets for making money coding:

  1. WordPress web development:
    WordPress powers over 40% of all websites worldwide. The demand for freelance WordPress specialists is extremely high. To build WordPress websites for clients, learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  2. Front-end web development:
    Front-end developers are responsible for the “visible” part of a web project, i.e. the front-end or client side. To become a freelance front-end developer, learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  3. Back-end web development:
    Back-end developers are responsible for the server-side programming. They develop the “logic” for storing and processing data. To become a freelance back-end developer, learn PHP, Python, Ruby, or Java.
  4. Mobile app development:
    For iOS mobile app development, learn Swift and Objective-C. For Android development, learn Java.
  5. Data analysis and data science:
    Data analysis, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are all based on analyzing big data. To become a freelance data specialist, learn Python.

Programming positions typically pay more than the average. Regardless of the title—”front-end developer” or “back-end engineer”—developers generally may expect to make roughly $110,000 annually, excluding bonuses. On freelancing marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr, the hourly fee for developers also varies quite a bit, but if you look at developers in the United States with decent ratings, you’ll notice ranges between $70 and $120 per hour.

Of course, factors influencing compensation include place, business, sector, and seniority. For accurate rates for particular job titles, check out websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Builtin.com.

Here are some tips on how to successfully make money coding from home.

1. Charge More Than You Think You Should

Freelancers frequently undervalue their services. Imposter syndrome, which is the belief that you couldn’t possibly be in your current position and a resulting low opinion of oneself, is partly to blame for this.

It also has a straightforward calculation error. For instance, a freelancer might believe that “if I divide the number of hours I plan to work by the number of hours a full-time web developer makes per year, I’ll get my rate.”

The whole package of a full-time employee, which includes benefits like paid time off (PTO), health insurance, and more perks, is not taken into account when calculating your fee in this manner. Keep in mind that these benefits might increase the role’s worth by 30%.

In conclusion, if you’re a freelance web developer wondering how to make money, charge a little bit more than you think you should.

2. Ask for Referrals & Testimonials

Word-of-mouth advertising works the best. If you can persuade your clients to speak up for you, you’ll gain the trust of other clients. Trust results in a readiness to spend more money.

Obtaining recommendations and testimonies improves your client list, supports a higher fee, and reduces the time spent searching for leads. Although it is simple to miss, it offers many advantages and needs little work.

3. Stay on Top of Taxes Year-Round

The complete amount due to freelancers is received. When you receive payment, no deductions are done for things like taxes, retirement, insurance, etc. When the government comes to collect taxes, believing that the amount you receive in a check is the maximum you can spend could lead to significant financial difficulty.

Read Also: How to Make Money With C++

Even though you might not want to pay for it, using accounting software or employing an accountant could help you avoid a lot of worry.

4. Create a Separate Email for Your Coding Work

This is a simple step that can save a lot of confusion. You don’t need to request emails from potential clients mixing with your personal email.

Having a second email is more professional, more organized, and helps with work-life balance.

5. Manage Your Workload; Don’t Say “Yes” to Everything

Freelancer developers run into this issue often. When leads are coming in, it’s hard to turn away clients. Particularly when you can gauge how much you stand to make.

However, saying “yes” to every project will quickly burn you out. Every client is essentially a boss, and having onboardings, deadlines, and complications from one direction, means less time and energy to focus on others.

So, are you a coding student looking to make money while you learn? There are numerous methods to earn money while learning to code. This article will go through some excellent strategies to make money while learning to code. Let’s get started.

Coding Competitions

The best approach to get money while learning to code is to participate in coding competitions. You may improve your coding skills and earn cash rewards by taking part in these contests. In addition, several coding competitions award scholarships to the winners, which may be useful if you want to pursue other professional goals or further your education.

Additionally, having experience from coding competitions on your resume can make you more appealing to potential employers if you ever decide to pursue a career in programming.

Therefore, coding is a fantastic way to both earn money and learn how to code. There is no better option than participating in coding competitions if you want to use your abilities while making money.

2. Freelancing

In today’s work market, coding is a highly sought-after ability, and there are various ways to acquire the craft. Being a freelance programmer can be a fantastic way for people who are just starting out to make money and develop their talents. They will have the opportunity to work on actual projects for real clients and gain first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to be a coder.

Freelancers also have the opportunity to choose their own schedules and pay rates, which allows them to study at their own speed. Additionally, there are many internet platforms that connect coders with organizations and people who require their services, so those who are concerned about obtaining employment need not.

Therefore, freelancing is an excellent place to start if you’re trying to earn money while learning to code.

3. Blogging

The vital field of coding necessitates both academic and practical expertise. But did you know that while learning to code, you can make money online by teaching others?

That’s correct, by launching a coding blog, you can both teach people about this important skill and earn some extra money. And you don’t need to be an expert in coding to create a blog and start teaching the world about nursing; all you need is a little effort.

Blogging is a terrific method to learn more about code in addition to being a means to make money. You’ll rapidly have a better understanding of how coding functions by digging into the details of coding blogs. Additionally, as you experiment with various coding methods, you’ll be able to use your new knowledge in other areas of your life.

So why are you still waiting? Begin your blog today to start making money while learning to code!

4. Create and Sell Webpage plugins

Coding is without a doubt a useful talent to learn in the modern economy. You can make great things like websites, apps, and software with the correct coding skills. Selling plugins is an excellent approach to make extra money if you’re wanting to do so. You’ll be able to learn about the business side of things in addition to being able to make some money as you learn how to code.

Therefore, making and selling plugins is a fantastic alternative if you’re searching for a method to earn some additional cash while learning a new skill. Additionally, the WordPress community is constantly in need of brand-new, enhanced plugins. Why not attempt it then?

5. Start Online Tutorial Channel on YouTube

Starting a YouTube channel for online tutorials is one method to start making money while learning to code. You can assist people in learning the fundamentals of coding by giving them clear and precise instructions. You may both teach others how to code and make money by making video tutorials and selling them for a nominal charge.

Additionally, you can start making money from your page by adding a donation button or links to affiliate goods. Why not give it a shot then? The amount of money you can make while learning to code may surprise you.

6. Sell E-Books

Offer coding e-books for sale! This is the ideal approach to make money off of your skills while also assisting those who are finding it difficult to learn. When marketing e-books on coding, there are a few things to consider.

Start by concentrating on a particular coding language or skill set. Your e-book will become more valued and marketable as a result. Keep your e-book well-organized and simple to read next. Make sure your electronic book is simple and clear because coding might be difficult.

Last but not least, promote your e-book! Reach out to bloggers and influencers in the coding community as well as publish it on forums and share it on social media. You may earn money while you learn to code with a little work!

7. Create Applications

Making applications with the potential to be profitable is an excellent approach to learn how to code. This can serve as a vital source of income in addition to giving you real-world coding experience.

Apps can be made money in a variety of ways, including through advertising, in-app purchases, and premium features. Additionally, there is a big potential market for your software given that the great majority of people currently use smartphones.

Of course, more than simply technical expertise is required to create a successful app. It also needs a user interface and user experience that are carefully thought out, as well as a clever marketing plan. But if you can combine all of these factors, you might have a successful formula for making money with your coding abilities.

Below are some of the upsides to pursuing this kind of career.

1. Higher than Average Pay

Jobs that involve programming tend to have higher than average salaries and hourly rates. 

2. High Flexibility and Remote Work Options

Most of the coding is heads-down problem-solving and researching, which doesn’t require a physical presence in the office. As a result, development and coding jobs offer a great deal of remote work flexibility.

This significantly helps with work-life balance as it gives you the ability to manage your schedule, location, and more. It’s nice to be able to make money coding from home. 

3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Learning to code boosts your ability to think abstractly and solve problems – both in your programs and in day-to-day life. New programmers frequently say that their overall thought processes improved after learning their first programming language.

Writing code is a lot like doing logic puzzles, and troubleshooting your code requires that you isolate all variables and consider their role in a greater initiative. This leads to a rewarding boost to your overall problem-solving skills.

4. Additional Career Aspects

Knowing how to code will open up other career options, even if you’re not explicitly a developer. For example, a marketer or graphic designer with coding experience can be more valuable than one without tech skills.

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MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.